After nearly half of Conservative backbenchers revolted against ‘Plan B’ yesterday, Boris has agreed that if any further restrictions are imposed between now and the New Year Parliament will be recalled. But it is probable that if he attempts to impose ‘Plan C’, i.e. a national lockdown, not only would he face an even greater rebellion, but it would trigger a leadership challenge. That means ‘Plan C’ is unlikely – for now. MailOnline has more.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps confirmed this morning that the premier has bowed to demands that Parliament must be recalled for a vote before any further restrictions are brought in.
During the pandemic most curbs have been introduced by ministers and then only approved by MPs retrospectively, something that has added to the fury of sceptics.
One Cabinet source warned that the only way Tory MPs would support a tightening now was after “very clear evidence that Omicron is leading to hospitalisations and deaths”.
The mutiny suffered by Mr. Johnson was close to the record insurrection that hammered Theresa May’s Brexit deal in 2019 – and greater than the biggest rebellions faced by David Cameron, Sir John Major and Margaret Thatcher.
Thirteen MPs who have attended Cabinet under four premiers defied Mr Johnson, including Dame Andrea Leadsom, David Davis, Liam Fox and Chris Grayling. Some 26 Tories first elected in his 2019 landslide victory revolted.
Louie French, the newest Tory MP who was elected in a by-election less than two weeks ago, also went against the government whip.
The numbers were more than enough to wipe out the government’s huge 80-strong majority had Keir Starmer not ridden to the rescue.
The vote came less than two hours after the PM made a last-ditch attempt to quell the rebellion by telling a meeting of the 1922 Committee of backbenchers that he had “no choice” but to impose new curbs.
The grim week for Mr Johnson looks set to get worse, with the Tory struggling to cling on to the previously rock-solid seat of North Shropshire in a by-election tomorrow, triggered by the resignation of Owen Paterson in the sleaze furore.
Worth reading in full.
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They lie, Will.
I don’t know why Iain Davies papers are never referred to on this site, has he fallen out with Mr Young? Anyway in Off-Guardian yesterday his latest is another excellent summary of the ‘jab’ situation from onset to now.
Cheers for the link, peyrole. A bit on the long side, but excellent nonetheless. The bit I found especially interesting is the section entitled ‘Blaming the Unjabbed’, in which he completely debunks the myth about the unjabbed being selfish idiots clogging up NHS beds. Should be required reading for Sajid Javid and MSM jounos alike!
But his AstraZeneca shares have done very well.
While I am not usually given to bad language on line, could I just say, “Fuck off, Paddy”.
I know that it is not big or clever but, by heaven, I feel better for having said it.
It really doesn’t make any difference how they set up their modelling. It will always be wrong anyway. It amazes me that even today there are apparently still people who labour under the bizarre delusion that any such modelling is anything other than utter rubbish.
Have a look at Vallance’s various bank accounts to see what he’s really all about.
“Mr Vallance appeared directly to contradict some of the statements made by Prof Medley, leaving observers baffled as to which of the two is correct as it is unclear how both can be. Mr Vallance claimed that modelling of other, less severe scenarios, had been done and presented to Government, while Prof Medley said it had not”
Baffled? Well, let me spell it out for the dunces and those not paying attention at the back of the class. Medley was caught off guard and/or is not as media-savvy and political as Vallance, so he told the truth. Vallance is now engaged in damage-limitation and lying his tits off (which he does very well as he has had plenty of practice).
Err Fauci is a top scientist? Really ?
Wasn’t Vallance the first guy Fauci emailed when it leaked from that Wuhan lab because they funded the gain of function research via the eco-health alliance “org”?
Sir Jeremy Farrar.
He is the British lizard king…….we need to nail him up. Supposedly he has retired though.
Vallance was on the conference call on 1st Feb 2020 and Vallance and Whitty were on the subsequent email exchange. Most of the emails were redacted when released but one sentence that wasn’t redacted was ‘We need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert’ This suggests very strongly that they all knew that the virus was from gain of function research.
has anyone from the MSM ever asked them about that call?
If there is one lesson to be learned from the very start of this it is that modelling has proven to be wholly futile, a complete waste of time and money, and disastrous in the extreme for the people if this planet.
Modelling should be consigned to the dustbin of history which is the only place it belongs. Along with all members of SAGE and independent Sage. None have a valid place in this world whatsoever.
If SAGE is neutral and impartial……….then why have we seen the likes of Susan Michie giving briefings to the BBC completely independently?
Either the government wanted her to stir-up the fear factor, or else she is acting off her own bat, and in breach of the normal conventions that government advisors with integrity observe.
As for Vallance and Whitty – as unelected officials, they seem to enjoy more authority than the Health secretary.
We may never know who is pulling whose strings. I think there’s a law now where if you are present at a serious crime like a group who kill someone, and it’s not clear who struck the fatal blow and who just did some egging on, you’re all guilty of murder anyway. That law should apply in this case.
coincidental name there…
Well spotted!
Mask wearing in Selfridges Manchester now about 50% despite the pleading messages and signage.
Ignore the lies.
ASDA Harpurhey (north Manchester) 75% free-breathers this afternoon. Packed as well.
Asdoh! Harpurhey – more like firebreathers. Good on them.
“leaving observers baffled as to which of the two is correct as it is unclear how both can be”
Whoever is baffled needs to practice their doublethink skills. My vaccine doesn’t protect me but your vaccine protects me, but not you, etc…
Song by the Dune Rats:
“Fails to Convince”
Well, gosh, that’s a very polite way of saying “Utter Horseshit”
I’ve named my compost heap the MSM as it swallows an enormous amount of horseshit in order to push up roses.
I’m inspired by your example to attach a sign to the cistern of my loo: ‘Government Think Tank’
… roses?
Other Christmas chocolate selections are available
The fact of the matter is that the SAGE modellers have made a number of predictions that have turned out to be wrong, and Vallance knows it. He cannot go on defending the indefensible forever. These people are either incompetent or downright dishonest in pursuit of political goals. Either way, they should be fired immediately.
A truly fascinating insight into the mentality of people like Vallance who distort reality in order to pursue their agenda.
Of course – his ‘defence’ is bollocks. The aim of modelling is to erect likely scenarios from given variables, and the scenarios are expressed clearly in terms of probabilities. You don’t pick and choose which part of the probability spectrum you wish to promote – the likelihood is inherent.
Then, of course, any model should be tested against a reality feed-back-loop, and the assumed variable values (and completeness) examined against that criterion.
It really isn’t a difficult concept for a real scientist … which makes Vallance of the £600,000 big pharma shares a …???
Vallance, what you’re doing is called ‘policy-based evidence’.
It’s meant to be the other way around: evidence-based policy.
The genie is out of the bottle. The educated classes are starting to take whiff of your ‘scientific’ fraud.
intellectually vacuous, you now try to put out the fires.
We’ll keep them burning for you.
Self deception is the marker of a fool not a scientist.
Will Vallance be retiring in China?
Modelling on assumptions is not science. That’s just guessing game and anyone with any kind of logic can spew out possible scenarios.
Proper modelling will result in the models being amended (or discarded completely) in the light of real-world data once that’s available. That doesn’t happen there – they carry on with the same apocalyptic bollocks no matter what.
Assumption about vaccine effectiveness. Fucking hell you’re pumping the world full of this shit and you don’t know if it works. I guess his Pharma shares have gone through the roof so he doesn’t give a shit. Sorry but these people are off the scale.
Another slimey grifter who will be dealt with in brutal fashion during the first wave of reprisals against the globalist regime.
As reported in the DT yesterday the latest Imperial models break cardinal sins and the core assumptions – like for eg omicron had the same “lethality” as delta, ignoring still the B and T cell responses because that’s too hard tells you Vallance is speaking bollox but he knows most people can’t be bothered to check the facts themselves.
Yeadon has called him out as a liar ….he is yet to respond.
I wonder why?
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said anyone that willfully vilified and obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 is guilty of first degree capital murder, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. I believe in God & Jesus. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit
“We generally model what we are asked to model”
Fixing the science to fit the policy. Where have I seen that before?
Bureaucrat defends bureaucracy
The spectre of the gallows looms for him and his cronies.
Perhaps we’d believe Vallance’s lies if they made him a duke or a marquess.