- “Protest march, London, December 18th” – Russell David describes attending the anti-vaccine passport protest in London last weekend.
- “Global Woes and the European Covid Debacle” – The latest blog post from Omar Khan.
- “Exclusive: An interview with Fauci’s nemesis” – Sally Beck interviews Robert Kennedy Jr. for the Conservative Woman.
- “Revealed: The inner workings of a paper mill” – An exposé of a Russian paper mill in Retraction Watch.
- “Tonia Buxton and Laura Dodsworth: Straight Talk Christmas Special with Dominique Samuels” – Anti-lockdown heroes Tonia Buxton and Laura Dodsworth discuss the latest news stories with Dominique Samuels and Zoe Clews on GB News.
- “Math test for teachers ruled racist” – A Canadian court has ruled that a mandatory math proficiency test is unconstitutional and should not prohibit those who fail to pass it numerous times from teaching children, as it unfairly affects non-white candidates.
- “Boris Johnson’s betrayal of conservative values” – Gavin Mortimer gives Boris both barrels in the Spectator.
- “Labour’s dismal lockdown performance” – We need an opposition that opposes the dismantling of ancient civil liberties, not one that cheers it on, says Jamie Walden in Bournbrook.
- “Effects of COVID-19 in Care Homes ” – A report on care home deaths in the U.K. last year for Collateral Global by Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, among others.
- “We are heading for a face off between real world data and SAGE modelling” – If the Government refuses to impose a lockdown, SAGE scenarios can be measured against real-world outcomes, says Ross Clark in the Telegraph. And it’s not looking good for the doom-mongers.
- “Masks on planes forever? What a ludicrous travesty that would be” – Face masks could become a permanent feature of air travel, despite data showing that they’re practically useless, says Annabel Fenwick Elliott in the Telegraph.
- “Harvard professor found guilty of hiding ties to Wuhan University amid U.S. crackdown on espionage” – Charles Lieber, a ‘strategic scientist’ at the Wuhan University of Technology, has admitted to filing false tax returns and lying to the FBI.
- “Maureen Lipman: Comedy in danger of being ‘wiped out’ by cancel culture” – The celebrated actress tells the BBC that censorship is taking away the biggest laughs.
- “How cancel culture came to define 2021 – and the casualties it left behind” – In 2020, cancel culture was a new term for many. In 2021 ‘cancellation’ is one of our biggest fears. What changed, and who are this year’s victims?
- “SAGE memo makes the case for lockdown” – Fraser Nelson and Kate Andrews dissect the alarmist SAGE memo which was presented to the Cabinet on Monday.
- “Inside the Omicron fear factory” – Humdinger of a piece by the peerless Heather Mac Donald in Spectator World.
- “Politicians are out of the depth all over Europe, sticking to a failed vaccination strategy to fight the pandemic” – Watch an extract from Toby’s two-part interview for Sketch Notes on a Pandemic, a Sunday Express production, which you can subscribe to on Patreon here.
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