The World Health Organisation (WHO) has demanded that nations drop their knee-jerk international travel restrictions after reports from South Africa indicate that the Omicron variant is mild and is not more lethal than the Delta variant. In addition, South Africa has not experienced an increase in Covid deaths since the discovery of the new variant, with patients expressing only mild symptoms. City A.M. has the story.
The WHO and Covid experts are increasingly convinced the new Omicron variant is ‘super mild’ and has, so far, not led to a jump in Covid death rates anywhere in Southern Africa.
The WHO is calling this morning for countries to drop travel restrictions and end the mass hysteria, and instead be cautiously optimistic as more and more reports out of South Africa suggest the new Omicron variant is not more lethal than the previous Delta variant.
In fact, there have been no reports of hospitalisations or deaths as a result of anyone being diagnosed with Omicron.
Most patients merely experience a severe headache, nausea, dizziness and a high pulse rate, according to hospitals and medics across Southern Africa.
However, the news of the new variant, first reported in South Africa, led to mass hysteria around the world: markets thumbed and dozens of countries imposed travel restrictions and additional checks, including the U.K., U.S., E.U., Israel, Australia and Japan after the new mutation popped up in the U.K., Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and Israel among other countries.
Dr. Angelique Coetzee, Chair of the South African Medical Association, said this reaction was “medically seen, not justified”.
A GP for over three decades, and chair of the South African Medical Association, she was the first African doctor to suggest to local authorities Covid had mutated into a new strain.
Coetzee called the response from many European countries, including the U.K., “just a hype”.
“Looking at the mildness of the symptoms we are seeing, currently there is no reason for panicking as we don’t see any severely ill patients.”
South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Phaahla also said the majority of cases of Omicron seen by doctors in his country have been “mild”.
Asked what he knows about how unwell people are who have it, Dr. Phaahla said: “It is still too early at this stage.”
He added he has heard from GPs that the “majority of the people they’ve been seeing are mild”.
Worth reading in full.
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A stopped clock is right twice a day.
Now we just have to wait for the WHO’s second occasion. Though myself I’d rather not bother waiting, and just take the WHO behind the barn with a shotgun.
Better still take Boris.
Don’t think so, Johnson is small fry next to the world government orgs, and he’d only be replaced by someone worse anyway.
Starmer’s far worse, indeed, but we wouldn’t get him this side of an election.
In truth, though, I can’t think of anyone at the top levels of the “Conservative” Party who would be noticeably better, and most would be much the same and therefore worse because probably longer lasting.
That’s not an endorsement of the liar in chief, obviously, merely a recognition of the moral bankruptcy of our political elite in its entirety, in all the major parties.
Government, Parliament and all the institutions of the state are rotten. Once the Queen goes, we won’t even have the dignity of the monarchy left.
If only people could embrace the moment, take responsibility for themselves and reduce the power of the state to the bare minimum. Rule of law, protection of borders and a threadbare welfare system to care for no more than the truly hopeless.
The sooner we get rid of the Windsor’s the better.
Charlie boy is a horrible piece global nonsense and a traitor.
Do not forget the utterly pathetic nature of our churches. ALL denominations, with the possible exception of the Orthodox churches, have FAILED the people of this country.
When the people of this country NEEDED some spiritual lift and direction what did Welby do? For the first time in 800 years he closed the churches. And all of the other denominations followed suit.
I have said this before and I will say it again, the vast majority of the clergy (there are 7,000 who have NOT bowed down to Baal and I am privileged to know some of them) have completely surrendered to the government ‘narrative’; if you try to present an alternative view to them, they will shout you down or ignore you.
I said this in a Daily Telegraph forum and I will say it here: the Church of England is finished and does not deserve to survive. I said this in August last year and nothing, absolutely nothing, has caused me to change my view. And I say this as a communicant member of the Church of England.
Agree entirely. Born, raised and educated a Catholic, I still obviously think like a Catholic but I have not practised since I was 16.
The Catholic Church is wholly corrupted as Archbishop Vigano (?) makes abundantly clear.
When people needed spirituality it was denied by the churches themselves.
Dustbin Jellybaby – a satanic heathen.
Indeed – 20-30 years ago, we could have expected the RC Church to have been against the jabs, developed as they were with aborted foetal cell lines as part of the process. Now, the Vatican is 100% behind the jabs!
Not one institution is on our side in questioning the irrationality of the programme!
The WHO seems somewhat schizophrenic. Only a couple of days ago it was calling for mandated vaccinations in Europe to meet the challenge of the new variant.
As a UN organisation it has some of African influence and I imagine they haven’t taken kindly to the bare faced bullying of the Southern African countries.
I imagine they will continue to advocate the importance of vaccines to beat the new variant while at the same time claiming it’s very mild. The sort of logically consistent stuff we’ve been seeing for the last 2 years.
The WHO is a Chinese mouthpiece. Their recommendations are the same as Putin’s regarding vaccinations – make the whole world against vaccines while instantiating strict mandates in Russia. This sort of two-tongued propaganda is intended to raise chaos level around the world while enhancing one’s own grip on the power.
This is the same raye, who thinks the Covid vaccines are the greatest thing ever.
Seems he plays the same game as Putin and Xi, just on a smaller scale….
The WHO’s position has always been to amplify the Covid-19 scare narrative, but they’ve been completely wrong-footed by the developed world identifying Southern Africa as the source of the Omicron variant. As Tedros Adhanom depended on the support of African nations in his bid to become the WHO’s Director General, this has put him in a seriously embarrassing position, hence the unexpected but predictable U-turn.
They did say last June that there was no evidence of asymptomatic transmission, but the highly qualified lady who said it was told she misspoke very soon afterwards.
The CDC were asked for evidence of AT (in a FOIA), but couldn’t produce any ( If they had any, they would have produced it well before now.
Up is down, down is up. Black is white. White is Black. The world is being driven to madness.
We are past the point where reality has any bearing on the issue. The crims reckon (rightly) that they can get away with any fiction. There is not enough general intelligence to counteract this.
I agree that it is shocking to see how easily people are taken in, even on a subject that addresses them nearly, (not foreign policy, economics etc etc,) but their own health and their responsibility to protect their children’s health.
However I think word of mouth will do it and instinct may step in. There are too many spectators and players going into cardiac arrest at football games.
If the rate at which Stalin disposed of people or Hitler weeded out Jews is any kind if benchmark, we aren’t even close to enough collateral damage for people to react.
Javid has failed to provide proper evidence to justify mandatory jabs for NHS staff, say peers
Ministers have failed to provide proper evidence to justify their decision to require all frontline NHS staff to get vaccinated, a Lords committee says today.
In a report (pdf), the Lords secondary legislation scrutiny committee says that the Department of Health and Social Care’s own figures suggest the benefits will not justify the cost.
Sajid Javid, the health secretary, announced earlier this month that all frontline NHS staff will need to be fully vaccinated from 1 April next year.
But the committee says:
DHSC’s figures anticipate that, of the 208,000 currently unvaccinated workers in the sector, this legislation will result in 54,000 (26%) additional staff being vaccinated and 126,000 (61%) losing their jobs as a result of not complying with the requirement of being vaccinated: this seems a disproportionately small gain for legislation that is anticipated to cause £270m in additional costs and major disruption to the health and care provision at the end of the grace period. The house may expect to be provided with some very strong evidence to support this policy choice, and DHSC has signally failed to do so.
Lord Hodgson, the Conservative peer who chairs the committee, said:
We fully support high levels of vaccination, but DHSC is accountable to parliament for its decisions and needs to give us a clear statement of the effect of these regulations, the effect of doing nothing and any other solutions considered, so parliament fully understands all the consequences of what it is being asked to agree to. This is particularly important when the NHS is already under such pressure.
DHSC has provided no single coherent statement to explain and justify its intended policy, and this undermines the ability of the house to undertake effective scrutiny of the proposed legislation.
What about those of us who’d prefer medics sensible enough to dodge the clot-shots?
A point I have made several times: were I to go to hospital, I would prefer unvaccinated staff.
Medics who can do stats and are numerate seem rare.
Rushworth had a piece a while ago that doctors are very bad at judging probabilities.
It is very easy to identify a competent beyond his speciality doctor: does he believe in and practice witchcraft, aka masks, or not?
That Rushworth piece was jaw-dropping in its implications!
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 31,014 fatalities, and 2,890,600 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
Bad, but only a small fraction of the real “vaccine” carnage
Do they (EU) Von-der Lying et al. care?
After Licensing Board Threatens Disciplinary Action, Maine Physician Asks Board to Define COVID ‘Misinformation’In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians.
Only about 10% of the population seem to look beyond the sensationalist headlines. This is not enough to change the way this is going. In addition there seem to be 2/3rds of the population very invested in the official line (especially after most put faith in ‘the jab(s).
So what are the 7 million going to do about it. Resistance is vital, no resistance is death.
Not sure…I’ve lost work, opportunities, relationships with close family members have been severely impacted, I fully expect to be challenged about the injection at new job I’ve just started (because I will never take it) my most optimistic hope for 2022 is that it will be more of the same thing…however I’ve learned when things are going badly in life there’s always the chance they will get a whole lot worse for some time before they get better…
Those with sunk health from the clot shots have a very big sunk costs fallacy.
Actually, there is research out there that indicates when 3.5% of a population get together against a government, the government will fall. What’s need is a unifying action the 10% (which is more than enough!) can get behind.
They have successfully created two new, major identities, vaxxed or unvaxxed. The former is still growing, but with ever fewer convinced members and ever more angry ones. The boosters will shrink that group and increase ours massively, illnesses will do the rest. Out of 50 million only 16million had their boosters here, although one can get them on a walk in basis since weeks here, in contrast to e.g. Germany, where there is scarcity. THAT is why they are panicking and pushing them.
When the boosters and vaxx mandates fail to prevent next fall’s respiratory illness season, the narrative will collapse, at the latest.
Only 20 months too late with that suggestion.
Why did someone called Nirmal Raj Singh Rathore publish severe Omicron symptoms on the 27th, and then delete it all? On the 27th you could suffer from brain haemorrhages, altered mental states, heart attacks and death from multi organ failure and today you might get a sore throat and muscle aches.
What website was this published on please, cornubian?
I can’t find any information on the author.
He/she/it published fake symptoms, and then took it all down the day after. Read the comments section showing how the vax shill had been rumbled.
All adverse jab reactions, this is extremely telling of where they plan to go with Omicron. Seems Mr Rathore read his script a little early, tsk tsk, I imagine he got a severe botty spanking for that.
Thread of 5 clips.
In a stunning video, 11 nurses and paramedics from Queensland Australia have come forward to talk about their experiences administering the
Yes, watch this!
That’s pretty impressive stuff.
Hope they’ve put it up elsewhere as well – Twitter is absolutely not to be trusted.
Here’s the original source page:
(VIDEO) 11 Australian Nurses Blow The Whistle On COVID Vaccine Side Effects: “We Were Told Not To Talk About What We Had Seen”
Dated 20th Nov, but I’ve not seen this before.
Especially not if the new CEO reportedly said ‘we must move on from the first amendment …’, or words to that effect.
The left have been gunning for the First Amendment for decades, almost as hard as for the Second.
I don’t even think they’re the ‘left’.
Authoritarian capitalists, perhaps, who don’t want much competition but like a market share of 50-90% and ask for the occasional bailout as the banks got in 2008. They’re the kind of capitalists who’d prosper in China, where fascism meets communism as far as I can see.
The remnants of the UK ‘old left’ voted in March against the renewal of the police state laws, along with (mostly) the Tory right.
The ‘It’s the Left’ meme is another one for the hard of understanding – a sort of alternative noddy belief as an alternative to believing the Covid one.
I posted that a week ago LOL
So it’s been posted twice??! What a disaster. What’s the phone number for the website admin, we must contact them as a matter of urgency.
It’s old news over a month old, it didn’t make any difference then either.
Full length video here Whistleblowers Speak on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries (Long) it’s been around for weeks.
Wow! Very moving.
God bless these people.
How come everyone’s missed this?
Savage Jabit – Boosters every 3 months
Seems to be old news
I’m a bit lost for words, Sajid Javid standing up in parliament announcing quarterly (every 3 months) booster jabs & a 4th booster for the vulnerable’s & i’ve seen no one mention it today! Anywhere, why is it being ignored?
It was reported a day or two ago I think. But yes it is shocking. But there are daily outrages now. I think we are losing the ability to be outraged.
And no one’s talking about it?
Watch this link – my anti-virus detects a potential malware download
Nonsense. You need a new anti-virus.
Want to stop people seeing it? Try this platform – BBC Sajid Javid : Booster Jabs should be every 3 months for all people 18 and above
Or this platform—just-a-little-prick-Sajid-Javid-29-11-2021-pronto:e
It’s on YouTube via the brilliant Guardian newspaper
Summary -booster jabs! Waiting times slashed from 6 months to 3 months! 50% off!
All over 18s! Line up for more jabs!
Pregnant women! Sign up for early bird chance to have your fetus injected in utero! (Made that bit up, that’s not going to happen. Until January).
Omicron Variant Is a Mild Mutation and Governments Must Drop the Hysteria, Says WHO
Unless you very elderly and/or had very serious underlying health conditions then Covid19 was hardly the killer virus that governments were making it out to be either ...
Measles 1.45%? Averaged over the decade prior to 1968, when the first single measles vaccine was introduced in the UK, measles mortality was about 1 in 10000, ie, 0.01%. The figures can be found on the government statistics websites. It had fallen from around 1 in 100 at the turn of the century, that is, it had fallen by around 99% *before* the vaccine was introduced.
0.6% a little high for covid isn’t it?
Might be a figure for older, fatter first world populations I suppose.
Austria: Compulsory Jabs Or Fines and/or Prison
Another medical emergency at a football match. Apparently, play in tonight’s Watford and Chelsea match has been held up while a spectator is treated for a suspected cardiac arrest.
Another one at Southampton too. Delayed half time return.
A cardiac arrest happens in a football stadium and it makes headlines on national news.
The same cardiac arrest occurs in a pub in Watford and it makes the local news maybe.
Just how many cardiac arrests do you think occur (I don’t honestly know, I do know I witnessed a few when working in the resuscitation room in A&E including an 8 week old baby)?
Why are there AEDs(automatic external defibrillator) located in railway stations and town centres?
Could it have been vaccination induced? Maybe
Could it be something unrelated? Maybe
Did the person have a known heart condition? Maybe
Could they have developed an idiopathic arrhythmia? Maybe
“Every death with a positive SARS-CoV-2 is due to CoViD19.“ according to the powers that be, so why is that any different to every cardiac arrest in football spectators is due to the vaccine?
The one at St Mary’s just says the spectator was ill
If most Omicron-infected patients have a severe headache, nausea or dizziness, that would be decidedly worse than what he had so far as most cases were PCR-positives with no symptoms or usually mild cold symptoms like runny nose and sore throat. If that’s called super mild, that’s a backward reference to non-omicron COVID which is – of course – super bad and often lethal, both of these statements being untrue.
And then, we of course have
the WHO recommends that all countries “take a risk-based and scientific approach and put in place measures which can limit its possible spread”.
in other words, the WHO urges countries to (re-)adopt the tried and trusted set of COVID policies so far, mask mandates, social distancing, hospitality closures and ultimatively, lockdowns. Proactively, because it is not clear if the new variant is more alarming than other versions of the virus, IOW, we don’t know anything about this yet, but it’s surely at least as bad as what we already know.
To which one can only emphatically reply with: Same old, same old, WHO. Fuck off.
So? A squillion local ‘experts’ will say otherwise. We are in Feyerabend territory: science is no more valid than magic.
WHO, the voice of reason!!!!
“Looking at the mildness of the symptoms we are seeing, currently there is no reason for panicking as we don’t see any severely ill patients.”
If this is true, and assuming the official story up until recently was true (which it wasn’t), it would be a good thing, then, if Mr Omicron knocked all the pre-existing variants out of the ring.
Is anyone watching the football? Delays at both Vicarage Road and St Marys due to fans having cardiac arrests…..because that’s completely normal!
This is what will shorten the vax queues.
Well it can’t be blamed on outstanding football, that’s for sure.
one cardiac arrest at Vicarage Road stopped for 30 minutes whilst spectator resuscitated and taken to hospital
one person taken ill at St Mary’s, match held up for 15 minutes, no more information at the moment.
Why would one cardiac arrest in a crowd of several thousand football supporters plus the rest of Watford be considered particularly unusual?
Because it happened in a football ground instead and delays a football match it gets reported on the national news, if it had been the pub then it may have made the local news.
South Africa just want to protect their holiday season.
On a recent episode of “The Corbett Report,” journalist and researcher James Corbett interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about his latest book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”
Asked why he wrote the book, Kennedy said:
“Over the past 20 months [there’s been] a coup d’état against liberal democracy, and one of the key players in this medical cartel or medical technocracy is Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“There’s an entire coalition of sinister forces [including] pharmaceutical companies, the intelligence agencies, the medical bureaucracies, the social media titans, the mainstream media and the military, which are all wrapped up in this obliteration of constitutional rights and the use of a health crisis to impose totalitarian controls.”
We know that the intelligence agencies & the social media titans are not 2 separate things.
The deep state got bored and went rogue.
Remember the unnamed omicron-positive person who was said to have been in “Westminster” but who was then reported to have left the country? It seems to have been the Israeli cardiologist Elad Maor. The boroughs he was in have now changed to Newham and Islington. But he “travelled to the conference in east London using the tube and Docklands Light Railway each day”, so we can all understand why Westminster was the only borough mentioned in earlier reports before he was named. Right? The tube map must have confused him. Or else he’d always wanted to climb on top of one of the lions in Trafalgar Square so he went there in his free time between two conference talks.
Where better to release your hand made new variants?
He is an expert on telemedicine, and he has worked with data provided by SHL Telemedicine Ltd.
“SHL at a glance:
Well I said we should have a sweep stake on who drops one first out of the 6 games, didn’t think it’d be two fans at two separate grounds though.
Seems playing and watching football is soo dangerous it’ll need banning!!
‘Pure-blood sports’ I’m coining that.
You could auction a copy of your comment here as an NFT
Before they ban crypto!
I usually only use dark banter with my un-jabbed friends, but it’s time to go to the jabby lads’ group chat. Maybe it’s not too late to save their children.
Tonight’s opener, rip the bandage off:
“Hey what’s the score at Chelsea, I hear the fans are down by 1?!”
As ordered by the courts the FDA must release the data it based it’s EUA for the Pfizer shot.
The FDA requested the courts to keep this information confidential for no less than 55 YEARS!!
The court returned with an order to release 500 documents a month.
Read the thread here –
You can also find the Pfizer documents here –
Someone in the cabal will ‘have a word’ with the WHO and Moronic will become a huge, deadly killer v quickly.
The WHO is the nexus of the cabal and they were really asserting (based on nothing but We don’t really know anyhing yet) that omicron will be at least as bad as delta and possibly worse and urging countries to adopt the usual social engineering procedures to control the evil Marmite – sorry – the spread, obviously.
Good old Shagger. He just can’t help himself:
Starting the legwork for ensuring that mask mandates et al won’t be lifted in three weeks by claiming that Sars-CoV2 is the virus which just keeps getting ever more deadly. As we all know, propaganda targetted against the unvaccinated had to be stopped months ago as they all died.
I’m not usually given to violence (unless attacked) but beating this guy up until he either stops spouting nonsense voluntarily or will have lost the ability to do so for a long time would be a really enjoyable and socially responsible pasttime.
Shagger is as reliable as the grauniad!
I reliably do the opposite of anything they propose.
He just likes to expose his ideas and evidently also himself.
Possibly an animal origin for Moronic, sorry ‘Omicron’, which could explain the many differences from Delta
New income stream there – vaccines for bonzo and kitty!
Amusing when it was the WHO pandering to China and refusing to recommend travel bans that allowed SARs2 to take over the world in the first place.
They maybe right THIS time – but its a complete accident.
Someone at WHO wants a mask free Christmas.
Off subject but something to bear in mind is that Bill Gates funds The Guardian with $5 million. It makes interesting reading looking for the other things he funds.
That would be loose change for Bill. He’s probably got a favourite ’cause’ in every country.
Yes, that is true, but the entire agenda is being driven by the Left as is Climate Change crap. Ever noticed the Covidians are almost exclusively Climate nutters as well?
The save the environment kooks who, before the advent of the virus, decried the use of plastic straws, are more than happy to litter the planet with covid waste: masks, ppe, plexiglass, gloves, swabs….
The Telegraph got about $2 million from him a few years back, ISTR.
I wonder how much positive news coverage that buys you these days.
Which is probably why you can’t comment on any article that Paul Nuki writes, funny that!
Indeed. ‘Follow the money’ still holds good.
Of course, the ‘Left’ controls all the big money like the banks and the ‘Foundations’ and Hedge Funds.
MSM is trying to make fun of people wanting to protect themselves with cheap and proven drugs. Ivermectin has been FDA approved for human use since 1996. It also beats Pfizer’s new wonder drug hands down, and costs next to nothing. Ivermectin doesn’t make tons of money. So they know the Covid shot is on its final gasp, so they take it add something different to it, rebrand under another name and charge 20 times what they would for ivermectin. I cannot wrap my head around this nonsense. When I explain this to my relatives they label me as crazy and ask me if I know better than science. I don’t make up these information out of my ass. All this information is true and proven. For some people it is near impossible for them to wake up. They are comfortable in their clown world life. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit
Analysis of FDA documents released on Pfizer trial. Pretty shocking and impossible to understand how they could authorise the use of this.
Looking at the amount of AE’s recorded for the 42,000+ is jaw dropping.
Whats worse, out of the recorded AE about 1:37 is death. That is isane.
The FDA admits these are only recorded AE that are considered above mild. There was so much more that wasn’t released.
If Pfizer are seen to have fraudulently obtained approval, all of their “no liability” clauses with governments will be legally null and void, I suspect.
If their management think that politicians are going to take the rap under these circumstances I think they are being very naïve.
If I was a lot younger, not 68, I’d do a law degree. It looks like a job with a big future.
Likewise, it clearly pays better than IT, and they haven’t outsourced law to India. Well not yet.
where is this published in the WHO website? the link only goes to City AM. not the most reputable of sources for me to go printing all over shoddy MSM comment sections!
I was just reading/seeing further down the comments about boosters every 3 months, according to Jabbit. The hysteria about omicron and the urgency perceived by the effing NHS means that the drive to now give everyone a booster indicates that other services may suffer, especially GP services (the government have apparently stated this). Well, GP services couldn’t get any worse anyway, and if all our medical services spend all their time jabbing 70 million people every 3 months, exactly what other medical work is going to be done?
Having become totally jaundiced and cynical about what is actually going on, I think this is all part of the plan to thin down the population. People unable to get treatment will be passed off as legitimate collateral damage. All those killed by the vaccine will be ‘victims of omicron’. I can’t work out yet though why the government wants to replace the population with fit young men who arrive illegally by boat (said only partly in jest).
What’s the cost of boosters for ‘ever’?
My back of a fag packet figure is nearly £10 bn per yr.
We can’t afford it. It makes no economic sense.
They will make us pay for it ourselves!
Not to mention ‘admin’ costs!
The WHO seeing the writing on the wall – the “pandemic” is over – and manoeuvring itself so the blame doesn’t head its way?
I wish.
My brain is getting very fuzzy.
Didn’t the WHO, more precisely the WHAT on earth, say something completely different only two days ago
And our money as taxpayers goes to support these charlatans
They should save their hysteria for the real problem on the horizon. Total failure of the gene therapy. Policy makers need to stop getting drunk and start doing some reading.
“The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing”November 19, 2021
The Lancet
“High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing.
In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type [[1]].
In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older [[2]]. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27. October 2021 (Figure 1) providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission.
A similar situation was described for the UK. Between week 39 and 42, a total of 100.160 COVID-19 cases were reported among citizens of 60 years or older. 89.821 occurred among the fully vaccinated (89.7%), 3.395 among the unvaccinated (3.4%) [[3]]. One week before, the COVID-19 case rate per 100.000 was higher among the subgroup of the vaccinated compared to the subgroup of the unvaccinated in all age groups of 30 years or more.
In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease [[4]]
Are the W.H.O. developing a conscience?
“Mild” and “end the hysteria” doesn’t suit the Agenda of the Globalists, SAGE ….. or the f’wit Johnson.
GPs in South Africa are seeing people? People with Covid?
Much of the hysteria here must be laid at the door of the BMA and its milking the crisis for political and financial gain. The disappearance of GPs into what amounts to a paid, two year strike is overwhelming A&E departments and the ambulance service. Their refusal to take part in the ‘booster’ programme, not for the sake of patients with other illnesses, but because they wanted more money for it, means that a lot of older people, who do not have smartphones or broadband, have not been for them. In my town the closed surgery has a sign on the door telling people to go to the cattle market!
Yep: being a doctor used to be a vocation, now it is a vacation!
I like that – genius!
Be careful of tarring all GPs with the same brush. There are posters here who have emphasized that their practise has resisted, and my personal experience is of a practise that is now operating pretty efficiently.
Well, WHO’D have thought it, some truth coming out. What’s the bets she will be silenced?
Science fraud detective warns her discovery of thousands of cases of data manipulation is ‘tip of the iceberg’ (
The interesting question is why the WHO is changing its usual tune?
Could it be that nations in Africa who know that the Covid nonsense is just a damaging myth are beginning to flex muscle?
Obviously – in an uncensored environment, this is a major news story. No ifs or buts – complete contradiction of government action.
I am one of the many who steers clear of BBC News. But did they report this overturning of the narrative – it’s a good bit of litmus paper.
The South Africans discovered the variant. There was no panic. When it got going, panic spread like a virus
But where did the panic start?
Sadly, if you trace it back, the worldwide panic started with Boris Johnsons press conference.
The quacks around Boris gave the wrong advice, but it was his decision.
Have just emailed the article quote block, suitably highlighted, to my (Conservative) MP, suggesting they get a new, rational leader.
This is where we need Corporal Jones’ “Don’t Panic!”
The increased restrictions imposed in England after the arrival of omicron has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a) the so called experts realising that once again they could get their hands round our throats, and b) the utter ignorance and stupidity of Javid and Johnson who have once again kow towed to people like Michie, Ferguson and Vallance. I am triple jabbed, so why the hell should I wear a face mask again? If it is needed, what does that say about all the pressure to get vaccinated? It is merely another attempt to terrorise the sheep and exert complete control over the smallest aspects of our daily lives. Cancel parties? Stop socialising? We’ve been there and got the mental and public health problems to show for it. Johnson needs to open us up fully and tell the “experts” to go to the hell to which their failed policies have confined us for most of the last 22 months