From today, all Italians will need to abide by the country’s ‘super green pass’ law, which means that only those who are double jabbed or have recently recovered from Covid are allowed to enter a wide variety of public places, such as restaurants and theatres. Unlike the old ‘green pass’ system, the ‘super green pass’ does not allow for the unvaccinated to provide proof of a negative Covid test, further hindering their right to participate in public life. MailOnline has the story.
Italy has brought in tougher restrictions for unvaccinated people as the holidays draw near, excluding them from indoor restaurants, theatres and museums to reduce the spread of Covid and encourage the unvaccinated to get their jabs.
Only those who have the ‘super green pass’, which requires Italians to be double jabbed rather than providing a negative Covid test result, will be able to fully participate in public life from Monday.
Italian police will be checking will be checking whether those visiting indoor restaurants, bars, concerts, sports events, theatres and public events, have the ‘super’ green health pass until January 15th.
The restrictions follow a steady rise of Covid cases in Italy for the past six weeks, with 15,021 infections recorded on Sunday, and a concern about the new Omicron variant which is believed to be more transmissible than the Delta strain.
Elsewhere in Europe, leaders have rushed in a raft of new lockdown measures and travel bans amid panic over rising cases and the arrival of the Omicron variant.
Germany has announced it will lock down its unvaccinated citizens and ban them from most public spaces in the run-up to Christmas, while those in France will have to show proof of vaccination to maintain a valid Covid pass which allows them into public venues.
Italy’s vaccination rate is higher than many of its neighbours, at 85% of the eligible population aged 12 years-old and older and 77% of the total population. But people in their 30s, 40s and 50s have proved the most reluctant to get vaccinated, with nearly 3.5 million still not having received their first doses.
They are also the same age group that is now being hardest hit by the virus, according to Silvio Brusaferro, head of Italy’s National Health Institute.
Worth reading in full.
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Will it make the trains run on time?
Depends on whether they are rolling northwards to choice places in Germany and Poland.
I was just thinking that…
No, but it might make the strains run on time.
Poor Italy, I really mean poor. A country on its knees agreed to something rather sinister in an attempt to balance their books. Too bad it will all backfire on them.
Looks as if the products are rapidly going out of date though perhaps they don’t care about that either
They are also the same age group [people in their 30s, 40s and 50s] that is now being hardest hit by the virus, according to Silvio Brusaferro, head of Italy’s National Health Institute.
Yeah, right.
What does “hardest hit” mean? Even if this is true, are they experiencing large numbers of serious outcomes or deaths? I’d bet the answer is no. All this likely means, even if it is true, is that they are getting lots of cold/flu. Big deal. We have to keep in perspective that they are making all of this totalitarian fuss over a seasonal respiratory disease. We’ve lived normally with those for all of recorded history.
Of course to prove his point he’d need to release data supporting it, which I’d bet my bottom dollar he doesn’t have.
In an e-mail last week from my brother who lives on Vancouver Island, BC – he wrote:
” . . .in Victoria [the island capitial] 98% of eligible people are vaccinated mostly with the Pfizer or Moderna products. The ICU and isolation beds in our local Covid hospital are full of unvaccinated patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s — no one over 50. The death rate is higher with these young patients than it was during the first and second waves when those dying were mostly over 65 years of age. These unvaccinated young patients are mostly from out-of-town. Occasionally the hospital takes in a vaccinated patient, who dies; but nearly always that patient has auto-immune issues. I am unaware of patients in hospital with medical issues arising from a vaccination; although i do know of one woman whose sister had a bad reaction. That’s the update from my next-door neighbour who is a nurse at the Covid hospital and has nothing to do with mainstream media or political narratives. . . .”
Apparently, the comments subsequently corroborated by a friend of my brother who is a heart surgeon. Two medical professionals say the same thing – so it must be true. Grrrr! Anyway, I replied with the following . . .
# 1. The comments don’t cite any data even though the points made can only be validated by data. It’s a single medic’s subjective impression, with no sources provided to indicate that their claims hold water.
# 2. The vast majority of medics in the U.K. stick to the official narrative for fear of losing their jobs. Very few are prepared to put their heads above the parapet and tell it like it is. I can’t help but wonder if the same applies to your neighbour? I met an A&E doctor on Sunday who has 20 years experience at Torbay hospital (a very large regional hospital) who told me that staff are under immense pressure to tow the line, keep quiet and to stick doggedly to the script. He’s refused to do that and, consequently, he faces the sack come April next year. (Needless to say, he’s unvaccinated).
# 3. Are the comments up to date, i.e. current as of late November, or do they relate to the state of play a month or more ago when, perhaps, the vaccine roll out hadn’t been extended to those aged 50 and under? This is/was a favourite trick of medics in the U.K. until recently when Amanda Pritchard, the CEO of the NHS no less, got caught out: Head of NHS England Caught Out Spreading Misinformation About Covid Hospital Admissions
# 4. You write: “. . .The ICU and isolation beds in our local Covid hospital are full of unvaccinated patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s — no one over 50. . .” Taken at face value, are you really saying that there is a hospital on the island dedicated exclusively to Covid patients, that most of them are unvaccinated and under 50? For an island with a population of under 1 million – this strikes me as being improbable. (The U.K. doesn’t have one and our population is circa 70 million!) Perhaps you mean that there is a dedicated Covid ward within your local hospital that comprises, say, half a dozen to a dozen beds? Or a tiny cottage hospital with a similar number of beds? If so, that’s another matter entirely and much more plausible.
# 5. Of those Covid patients, how many were admitted with other non-Covid related conditions and only tested positive once in hospital (and are therefore counted as Covid patients)? Of those, how many have symptoms? I’ll wager that few of them were admitted with Covid symptoms only and that – of those that were – the vast majority have serious underlying comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes etc.
# 6. ” . . .The death rate is higher with these young patients than it was during the first and second waves when those dying were mostly over 65 years of age. . .” Again, taken at face value, you appear to be saying that the unvaccinated aged under 50 are dying in larger numbers than the unvaccinated elderly were in the first two waves? I’ve not seen or heard of any reports from anywhere else in the world that mirrors this. It implies that Covid – being the super clever virus that it is – took out the elderly and, at the same time, marked the cards of the young saying to them in full Arnie Schwarzenegger mode: “I’ll be back”. Really?!
# 8. You say the death rate is higher – but give no indication of numbers. As of 25th Nov’, the number of patients aged under 59 with no pre-existing condition who have died in hospitals in England having tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic totals 961. See: Covid 19 Daily deaths Scroll down to: ‘Covid 19 total announced deaths 25 November 2021 – weekly file’ > ‘Tab3, COVID-19 deaths by age group and pre-existing condition’. Given the population of England is circa 56 million, on a pro rata basis, the number of deaths on the island is likely to be in the region of just 17!
. . .to be continued. . . 1/2
. . .continued . . . 2/2
# 8. “. . .These unvaccinated young patients are mostly from out-of-town. . .” I’m not sure what to make of this: are you inferring that clever Covid is able to discriminate between the local indiginous population and ‘blowins’ (a local Devon expression) from further afield? If so, its talents know no bounds!
# 9. “. . . I am unaware of patients in hospital with medical issues arising from a vaccination. . .” Well, whether or not they’re in hospital, they are everywhere and the adverse effects – including death – are quite staggering in both scope and number. Check out this latest Vaccine Safety Update.
Needless to say, I’ve not had a reply!
Apologies for the length!
When he realises there’s a huge fakenews campaign to get people on the clot shots, he’ll still not believe it because it makes him realise he’s been fooled his whole life.
Yes, indeed.
But it’s a problem my brother will not have to face alone, as it applies to (sadly) the vast majority of people who have been brainwashed in the way he has. And that’s when it becomes OUR problem because, if we don’t handle the situation with great care and sensitivity, those who’ve been duped will become bitter and angry, and are just as likely to direct their anger at smart ar$es like us, as they are to direct it where they should direct it, i.e. at the government, its agencies and MSM.
I wonder if the situation in Canada is similar to that in Switzerland as highlighted in this article from a week ago.
If the population are treated as mushrooms i.e. kept in the dark and fed a diet of bullsh*t as lots in Britain are then they will take some convincing.
‘Mushrooms’ – like it ML – not heard that one before! :-)))
What a response and you have my total respect once again! I wonder if you’ll get a snarky reply. It does seem implausible that there would be no elderly or otherwise very ill patients in a ‘covid hospital’; this would run counter to everything we know about this virus and if it were true it would be broadcasted and shouted about round the clock. For what it’s worth my sister in law in an ICU nurse who has worked as a covid nurse since the beginning. In her (large) hospital the number are currently very low and a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people roughly evenly split. All elderly.
I find myself inhabiting a totally different world to the one my sister, who has a PhD in human migration, lives in. She swallowed the narrative hook line and sinker; she has not seen a single student face to face for two years, which I find absolutely appalling, and reacted with condescension when I raised questions about it all right at the beginning. I haven’t spoke to or seen her since! She is what you might describe as a classic lefty and campaigned for Corbyn during his accidental ascendancy. This crisis seems to have caught the ‘left’ right in their blind spot!
And what difference would it make to the world if the number of graduates in ‘human migration’ was reduced to zero?
If YOU were the staff working in that hospital, would YOU care to reply to someone who outright denies reality while questioning your personal integrity at the same time?
Hi rayc,
Staff, the vast majority of whom are well below the age where Wuflu has an impact? That’s why they had such much time to create all their tik tok videos for the numpties to clap.
What a great deconstruction. My take on “out of towners” was something more sinister/racist. Are they Inuit, perhaps?
I’m curious about the ‘out of towners’ comment too. He could be referring to the indigenous people, visitors from the mainland or tourists. Not sure!
Nice one. I hope you’re not holding your breath for a reply. Liars run away at the first sign of opposition.
I don’t think my bro’ is lying as such DBB, he’s just not willing to entertain the idea that his government, its agencies and MSM have an agenda that is not in his – and the general public’s – best interests. Most people are unable or unwilling even to consider that the entire charade has absolutely nothing to do with Covid. For him to conclude – as most of us have done here – that one’s own liberal government is actively trying to engineer a totalitarian surveillance state under which we will have no real freedom, is simply too awful to contemplate and too hard to believe. Best to keep the blinkers on, ignore inconvenient truths and pray to god (or who/whatever) that the government et al are right and that nutters like us on here us are all, well, nutters!
Keep it up. We need objectivity and truth, not the rhetoric and lies we are getting from govt and their acolytes.
. . .
And they haven’t had flu before? ‘Hardest hit’ by a variant that’s “very mild” and doesn’t hospitalize (but will build their antibody levels that will likely also protect against further variants, and for much longer than the vax). Agree, Yeah, right!
85%??? Wow. This is running into dangerously high levels from a “no going back” perspective. Quite concerning. I’m actually not sure I believe it.
Anyone else notice how quiet they are here in the UK about what the % is in London (hint – it’s very low)?
London is at 61% with two vaccinations, scroll to the ‘Vaccination uptake (12+) by area’ table at the bottom of the below URL, it is the lowest region in England by a sizeable margin.
Lots of effniks in London. Untouchable.
Don’t knock it – it’s probably the one thing that will save us!
It will help. I was talking to a Palestinian man of about fifty years, yesterday. He knows they are lying and understands they are trying to create racial hatred. He said they attempted to do this in Syria, but the people realised and refused to be drawn in.
Good for them.
I wonder whether we will be able to behave as well as they did?
I’d like to think so but look what they’re doing to aborigines in Oz.
A must see 17 min video
Please share far and wide
Welcome to the PRC. I said things would be rubbish when “China” started to call the shots. And bang on cue we get Peking Bidden in a dodgy election.
(PS will the red cross have to become a red cross or red crescent?).
Citizens, omicron means that freedom is now just a third jab away. But vaxxports will no longer be needed once we’ve defeated pi with the fourth jab. We assure you that they will not be kept one moment longer than necessary to conquer rho with your fifth jab, sigma with your sixth, then tau with your seventh.
And those who survive will be the freest people the earth has ever known, after upsilon and jab number eight.
“Free,” as in released from the chains that bind us in this world.
That the one before Omega? Sounds apocalyptic. Maybe it will be a final solution…
Not necessarily a bad thing
Lockdowns didn’t work
Jabs didn’t work
Booster jabs didn’t work
Covid pass came in….. ‘infections’ went up
Super green passes will fail too
3,000 get double jabbed sail off on an Ocean Liner and get covid. Hilarious
Soon the bullshit won’t work either
There were commenters, distressed by lockdowns, who were asking, as early as May 2020, how much longer the charade could continue …
This will continue for as long people keep complying …
You mean you can’t comply your way out of tyranny ? Who knew ?
You end up in it by compliance.
You can only exit from it by revolution.
The Party doesn’t need to you believe it.
It only requires you to obey it.
Not necessarily soon. But some time.
You forgot one step, internment camps or interned in your own home.
Here’s a new one, worth distributing far and wide:
We all know the ‘Omicron variant’ doesn’t even exist and was just introduced so the screws could be tightened.
You can’t help laugh at a German telling Australia they’ve become a totalitarian regime, has Merkel gone yet? I admire her message, but she needs to sort her own house out first.
I don’t know if any of this does any good, sheep are incapable or learning not to follow their leader.
Surely there will be a breaking point time in places like Italy when the “unclean” say enough is enough and that the unelected banker scum gets his Benito moment.
Very worrying for us if there is no push back in Europe, our government are clearly prepared to do this.
Why are all western countries calling it the green pass?
Because it aligns with the climate change narrative that green is good, though it isn’t.
The Climate Change Good Citizen is one reason, more likely that it’s just because it has a green tick to show “all is OK” rather than a red cross to show you are “the Walking Dead”.
Also because in future when you scan your pass to get into a supermarket a little green light will appear just before the barrier opens, providing the pass is valid – not valid, red light, alarm sounds, security guards will haul you away from the shop and give you a good kicking out of sight, round by the dustbins.
Lockstep, toward a common purpose. Wouldn’t this single phrase sound very different in different languages?
What i’m saying is pattern, collaboration, cooperation, CONSPIRACY! Unless you’re a coincidence theorist
That might be a secondary functional reason, but I think the major part of it is the feel-good faux-ethical association with climate change, and ‘green is good’ greenwash. The ‘build back better’ narrative favours the psychological association with all things green.
Of course the communists and the Nazis used a lot of red, so that’s the traditional colour of totalitarianism, so adopting red might give the game away. Green is the opponent colour to red, so it’s good cover.
Green is the colour of decaying flesh.
Green as in green light, permission. Because people are like car drivers in traffic, they need a red light and green light to know when they are allowed to live.
What to get the kids for Christmas?
“Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert, the brains behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, has received another accolade: a Barbie doll in her honour.”
Thanks for all the blood clots, Sarah!
Heart stopping tribute.
Neil Oliver: Governments amount to hundreds, we amount to millions – they are few and we are many
Who says GB News is useless!
Disgraceful comment by Oliver Dowden by the way. Do any of these crooks know how to stand up to evil (unless it’s something done by China)?
And by what arguments do they show that a negative test is not safe, but having had vaccines is? That is, strong arguments to outlaw the first having previously approved it?
Hi Jon, sadly there are no arguments. We just get orders by ministerial committee “DPCM” (a decree from on-high)
The timing of the Super Green Pass is highly suspicious, it was announced a while ago – but only started to be used today. If I was a theorist I’d suggest that someone did a model and that 5th Dec would be the date that will look most like it had some effect on the natural virus-will-be-virus wave that is passing thru Italy.
Estonia and Latvia have seen their cases dropping, they were a bit ahead of Italy.
I’m still testing my nose under the old non-super green ass regime, I got into work today with a 48 hour validity & proof that I’m not infected. Morally this is what I’d prefer anyway, as the 90% of my colleagues with an annual super green ass are ‘highly likely’ to be a possible transmitter, and I’m not.
As for the fact that I can’t do this or that, I’ll do it when the madness calms down a bit, or go to a nearby non-EU nation which *does* accept antibody tests for. 3- month immunity/papers.
Not watching RAI or Canale-5, helps a lot, nice and sunny, lots of snow in the alps….
Spot on …
Coming soon Super Duper Green Passes, then the super super duper passes etc.
Super super duper passes with bonus rewards card too!
Loyalty points with every jab …
And a free coffin when you tick the final box.
Ah, like Private Frazer! Don’t panic…
I saw this in a German video shared on Telegram today: “It began as a battle against the pandemic to protect the people. It became a battle against the people to protect the pandemic.”
I was also intrigued to see the Greek letters delta and omicron put together to make the symbol of the Illuminati!
“It began as a battle against the pandemic to protect the people. It became a battle against the people to protect the pandemic.”
Very good.
Very good indeed, and, ugh, another bit of symbolism we really didn’t need!
I cannot beleive that we are here in the 21st Century and we are witnessing the rise of fascist totalitarianism in Europe once again … and in the country’s with a shameful history relating to fascism – this is absolutely disgraceful … this should be utterly condemned by everyone who believes in freedom and human rights – absolutely dire situation for people living in Austria right now who choose not to have the vaccine …
Please share this video as much as possible …
Urgent! We need your support! #Austria is turning into a #policestate now. The government wants to put us in prision up to one year if we do not get vaccinated. Please share this to create as much pressure as possible! Thank you all.
That’s because you aren’t witnessing it. If anything, this is somewhat tangentially antifascist totalitarianism.
Question 1 in the “How To Label This” Quiz: Is there a boot potentially stomping on your face? (a) Yes. (b) No.
I think the last person who stomped onto my head (actually, more kicked against it) was some English guy who didn’t like (German) foreigners. Does that help?
This “antifascism” sure does look exactly like fascism
What’s the difference between fascist and antifacist totalitarianism?
PR spending
Different ideology, different sets of enemies and – a very important point – the first is something all good people resent and fight and the second what they want and do. Especially, all good American people.
To use a different example, the German authorities go out of their way to prosecute each and every living being which committed so much atrocities during the time of the third reich as having seen an actual concentration camp in a distance. Calling these people fascists or even Nazis is just ridicolous. It’s better to call them by their chosen name – democrats – and maybe start to question a few democratic dogmas here and there.
Eg, is this political system which was missold to us (Germans, in this case) based on the claim that it alone would be the one respecting the human rights of its citizens really better than what it replaced, considering that it demonstrably doesn’t? Or is it just a particularly idiotic way of chosing political leaders as ready to go an authoritarian rampage whenever the opportunity arises as all other kinds of somehow selected political leaders?
Can at least write to the Austrian Embassy in London to let your views known.
And the Austrian Tourist Office –
I’m sure many other e-mail addresses within Austria or outside Austria can be found – Linz/Klagenfurt/Innsbruck/Salzburg tourist offices, the railway company – anyone. To let them know your disgust if nothing else. Might help.
I can believe it. I feared the worst after the financial crisis, and it was clear that crisis was for the long term with the democratic crisis of an ageing population and out of control debt and spending – and a world totally screwed up by the various attacks on the family.
The end of the clip recalls that scene at the end of The Sound Of Music where Captain Von Trapp says “I may not see you again for a long time”. But do I really want to give these people all that personal information?
I give a link to a comment which is in a similar vane.
New rules for Poland in the coming week.
Looks like unvaccinated will also be issued more restrictions.
If you know Italy, you know that about 80% of everything that happens, happens under the radar. The green pigpass is over the radar.
That doesn’t make it OK.
And we don’t all want to live ‘under the radar’ in some kind of secret, forbidden society.
A simple question. If the vaccines don’t prevent transmission of the virus, how will the Super Green Pass prevent transmission of the virus? Answers in Italian or English please.
Simple Answer: It’s not about Health.
‘Super Green’, what do they think this is, the fucking Fifth Element? (Apologies, mixed company)
Technocracy in action. Resist this evil or humanity will be enslaved.
77% vaccinated but more measures needed apparently.
So what happened to the vaccine herd immunity that “scientists” promised would end it all?
You can’t jab your way to herd immunity it’s impossible, they know this, but they make money from keeping the lie going. Don’t expect it to stop
Fuck restaraunts and theaters but can I just leave my house without a smartphone? I just want to get out. I’ll go to the subway station on foot, and then to the next subway station and then to the next one and I want to find that one shady looking store that sells chicken for $4.99 and doesn’t have that guard standing there checking my temperature and my smartphone.
The streets are full of surveillance cameras. I’m sure you’ve noticed them. But now you realise they are for YOU.
Following comment;
Of course they are doing dose testing. No doubt about it. They didn’t do animals studies prior to FIH clinical trials bc they didn’t care. This was all about the tech. and saving the industry (among other goals). Further, the manufacturing process control is absent for the same reason. Nothing has been done according to normal drug devt. This experimental, investigative product is still undergoing refinement. It is the most dangerous tech in the world. No, that is not hyperbole. You can literally kill entire, or selected populations, with the right code sequences and knowing the targets. Folks need to wake up this one big data gathering exercise. When its all said and done, they will literally have selected kill shots for every cohort population.
Comment from Steve Kirsh’s newsletter
Craig Paardekooper has made 2 highly enlightening and disturbing. I think everyone will want to see these.
In this one, Craig has created a pivot table with US states on the horizontal axis and successive vaccine batches on the vertical axis. It turns out that most batches have fairly rare side effects, but in about 1 in 200 batches, the number of side effects is more than 1000 times higher. These side effects are visible in all states.
We seem to be dealing with Russian roulette where the revolver has about 200 chambers. As you take more and more boosters, the chance that the weapon will fire if you or a loved one is jabbed, increases.
In this video he has made a scatter plot with time on x-axis and number of side effects from VAERS on y-axis. The rolling time corresponds well to the batches used.
The analysis shows that about 80% of the batches have at most 1 or 2 negative side effects per batch. About 19.5% of the batches have side effects well above the background value, and 0.5% of the batches (1 in 200) are extremely toxic, with side effects 1000-5000x times higher than the background value.
When looking at the supplier of the batches, the majority of the serious side effects in the first months of the vaccination campaign can be attributed to Moderna. The exception is a clear peak of Janssen preceding and following Moderna. The last few months have been dominated by side effects of Pfizer.
It is as if every company has bought the exclusive right to cause most of the serious side effects in a certain period of time.
It seems that Pfizer has been running a series of rigorous dosing tests lately (on human guinea pigs), in which they have linearly decreased the dose of some toxic ingredient. It’s like they are very scientifically testing the lethal dose.
They have alternated the toxic batches over time with relatively harmless batches. The clusters are not only sharply delineated in time, but also in toxicity.
What Craig clearly shows is that the vaccine batches have a crucial link to the side effects. So it is considerably more than just an individual who happens to be extra sensitive to vaccination or accidentally injecting it into the bloodstream, as Dr John Campbell has pointed out. It is also unlikely that a production error occurred in a single batch by accident.
Fog in channel, continent cut off. Thankfully.
Lucky we didn’t have that in 1940. Good old national day of prayer!
This won’t encourage anyone to get a vaccine. It’s more likely to make them less encouraged!
I’m sure those who have refused so far are known to ‘the authorities’. What if they have a ‘special vaccine’ for them?
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
New post from Robert Malone.
Not in the News: COVID Epidemiology
It is negligent to ignore the vaccinated as a source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.
The data above should make decision makers question their assumptions that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission.
“It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures
At the very least all hospital and community doctors should have been warned by the CMOs to consider running baseline investigations such as full blood counts, cardiac enzymes, and clotting screens with D-dimers on anyone appreciably unwell post-vaccine. Instead, there is a growing official wall of studied silence. Our patients and their doctors have been abandoned to chance. This is at the very least criminally-negligent of those responsible.
Some of these severe complications were predicted in early March 2020 by Doctors for Covid Ethics but its prescient warnings were dismissed by the European Medicines Agency.
Mussolini must be spinning in his grave for joy.
I have actually found a super green ass workaround, at least for ‘foreigners’ like me that live in Italy. Hence, why bother with this NPI?
I’ve never known so many people (all vaccinated) that have covid as I do at the moment. Proof of vaccination achieves NOTHING in terms of health outcomes. It may achieve other things however….
So we should expect to see a huge drop in cases with the unvaxed excluded from a normal life. OK we know that’s not going to happen. So what next? I shall be watching Italy’s case numbers with interest.
Its funny the way fashions always come round again. Padded shoulders, Platform shoes, velvet furnishings, its marvelous to see Austria and Germany and Italy bringing back into fashion the politics of the 30’s and 40’s after all it worked out so well then too didn’t it.
How the hell are the bastards still managing to perpetuate this Bollix?
Despite apparent mass protests, strikes, looting, riots, and general carnage caused by the Unvaxxed and COVID Deniers in Italy and elsewhere (if you believe the MSM). This shit show just keeps rolling. Nearly 2 years now FFS! It feels as though we’re stuck in one of those forever-running soaps watched over and over by Dozy Double Digiters (Jabbers) from their sticky sofas.
Everything COVID just keeps repeating Ad Nauseum. Seems we’re stuck in a twisted, evil, and sinister spiral. Groundhog day doesn’t come close.
Why do so few see it? I just don’t get it.
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. Well, that’s how it should be…shouldn’t it?
There is only one possible outcome to this situation of coercive discrimination against the ‘unvaccinated’: the perpetrators and principal collaborators will inevitably be found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, and we do know that many of those found guilty at Nuremberg were sentenced to death by hanging. The perpetrators and principal collaborators had better start working on their excuses.
The Italian and other govts are just panicking.
“Elsewhere in Europe, leaders have rushed in a raft of new lockdown measures and travel bans amid panic over rising cases and the arrival of the Omicron variant.”
Yet the WHO themselves have said that there’s no need to panic or bring in new restrictions.
This is *not* about ‘following the science’, but pure totalitarianism. The Italians need to continue protesting in ever increasing numbers. This is now not about the virus, but basic human freedoms vs. tyranny.
I wrote to my (CofE) Bishop yesterday asking why the churches, inc. CofE have remained so silent during all this, including this blatant discrimination by ‘passport’, and even being complicit with it, e.g. with the lie of mask effectiveness. I await his response.
Mussolini would have been proud of them. At least he made the trains run on time. What can this shower offer? I’ve changed my mind. STALIN would have been proud of them
Just saw this utter Bullshit published in a “Times Coronavirus Update” dated 3rd December 2021 WTF?
“Booster jabs “massively” strengthen the body’s defenses against Covid, according to key results that have raised hopes of strong protection from the Omicron variant. A third dose not only increased antibody levels thirtyfold but roughly tripled levels of T-cells, a part of the immune system that experts believe could be the critical weapon against the heavily mutated Omicron strain. The long-awaited results of the trial underpin Britain’s decision to press ahead with a mass booster campaign. They found that Pfizer and Moderna performed best as boosters out of six vaccines that were tested.”
Followed by today’s Bullshit piece…
“Omicron infections in Britain are doubling every three days, government scientific advisers believe, causing increasing concern about the speed at which the variant is spreading. Families are being forced to separate and quarantine in hotels up to 100 miles apart after arriving from South Africa. Elsewhere, an alleged Christmas party in breach of lockdown rules held in Downing Street was organised by civil servants via a WhatsApp group, The Times has been told.”
Barefaced utter hysterical bollox. Surely there is some sort of law against this kind of fearmongering propaganda masquerading as journalism in the national press? Isn’t IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation) supposed to stop this sort of BS?
WTF do they do these days?
And this is from what was once perceived as an icon of honest independent journalism. Exactly why I canceled my long-standing subscription to both it and the ST over a year ago.
What would Thomas Barnes have to say about today’s sad incarnation of this once-proud publication that was founded on a tradition of honest independent reporting of topical News?
Bob Morans pic says it all.
Must be doing wonders for their tourism e Ono my. I wonder what countries were paid to do this to their own people for a virus that 99.5% of under 70’s survive happily. Hmm?
It is slightly less restrictive for those tourists coming here with foreign “Green ‘Ass” , and that’s my loophole to avoid some of the Italian State Super Green Pass restrictions.
There’s a company based Far East of EU who when they see you taking a cheap lateral flow, (on a video call) will then issue their own National EU Green ‘Ass digitally, for around 12 euros. Many advantages, can be done almost anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Bypasses the local ‘extreme nudges’ and made-up policy approach.
Having said all of that, I haven’t seen many tourists here recently, and a crashing economy – whilst bad for some – possibly allows the rent-seekers from abroad to swoop in?
Italy has postponed a lot of taxes until later. Draghi is apparently quite popular.