The English Football League (EFL), which is composed of all professional football clubs in the Championship, League One, and League Two, has announced that match-day testing will be stopped in order to limit the impact of fixture disruption, which has become a potent problem over the festive period. After receiving advice from medical experts, the EFL will now only conduct match-day tests on players if they express symptoms. The Times has the story.
The EFL has scrapped match-day testing for Covid in an attempt to limit fixture disruption for clubs and supporters.
The decision has been taken after consultation with medical advisers after it became clear that the existing requirement was causing concern and uncertainty at clubs as well as affecting fans.
Cancellations of matches due to the combination of Covid and injuries have been widespread throughout the EFL, with last-minute postponements bringing practical and financial challenges.
Over the past week, EFL chiefs have sought advice from medics and have now decided to remove match-day testing, other than for any symptomatic individuals. Correspondence to clubs was circulated yesterday.
The approach is supported by the league’s board, executive and a significant number of club doctors and fits with the EFL’s commitment to play matches. They insist the health and safety of players is not being compromised.
The decision was also taken in the knowledge that players are effectively in a bubble leading up to a game and, for example, may be with the team in a hotel. They are not out socialising.
An EFL spokesman said: “Over the past week, it has become clear that the requirement for match-day testing has caused significant concern and uncertainty at clubs as well as seriously affecting the supporters of those teams.
“As a result, the League revisited the matter with its Medical Advisors and after careful consideration, which included dialogue with a significant number of club doctors, it was determined that the requirement for matchday testing would be removed, except for those individuals who display Covid symptoms.
Worth reading in full.
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Morning all.
Mixed bag ATL.
Morning. I’m off to bed now! I’ll tune back in later.
It wasn’t me!
I may not stay. The most rigidly brain-dead of the commenters seem to want to engage me in what they think is debate. In reality, they’re demanding that everyone see things their way.
I’ll still come in to read, as I have been for months, but commenting here centers one for being yelled at by several fascist whores.
(By ‘fascist’, I mean they think they are part of an inner clique which has the right to rule. They are children who think they are the only ones with functional brains.)
Well I’m blowed if I can work out why my opening comment earned a downtick.
What did you do? You made ’em all leave. LOL.
Jealousy, you beat them to first comment of the day.
Oh dear, looks like we’ve got another one..
Manchester United defender Victor Lindelof goes down clutching his chest.
Norwich 0 Manchester United 1
But that’s enough about the Vax injuries tonight…..
De Gea in the interview afterwards almost said the unsayable. He certainly suggested a connection between this incident and some others.
As young as 5 is fantastic as far as it goes but why oh why are there not plans to inject the fetus in utero?
Pregnant mums could have their jabs/boosters and get the unborn vaxxed at the same time.
Crime against humanity alert.
If you want to reduce the population and you’re allowed one great big bite out of the population pyramid, where are you going to take it?
Most people have stopped reproducing by the time they’re 40.
The rulers really are EVIL. They are far more evil than most people even in the critical “community”, meaning outside of the sheeple, believe.
There is clearly a plan to mass-“vaccinate” young children. People should NOT assume that the plan is to use one of the existing “vaccines. It’s more likely to be a super-emergency “must combat the omicron (or pi or rho or whatever) variant, and must do it NOW” “vaccine”.
This was wargamed in Israel last month.
But why stop there?
Just think of all the ‘cases’ that could be prevented if, during coitus, NHS staff were empowered to vaccinate at the exact point of climax.
‘Jabbed while jabbing‘, as it were.
They are already jabbing pregnant women – still borns for women jabbed in the first trimester occurs around 90 percent of the time. There are many people who have come forward to say there are many still borns in the morgues. Its beyond any foul word you can think of.
13 dead babies still born in 24 hours in 1 hospital in canada, 104 out of 187 women lost their baby
Investigation launched into abnormal spike in newborn baby deaths in Scotland
See here (top of the previous thread) for some comments on the Johnson party quiz photo. I’m told the three clocks in the Cobra room are digital, so the clocks in the photo aren’t those ones.
Which room the photo was taken in must be common knowledge in Whitehall by now.
The Liberal Democrats are favourites in the betting market (implied probability 0.62) to win the North Shropshire by-election next Thursday, overthrowing a 23000 Tory majority. I doubt many waverers between Labour and the LibDems will decide in the next few days to vote Labour. Most will think it important, to put it mildly, to play their part in getting Johnson out of office. And if he looks like recovering, more will be released. He is finished.
Please let his successor not be Dominic Cummings’s little man Michael Gove!
C’mon Carrie or someone, please please release some really nasty sh*t about Cummings. Retaliate on your way out the door.
What is the LibDem approach to lockdowns and mask/gene therapy mandates? Obviously a liberal approach would be to support none of them, but as the party is mostly hard-left these days I wonder.
They claim to be anti-passport, is all I can tell ya.
It’s unlikely to be Gove, my moneys on Sunak – his father in laws tech company developed and distributed digital ID for Indians including those not living in cities. Practice run…
I haven’t had time to keep abreast of the further developing convolutions of the partaaay! investigations and allegations but I am sure I recall someone having posted a link to UK Column News for Friday 10 December with a time code of 26m which may be found e.g. here:
– where in addition to discussing the point about the appearance of the room, they say there were four parties in November/December 2020 and the one under closest scrutiny occurred on 18 December, the day BEFORE Johnson PM made the declaration of going to Level 4, which was the ordinance rendering such gatherings illegal.
I haven’t verified any of that but on the assumption it is correct there are several reasons to at least be open to the possibility that the whole thing is some sort of op., possibly to do with factional efforts to replace Johnson. (Fear the devil ye do not know!)
The only further thing I would say if so is to repeat my suggestion made elsewhere: that all candidates, just as with MPs and others, should be subject to precedent and ongoing drugs tests proving negative. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
Why hasn’t Bojo and Rees-Mogg resigned for their simultaneous mockery and ignoring of covid rules? While they’re in office, it clearly sends a message that the moral thing to do is to completely ignore all covid rules. Thanks for clearing that up, Bojo!
Rees-Mogg is such an arsehole – lying down in the Commons while an opponent was speaking (unfortunately John Bercow was his mate at the time – a better Speaker would have chucked him out), telling everyone to sing “God Save the Queen” as they wash their hands, and now joking about senior figures ignoring Covid restrictions, and the guy obviously thinks he is uproariously amusing and stonkingly intelligent – so intelligent he can say “floccipaucinihilipilification”.
I’ve often wondered why he didn’t get into the cabinet. Did he fail vetting?
PS I just checked, if anyone is interested – he got a second class degree. Quite an achievement when your pater is editor of the Times and you’re at the same university he was at.
“I’ve often wondered why he didn’t get into the cabinet. Did he fail vetting?“
He is in the cabinet, as Leader of the House.
I suspect he doesn’t fancy ministerial jobs, as those look too much like hard work.
Then who? Truss, Grove? There is not a great choice is there?
Just goes to show what can happen if you’re not quadruple injected. Latest HMG advice is that people will need another three injections, on top of the possible three or four they may already have had, to fight the mostly harmless omicron variant. That’s seven experimental gene therapies to combat a virus with an infection recovery rate of 94.5% for people over 70 years old.
Go back to sleep.
VD “having the boost lessened his symptoms. . .it goes to show how infectious Omnicon is . . .”
Stubid brainwashed cow. Sozz for the casual sexist remark but the Daily Mail readers aren’t falling for her nonsense.
I’d be happy to test this. Find a triple jabbed slightly overweight but otherwise healthy 50 year old and give us both the moronic variety of the sniffles. I’d put money on my unjabbed self with a vitamin boosted immune system coming off better.
Out of curiosity, what’s the survival rate of a high dose of midazolam for over 70-year-olds?
How many jabs did the govt order in total? Something like 570m? I think that probably enough for everyone to have 9 each, 8 if there’s a margin for waste/donation to more fortunate countries. If you’ve had three by now, that takes you up to early/mid 2023…. Clinical trials end…. Early 2023.
Step right up, folk! Don’t be shy! Prepare yourself to witness the inglorious end of Western civilisation. Step right up!
Welcome, as Alexander Kemal, the world-famous Churchill impersonator better known by his stage name Bojo the Drinking Clown, as he enters the Cabinet room resplendent in his rainbow circus wig and giant clown shoes, with Entrance of the Gladiators blaring from loudspeakers all around, to announce that his subjects would now be forced to wear surgical masks from little boxes with “WILL NOT STOP CORONAVIRUS TRANSMISSION” stamped on them and that everyone would be confined under mass house arrest for a virus with a 99% infection recovery rate! No masks for singers! No singing for mask-wearers. Masks from the door to the table. But not at the table. But from the table to the bar. But not at the bar. Grab a jab! Roll the wheel! Didja get a clot or a heart attack or three months protection from an out of date virus? Roll the wheel!
Step right up! Don’t be shy! Dissenters will be silenced and smeared. Exams will be cancelled! Businesses will be broken! Don’t be shy. Step right up! Witness the great Bojo as he drinks and bumbles hilariously to the tune called by Blackrock and Gates. Say goodbye to your currency, folks! Get your digital identities right here! Going for a song. Give up your ancient freedoms. Say goodbye to it all. Join the insanity. Grab a drink and don’t think about the hangover, no sir, ladies and gentlemen!
unfortunately I’m only able to uptick once
Dominic Cummings appears to be calling Boris Johnson a psychopath. (This is also what David Cameron called Cummings.) He has helpfully highlighted certain words.
One thing Cummings may be referring to is how Johnson tried to blackmail Tory MPs into supporting him over Owen Paterson (actually threatening to take money away from their constituencies, meaning to remove some of their payola), got his fingers rapped hard – being made to wheel round 180 degrees – and then… and then what? This isn’t clear. But the suggestion is that he didn’t learn his lesson…
A synonym for “trolley” is “loose cannon”… Once upon a time, Princess Diana got called that.
I can’t see Johnson lasting long now with the Torygraph and Spectator against him.
I know this much. Max Hastings and Simon Heffer, both of whom know Bojo personally, took the unusual step of breaking cover and publicly stating, in speech and in writing, what a dreadful, unpleasant, unreliable and dishonest man he is. I take it both these men know all about the laws of slander and libel, so I believe what they say. I also read Bojo has been violent toward women, although I have seen no evidence of this, and that Bojo’s father once punched his wife (Bojo’s mater) in the face and broke her nose. Perhaps it wasn’t very windy the day that apple fell off the tree.
As far as Inuits and ice go – let’s all hope they push him off ASAP, but… beware of his replacement.
Evil and Stupid are not a great combination, but a quick glance at any WW2 documentary suggests Evil and Ruthlessly Efficient are worse
They knew Bojo would deliver the goods in getting all this insane criminality through without a flinch. As for replacements, you thought Netanyahu was bad…..
(these people are tools not planners)
Israel Launches Positive PCR Test GPS Surveillance Grid, Citizens With High Spreader Scores Punished
Too late, the damage is done. That should have happened this time last year. What could he be replaced with?
Labour are done & polls are worthless, the Tories are here at least until 2024. This is all just meaningless distraction. More theatre for the gullible sheep.
The people need to let Bojo go now. Our loss is the circus’s gain.
Do we have to have anyone, can’t we just take responsibility for ourselves?
It always makes me shriek when someone starts the abolition of monarchy debate, they immediately assume we must have a president!
What do they do anyway, (politicians) they only really have one job to do, defend our borders, look how effective they are at that!
We should write an anti-government constitution. A bill of rights that prevents politicians making new “laws”.
Exactly. Everyone knows I should be Emperor.
Gove is a Davos boy (as is Sunak, don’t know about the other two); should he succeed Fattaturk at No.10, the UK is well and truly screwed.
More rubbish and lies from the regime. How about this?
Julian Assange has a stroke in Belmarsh prison: Looks like they’re killing him slowly. I have to say, it’s all very Alec Guinness.
The hypocrisy of the Assange thing fascinates me. Think of the pants-wetting outrage when Putin locks away a journalist – and we’re happy to torture a man to death without proper due legal process in front of the whole world.
The hypocrisy that gets me are the human rights people that says he’s being kept inhumanely, but are quite happy about all the others being kept under the same conditions.
Boris Johnson’s blast at BBC over partygate: PM tells friends the ‘frivolous, vengeful, partisan’ Corporation has neglected its primary duty to focus on the Covid-19 booster jab rollout Do not feed the animals, they may bite the hand that feeds them.
The headline in today’s papers which says everything which needs to be said.
Since when was it the “primary duty” of any broadcaster [even one funded by a TV tax] to push out the government’s health policy?
The bearded 6ft reporter who was told he CAN use the female changing rooms in Selfridges, Matalan, Uniqlo and Agent Provocateur after telling staff he identifies as a woman Thing is I’d actually have more respect for that, than someone who has a stereo typical perception of a slut woman! My own ideal woman of course would be 38-24-36 wear silk stockings & definitely shave, but i’m a 70s misogynist.
007 ‘could be non-binary’: Britain’s most famous spy could in future be someone who considers themselves neither male or female Oh dear, well that’s me ruled out of the gig.
For Your Thighs Only.
Live and Let Cry.
The Spy Who Misgendered Me. etc
They with the golden gun.
Dr. no, yes, maybe.
They literally want this to go on for as long as possible.
Not sure which is the most important read or scariest. Exactly why are any NHS resources going to prep jabbing or 5-12s? Didn’t we just lean the NHS is having problems getting people from ambulance to bed and is at its “breaking point.” It’s not but, on what justification if this is true do you waste resources jabbing kiddos who are more likely to die of lightning strikes than Covid?
But the piece from NZ on vaccines and general health is quite important. I got double jabbed because it was that or lockdown forever (basically Boris’ promise). But the fact remains we cannot know the safety of the mRNA vaccines because they have had exactly 1 year of real world data. What impact they have on longterm health? No idea, because we can’t know. In the US Pfizer is protected against lawsuits because of the type of approval it was given. How does that raise your trust? If every person who suffered from the vaccines was able to sue them for damages, think they would be making claims it’s safe for everyone and let’s jabs kids from birth canal till they are elderly? Hmm, imagine not. I am not an anti-vaxxer and would advise friends with serious health issues to get vaccinated (balance of risk). But I feel increasingly like Pfizer especially is doing a shell game with us. When it all comes out (as it will), the people who knew will be living somewhere safe with their millions.
jeez I hate the world right now.
“I got double jabbed because it was that or lockdown forever”
That went well, eh?
I didn’t, because I didn’t see any need and I point blank refuse to be manipulated and bullied into anything that easily.
When they say (or imply): “you must get “vaccinated” or you’ll be in lockdown forever”, what that means is “get vaccinated or else we’ll keep you in lockdown forever. And the only possible response to that is: “fuck you and your lockdowns, I won’t comply”.
“When it all comes out (as it will)”
You’re either more confident in the integrity of our institutions, or more naive, than I am.
A stat came up on here yesterday to give an idea of what is going on – in the US they usually have 650 cases of myocarditis a year. Theyre at around 11000 so far this year I think. These are BIOWEAPONS not vaccines. They have injected you with a genetic code which was designed in a computer which makes your body produce a toxic synthetic protein never seen on Earth before in any format whatsoever. No-one is being immunised against anything. You have been conned out of your health for nothing. Thats the reality.
MASSIVE Increase In Myocarditis & Pericarditis After Dose 2?! New Bombshell Data From Ontario
The plan is genocide
The plan is to murder us
None of the fascists is the least little bit scared of covvie.
They’re scared of three things:
One, being found out.
Two, the NHS being overwhelmed – as it has been every winter for decades – and them getting the blame.
Three, the zombies waking up.
How long can they keep it up?
How long can the stupidity of the majority of the general public last?
I remember when transferring through Dubai around July last year there were people standing around ordering everyone to socially distance, stand on the circles etc. And this was literally after we just got off the same plane, with no spacing as every seat was taken. I tried to ignore every directive (including when asked to put on those awful blue gloves) and just waltzed on by.
Unfortunately in Dubai they’re pretty insistent so kept pestering me and looked like they might pounce at any minute, so I just ‘sort of’ complied by standing on the EDGE of their circles instead of directly on it, wore the gloves when going through security but threw them out when in the airport, and I slowly moved closer to the person in front each time I was in a queue, it was kinda of enjoyable rediscovering my rebellious side, haha. Also sat down in the seats with the signs saying ‘do not sit’.
Never went back there after that, but did go through Abu Dhabi earlier this year and it was way more chill – no tape, no signs, only masks required (unless eating or drinking for any duration…). But I am done with this crap now, not flying ever again so long as the requirements remain in place.
Say no more!!
Per, De Santis sending Florida troops into Germany to liberate COVID concentration camps…oh, don’t I wish!
Brave words which will be unfortunately ignored.
Brazilian Ministry of Health suffers cyberattack and COVID-19 vaccination data vanishes
This is actually very interesting imo. As the mechanisms of oppression are digital, it follows that the resistance must be too. Whilst we can still play our part, violent/non-violent resistance I don’t mind at this point, but maybe our true salvation rests in the hands of benevolent hackers
Hybrid protests
When the people don’t follow the rules they are breaking the law and the police turn up. When the government don’t follow the rules they are breaking ” guidelines”. How many people last Christmas knew they were guidelines
Team Johnson are just fighting against the enemy in their ranks
In my area a group has set up over the weekend and specifically to allow those who believe in freedom and liberty to operate without all the onerous impositions that the Johnson regime wishes to enforce upon the population and small businesses. It already has over 2,000 associates and including like-minded people and small businesses. Because of its success I believe a similar movement is to be set up in a neighbouring county.
Be awake not woke!