Worried by the recent emergence of localised outbreaks, a growing number of local authorities in China have decreed that children between the ages of three and 11 must receive the vaccine. The decision has been made in light of China’s zero-tolerance policy towards any further outbreaks, coupled with the rapidly approaching Beijing Winter Olympics, set to take place in February next year. The South China Morning Post has the story.
The expansion of the vaccination campaign comes as parts of China take new clampdown measures to try to stamp out small outbreaks. Gansu, a north-western province heavily dependent on tourism, closed all tourist sites on Monday after finding new Covid cases. Residents in parts of Inner Mongolia have been ordered to stay indoors due to an outbreak there.
The National Health Commission reported 35 new cases of local transmission had been detected over the past 24 hours, four of them in Gansu. Another 19 cases were found in the Inner Mongolia region, with others scattered around the country.
China has employed lockdowns, quarantines and compulsory testing for the virus throughout the pandemic and has largely stamped out cases of local infection while fully vaccinating 1.07 billion people in its population of 1.4 billion.
In particular, the Government is concerned about the spread of the more contagious Delta variant by travellers and about having a largely vaccinated public ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics in February. Overseas spectators have already been banned from the Games, and participants will have to stay in a bubble separating them from people outside.
Worth reading in full.
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are the Chinese using traditional technology vaccines that don’t work or are they using new gene therapy technology ‘vaccines’ that don’t work and may seriously injure or even kill you?
further comprehensive information on our amazing new technology ‘vaccines’ can be found here.
This is a never ending spiral of evil
Robin Monotti on the No Green Pass movement in Italy
….. join the peaceful resistance …..
Wednesday 27th October 11:30am
Yellow Boards Event – Stand by the Road
(If we start at 11:30am some people might join on their lunch break.)
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Saturday 30th October 2pm
Alexander Park (near Bandstand) Stand in the Park
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Windsor SL4 1QY
Meet in the Park 2pm followed by walk to
Stand in the Town Centre By the Castle
About 2 hours in total.
Stand in the Park Wokingham Sundays 10am
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Howard Palmer Gardens Wokingham RG40 2HD
behind the Cockpit Path car park in the centre of the town
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Either way, there is no justification in jabbing children!
As far as I’m aware they have several (at least three) inactivated virus types (‘New Crown’, ‘BBIBP-CorV’, CoronaVac), one protein-based vaccine ZF2001, and one adenovirus viral vector Ad5-nCoV. Others are in trials stages.
any idea of the efficacy of the first 3
Worldwide madness.
A worldwide, evil, plan!
Shhhh… nobody knows – as Hitler mused, ”luckily they’re too stupid”
“The decision has been made in light of China’s zero-tolerance policy towards any further outbreaks”
Sorry, needs fixing
The decision has been made in light of China’s zero-tolerance policy towards anyone remaining unvaxxed, to prevent further outbreaks of anyone believing covid isn’t a deadly pandemic that requires everyone to be vaxxed continuously, forever”
Presumably these poisons are made in China, like face nappies and bogus testing kits?
Or, The decision has been made in light of China’s previous failed attempts to limit the number of children a couple could have.
For those familiar with the Fermi Paradox, the Plandemic is starting to feel more and more to me like The Great Filter. I’m blaming Franklin, Crick and Watson – as soon as we discovered DNA, I think we were doomed as a species.
Or is it the moment that we as a species, billions of individuals, transition into being just one immense global organism made up of billions of cells under the control of a central nervous system etc, an entity that is capable of leaving this planet, ( in some form, like the adult insect is able to fly away from the remains of the food source it consumed as a larva ), and of perceiving other equally vast organisms that we could not see before, as the larval stage of the insect probably cannot imagine let alone actually see the winged adult insects in flight overhead?
The title of this piece should be:
China’s state propaganda machine tells Westerners that they’re now jabbing 3 year old children..
This tells us nothing about who they’re actually vaccinating and in what numbers.
I’ve long suspected that the CCP just makes stuff up completely. I don’t know why anyone believes a word of it. They “claimed” that the Wuhan outbreak was contained despite four million people leaving the province…
Yup – just like those alleged Chinese CCTV videos of people collapsing in public ‘with covid’. Must have been circus performers because they collapsed very convincingly – well enough to panic gullible western politicians.
This ^^^^
Very astute comment!
It only ends when we so no more!
I’ve been saying no more since March 2020
The only reason China is promoting a Vax for 3 year olds is so that the rest of the world will follow its example. However, where the Chinese Sino Vax is traditionally made and contains the dead or inactive virus or portions thereof, it is not an Adeno or Mrna Vax. So while China administers its likely ineffective Vax, it is not potentially exposing its whole population to what may be the disastrous long term consequences of the Adeno or Mrna Vaxes.
The Chinese play Go while the rest of the world play Checkers.
“the Chinese Sino Vax is traditionally made and contains the dead or inactive virus”
A very clever trick for a virus that doesn’t actually exist.
Are they to be vaccinated with the vaccine that is not a vaccine?
Is it true that the injection they’re using over there is more like a traditional vaccine? Not available here? So we have to have a different one?
We can’t let them have a nuclear/mine shaft/jab gap! Quick, rollout to the babies!
Dr Strangelove seemed sane compared to this mess.
China has employed lockdowns, quarantines and compulsory testing for the virus throughout the pandemic and has largely stamped out cases of local infection
That people still spout this gibberish nearly two years on is staggering.
What is also staggering is that Western liberals suddenly believe everything the Chinese tell them.
You have to have a grudging respect for the Chinese – they have truly fucked the West.
…without firing a shot.
Maybe they have been reading The Art of War.
Look around your home and see how many items you have bought with Made in China stamped on them, or with Made in China labels.
Now think – who has ‘fucked the West’? “But it was cheap!”
Not pointing the finger at you personally, but the shops are filled with plastic crap from China – even the ‘J-cloths’ in our local shop are Made in China – they are crap, which is why I won’t buy them, but many do (and are disappointed).
Even more of the same to come, all linked to the 4th Industrial Revolution:
Well, yes, indeed. One has to recognise they have played a blinder. As totalitarians go, they are sadly better at it than some of their recent contemporaries like the Soviet Union and the various European fascist/Nazi states. They realise the need for bread and circuses and they deliver it. They will outlast all of us here on this forum I fear.
Can we stop pretending this has anything to do with a virus? They’re injecting children because they want to inject children, and they won’t stop at 3 yr olds either. New-borns are next target.
That epidural they are offering you might contain more than just a nerve block.
Latest blog from Dr David Grimes
Excellent as usual.
“China has a history of female infanticide spanning 2,000 years”
‘Vaccinating’ them makes a change from just killing them.
If true hopefully this will lead to the eradication, or at least severe reduction of the chinese population.
Nah: it’s the politicians who need to be terminated (as is true almost everywhere else)!
I think the Chinese are actively trying to increase their population at present. I think I remember reading that, unlike the old days where they limited families to one, then two, they are encouraging parents to have three children.
That was the first thought that crossed my mind when i read the headline.
The Chinese ‘vaccines’ can’t be too bad. They’re going to need those 3 year old’s to be soldiers of the future, to achieve world domination by force or other means.
Excellent UK Column news today if anyone hasn’t seen it yet https://www.ukcolumn.org/
China can say they are vaccinating which can be true or false, but because China are now saying they are vaccinating infants all the useful idiots elsewhere will demand their own infants are vaccinated. All through this China has driven the response simply by showing dramatic imagery of lockdowns and people falling down ‘dead’ and then saying ‘success’. Last year a Chinese doctor shared a conference with Dr ‘Gain of Function’ Fauci, in China and warned countries not to open up until everyone has been vaccinated, which may take until 2023. This doctor went on to say natural immunity won’t work because it is unscientific and inhuman. For context, China is the country where the Tiananmen Square massacre took place, where the Uyghurs are being persecuted.
So – sacrifice the children for the sake of the world’s perception of the Olympics. Sick. Though I daresay this might just be what they’re SAYING and not DOING – why would they waste money on peasants, after all?