Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has come to the defence of SAGE and its modelling after some torrid headlines this week following a Twitter exchange between lead modeller Professor Graham Medley and Spectator editor Fraser Nelson in which Professor Medley revealed that SAGE had not been asked to model less disastrous scenarios.
Writing in the Times, Dr. Vallance appeared directly to contradict some of the statements made by Prof. Medley, leaving observers baffled as to which of the two is correct as it is unclear how both can be. Dr. Vallance claimed that modelling of other, less severe scenarios, had been done and presented to Government, while Prof. Medley said it had not, at least by his team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Dr. Vallance writes:
The modellers always have to make assumptions and do so across a wide range of possibilities, some optimistic and some pessimistic. They do not, contrary to what you might have heard, only model the worst outcomes. They will make assumptions about vaccine effectiveness, they will model different levels of viral transmission, mixing patterns and different levels of disease severity. The range of assumptions modelled can be very broad; for disease severity for Omicron one model explored a range from 10% of Delta severity through to 100%. For immunity a range of assumptions on vaccine efficacy, speed of vaccine rollout and vaccine coverage in different parts of the population were explored.
This claim is backed up by the minutes of the most recent SAGE meeting, published yesterday, although it doesn’t square with what Prof. Medley told Fraser Nelson. Prof. Medley, who chairs the SAGE modelling committee, said that lower virulence scenarios don’t “add any further information” and implied his committee – SPI-M – had not been asked to provide them.
Fraser asked Prof. Medley: “I guess the question is why LSHTM did not (like JP Morgan) include a scenario of lower virulence – given that this is a very-plausible option that changes outlook massively.”
What would be the point of that? Not a snarky question – genuine to know what you think decision makers would learn from that scenario… If somebody draws a line on a graph it doesn’t add any further information. Decision-makers are generally only interested in situations where decisions have to be made… That scenario doesn’t inform anything. Decision-makers don’t have to decide if nothing happens… We generally model what we are asked to model. There is a dialogue in which policy teams discuss with the modellers what they need to inform their policy.
Fraser later observed that Prof. Medley appeared to be saying his brief was very limited and did not include less severe assumptions and outcomes.
He seemed to suggest that he has been given a very limited brief, and asked to churn out worse-case scenarios without being asked to comment on how plausible they are… Note how careful he is to stay vague on whether any of the various scenarios in the SAGE document are likely or even plausible. What happened to the original system of presenting a ‘reasonable worse-case scenario’ together with a central scenario? And what’s the point of modelling if it doesn’t say how likely any these scenarios are?
From what Professor Medley says, it’s unclear that the most-likely scenario is even being presented to ministers this time around. So how are they supposed to make good decisions? I highly doubt that Sajid Javid is only asking to churn out models that make the case for lockdown. That instruction, if it is being issued, will have come from somewhere else.
Dr. Vallance, on the other hand, says:
Often the job of scientific advice is to allow ministers to understand both a central case and the uncertainty surrounding it, what drives that uncertainty and when the uncertainty might be reduced. Speaking scientific truth to power is a difficult but necessary part of the democratic process if ministers are to be able to make an informed decision. This is what SAGE does.
If Dr. Vallance is accurately describing the advice given to ministers by SAGE, why did LSHTM not model those scenarios and estimate their likelihood? Why did the chairman of the SAGE modelling committee state that such scenarios had not been requested because they do not add anything useful to the discussion? The only explanation I can think of is that the broader range of scenarios referred to in the minutes of the SAGE meeting dated December 20th was not reflected in the SAGE memo circulated to ministers for that afternoon’s Cabinet meeting. That is, SAGE modelled less gloomy scenarios but didn’t bother to include them in the advice it gave to the Cabinet.
Dr. Vallance claims SAGE is a neutral adviser, being neither pessimistic nor optimistic and not pushing for any “dogmatic” answer or directive.
It is not the job of SAGE to take a particular policy stance or to either spread gloom or give Panglossian optimism. Ministers and the cabinet need to hear the information whether uncomfortable or encouraging. They of course need to factor it in to all the other information that provides inputs to policy decisions. SAGE does not provide dogmatic answers or directives, it provides information, advice, scenarios and helps determine possible consequences of actions. Part of the advice may contain a “reasonable worst case scenario” – data that are often seized upon.
But they are just that – a reasonable worst case scenario and one of many possible outcomes and trajectories presented to ministers for planning purposes and decision making.
But Dr. Vallance is failing to acknowledge the reason that prompted the need for his defence of SAGE modelling in the first place, which is that the chairman of his main modelling committee had stated that they had not been asked to provide alternative scenarios to ministers because it “doesn’t add any further information”. Dr. Vallance implies that others are at fault for having arbitrarily “seized upon” the reasonable worst case scenario presented to ministers, ignoring that the present controversy arose because the Government’s lead modeller said no other scenarios were modelled because they were pointless.
Dr. Vallance is also being, at best, naïve about the key role SAGE’s projections and advice have played in pushing the Government into making extreme interventions. His comments here about it being “not the job of SAGE to take a particular policy stance or to either spread gloom or give Panglossian optimism” are contradicted by his enthusiastic endorsement of boosters earlier in the same article – “Vaccine boosters are crucial” – and by what he told the BBC in October about his risk-averse approach to the pandemic.
My mantra for a long time during this (pandemic) has been… you’ve got to go sooner than you want to in terms of taking interventions. You’ve got to go harder than you want to, and you’ve got to go more geographically broad than you want to. And that is the Sage advice. And that’s what I’ve been saying. And I will say it going forward, and the prime minister knows that’s what I think. And he knows that’s what I would do in that situation.
That sounds very much like he’s offering policy recommendations to me, and recommendations of precisely the kind he’s denying SAGE makes in his Times article.
Dr. Vallance concludes with a defence of the role of science and the scientific method in the pandemic.
Science has served us extraordinarily well during this pandemic and has given us many insights as well as new diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics. Science is self-correcting, and advances by overturning previous dogma and challenging accepted truths. Encouraging a range of opinions, views and interpretation of data is all part of the process. No scientist would ever claim, in this fast-changing and unpredictable pandemic, to have a monopoly of wisdom on what happens next.
Yet two of America’s top scientists, Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, have been exposed as plotting to smear the eminent authors of the Great Barrington Declaration. Dr. Collins wrote to Dr. Fauci that the declaration was the work of “three fringe epidemiologists” and “seems to be getting a lot of attention”. He added that “there needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don’t see anything like that online yet – is it underway?” Shortly afterwards an online ‘fact check‘ appeared, courtesy of a team that included U.K. Government-linked MP Neil O’Brien.
So much for challenging accepted truths and encouraging a range of opinions.
It’s good to see the gloomy lockdown zealots on the back foot for a change and having to defend themselves. I just wish they could stick with the facts rather than spinning make-believe and changing the ‘facts’ to fit the narrative rather than vice-versa.
Stop Press: Dr. Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the UKHSA, has also taken to the airwaves in defence of the advisers’ doomy forecasts, telling the BBC that while there’s “a glimmer of Christmas hope in the findings that we published yesterday”, it “definitely isn’t yet at the point where we could downgrade that serious threat”, referring to her earlier claim that Omicron was “probably the most significant threat we’ve had since the start of the pandemic”. For evidence she pointed to the “quite staggering” speed of spread compared to previous variants – despite her own agency publishing data this week showing that the household secondary attack rate (the proportion of household contacts an infected person infects) of Omicron is lower than the direct secondary attack rate (an almost equivalent measure) of the Alpha variant this time last year.
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I wonder how soon 60 becomes a dozen. Useless bastards.
The bigger problem is that Starmer’s Labour party will support the plan, and will want more draconian measures. We are between a rock and a very hard place.
More like between a sponge and a very soft place. At the first sniff of a popular uprising I suspect these useless parliamentary troughers would stain their expenses bought underwear before quickly vanishing back into zoomland.
There are no ‘government MPs’, there are no ‘opposition MPs‘ – only MPs with self centred career agendas. 650 stooges that have everything in common with each other, and nothing in common with their constituents.
Ah yes.. Sir Starmer.. that well known benevolent Trilateral Commission rep. Defender of the working man through the Labour Party chattering classes..
I agree. However, with only a small hardcore of people like us, how do we fight back in any meaningful way. The longer this goes on the more entrenched the believers become.
I’ve had 2 jabs but won’t have anymore so when we get to compulsory vaccination, which I believe we will, then my life is over. My retirement and future gone.
I’m a comitted optimist but I’m starting to get depressed, I can’t see any way out.
Exactly the same here. I was beginning to think about retirement and looking forward to it. Now I see nothing to look forward to. I am not so much depressed as seething with suppressed anger all the time
Once you admit to being depressed, the powers running this shitshow, have won. Enjoy your life instead. It is your choice. Get your GP and MP involved. Educate them, if necessary since many of them do not seem like they know much about severe adverse events post vaxx, the harm lockdowns create, the fact that small businesses will be completely wiped out if there is one more lockdown
i realise the great reset is happening. They have plenty of money to buy governments, industry leaders etc. they have power to disappear those country leaders who say no. I have to admit I am worried about bolsanaro and our wonderful Florida Governor.
stay focused, stay calm, continue to say no to,the things you choose to not participate in. I think you will be happier. A lot can happen in a short time.
In deed, we stand friendless, bereft and alone, just like Jews must have felt in 1930s Germany, except that we don’t have an America to escape to.
Good for you declining the boosters that don’t work. Simply stop wearing a mask because you are concerned about your health. Go on holiday when you can, get out of this hellhole it is a tonic. Take back your life. Take Vit D, C, Zinc and Quercetin as preventives. Get your Vit D level checked. Call 119 to request a medical exemption form for any future clot shots, fill it out and send to your GP. Ask ask ask for help from your GP, MP. Ask for their help, guidance, do not let them off the hook. They work for you the taxpayer.
And yours and HP’s comments demonstrate to me that the entire political class needs culling, with very few exceptions; there has been little – evident – consistent opposition where you would expect the counter evidence and hard facts to be remorselessly presented. Some have voted against this madness and, for me, this vote is an acid test for many MPs.
Commissar Starmer is a man of very dead straw offering little effective opposition, as with Drakeford et al.
If my MP votes for, he will get an asbestos lined email to go with the several he has received already, to which he or his Westminster flunkey has always replied supporting all the madness since early 2020. I am no expecting an outbreak of sanity from him…
Indeed, as I’ve said elsewhere, MPs in general, on all sides of the house need to resign, or be resigned, en masse. We need to start afresh.
My MP is a classic fence-sitter, sniffing left and right to sense which way the wind blows. He’s useless to us, he needs to go.
Most people don’t realise that these people don’t give a fuck about the general public. They have one job and that is to take as much public money as possible and transfer it to their partners, mates and companies via government contracts. For this work they will reward politicians handsomely.
I hope Toby passes these comments on to those he knows in Politics, just so they can get a flavour of the contempt they are held in
Hey, you are perfectly able to pass these comments onto your MP and any MP you choose. The more people who get involved, the better.
even 60 if they held fast would not be enough
Just 60? Well, that’s depressing…
Going to be difficult to get people excited about yet another “Tory MP rebellion” story. Seen it before and it’s yet to amount to much.
But it’s still nice to see any kind of dissent.
Covid restrictions: ‘There is a danger that the rule of law is being brought into disrepute’ says MP
The rule of law has long been in disrepute!
More like ignored, dead, buried and long forgotten.
Are the muzzle ‘regulations’ law, or just regulation?
Whatever they are, they are just for you and not for them.
That MP won’t have heard anything about that from the BBC or the MSM, will he?
Probably told to say it by the Whips’ Office, to test the water and kid the sheeple that some MPs actually know ordinary voters.
Bronski Beat founder Steve Bronski dies at 61 – BBC News
Never heard of him.
That may be. Irrespective of whether you have heard of him, your first reaction should be “I wonder what he died of”.
A short illness
A few years ago I would (probably cruelly) have said AIDS, but hey, modern medicine, Holly Johnson is still with us.
NO fucking way; your “first reaction” should be one of sympathy to his family. It is not for you or anyone else on DS to theorise about his demise, and that should remain a private affair for his family to disclose …or not.
If he was vaxxed then you’ll know what he died of.
It’s time the chiefs of the military emerged from the mess bar and took an interest. What is their intel feed, the truth or the version of the truth fed by those behind this scam? We have no viable government, you cannot govern a country based on fiction, and the security of the nation is compromised. The population is in grave danger from our own government and the NHS. You couldn’t make it up.
The top brass are in on it.. they don’t give a fig either.. and where’s all the retired SAS and SBS snipers when you need them..
On the streets, or in damp bedsits. Disarmed either way.
We don’t have a military any more.
Defence Union protects us and is run by Brussels on behalf of Berlin and Paris.
Doesn’t Crayons think these measure ‘don’t go far enough’? No wonder they’re called the ‘Loyal Opposition’.
The blue press room with the pair of Union Flags at No10 hadn’t even been built in December 2020. What the fuck is going on here?
Fairly clear there is a move amongst the COVID zealots like Gove to try to engineer Boris’s departure – as they can see he isn’t doing enough to push forward the globalist technocrats’ agenda – and have him replaced by a more reliable globalist.
I’d say you’re on the money.. rubber faced Gove is slobbering as we speak..
Yeah well it’s going to pass. Bunch of turds masquerading as human beings.
Problem is, is that 60 is not enough what with all the opposition parties all being fully paid up lockdown fanatics.
Peter Mandelson got it right when he said we had entered the “post-democratic age”.
The plan is to kill us
Meaningless tokenism. Unless these 60 MPs resign the Tory whip or (better still) resign altogether to stand as independent candidates in the subsequent 60 winter by-elections then this posturing is simply more seasonal parliamentary panto. Besides, without the current big Tory majority and suitably compliant ‘opposition’ they wouldn’t dare say “boo” anyway.
“stand as independent candidates in the subsequent 60 winter by-elections” They would most likely lose. Not enough public support for scepticism, yet
That’s the price of integrity. Even if one of them wins back their seat (despite our anachronistic fptp party-skewed system) it would be a massive shot across the government’s bows. Even if not it could potentially reduce the government’s majority by splitting the Tory vote in 60 seats – and the present cosy working relationship with a lame duck opposition would largely be gone.
60 seats contested in the same week would make this the biggest non-GE political event since the EU referendum. This time the MSM could not ignore the core issues of loss of civil liberties and the MHRA/ONS vaxx death stats among many other things related to draconian C19 emergency powers.
It’s a crucial debate that parliament has studiously avoided having for 20 months.
Bang on; the lack of the startling real world facts being aired – we all know what they are, where they are being collated, and who is putting their careers and personal integrity on the line ( in absolute stark contrast to this cohort of non entities ) like Dr Peter McCullough and his peers around the globe being raised via the protection to individual MPs of the HoC – is appeasement of the worst kind imho.
Every one of those 60 could stand up and tell the truth; that masks are demonstrably inneffective, that the vaccines are dangerous, that it’s the vaccinated who are ‘at risk’, that lockdowns are hugely damaging, etc. etc. etc. If the govt removes the whip, they resign and stand at the By Election as an independent.
As ever BFF, right on the money; completely agree; this episode is nonetheless valuable because it is a “bright shining light” to expose the “lie” that these political apparatchiks are nothing more than money and personal kudos grabbing worthless entities, taking the piss as well as the cash and in so doing saying “fuck off plebs” to the rest of us.
( with acknowledgements to Paul Sheehan)
It won’t make any difference.
Unless these 60 joined Reform UK en masse or formed their own anti medical apartheid party – nothing will change the filthy lying globalist scum that is johnson and his wretched tory party. The 18th Dec protest hopefully will be big and loud (but does that not fall fowl of outdoor gathering covid rules…)
The grouse hunting season ends tomorrow, so they should be OK!
If they did that, we’d have Sir Forensic in charge, and the vaxpässen and clot shots would be imposed even faster and harder.
Not that it’ll make any difference to the eventual result either way.
This American doesn’t look at this in terms of COVID. My university degree, post-Vietnam was in history and I’ve kept that as an avocation.
I can’t help but think of the closing of the Beeb’s ‘Churchill:Wilderness Years’, where Hoare gets smack into Chamberlain’s face.
I don’t know precisely what’s happened on that side of the pond, but it’s probably akin to the smooth-crotched nature of present American politics.
Cojones no longer exist, and no one gives a fiddler’s damn.
Over here, we’re electing Presidents by social media. As Horse mentioned several threads ago, that’s equivalent to mobs jumping up and down in the stands at the Coliseum, masturbating themselves. Issues no long matter. Welcome to “Patriotism”.
Why does big tech get to count the votes anyway? In the long history of bad ideas, that strikes me as not one of the better ones.
The red wing of the uniparty will just vote it through.
We’ve had plenty of articles, books, charts and comments here and elsewhere already that demonstrated that rules which don’t make sense are one of the cornerstones of all tyrannical takeovers and regimes.
I’m not so sure it’s “tyrannical takeovers and regimes”. That may well be happening, but they can use a radical but unrelated shift in popular culture for their own advantage.
I think that over the past 20 years, the Web and social media have driven ordinary common sense down the toilet drain.
It will be 6, not 60.
didn’t they “revolt” last time as well?
This happened a few months ago. They will not revolt. As such they may as well be gov plants to fool gullible libertarians that there is an opposition valiantly holding the dictatorship to account. The time to form a political movement was summer 2021. It will have no impact now. And those who failed to act are cowards.
I was more worried by….
There was a further setback when the NHS Covid pass website crashed for several hours last night.
we all know we can’t trust MPs and we also now know not to expect support from Joe Normie
Sounds like it was glitching just before or at the time of Bozo’s announcement, and no one was getting their updates or whatevever.
No revolt can succeed because
1. Insufficient numbers of people are dying from vaccines.
2. The ‘opposition’ to covidianism in parliament chickened out for too long, destroying its credibility
3. This website and mask exemptions act as a safety valve to prevent anger boiling over into action
4. The Resistance is by nature an individualistic one. We have next to no impact on public opinion, poor organisation, and no leadership
5. People have ACCEPTED the ‘new normal’. Our points will never land.
I know this sounds grim, but I believe it is true. Any thoughts?
I am not sure people have accepted the ‘new normal’ because it has not come to fruition yet. I am talking about the CCP social credit system on steroids.
Only about 5% supported the US war on independence at the start.
Who knows what the future may bring? I guess what I mean is that no matter how cogent and devastating our evidence and arguments, compliers are like ‘whatever…’.
I don’t think they will listen until they agree to sign their house over to the govt in return for a few weeks food, thanks to hyperinflation. Even then, they’ll be given some bumpf about supply chains and climate change, or it all being a necessary sacrifice to beat covid and save lives, and they’ll probably choose to believe that too instead of accepting they’ve been duped.
“1. Insufficient reported numbers of people are dying from vaccines.”
Well that’s not going to change is it?
I wonder what the next “large numbers of heart problems due to stress” will be?
…in inverse proportion to the “number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test” being treated as deaths FROM CV19….with little or no meaningful pushback from our truly wonderful and world class MPs…….not
Since Labour plan to vote with the government this rebellion will not work. May I suggest an alternative plan? Tory MP’s should, instead, write a letter to Boris asking him to withdraw the Bill, and informing him that, should he be unwilling to do so, they will send in a letter of no-confidence to the chief whip. Sixty such letters are more than would be needed to trigger a leadership contest. Boris, already famed for his U turns, would swiftly back down.
that’s the way to do it chaps!
I think because the PM knows that the party will never elect a lockdown sceptic MP, and the lockdown sceptic MPs know that too. I think the best they can hope for is to leave the party and form an anti-lockdown bloc and hope people gradually join them
The lockdown left and champagne socialists across the house will make sure it passes.
Sturgeon’s obviously had her orders for the Christmas campaign and is passing them on to the useful idiots. Email in from school emphasizing and normalizing more frequent testing and reporting your family to government databases. Shameful scaremongering.
The Scottish Nazi Party.
Yeah, here it comes, just up on the bbc, omicron linked to Christmas parties.
If you want a good laugh and wondered if the British fighting spirit is still strong, just listen to the question Alex Belfield put to his audience last night. The question? Should Boris be sacked?
That cheered me up no end. A great mass of people have seen through the scam. Now the schools need to be dehypnotised.
It is time for the ‘powerful’ 1922 Committee to revolt. Yawn, heard that one before. All words but no action.
Just remind me pls what they sacked Theresa May for….?
Bunch of tossers the lot of them.
A few years ago I entered correspondence with Chris Heaton Harris my MP over the Conservative Government’s promotion of LGBT rights. I told him that kids were better with mum and dad, not homosexual parents. He replied ‘I find your views outdated and offensive’. He requested me not to contact him again.
I’ll never vote Conservative again for this reason.
I believe as you are one of his constituents that he has no right to request that you refrain from contacting him. He would only have that right if you were abusive and threatening toward him, his staff or family.
He was offended.. oh dear.. where have I heard that before..
Poor snowflake…
Probably upset his husband as well as him.
You should have reminded the idiot that the human race would have become extinct if homosexual marriages were the norm.
May I recommend Robin Aitken’s “The Noble Liar”, a polemical ripping apart of all that is wrong about the liberal/left/PC/Woke nexus in the UK.
In case this erudite exposes appears a recent phenomenon, may I also recommend Paul Johnson’s “Wake up Britain”……prescient and highly relevant to today imho.
Well it’s basically time that those who are offended by LGBT, the rabid influx of black TV presenters, morons harping on about climate change and lockdown zealots to actually do something to let them know instead of keeping quiet about it.
Otherwise they win….they choose what everybody’s opinion must be.
Over 60 MPs voted in March 2021 not to renew the police state laws.
Mostly the Tory right and Labour left, also LD and Grn.
This rebellion should be larger than March’s to be of any value.
Certainly much stronger opinions against Bozo’s plans are being urged this time: could be the start of a switch.
Toby gasps in horror at 60 MPs not realising that this is all just a temporary hiccup, it’ll soon be over, it’s nothing to worry about.
The key point being that Bozo’s majority is 80 – and hence if 60 Cons rebel, he only gets this through with opposition support. Pretty uncomfortable for Bozo and the cabinet; it would also of course strongly encourage further rebellion and, with luck, heaps of letters to the 1922 team!
DUP would, also, I hope, vote against this, which makes the numbers even tighter for the tories
Boris has nothing to worry about. The “opposition” will support him. What a mad bloody world!
Labour, the so-called opposition is complicit in all of this
Sod me, we might even get a hundred “rebels” if they have a vote on mandatory “vaccjnation”.
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
He’s well on his way to being replaced, for acting dumb, by a true covidian who is going to “sort it out”. Maybe it’s simply the planned exit strategy for Bojo the Clown.
Need 300 hundred plus Spartans to defeat #BloodyBlair’s salivating ‘elf and safety crowd plus the bitter Tory remoan contingent…. oh well…. I guess all us poor saps can do is ignore these daft diktats…
‘Oh yes they will, oh no they won’t’ — will the panto go ahead?
With Labour even more rabid about bringing in more restrictions, it won’t make a difference to the outcome. Now is the time for us to take back control of our lives, our country. First we have to win back the minds of the brainwashed masses…
Only 60 Conservative MPs have any sense of proportion; any decency and any respect for our Civil Rights.
No Labour MPs do.
It’s why we need Reform UK.
We need a non politically motivated but politically savvy, economically and business savvy and/or military backgrounded bunch of non politicians – who don’t need the money – who take no prisoners – who will eviscerate the Civil Service, burn the quangos ( remember when the “Cull of Quangos” was last promised?) the left wing Unions and 99% of the “Teaching Profession” and the BBC….more than ever.
Trouble is , not where are they to be found , more like what do you do with the ‘000’s of snout snorkelling trough hugging apparatchiks who won’t have anything to do ( Be put on plastic clear up “Drag Lines”, with the man in the shades as “Boss”).
What a vision.
Please share
If the NHS pass website crashed yesterday, just think what it will do when hundreds of thousands of football fans all try to get into grounds at 3.00 next Saturday
Presumably, folk at office parties won’t have to wear masks (unless it’s a masquerade ball of course, not!), but church congregations do. Right! Says it all really.
I have sent a letter to my M.P. A small action perhaps but if all dissenters did it it might have some effect.
I did that too, a couple of days ago. Only had an auto reply so far
Sadly mines’ a spineless Labour creep. The idea of a checkpoint, surveillance society where the state controls our every move likely gets him very excited.
Tory, Labour, LibDem, Plaid, SNP, they are just houses in the same school. They play house matches against each other but they instantly unite against us, the British people should we have a different point of view.
A number of licenced Tory MPs will be ‘allowed’ by the Whips’ Office to ‘rebel’, to reassure the blue rinse (male and female) Tory voters that the Tories are really on their side and Olde England is safe after all. But Tory HQ knows that Labour HQ will not rock the boat or let the old arrangement go by the board.
Every MP in Westminster is your enemy and will vote to send you and your children to a concentration camp without a thought.
Not enough tory dissenters yet to cause the government any worry and the opposition will not vote against any covid actions etc until much nearer to a general election. So we are in effect left with a dictatorship by a group of maybe only 4-6 cabinet members who can operate without any parliamentary scrutiny.
Only 60? Write to your mp folks do it now.
The government made a rod for its own back by telling Brits who tested positive for the Kung Flu to go home, take a pain killer, and wait until they couldn’t breathe before going to hospital.
This advice was stupid, arguably criminal, and predictably ended up filling hospital beds and ICU departments with patients with advanced syptoms,many of whom died or suffered long-haul COVID. It also gave us a worse outcomes record than many third world countries!
Early intervention is key to keeping this virus and its VOC’s at bay. So why,aren’t GP surgeries and hopsital outpatient departments dispensing prophylactic/early treatment medications such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, essential supplements like zinc and vitamins D and C?
The nation dutifully conformed to the government’s “wait for the vaccines” plea – only to find them more of a sticking plaster than a pandemic beater. It’s well past time to try some of those cheap and cheerful home remedies which have workd so well in places like India, Mexico and Peru.
Or is Boris’s main priority not public health, but to ensure buddie Bill Gates and his big pharma chums can go on making a killing – literally as well as metaphorically?