Come, Ethical Bombs…
10 March 2025
by Ben Pile
Mark Steyn Has the Last Laugh
9 March 2025
by Tilak Doshi
"If nothing is done, we are headed towards a new type of fascist totalitarianism, from which there may be no escape." Thorsteinn Siglaugsson reflects on Simon Elmer's new book about the pandemic biosecurity state.
The source of America's lockdown rules has been tracked down, and it turns out Twitter's former 'chief censor' Vijaya Gadde is an adviser to it.
Evidence has emerged that on March 13th 2020, the pandemic response in the United States was taken over by the National Security Council to be run according to a pre-prepared plan of lockdown restrictions.
An invitation from Simon Elmer to the book launch for his new title "The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State" at his favourite London pub on November 18th.
We must never forget what our politicians and public health 'experts' inflicted upon us, writes Dr Gary Sidley. If the guilty are not named and shamed, the same totalitarian impositions will be repeated again and again.
As new crises have sprung up to take the place of the 'pandemic', it has become increasingly difficult not to look back on ‘lockdown’ as only the first campaign in a global war against freedom, writes Simon Elmer.
In the field of global health, the impression is given that there are many independent entities involved, but scratching the surface shows that some of these are hydra heads with the same body: the Gates Foundation.
Lockdowns, masks, fast-tracked vaccines and vaccine passports – all emerged from a radical biosecurity agenda that can be traced back to the Bush White House in 2005 and as of 2020 has established itself as orthodoxy.
As the promise of freedom recedes, events in Britain take a worrying turn, as Boris declares the public "want us, as their Government – and me as the Prime Minister – to take all the actions I can to protect them".
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