Declined: Chapter 11: Robert’s
8 March 2025
Phillipson is Letting the Blob Run Rings Around Her
7 March 2025
Around the world conservative politicians who take the fight to the woke Left are winning at the ballot box. So why are the British and Australian conservative parties sitting out the culture wars and getting thumped?
Through a combination of fear and indifference, our most important cultural institutions are allowing themselves to be bullied by woke activists into destroying themselves, writes Nick Timothy.
The literary world is under siege from eraser-wielding ideologues. What can be done to preserve our disappearing culture? Create personal libraries and collect original works.
Liz Truss’s speech in Washington last week makes her the first major British politician to recognise that the unless we win the culture war, the UK is doomed to economic stagnation.
Winning the culture war is absolutely crucial. And, after much denial and ineptitude, it is no longer a one-sided affair, writes Frank Furedi in Spiked.
U.S. alternative media has erupted into a civil war between Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire. Whose side are you on? asks Nick Dixon.
The woke, stuck in their binary thinking, can wail all they want. The adults are returning to the room, silly walks and all, and this country’s great tradition of free speech and civil discourse is coming home.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on a gay bar in Oslo, Norwegian pundits have been quick to blame anti-woke culture warriors like Jordan Peterson. Almost no one has mentioned radical Islam.
Ian Leslie, author of How to Disagree, has written a great Substack post about the dishonest way the liberal left brands anyone who challenges the relentless leftward shift of our public institutions a 'culture warrior'.
Guardian columnists are constantly claiming the free speech crisis is an invention of right-wing culture warriors – until the cancel mob comes for them. Owen Jones is just the latest example.
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