This is the 12th of the regular round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 11th one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with the Daily Sceptic‘s other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr Tess Lawrie recently wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been “fact checked” here.) We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- Further ‘breakthrough cases‘ in vaccinated people have been reported in Israel, India and Florida. A preprint study in the Lancet has found that: “Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strain”, indicating that fully vaccinated people can transmit the Delta variant.
- Further reports of myocarditis and heart conditions post-Covid vaccine have been acknowledged by the CDC. Case studies have appeared in Clinical Research and Cardiology and BMC Cardiovascular Disorders along with a media report in the Daily Mail.
- The Times reports on rare blood clots caused by COVID-19 vaccines. NICE guidelines have been updated to reflect protocol for the treatment of Vaccine Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT) and further guidance is available from the NHS and Thrombosis UK. Further Clinical Features of VITT appear in the New England Journal of Medicine while the Journal of Korean Medical Science publishes its first case study on intracerebral haemorrhage due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after vaccination against COVID-19.
- Results of the Moderna trial on children have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reporting local reactions after the first injection in 94.2% of participants and after the second injection in 93.4%. Systemic adverse reactions were reported in 68.5% of the participants after the first injection and in 86.1% after the second injection; grade 3 events were reported in 4.4% and 13.7%, respectively, and one participant reported a grade 4 event. No cases of myocarditis were reported although the authors acknowledge that the sample size (2,489) was likely too small.
- Eleanor Riley, Professor of Immunology and Infectious Disease at Edinburgh University, is reported in the Herald as saying vaccinating young people will not protect adults.
- Public Health England have published their SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical Briefing 21. This continues to demonstrate a similar risk of death for the under-50s between the double vaccinated and unvaccinated (0.07% and 0.04% of Delta cases respectively), questioning the need to continue the vaccination drive in younger people.
- A new analysis by TrialSite News finds that Covid vaccines have 98 times the rate of deaths reported to VAERS than flu vaccines. A comparison of the event rates reported for different vaccines and different adverse reactions provides “material evidence that the increase is not due mainly to an increase in the number of vaccinations given, nor to stimulated reporting”.
- CNBC reports that two senior FDA officials responsible for reviewing COVID-19 vaccine applications – Marion Gruber and Phil Krause, respectively the director and deputy director of the Office of Vaccines Research & Review – have quit the agency, because they are unhappy about the CDC overruling them and moving forward with booster shots.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data on August 13th bringing the total to 595,622 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 13,068 deaths and 81,050 serious injuries.
- Suspected adverse events in the U.K. as reported in the media: Michael Mitchell (65); Pawel Panasiuk (45); Alex Evans (31); Lisa Shaw (44).
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report published on August 26th, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,165,636 events based on 351,404 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,609.
- Pfizer (21.3 million first doses, 16.6 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 199 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 41,929 people vaccinated (508).
- AstraZeneca (24.8 million first doses, 23.9 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 108 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 23,485 people vaccinated (1,056).
- Moderna (1.4 million first doses, 0.7 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 100 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 50,000 people vaccinated (28).
Overall, one in every 135 people vaccinated (0.7%) have experienced a Yellow Card adverse event. The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures. On average there have been 47 deaths and 10,500 adverse event injuries reported per week.

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‘Vaccine’, ‘Vaccinated’, ‘Vaccination’ NO. NO. NO. – anyone who tries to jab me, my family and my loved ones with that *monkey gunk* will learn the ultimate lesson. This is the hill I die on: FIGHT. BACK. BETTER. – Updated information, resources and useful links:
What vaccine safety?
The resistance begins NOW: Global non-compliance movement launched against medical tyranny
This why we need to get join in with Worldwide BACKLASH as much as possible before it’s too late
Next events: Bracknell ,Woking & Wokingham
5.30pm Wednesday 1st September
Bracknell Fire Staton
Downshire Way,
Berkshire, RG12 7AA
5.30pm Friday 3rd September
Loddon Bridge, (Winnersh Garden Centre/Showcase Cinema)
Reading Rd, Winnersh,
Wokingham RG41 5HG
12pm Woking Saturday 4th September – details to follow . . .
Stand in the Park Bracknell – Sundays from 10am & Wednesdays from 2pm
As the draconian health ID track-n-trace apps roll in unopposed…
Meanwhile Reiner Fuellmich speaks with super-chappie James – This is Worse Than What Happened in the Third Reich
Gallows humour…
I did not know that being diabetic is being perfectly healthy. So why are there charities doing research, a sugar tax, specialist diabetes nurses in every GP practice etc?
And 35 stone as well.
Are there any stats on the extent to which vaccines do actually reduce the risk to people like this with multiple risk factors? Yes, I know they (government / health bodies) claim they do but I don’t believe any of their claims without data to back it up.
Clots do not seem to be rare, it seems the risk of clots after injection of the clotting agent is 100%,
The only “rare” event being that the problems these clots cause will be medically associated with the jab.
Any clotting disorder is due to an overreaction of the immune system, it is called Distributed Intravascular Clotting (DIC). This can occur in any disease process, it is the “non blanching rash” associated with meningitis, where there are haemorrhages under the skin. The capillaries start to become leaky. The clotting cascade is interfered with resulting in platelet accretion where there shouldn’t be.
This should not be taken that I am of the opinion that the various SARS-CoV-2 vaccines cannot precipitate DIC or other extreme immune responses such as myocarditis or Guillain Barre Syndrome, I am not. The other issue is if the vaccines can precipitate such reactions in the short term then there should be a concern that they could precipitate long term autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, lupus or type 1 diabetes.
Great post
And here come the boosters and another round of deaths and damage. They obviously obviously don’t believe enough have been killed or damaged by these “jabs” already.
This paper:–1811.pdf
shows all cause morbidity worse with the vaccines, based on the published NEJM trial data for PFizer, Moderna and JNJ
0.7 per cent adverse events? 7 percent if under- reporting is taken into account?
Pull the other one – this must exclude s lot of non-critical but concerning events that are not typical of other medicine trials.
I was astounded at the frequency of such as friends and family got jabbed.
Yes it would be instructive to compare the Yellow Card reported rates with the rates observed rates in the various clinical trials, to establish the likely rate of underreporting.
In the Uber ride last night, driver told me he would never take the jab. Claimed more than half of those that spoke about the jab said they wouldn’t take it. Many others saying they regretted it. Had taken several trips to the hospital with adverse reaction rides. One with giant swollen lips, one that nearly died.
The yellow card reporting is way under.
Met my Normy friends..
But it’s still amazing how normies don’t hear about side effects and think this is fine. They do seem to be wondering about breakthrough cases but split on whether that means getting boosters are ok or ridiculous.
They are also certain there will be no more lockdowns. And if there is, my crazy conspiracies would be vindicated. I said give until November.
Winter is coming.
Many others saying they regretted it.
I’m hearing a lot of this lately – especially those who had the jab just so that they could go on holiday abroad for a couple of weeks.
I’m hearing this too, and a few saying they’re refusing the second shot.
I certainly do – but not another drop.
I have been wondering why it is taking me so long to get rid of a UTI and then I read this today in Conservative Woman. I had the AZ jab which I felt coerced to consent to in order to travel which I have not been able to do until now because of ridiculous government restrictions, nothing to do with my health.
”Renal & Urinary Disorders: 795 (Pfizer) + 2,507 (AZ) + 93 (Moderna) + 23 (Unknown) = 3,418”
Only ever agree to a medical procedure/drugs/vaccines, etc after doing proper research, then consider risks v benefits and then make an informed decision
Sorry to hear that. I hope you get over it soon. My wife suffers from them and it sounds truly aweful.
Best not to get any boosters I imagine.
I don’t intend to.
I’d recommend that your wife starts taking vitamin D3 (in the morning) and vitamin K2 (in the evening). Aside from its immune-boosting qualities vitamin D controls the absorption of calcium, so you need to also take vitamin K2 to ensure that the absorbed calcium ends up in the correct place in your body.
I had five UTIs during my pregnancy last year and before that I was always coming down with chest infections. I started taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D (and 100–150 mcg of vitamin K) daily since last summer and since then I haven’t had so much as a sniffle. I’m naturally very pale and don’t get much sun, so my vitamin D levels must have been insufficient to support my immune system before then. Now my health is the best its ever been and I attribute it all to the wonders of vitamin D!
Also supplement with Magnesium as it works together with Vitamin D3 and K2 to absorb calcium into the bones and teeth and not to circulate in the blood where it causes osteoporosis, calcified arteries, heart disease etc. If taken as such, then no supplemental Calcium is required.
More information on vitamin D, dosages and levels
Always good to get a vitamin D3 test to determine base levels and then supplement accordingly. If very low or non existent levels then much higher doses of vitamin D3 should be taken. Keep in mind that our bodies .manufacture’ around 10,000IU vitamin D during sufficient sun exposure
I’m sorry to hear you’re unwell but were there no other major red flags for you in this tale until now?!
If I was you I’d try high-dosing vitamin C powder to clear the infection. You want to reach ‘bowel tolerance’. There are protocols online you can look up. I get my pure vitamin C here (and no, I don’t work for the company!):
Great advice! Yes we all should take vitamin C everyday, in divided doses.
Vitamin C powder, Ascorbic Acid is the most affordable option. One way of getting it down is to put powder in the mouth and then chase it with water.
When at deaths door: Complete Doctor’s Protocol for Treating Coronavirus with Intravenous Vitamin C by Dr. Paul S. Anderson.
Get liposomal vitamin C to give to children
I remember Haliborange….
The bottom line is that the pharma companies will not accept any liability, why would anyone put their trust in that.
Let’s face it. The only REAL immunity with these vaccines, is what the pharmacy companies get!
And those doing the spiking as well, don’t they?
It will be interesting to see what happens if someone with vaccine injuries tries to sue the NHS for lack of informed consent because they weren’t told of potential side effects, making any consent invalid.
Tricky one. On the one hand, i hope someone does sue the NHS. On the other hand, i can’t help taking a dim view of having, as a tax payer, to pay compensation (if awarded) to those who failed to do the due diligence as we have and had the vaccine, especially those at low risk from Covid.
If the public mood ever turns sufficiently, they may be awarded retrospective liability anyway.
What is the number of adverse effects from these inoculations as a percentage of adverse effects of all medications?
Apparently, there are more reported adverse reactions for these jabs than for all vaccines added together over the past 30 years. The government and its advisers assure us that this is merely a coincidence!
If I see the 251 times the viral load (therefore, coronameasures must continue — did somebody ever bother to read to this point?) nonsense once more, I’ll consider trying to hit it.
Virus in a nutshell: Reproduces while killing cells as side effect, hence high viral load equals very sick person.
Sickness in a nutshell: Bad thing if you have it. Not necessarily a danger to anyone else.
It’s from a study of vaccinated Vietnamese healthcare workers who were infecting each other with delta. It may be that the IgG antibodies induced by the vaccine were sufficient to suppress the more serious effects of the disease in the bloodstream while the lack of IgA that would come with natural non-injected immunity allowed the virus to shelter in the upper respiratory tract and spread? That way you could have a high viral load without being particularly ill?
Which might also explain the outbreaks we’ve seen around the world after vaccination campaigns. The lopsided immunity given by the shots could be setting people up to be actual asymptomatic spreaders.
That is an interesting point of view. But how could the virus shelter in the upper respiratory tract, in the absence of an IgA response, without the firing of the innate immune system?
Surely there is no IgA response from the vaccine precisely because an injection cannot speak to the mucosal immune system – so how could it reduce “symptoms” to be “asymptomatic” as claimed? If there are no symptoms then there must be an IgA response which must be from prior immunity because the vaccine doesn’t give IgA response.
So these double jabbed who are “asymptomatic” surely already had this virus (or similar) before and simply never knew about it ?
It’s something some guy with a Chinese looking (to me) name wrote who advocated for lockdowns. As he’s basically disputing gravity, there’s no reason to spend more time with it. Viruses cannot reproduce without damaging the host body.
This was the situation 4 weeks ago with the Yellow Card vaccine adverse reactions data which only reports up to 1% to 10% of cases. Can Daily Sceptic please continue to add this format to it’s Vaccine Safety Update as it is easier to copy and paste to inform people of the risks????????
Acute Cardiac = 13,531
Myocardial Infarction & Heart Failure = 705
Anaphylaxis = 1,272
Blood Disorders = 17,119
Headaches = 105,289
Migraine = 10,406
Eye Disorders = 18,434
Blindness = 368
Deafness = 532
Psychiatric Disorders = 22,911
Spontaneous Abortions = 407 + 9 (figures imply 12 related maternal deaths)
Vomiting = 14,729
Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,513
Nervous System Disorders = 226,745
Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 2,421
Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 418
Dizziness = 32,872
Tremor = 10,925
Arthralgia, Myalgia & Muscle Spasms = 68,901
Pulmonary Embolism & Deep Vein Thrombosis = 3,170
Thrombocytopenia = 1,350
Nosebleeds = 2,937
Seizures = 2,578
Paralysis = 1,006
Haemorrhage (All types) = 7,221
Vertigo/Tinnitis = 8,852
Reproductive/Breast = 32,337
What an insult it is to the victims of this evil and the taxpayers who are bankrolling this insanity that all we have to judge the performance of these death shots which kill and maim is a passive system of recording the data which is unscientific and inaccurate which gives no solid picture of the scale of the harm – it only underestimates what the true figure is and that is all we can say with certainty – that the true picture is much worse than what their system tells us.
This is yet another example of clear cut criminal behaviour from the government, denying people informed consent, shady coverups, censorship of the truth, blatant conspiracy to withold information from the public with ther media – AND NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS ABOUT IT.
WELCOME TO THE UK (Land of Hope And Glory NOT) – Anna de Buisseret Standing up for the children.
VAERS – like the Yellow Card system, the deniable and “have your cake and eat it” system designed by and for the pharma corps.
When people point to reports of numbers of adverse consequences, they can say “but these are just personal voluntary reports, probably mostly coincidental and no evidence they are caused by” the jabs in question. Thus, big pharma gets to eat its cake.
Then, when it wants to make a spurious pretence at “risk/benefit” calculation, big pharma gets to still have its cake, by using the numbers that are known to vastly understate true adverse events:
“Robert W Malone, MD
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
This analysis is odd – there seems to be an assumption that the cases reported to VAERS represent all of the cases occurring. But it is well documented (including by FDA) that VAERS under reports by up to 100 fold. So the numerators are all off by 1-2 orders of magnitude.”
Will the MHRA/Yellow Card follow the lead of the CDC in classing deaths within 14 days of a jab as an Unvaccinated death?
Since a huge number of deaths occur within 48 hours of the jab (and many more develop the side effects then that go on to kill them in the next few weeks) it will at a stroke (no pun intended) make the jabs look far less dangerous than they are.
Just a heads up on what the Germans are now basing their Covid public health policies on. They have stopped using ‘cases’ and are now only going to use hospitalisations.
Looks like sense is finally setting in.
Hello Will, please can you include the usual format reporting on categories and numbers as its really useful to pass on to others? I think this table as a stand alone is a little bit overwhelming. Thanks.
Anyone care to provide a scientifically valid database of the deaths caused by (not just correlated with) the vaccines ? VAERS in the USA is not one. For example: age adjustment ? co-morbidities adjustment ?
We know all about the biases in ‘self-reporting’. We also know our history which is that every new vaccine introduced has been associated with an anti-vax movement. That includes the smallpox vaccine where smallpox killed 300 + million people in 100 years. The vaccine eradicated the disease.
Until then we can take most comments as casual empiricism—-without the slightest scientific validity or generalizability.
If you are so sure about the deadliness of the vaccines provide evidence of vaccine-caused deaths —-not cherry-picked cases of adverse effects.
Just the data please, not the usual web Ad Hominem. (Send it to