Twenty-two leading scientists and health experts, including Lockdown Sceptics contributors David Livermore, David Paton and Anthony Brookes, have put their names to a letter calling on the Government to end all restrictions on June 21st, including mask wearing and social distancing, and to stop mass testing of healthy people and abandon its vaccine passport proposals. The Mail on Sunday has more.
Leading scientists are calling on the Government to remove all coronavirus restrictions and allow people to ‘take back control of their own lives’ when the ‘roadmap’ to freedom ends in June.
With real-world data showing vaccines reduce the risk of death by 98 per cent and hospitalisations by more than 80 per cent, the experts say Covid-19 is being turned into a ‘mild’ disease in Britain, akin to the flu.
In an open letter to The Mail on Sunday, they criticise ‘confused and contradictory’ messages from Ministers and scientific advisers about the virus, which they say are exaggerating the real threat.
The 22 signatories include Professors Carl Heneghan and Sunetra Gupta from Oxford University, Emeritus Professor Hugh Pennington from the University of Aberdeen and Professor Robert Dingwall from Nottingham Trent University.
“We are being told, simultaneously, that we have successful vaccines and that major restrictions on everyday life must continue indefinitely. Both propositions cannot be true,” the scientists write. “We need to give more weight to the data on the actual success of the vaccines.”
You can read the letter in full here.
The full list of signatories is as follows:
- Professor Ryan Anderson, Translational Science, Medicines Discovery Catapult
- Dr Colin Axon, Mechanical Engineering, Brunel University
- Professor Anthony Brookes, Genomics and Bioinformatics, University of Leicester
- Professor Jackie Cassell, FFPH, Deputy Dean, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
- Professor Angus Dalgleish, FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci, Oncology, St George’s, University of London
- Professor Robert Dingwall, FAcSS, HonMFPH, Sociology, Nottingham Trent University
- Professor Sunetra Gupta, Theoretical Epidemiology, University of Oxford
- Professor Carl Heneghan, MRCGP, Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford
- Professor Mike Hulme, Human Geography, University of Cambridge.
- Dr John Lee – formerly Pathology, Hull York Medical School
- Professor David Livermore, Medical Microbiology, University of East Anglia.
- Professor Paul McKeigue Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics, University of Edinburgh
- Professor David Paton, Industrial Economics, University of Nottingham
- Emeritus Professor Hugh Pennington, CBE, FRCPath, FRCP (Edin), FMedSci, FRSE, Bacteriology, University of Aberdeen
- Dr Gerry Quinn, Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster
- Dr Roland Salmon, MRCGP, FFPH, former Director of the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (Wales).
- Emeritus Professor John Scott, CBE, FRSA, FBA, FAcSS, Sociology, University of Essex
- Professor Karol Sikora, FRCR, FRCP, FFPM, Medicine, University of Buckingham
- Professor Ellen Townsend, Psychology, University of Nottingham
- Dr Chao Wang, Health & Social Care Statistics, Kingston University and St George’s, University of London,
- Professor John Watkins, Epidemiology, Cardiff University
- Professor Lisa White, Modelling and Epidemiology, University of Oxford.
Stop Press: Lucy Johnston, the Health Editor of the Sunday Express, has more on the letter. In addition to asking the Government to drop all restrictions on June 21st, the signatories have demanded that schoolchildren stop being told to wear masks on May 17th.
Stop Press 2: The Sunday Telegraph has splashed the letter on its front page.

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Ordinary members of the public call for end of lockdown restrictions Today including the cancellation of all pending prosecutions or other penalties for alleged infringements of lockdown ‘laws/rules/regulations/guidance’.
Signatories include
● karenovirus.
seconded by fon.
Good for you

And an end to forced vaccination via introduction of vaccine passports
Add me please. I want to go to Tuscany.
Great! It’s perfect timing, given the huge protest today. We are about to witness that Turd Boris Johnson, dissolve in the heavy rain!
Today it is also reported that Boris had to be dragged to the second lockdown, which presents him with very serious problems, since the senor scientists are now saying it has to be stopped.
And the PM has been behaving very erratically lately, as Cummings is putting the boot in with all his might!
Billionaires do not normally send text messages to Prime Minsters asking for their individual employees to be given special favours wrt their tax affairs. Prime Ministers do not usually send What’s App messages back to Billionaires offering to fix the tax system for them in return for making some extra electric pump and pipe ventilator machines.The whole idea is preposterous.
The backstory of the meltdown between Boris and Dom Cummings is only now starting to filter out. If Cummings is to be believed, Boris is about to be engulfed in a morass of his own wrongdoing. No wonder he has been erratic. This has been hanging over him like the sword of damocles. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and that’s why Cummings has waited 6 months to serve it up. He has chosen a good time when Mr Cameron the former PM has been begging the Treasury to bail out a bankrupt finance concern that Cameron is involved with.
What a spectacle – there is no end to the corruption. I am certain Cummings will have screenshots of every scrap of Boris’ transgressions. Which he will surely feed to the press as he sees fit, in ways that best amplify his pleasure. It’s going to be fantastic to watch Boris dissolving like a turd in heavy rain and like a Canadian Mounty – Cummings rarely fails to get his man, it is said.
From our point of view, we must wonder will these shocks have an effect on the climb out of lockdown, could the erratic PM go completely bonkers, and hold the nation in house arrest until … until when? Hell knows how he might react.
But with the Scottish and Welsh imminently poised to reopen the boozers, how could the English PM fail to deliver the goods – there would be riots. Is that his plan? Is he still capable of following a plan? Or has Dom timed it to coincide with the Scottish and Welsh announcemenst/elections purely to minimise the PMs freedom of movement, I think he may have decided to “never waste a good crisis”!!!
Shame the Telegraph thinks that who paid for sanding bozos floorboads is more important than releasing the entire country from restrictions worse than those in WW2.
He will be be washed away by his own slurry of sleaze without us getting bogged down in the sordid details here (IMHO).
So maybe we get shot of Bozo. What do we get instead – Brillig and the Slimy Gove?
In the 21st Century that’s exactly how billionaires and politicians interact
Basing calls for freedom on the magic snake oil is very dangerous. First, it strengthens the case for coercion. Second, it means that if, or when, the snake oil proves ineffective, the whole bollox will re-start.
Freedom should not be conditional on anything.
Perhaps that’s why bozo was so keen to big up lockdown last week.
‘ Well sorry folks we got the vaccine thing all wrong so it’s back to lockdown until we can think of something else. Meanwhile I have accepted Matt Hancock’s letter of resignation and I’m sure he will have a splendid new career in The Other House’.
I’m glad somebody grasps the glaring danger – even if the ‘vaccine’ duff data was true.
Of course – the fact is long forgotten that a vaccine was never needed for this fairly ordinary virus, and certainly not one concocted on the basis of the need for politicians and pharma-related academics to save face.
Is there a way I can personally contact the signatories and say a big thank you!?
Most include the institutions where they work.
Well done ladies and gentlemen, keep the pressure up on this pathetic Government and Parliament.
And still the BBC, ITV and Sky ignore yesterday’s massive protest in London… You can only ignore it for so long you know, and it only confirms people’s opinion of you.
I extend a heartfelt thanks to these scientists who have been brave enough to break with the medical establishment. No doubt the BBC, Sky, Channel 4, etc., will be apoplectic, but the opposition is growing and they won’t be able to ignore us much longer.
Yes 10/10 for trying.
Thr problem with bigging up The Vaccine is that they can use the fact that not enough people have yet been jabbed to cintinue the lockdown
“real-world data showing vaccines reduce the risk of death by 98 per cent and hospitalisations by more than 80 per cent”
‘real-world’ = relative risk gleaned from non-controlled data. Very different from actual real world risk reduction. These sort of figures can be obtained from minute numbers.
The intention is right; the statement is statistically illiterate.
Giving this false credit to vaccines is as dangerous as the lockdown myths. It takes only a second for an intelligent being to work that one out.
and could support the argument for increased coercion to have vaccines for those who choose not to – who was it who said no one is safe until all are safe?
Sadly, as heartening as this letter is to read, I fear it will not be heeded. Unless this political firestorm surrounding the PM comes to fruition and forces different actions, the lemmings in the Tory party and the non-existent ‘opposition’ will allow the Government to continue this insanity.
Sad but true.
“ The Sunday Telegraph has splashed the letter on its front page”. F that for a game of soldiers where’s the report of yesterday’s March for Freedom? Not only is it NOT “splashed” on its front page it’s NOT “splashed” anywhere. In fact splashing is conspicuous by it’s absence. Not even the tinniest tinsy winsy scrap of reporting on it. I will be cancelling my monthly Telegraph subscription forthwith. In my book they as bad as the BBC. How can you call yourself a “NEWSPAPER” when you don’t report on one of the, if not THE main event of the day. Disgusting.
It’s simple really, they should have pretended it was an XR protest…
Yea good point- what an appalling state our “free” press has got to.
Mass testing needs to be ended immediately.
For a start, it serves no useful purpose. It generates false positives which means unnecessary isolation for those giving a false positive and gives ammunition to those who are pushing for “zero COVID”.
Second, it diverts valuable resources away from those who should be getting a test as part of the diagnosis and management of their condition e.g. cancer. This isn’t just PCR cyclers and manpower, it’s the very basics of lab testing such as pipette tips and PCR extraction reagents.
Test resources should be used when they can actually do some good, not just on trying to look good.