- “France’s Long-Time Vaccine Policy Chief: Covid Policy Is ‘Completely Stupid’ and ‘Unethical’” – Professor Christian Perronne tells U.K.Column: “I saw how the epidemic was managed since February-March 2020, I was amazed. I saw that it was completely crazy. That’s why I spoke out in the media, but now I’m censored in the media.”
- “Serious Group of Scientists Declare Covid Vaccine Risks Too High to Ignore” – “In what will most likely be ignored by the mainstream is a potential bombshell of a peer-reviewed, published paper warning the world to slow down on the mass Covid vaccinations,” reports TrialSite.
- “The weaponisation of vaccination” – “The vital public health measure of vaccination is being transformed into a project of the extension of state control, with measures such as Covid passports and mandatory vaccination,” writes ‘josieappleton’.
- “Covid Vaccines and Cancer” – Swiss Policy Research provides a brief update on Covid vaccine adverse events.
- “The Public Health Officials Say ‘Trust Us’. The Data Says Otherwise” – I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Ben Shapiro, but feelings trump facts when it comes to Covid, writes Anthony Rozmajzl in Mises Wire.
- “Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid” – Swedish State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell tells UnHerd: “I think we tried to argue from fairly early on that this is a disease we have to learn to live with… And more and more countries are taking that position.”
- “Norway Official: Covid Can Now Be Compared to the Flu as Country Removes Pandemic Restrictions” – Norway has ended its Covid-related restrictions, with the Assistant Director for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health saying: “We are now in a new phase where we must look at the coronavirus as one of several respiratory diseases with seasonal variation.”
- “The Illiberalism in Our Institutions” – In attempting to please their narrow client bases, they treat due process and open inquiry as values that can be sacrificed, writes Sahil Handa in his latest substack update.
- “Canada’s election serves as a timely warning shot: Conservatives are living on borrowed time” – In progressive Canada, right-wing ideas have been silenced. That should set alarm bells ringing, writes Eric Kaufmann in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Green zealots are almost as dangerous as the Triffids” – We may not be facing The Day Of The Triffids, but we face the Day Of The Nitwits, when 30 years of relentless green zealotry send us spinning into the Third World, write Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday.
- “Energy bills set to soar by more than £300 next year” – Research from the CEBR shows the nation’s poorest families will take the biggest hit as the energy crisis bites, reports the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Cambridge scholars ‘delighted’ by Vice-Chancellor Stephen Toope’s early exit” – A Senior Research Fellow at Trinity College says: “One hopes a new Vice-Chancellor will have more respect for the freedom of academics in how they go about their work than Toope and be less sympathetic to fashionable causes such as ‘decolonising the curriculum’.”
- “Labour MPs pushed for NHS to be labelled ‘institutionally racist’” – Dawn Butler and Sarah Owen have urged other ministers involved in an official inquiry into the Covid pandemic to make an accusation of racism, reports the Sunday Telegraph.
- “‘Colonialism’ is more complex than woke historians would have you believe” – Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch is right to point out that ‘colonialism’ was not invented by white, European men, writes David Abulafia in the Telegraph.
- “The Lancet accused of sexism after calling women ‘bodies with vaginas’” – The prestigious medical journal has prompted a wave of anger online after a “well-meaning but unhelpful attempt to be inclusive”, reports the Telegraph.
- “The Lancet and the problem with women” – “Quite soon, the word ‘women’ could be considered so dangerous as to be unutterable,” writes ‘Steerpike’ in the Spectator.
- “Images from Victoria as No Vax Passport Protesters march through the City” – Demonstrators gathered in London on Saturday to protest against the possible imposition of vaccine passports.
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