The Wall Street Journal has published an article summarising an undisclosed U.S. intelligence report claiming that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) sought hospital care in November 2019 for possible COVID-19, a month before China reported the first cases of COVID-19 on December 8th, with the implication that they were infected in the lab and were among the first patients to become infected with the disease. Reuters reports on the Wall Street Journal story:
The newspaper said the previously undisclosed report – which provides fresh details on the number of researchers affected, the timing of their illnesses, and their hospital visits – may add weight to calls for a broader investigation into whether the COVID-19 virus could have escaped from the laboratory.
The Journal said current and former officials familiar with the intelligence expressed a range of views about the strength of the report’s supporting evidence, with one unnamed person saying it needed “further investigation and additional corroboration.”
This may seem to add weight to the lab leak theory. However, the timing doesn’t fit with some other keys pieces of data.
A leaked report from China looked back at hospital records and suggested the first patients infected with COVID-19 were being admitted to Wuhan hospitals in October, before any putative lab leak in November.
A U.S. military intelligence dossier which came to light in April 2020 documented a runaway epidemic in the Hubei region (of which Wuhan is the capital) in November (though the Pentagon has denied the existence of this dossier), which fits with the leaked Chinese report but not the U.S. intelligence report, since a November outbreak would not have had time to become a region-wide epidemic in the same month. It takes some weeks for a first cluster of cases to spread throughout a population of millions and cause a noticeable number of hospital admissions. Regional newspaper reports also suggest Covid was already circulating in Hubei in mid-November.
A November lab leak also seems too late given the virus was already infecting people around the world in December, with the first official UK fatal infection being caught in England in December.
Putting this together, it could mean one of three things: 1) The reported WIV staff sickness in November, as documented in the latest U.S. intelligence report, was not the original lab leak, just part of the later epidemic, or a second leak from the same lab and the original leak happened earlier (say, in September); 2) Covid did not leak from the WIV at all and there is another reason Wuhan was the first epicentre; 3) this was the leak and the reports implying an earlier epidemic are somehow incorrect or unrelated.
The plot thickens.
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Am I the only one who can’t summon much interest in this? The cat got out of the bag. Who or what put it there has no relevance to the consequences of its getting out.
It has significant relevance. If the virus did escape from the Wuhan Lab then it follows that the virus is NOT a naturally occurring virus i.e. it is one that has been developed in a Lab while doing “gain of function” research.
If that is established then the whole approach of fighting the virus changes and expectations around whether it will behave and evolve like SARS-COV-1 or other corona viruses become more unsure.
Absolutely. Very important points. If some US spooks can provide some smudgy photocopies of some e-mails possibility indicating that someone who worked in a lab was off sick for a week in 2019, then that clearly trumps (no pun intended) the reams and reams of incontrovertible statistical proof derivable from annual mortality statistics, burial and cremation records etc that “the virus” had absolutely no appreciable effect on public health or unhealth anywhere in the world and was essentially just the flu entered in a different column
You’re making this virus sound more dangerous than it is. For crying out loud, mortality rates are lower than the 5-year trend. If this thing is a weapon, it’s failed miserably!
Accidentally possibly, it has placed China in a strong commercial position.
It depends on whether there is an “endgame”in all this. If my working hypothesis on the vaccines and a new bioweapon release (again from Sinophilic Western oligarchs, Big Pharma and the CCP) is correct, then it makes a massive difference because it was the plan all along.
I’ve posted this on this website before but here’s my idea in short:
Why did recently permanently 403 redirect their forecast page that has been up for years?
Archive showing population of US at 99m in 2025:
No-one really knows who or what Deagle is, but there is a reference to them in a Wikileaks Stratfor cable, proving they are used as a reference by intelligence agencies –
Do those population reduction forecasts tally with number of vaccinations given? Israel looks about right. UK needs to get a move on and do more, apparently, to meet it’s quota.
If Hancock gets his way then the UK will smash the targets.
My next bit of research is to look into major shareholders of Big Pharma (AZ, Janssen, Moderna and Pfizer) and see if I can find any of these oligarchs. I’m guessing the problem is they hide everything with offshore corporations but they might be brazen enough to not care at this point.
I should add, these people aren’t gods – they may believe they are but they aren’t.
The Deagle reference is just to show the massive depopulation and economic destruction of most of the West. Why that forecast was out there and what it was based on are speculative – I don’t find the explanation on their website very compelling or even very informative.
But it has been there for years, why would they suddenly take it down now? I’m afraid that once you hit too many coincidences, they probably aren’t coincidences.
Archive link seems to show 14m UK survivors 2025.
It has made no sense where they are getting those numbers from – until now.
Bear in mind that actions have consequences. If you want to see some of the most awful things you can possibly imagine in that regard, watch the BBC’s film Threads –
It’s an incredible look at what happens in a dystopian society.
Yeah, I think what is making people complacent about this is that the Chinese, this time, chose a virus as their favoured form of bio-weapon. I mean, when we look at the sheer number of deaths of otherwise healthy people that this thing has caused and try to imagine it as another sort of weapon….as a bomb say…then you’d have a bomb with a blast radius of like…..uh….seven and a half inches….maybe even more…
By the way, have you ever considered ending yourself? I suspect you may actually literally be too stupid to live.
I’m pretty certain encouraging people to commit suicide online is a criminal offence.
The national security implications of what is going on are enormous, regardless of whether my HYPOTHESIS is correct (that means I don’t necessarily believe it, I’m just playing through various scenarios based on the evidence).
Quite what you hope to achieve by posting this is beyond me quite frankly.
You are right about the national security implications. Just wild virus ADE and a fully jabbed military makes for a very sobering thought, leave alone all the biotech they have at their disposal, where like you say, they can just flick a switch and release something which is tuned to react with the injected “sleeping target”. What are they thinking jabbing the entire military? It’s clearly sabotage, being done from within. This came out the other day saying they are putting massive pressure on the soldiers to be jabbed
British soldiers who refuse Covid jab will be ‘educated’ & could face disciplinary action – media
Holy shite, thanks for the link.
This could be national suicide, for the UK and the entire West. Biden is talking about mandatory vaccines for the military. Quelle surprise, Biden is up to his neck in CCP collusion.
As for that shill/troll alexander reynolds
above, such luminaries as Dr. Simone Gold, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney and Karl Denninger have speculated as to the national security implications of all this. These are freaking smart people, far more intelligent than the twat who would like me to kill myself.
I don’t think “stupid people” reference Thucydides Trap, or collate thousands of data points – that suggest my hypothesis may be correct. I am unaware of any scientist that is wedded to a hypothesis – they are interested in an idea and if the idea sticks, then it “only” becomes a theory.
I hope I am wrong, but I have a tested IQ of 147. I am an autodidact. I am an expert in many fields – self taught. My degree is in Ancient History – hence my ability to research and understand economics, politics, military history, sociology, archaeology and many more disciplines from a historical perspective.
I work with many FCA regulated firms and international banks as a consultant, providing web design, corporate videos, technical solutions and more – all based on what I have taught MYSELF. I also have a deal with a record label for my digital music production, which I also taught myself, although I am a classically trained violinist.
If anyone wants to critique my ideas, fine. But call me stupid and tell me to kill myself? I guarantee I will kick your ass intellectually. And my experience with 77th Brigade and other shills is, they can’t take two minutes of me before they rage quit, because they are exceedingly stupid.
I hear you, it was out of order, totally, but he’s no troll or 77th. I think he was seething from Hawke’s comment (to which alexander’s reply was priceless and had me in stitches) so he saw red when you started talking about “gain of function” and hit out at you as well. Maybe he had a few beers too, it happens. Not for me to say really, but that’s how I read it. I understand where he is coming from with the anger, when you have a lockdown sceptics site where people still talk about Covid like we actually had some mega weaponised virus on our hands which came out of a gain of function lab in Wuhan. The truth of the origin is murky but nothing went around that could be described as anything other than a mild to middling seasonal virus, regardless of its true origin. Doing anything other than nothing was a mistake. End of story.
The survival rate of Covid19 is super high, 99.97% if you are under 70 years, the word influenza disappeared from death certificates. So influenza got replaced by Covid19 but they have the same mortality rate and affect the same demographic. Therefore, the overall risk of becoming ill from respiratory disease and dying in flu season did not change. There was no mega virus.
There is a whole school of thought with people like Stefan Lanka who is a clear genius that they are not being truthful about viruses. It gets messy, but it has got legs. I’ll say that much because I am way out of my depth with this but honestly, if the whole thing was pure psyop, just regular flu season rebadged, and what they call flu viruses are in fact just seasonal bodily functions like a detox process, I would not be surprised. I go along with the transmissible virus narrative because if you start discussing there not being viruses people get crazy and it goes nowhere. Bit like flat earth and chemtrails, although chemtrails are now admitted to in Satan’s very own newspaper, The Guardian. Better (for proving Covid19 is bullshit) to go along with the general consensus that these are transmissible viruses, but that there has not been anything remarkable in terms of mortality, despite all the bullshit coming from the tossers in Westminster about the need for lockdown and that life itself must be sacrificed, because that is 100% bullshit. Quick story about Stefan Lanka to give you an idea of why he is so interesting:
In November 2011, virologist Stefan Lanka guaranteed a prize of €100,000 for proof of the existence of the measles virus, specifically the determination of its diameter. Lanka claims the measles are basically a skin irritation caused by a mixture of psychosomatic triggers and poisoning.
Someone took him up on it saying he owed them the money for proving him wrong and meeting the terms, but Lanka refused to pay him because he said he did not provide proof. The guy took Lanka to court and won, saying Lanka must pay. Lanka objected, took it to the High Court in Germany with a panel of big hitter scientists adjudicating and Lanka won and did not have to pay out.
It’s too messy to go into, a total can of worms and blind alleys and a total headfuck. It is a hindrance to winning this and bringing people around to be honest. There are viruses, but they do not fully understand them or they do fully understand them but there’s too much money to be made out of keeping the old knowledge going because the new knowledge would hit their bottom line and prevent them from running scams and putting fear into people. These people want us in fear and what better way than to have the exact narrative we currently have? Invisible killer mega viruses and asymptomatic spreaders. A video by some super intelligent Aussie guy talking about viruses being bodily detox functions got removed from YT very quickly I seem to remember too.
Bottom line is the best of the best epidemiologist John Ioannidis has crunched the numbers and confirmed that Covid19 is not remarkable in terms of flu season mortality compared to any other year. 99.85% overall survive “the virus” so it’s no big deal whichever way you square it. The burial and cremations FOI from 34 UK councils also shows this emphatically. You can’t mess with those numbers. That is defacto proof that nothing remarkable has happened other than the measures. No spike in death anywhere in the UK, one of the worst Covid countries in the world for deaths? How does that work? Answer is it doesn’t, the reason is because it’s a load of bullshit. My lived experience also proves it’s a total con and that people have not been getting ill in numbers. I have spoken to staff in dozens of supermarkets and none of them know of anyone who even got ill with Covid19, let alone ended up in hospital or worse. Actually one guy in a Co-Op said he got ill, and true to form, he was completely obese. So if it’s only very fat people getting ill, maybe it’s because they eat shit all day long and don’t look after themselves, rather than a spreading virus. Have you looked at the ingredients in the chemistry experiment gone wrong that passes for food these days? I don’t think these people pay any attention to this so they’re consuming the food supply poison like junk food troughing badasses. Also I heard a tragic story about a young guy with cancer who was fast tracked to a vent early on.
When you add the lack of real world evidence to the abundance of solid science and data proving there was nothing remarkable going on to the relentless brainwashing and the fact that they are known liars and tricksters and illusionists who love laughing in peoples’ faces, plus the fact that they deliberately introduced policy which had the effect of killing people (early invasive ventilation to prevent aerosol spreading being the classic plus restricting healthcare to anyone but Covid victims) plus the evidence of them going into nursing homes and vaccinating, only for half the home to suddenly die, only to be labelled Covid deaths when they’re clear cut vaccine deaths, all the dodgy counting methods ie any death within 28 days of a fraudulent +PCR test which is so criminally unscientific it’s a joke, the standard issue 9/11 style media coverup and censoring, the 247 propaganda even though the mortality rate means we are dealing with a standard issue bit of flu, the clear desire to vaccinate when it is clearly evil to do so bypassiong all protcol and notion of ethics, plus the suppression of safe drug treatments, the clear agenda for the VaxID and digital tyranny and the fact they ran drills (to make sure the managers know to behave like robots) and have documents stating their intentions the biggest standout being Schwab and the Gang but thr Rockefeller and other ones too….it’s a huge con, that much is sure.
Here is Lanka’s trashing of the papers claiming the new virus. Worth watching in full
Project Immanuel – Announcement
I thank you Baboon. You have opened my mind.
Ignore What’shisface – don’t feed the trolls.
Bio weapons aren’t designed to kill people they’re designed the discombobulate societies, throw them off guard, make them plunge large amounts of resources into sorting it out, weakening them so that when the time comes to attack it’s easy pickings.
No, ridiculous comment, only psychological warfare, done from within, by traitors, can achieve that. If your home grown media agencies are terrorising you 24/7 and your own “government” and their “scientists” are terrorising you 24/7 by relentlessly and knowingly LYING about the severity of something, when the documented published science completely destroys every claim they make and exposes them for being the traitorous filthbags that they truly are, that’s because your country has been INFILTRATED and is OCCUPIED by powers that do not have your best interests at theart, who have engineered via recruitment of “useful idiots” and “sexual deviants” who have no moral fibre or will do anything for career progression, that’s what causes this situation. Not a virus which, had it not been for the actions of said traitors, would have gone completely unnoticed by 99.8% of the country who would have otherwise just carried on with their lives.
I have resisted this theory that mass vaccination is a means of depopulating the world thinking it more a means of imposing a mass tracking program by means of the bio-identity passports that are being developed and already introduced however, I’m now thinking it is even worse than that. It is clear for some time that the covid epidemic has been used for nefarious reasons and compliance secured by big money and heaven knows what else. I posted this question elsewhere but will do so again here because I do not understand why more is not made of the fact that WHO changed the definition of herd immunity in 2020 to one that conveniently suits mass vaccination programs.
We need to ask, why did the WHO change its definition of herd immunity in November 2020?
WHO website June, 2020: “the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
November,2020: “a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.” and “Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.” They add, vaccines train our immune systems to develop antibodies, just as might happen when we are exposed to a disease but — crucially — vaccines work without making us sick.
As many thousands have discovered, this is simply not true.
The question is why? Why after the Swine Flu scandal of 2009, when the WHO were accused of being too influenced by big pharma corps. are not more questions being raised on this issue? The hours of nonsense and discussion around the ravings of DC are a smokescreen to distract from what we really should be challenging.
Notably the WHO changed the definition of the word “pandemic” at the time of the 2009 Swine Flu Hoax to remove the requirement for there to be excessive levels of death or illness, they can just say something is going around, it kills no-one, but it’s going around so it’s a pandemic, setting up a world of unwarranted terrorism about viral pandemics which sound horrifying but in reality are nothing burgers. This article covers it nicely:
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic
Even though the virus is a man made bio-weapon if these are valid?:
Its relevant in terms of planning for the future. If Covid is something that just came from nature, there’s an ever-present danger of more Covids to come; which means more money spent on anticipating them, including more things like GOF research. OTOH, if the GOF experiments themselves were the source of the leak, then that type of experimentation should itself be restricted and controlled rather than encouraged.
Its important to assign responsibility for this reason alone.
Pinning down Fausti, who is one of the arch instigators of the facemuzzle/ not a vaccine / perpetual lockdown farce wilĺ do a lot to weaken the case of the Covizealots for all the nonsensical control measures.
The way this story has emerged today, combined with Fauci’s about face, smells fishier than the seafood market. My guess would be they’re all preparing their defence. Either way, if three people really did come down with it in November, then that doesn’t automatically exclude an earlier leak, which is what I think Will is rightly pointing out here.
Cummings is certainly setting his stall out. “We were confused and we didn’t know what we were doing”. Yeah OK Mr Genius, that’s believable. So how come 15 months down the line we’re still keeping this bullshit going, with the entire body of evidence that categorically proves everything you monkeys have done has been a complete waste of time and has achieved nothing apart from the destruction of the UK? They honestly think they can bluff and bullshit their way out of this. Bunch of deluded conceited pricks.
Judith Curry is a pre-eminent scientist in another field corrupted by politics.
Here is a damning expose of the ‘consensus’ generated by the guy out of NYC that created the myth that covid had nothing to do with the Wahan lab. His name Daszak and his organisation funded the research at Wuhan.
We will know they have finally got to the bottom of this when they put Neil Ferguson in charge of the Queen’s pictures.
The Fifth Man?
If you can call that thing a man.
When you have an ex-CIA (Mike Pompeo) and ex-MI6 (Dearlove) publically supporting the lab leak theory via talk shows and not via official documents and/or publications, then it smells very fishy indeed. Have they prepared the lab leak story and are now revealing it in order to blame China, and use this as a pretext for war?
A war with China is likely to go nuclear and would also likely drag North Korea and Russia in.
I appreciate that the people in charge are insane but they can’t be THAT insane can they?
The US was insane enough to use nuclear weapons on Japan.
The US & UK were insane enough to kill millions in wars with Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam.
What makes you think they would not do the same with China?
if Iraq and the others had had the ability to hit back at U.K./US in a meaningful way, I don’t think we or the Americans would have picked fights there.
The Chinese can hit back.
The Chinese can hit back, what with all the missile tech that Soviet Israel has gleaned from the US and sold on to them
The U.S.-China-Israel Technology Triangle
This would then fall into Ron Unz’s hypothesis that the US was the perpetrator and the Wuhan Military Games could have been the release point:
Your American Pravda link was well worth reading in full.
While disagreeing with many of the authors viewpoints and conclusions it does cast light on certain oddities I noticed at the time.
Notably why did Covid have such a sudden impact on Iran, especially among its leadership ? I seem to remember that the Speaker of their Parliament was an early victim.
But, if Covid was an American bioweapon, why didn’t they use it against N. Korea as well ?
Great questions. I’m not in any way endorsing Unz’s hypothesis, I’m just pointing it out.
The Iran link is certainly highly suspicious, and something I think about a lot.
In terms of North Korea, we have no idea what is happening there (much like China quite honestly). We DO know that South Korea was one of the earliest casualties in terms of spread so who knows.
In March 2020 my hypothesis was that the virus was a planned leak from the Wuhan laboratory by US oligarchs and the CCP to wreck economies, get rid of Trump and accelerate the timeline for Agenda 21 (which Trump, by accident or design) had broken. That prediction proved correct, at least in terms of what transpired.
This is what concerns me most. Yeadon is saying no-one has isolated virus. As far as I know, the CDC has no isolated virus. We got the S-Protein sequence from China. China probably released this.
See my post above where I lay out the possible motivation for all of this – Thucydides Trap.
There have been 16 times in history where this applies. 12 times this occurred. Thucydides Trap has never occurred between nuclear armed nations.
If you are an oligarch with massive political influence, and you are a Sinophile (e.g. Henry Kissinger) and you are concerned that Thucydides Trap will lead to nuclear war and the end of all life on Earth, then what would YOU do?
Release a bioweapon, force people into lockdowns, break their spirits, give them a vaccine as the way out, then release another bioweapon to kill all the vaccinated via antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) and solve an enormous geopolitical problem. No nukes. No wiping out of everyone on Earth.
And the “best” thing? From what I have read, ADE is absolutely indistinguishable from a pandemic virus or other medical factor. In other words, it is the perfect cover for a bioweapon because even an autopsy cannot distinguish it from a normal infective agent. Plausible deniability is baked into the cake.
I can guarantee that no-one else has thought of all this and I have finally had an original idea. I truly hope I am wrong but I have a track record of predicting things (e.g. 7/7).
I have another theory. There is evidence that covid was in parts of the UK, Europe and the US much earlier than the “lab leak”.
Maybe, just maybe, it was then forwarded to the Wuhan lab (note the US influence) and they tinkered with it and THEN there was a leak which caused a local spread. This caused a political need to engage paranoia and lockdowns the world over to bring into being the Greta Reset. (That was a typo but I’ll let it stand).
The question then becomes the origin of the initial wave of infections, which no-one greatly cared about, which we will probably never know
Why did Covid have a sudden impact on Iran? Here’s a clue for you. From the wonderful (sarcasm) BBC:
From Glasgow student to president of Iran
This implies that there has really been a virus which fits the description of the mainstream narrative. That is provably false. The mortality rate is just the same as normal flu as confirmed in published science that was on the WHO’s website at one point as well as many other places. There has been no spike in deaths in the UK as this link to a FOI request covering the burial and cremation data from 34 councils for each year from 2015 to 2020 proves. No spike in deaths anywhere. There was no emergency, there was no need to do anything other than “keep calm and carry on”. Oh the irony!
This person’s Freedom of Information requests (approximately 34)
I know a lot of people who got Covid and the symptoms are definitely different to the flu. I know at least four people who almost died because they couldn’t breath.
This is also inconsistent with the vaccine bollox. There is at least a sequenced virus with a spike protein that has a furin cleavage site and does some extremely nasty stuff to the human body.
The virus is easily survivable and is less dangerous than the flu for most people, that is true. But I don’t accept that the virus doesn’t exist.
Yes I didn’t get flu and only about two colds in sixteen years but I caught this bugger which caused a nasty and prolonged cough especially at night, like nothing I’d ever caught before. Many people reported similar symptoms but this was between october 2019 and february 2020. None of them died though.
“Putting this together, it could mean one of three things. 1) The reported WIV staff sickness in November was not the leak, just part of the later epidemic (or unrelated) and the leak happened earlier (say, in September). 2) Covid did not leak from the WIV at all and there is another reason Wuhan was the first epicentre. 3) This was the leak and the reports implying an earlier epidemic are somehow incorrect or unrelated.”
With all due respect, Will Jones has disregarded a fourth possibility; that there was more than one leak from the lab. Not necessarily all Sars2 leaks; there’s no reason to assume there were only two chimera viruses being worked on. But similar enough; respiratory diseases with flu-like symptoms.
It’s not implausible – if conditions were the same, the possibility of a leak would be the same every time experiments were conducted – so it shouldn’t be ruled out either.
I don’t entertain the theory that C19 is a bioweapon or anything else that leaked out a lab. Giving credence to this only emboldens lockdown fanatics. There hasn’t been a real pandemic; the only change that has occurred since March last year was lockdown/restrictions and mass euthanasia in care homes.
I don’t think it was developed as a bioweapon but they said it was for political reasons