When it comes to the lab leak theory of Covid origins, there’s a lot of inconsistency between what scientists have announced in public and what they’ve revealed in private.
First, there was Professor Kristian Andersen, an American virologist. Writing to Anthony Fauci on 1st February 2020, he said of the virus that “some of the features (potentially) look engineered”, adding that he and several colleagues “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory”.
Mere weeks later, Andersen co-authored a paper stating, “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible”.
Next, there was Professor Jeremy Farrar, head of the UK’s Wellcome Trust. He wrote in his book Spike that he initially believed there was a 50% chance the virus had leaked from a lab, and that other scientists to whom he’d spoke had put the percentage even higher.
Yet Farrar signed the infamous Lancet letter, which referred to claims that “COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” as “conspiracy theories”.
A new freedom of information request, made by the group U.S. Right to Know, has revealed that another author of the Lancet letter gave credence to the lab leak in a private email. Professor Charles Calisher, an American epidemiologist, said he did not see how “anyone could definitively state that the virus could not possibly have come from that lab”.

Interestingly, Calisher’s email was sent one month after the Lancet letter’s publication, which means he either changed his mind or was not expressing his true beliefs when he co-signed the letter.
According to a March 2021 article in the MIT Technology Review, Calisher said the “conspiracy-theory phrase” was “over the top”. However, the article doesn’t make clear whether Calisher believed this at the time he co-signed the letter, or whether he subsequently came to believe it.
In any case, calling the lab leak a “conspiracy theory” is a pretty strong statement. So if Calisher did change his mind about it, he could have let the public know – for example, by removing his name from the letter, or clarifying his position in some other public forum.
What’s more, in September of 2021, Calisher told The Telegraph that “the letter never intended to suggest that Covid might not have a natural origin, rather that there was insufficient data.” But this doesn’t make sense.
If the letter’s purposes was merely to suggest “there was insufficient data”, it wouldn’t have used the phrase “conspiracy theory”, or else it would have dismissed both the natural origin and the lab leak as “conspiracy theories”. For example, it might have said, ‘We stand together to strongly condemn unfounded speculation about the origin of COVID-19’.
There’s much about the official narrative on the lab leak that doesn’t add up. The public has a right to know why so many scientists made blatantly unscientific claims that contradict their private correspondence.
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Inevitable once Sturgeon said it was happening.
What she does, Drakeford copies.
They’re both just being used as test runs for imposition in England.
The social credit score apps are the end game, and always have been.
An abomination like absolutely everything else in this carnival of sick, depraved criminality. A temporary bonus for a lot of venues in Chester, Bristol, Shrewsbury, Birkenhead and numerous other English towns though.
Don’t forget Liverpool.
Chester hospitality has definitely benefited in the past 18 months from the ever more draconian Drakeford.
It’s about four weeks since the slimy little abortion said there would be no vaxports in Wales.
About par for the course for the rapist’s dad.
Drakeford: “I have lost count of the number of meetings I have sat through with UK ministers in which they have lectured me about the necessity of vaccine certification. When I have raised with them the ethical, the legal, and the practical issues that need to be resolved, I’ve generally been treated as though these were details that ought not to get in the way of this necessary course of action.”
So it seems that the pressure on him to adopt vaxports came from Westminster.
And he caved in. What a surprise.
Why didn’t he raise the bloody obvious point that the experimental medical procedures don’t stop you catching or spreading the coofs, and so vaxxports do not and can not have any health or infection control purpose?
Incidentally, a lad on my daughter’s college course took the jibbyjab recently, and subsequently his lips swelled up, severely. I bet he doesn’t report it on the Yellow Card system.
That is an allergic reaction, it MUST be reported at least to their GP. If this was a first dose then a second one could be fatal, it may also affect future non covid vaccinations or medications.
Keep that quiet! Girls seem to like their lips puffed up like so many trout – they’ll be off for the jab straight away!
DS is getting like the Daily Mail. People will not be ‘forced’ to show a passport or proof of a negative test. As always, there is a choice. Granted, it is not a palatable choice but it’s a choice nonetheless.
Soon to be a choice of take the vaccine or you’re sacked. Why are you hung up on semantics.
Because he’s a prat.
Only the sort of ‘choice’ you get from the mafia – ‘we’re going to make you an offer you can’t refuse’.
Well, Dave, if you have a choice between swallowing a whole packet of rat poison, or stabbing yourself to death, that is also a choice. Not a palatable choice, but it’s a choice nonetheless.
I’ll explain it for you nice and slow Mr Eco Warrier. No one is disputing whether or not we are being offered a choice. People are angry because it isn’t a FREE choice. If the same people offering you the choice can restrict your rights based on your decision then the choice is no longer free. And the choice maker is therefore being coerced or ‘forced’. Geddit?
However much people may hate Boris for abandoning “conservative” values such as individual freedom, and I hate him as much as the next person despite voting Tory for the first time in 2019, seeing what’s happening in Wales, Scotland, the U.S., a lot of Europe etc. regarding vaccine passports the English should actually count themselves relatively fortunate to have him as their leader. I’m pretty sure that if Corbyn had been elected then England would be far more like France or Australia than it is.
Just to make it clear, I’m not saying I like Boris, just that without him things could well have been even worse.
See my earlier post. De Pfeffel’s minions leaned on Drakeford to adopt Vaxports in Wales. My feeling is wales is a testbed for England. And also Corbyn was not a member of the trilateral commission as his predecessor is. Drakeford is Starmers puppet, and starmer is singing from the same hymnsheet as the PM.
Oh, like the poll tax in Scotland? That didn’t end well did it?
When they’re introduced in England, the circumstances for ‘Plan B’ will be engineered, they’ll be stricter than anywhere. In Parliament, Javid called them ‘vaccine only Covid status certification’. No vaccine, no entry.
I concur with that. The ‘woke’ left has outdone itself in demonstrating that it’s really an enemy of mankind hell-bent to inflict as much destruction and suffering as possible solely to avoid having to admit their own human limitations and fallibility: Fiat corona, pereat mundus.
These people can never again be trusted with anything.
Agreeing with Matt Dalby, oh dear me!
I’m aware of what’s presently going on in Germany and I’m very glad that I don’t live there at the moment: Corona is essentially non-existant there, yet, coronameasures much more heavy-handed than anything the UK ever did are ubiquitous. To use a personal example: The UK government has never stopped me from taking solitary walks in the night. In Germany, this was prohibited for a long time.
Apart from that, I’m agreeing with a statement and not with something you believe about a person unknown to me.
The German corona protesters movement was removed from Facebook today (after having been long banned from YouTube). German people’s reactions? Mostly overjoyed with schadenfreude that the “stupid troublemakers” were finally silenced. Also, in front of a local entertainment park (only for vaccinated and tested; soon to be only vaccinated), all parking spaces taken. Germans just don’t mind when the government fucks them, they cry “harder”.
The German default assumption is – and has always been – the state is our organization.
Is the Taliban still on Twitbook?
To be honest, I’m surprised German corona protesters were using them.
You don’t seem to know what you are saying, clear off.
Oh do FO.
But not Piers Corbyn.
It’s getting worse
I don’t why this post has attracted 17 downvotes. I despise the PM and if I believed in it would like to think he will be condemned to eternal damnation, but given the general direction that the only likely alternative – Labour under Starmer – have taken on covid, to say things could have been worse seems like quite a defensible position to me.
Whether such speculation is useful is another matter. Given the direction globally taken by many governments of supposedly different political stripes, and leaders of supposedly different types, it’s hard to draw much of a conclusion. The countries/states that have resisted are something of a ragbag – a combination of places where the leaders had balls, respect for the law and for real science, a culture of respect for personal freedom, freedom of speech, and wariness of state overreach, and poor countries that simply can’t afford all this stupid nonsense.
I think it merits more of a debate than simple downvoting, though perhaps now is not the time.
The jackboot has already been raised, it just hasn’t stamped on English faces quite yet.
Save Our Rights UK – A Real Democracy
Do you want the Government to bring in Plan B? Vaccine passports, mandatory masks, working from home etc? Or even worse the secret option Plan C – lockdown?
If not join us with your feet on the street and vote for PLAN FREE
I do wish I could be there but now I am in Thailand.
Will there in spirit though.
Uttar Pradesh Covid statisitics:
Population ~240 million
Fully Vaccinated: ~15 million (6%)
latest 7 day average new cases: 17
latest 7 day average deaths: 3
Apparently UP have been using horse de-wormer to treat Covid. They clearly have no idea what they’re doing.
See, this is why we shouldn’t be hogging Our Vaccines for booster shots. We have to help out these simple natives by ensuring a socially just equality of outcome in coof infections.
What a cock up…
Yep, the global lockstep is purely coincidence.
Anyone not seeing the incredibly easy to read playbook by now needs their head examined.
Increased cases/every year pressure in the NHS, generally called winter. Vax passports in England to “save Christmas”… Again. “We don’t want to do it, it’s this or lockdown blah blah poor old Boris, vaccines have made a huge difference, that’s why we need less freedoms with no end date”
Carers will begin to be given the boot from next week, increased pressure and deaths in care homes.
Next the frontline NHS staff are forced to get flu and covid vaccines, or the boot. More guaranteed methods to create pressure.
Then… Everyone, as per Italy?
Civil unrest from adopting Nazi papers, no point pretending this is anything other than the 4th Reich now. Oh sorry, Klaus likes to call it the 4th industrial revolution, silly me.
Shortages and issues with supply chains around the world. That’ll end well.
Oh no, the world economy is broken after we doubled the money supply in a year and FORCED offices and businesses to close, it helped us to steal the last of the wealth during this final round of musical chairs. Well, don’t worry about that, here’s your UBI, isn’t it lucky we have had the central banks making their own crypto. Have some “Britcoin”, so long as you sign up for the social credit system and get your next vax. Oh it’s linked to carbon, you know it’s a “green” currency. Don’t forget your money expires now… No more saving for you, we can’t have you ever competing with our new system.
Red meat?! Are you crazy? That’s 100 carbon credits a gram! Here, have a cockroach.
Don’t post anything against the rules online, we’ll know, because you have to register your ID for everything after the great internet outage of 2022. Those pesky Chinese/Russian/North Korean/Anti Lockdown “hackers”. It was their fault for the economy! Blame the unvaxxed!
And the elephant no one ever speaks of, peak oil. The real reason behind the climate change horseshit and requirement to reduce carbon dioxide aka hydrocarbons and therefore the global economy. The end of petroleum man.
Bored of pretending this is anything but the above. I’m fed up with the lies. The idiots who think next year will be normal. As well as myself for not coming up with a decent way to prevent any of it.
Buckle up.
Well said!
Well, countries and regions are goose-stepping at different paces, but all towards the same destination.
I often accidentally introduce horrific curbs on liberty at prearranged press conferences. Happens all the time. Clumsy.
These numbers cannot possibly have any scientific basis whatsoever. Sitting/standing, it’s an absolute farce.
Absolutely non-sensical.
Covid stands for Certificate Of Vaccination ID
I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
That sounds correct !!
So they only want people with higher risk of catching covid in the nightclubs?
Is this because they like covid and don’t want it to go away?
I honestly don’t think they want it to go away. They will keep demanding people stupid enough to take more and more vaccines. They all have a financial interest in the vaccine companies. Plus they love the control.
Does Drakeford actually have the power to do this? I wish someone would challenge it in court.
Sadly he does because Health is a devolved area. How we had devolution on the totally i democratic decision made on a 50% turn out –
Hence we have Blair’s democracy for us and even more idiocy than Boris which is a very low bar!
Since the experimental medical treatments don’t stop you catching or spreading the coofs, and since you can self-certify as being unable to get experimented on and yet still get a vaxxport, this demonstrably has nothing to do with health.
Horrible, sneering hit piece at the Telegraph about principled care workers refusing the vax. Incredulous tone notes that one “refusenik” has personally comforted six residents dying of rona in the last fortnight.
At no point, none, does it dawn on the writer that all the residents that died will have had the double jab.
I guess the un-jabbed care worker didn’t get the rona?
Nah it would be tooooo much for the msm to report that.
Very much akin to the narative of the Funeral Director who had the interview posted yesterday relating his experience during the last eighteen months.
Every body that came in to the funeral home was washed and dressed by him and his staff, who wore only gloves and an apron, just as they always had. Neither he, his wife or the mortician who worked for him have contracted covid despite none of them having been jabbed.
It is a thought provoking video, especially when he gets to the accusation that almost every one of the deaths this year have been due, to to C-19, but to the “vaccine.”.
Or that the Jabbies who kept their jobs are more likely to pass it to the vulnerable inmates who have also been double jabbed, than their former non-jabby colleagues who can no longer care for the vulnerable inmates cos they were sacked for having an opinion FFS.
And on the other side very likely most health workers will already be immune.
Yep. If they’ve been working in care homes for 18 months during the deadliest pandemic evah! and remain in good health then they most certainly are.
These people are an absolute joke.
Bye bye Wales!
My other half is doing some work for an intensive care nurse. She is absolutely scathing about the vax. She told him that more young people are being admitted to intensive care, and most, if not all, have been double jabbed.
People think that the double jab gives them absolute protection against the ‘rona, then find it doesn’t. Clearly they are not being told the full story, or are not bothering to check it out. This makes this nurse very angry.
I wish she would speak out about who really is in intensive care, but she fears for her job if she does.
Wales? Ever been there? Why on earth would Wales decide to implement a draconian measures like passports for a failed vaccine? The only reason could have something to do with the acceptance of a large amount of dosh. And guess who provided that? But that probably is just a guess, I am sure the politicians in Wales are highly intelligent and their medical knowledge better than most.
In Wales we are led by leaders with no scientific education …. Hmm guess that seems universal in these Sceptred Isles?
1)You can get into certain venues by showing you are double vaccinated.
2)If you are unvaccinated you can get into those same venues by showing you are not infected with a lateral flow test
3)Those who are vaccinated may be infected and transmit virus
HENCE- In these venues – stick close to the unvaccinated because they are the safest!
Sadly our leader is an acolyte of Lady Macbeth in Scotland.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – Veritas To Release COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblower Bombshell – Messages Pouring In. Big announcement Monday:
“nightclubs, indoor non-seated events for more than 500 people, outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people, and any event with more than 10,000 attendees.”
Seems pretty innocuous – who even goes to events like this? All seems a bit silly anyway – for example, an indoor-seated event for 500 people does not require a ‘vaccine pass’ but one of 501 people does? Is it that one person extra that activates the virus?
Lots of people I know go to events like this, including my kids who now face a test of character as to whether they choose to give in or stand firm
Who goes to events with lots of people?
I hope that was an example of irony rather than morony.
It’s the thin end of the wedge – they will gradually extend as they wish.
Remember that Wales is led by a socialist labour government so of course they want to control everyone.
With any luck, large numbers of potential clients/customers will declare on arrival: ‘no consent, exempt from this policy’. Backed up by threats of legal action, such as claims for damages under discrimination etc.
Complete stupidity reigns completely it seems. Let us assume we have a Theatre with 2,000 seats and all the 2,000 tickets are sold. Nobody has to be vaccinated yet they will be sitting next to each other. Take away the seats and they all have to be vaccinated yet they are standing next to each other.
It’s a bloody clever virus if it knows when you are sitting down and quite possibly lies in wait for those foolish enough to walk to their seats rather than teleporting into them.
Starts with the wee countries like Scotland and filters from there.
So you have to be double jabbed AND tested negative to gain entry? Have I read that right?
If I’m wrong, then you can get in with just a negative LFT test?
Is this test supervised? If not, then easy peasy to get round it.
I think the standard model is double vaxxed OR negative test. You don’t need both. I think the tests are easy to get round as unsupervised so for people who feel desperate/compelled it’s an option. Personally I’m not intending to go anywhere that requires me to show my covid status as it amounts to supporting the madness, but I appreciate people will be in difficult positions over this.
It doesn’t matter if you “get around it”. You’re not beating the system, since the goal – for now – is simply to habituate us to proving our innocence and begging for permission.
That will change, soon enough.
What a spineless, ignorant drip of an excuse for a 1st minister Drakeford is. Pathetic!
What about the sheep? I think we should be told.
Come November and it’ll be ‘reluctantly’ rolled out in England, too. These authoritarian f*ckers can’t contain themselves.
Sensible people the Spanish!———-Spanish Supreme Court has declared Vax Passports illeagal. The ruling on cited evidence that those who have been fully vaccinated are still capable of contracting and passing on the virus. ———-https://principia-scientific.com/spanish-supreme-court-rules-vax-passports-illegal/?fbclid=IwAR282qJfVjQptxYYrw9evClj04UUZjgq-x9YOLXeDMsz32CXCv3d0Fyp_mg