British Transport Police (BTP) is set to launch a bursary for “British African students” in an attempt to fight “systemic racism” and “Afriphobia” in the force. The Mail has the story.
The move will see the BTP use the Proceeds of Crime Act to fund a law course for a young British African with the aim of ensuring that “British African communities are better represented within the U.K. judicial system”.
But the scheme has come under fire from a former officer who said that the bursary was “concerning” as it combatted discrimination with “more discrimination”.
Rory Geoghegan, who advised Boris Johnson on crime between 2020 and 2022 and set up the Public Safety Foundation, said that the use of the term “Afriphobia” was evidence that the police were continuing to use “contested language”.
The word, which is rarely used in the U.K., refers to racism towards those of African descent as well as bigotry towards people of African heritage and African things.
Mr. Geoghegan argued that the police risked losing the support of British people if it continued to follow such ideological paths, the Telegraph reports.
The former officer said: “If police chiefs are to retain the confidence of the majority of British people, they must wake up to the divisive political activism and ideology that some of them appear captured by.”
The roll-out of the new bursary comes after two men were posthumously acquitted for theft crimes dating back to 1977 after it was found that they had been framed by racist BTP detective Derek Ridgewell. …
Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi said that the past could not be changed but that racism could be fought in the present day.
Worth reading in full.
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We be beset by Afrophobia just like we apparently hate everyone else. We don’t hate anyone.You are just projecting the rejection of your own soy boy liberal elite values onto others. As if you represent the more enlightened crowd. You are the real racists. Like the American black author James Baldwin said, the professed liberals claim to support black causes and the struggle of the oppressed, and yet he noted that these people were always uncomfortable and restless around black people.
Conspiracy-theories and hoaxes give people with power too many ideas? The rest of us just want to get along.
“By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.”
I’ve met a lot of Africans who have come over here to study MBA courses and the like. There is no hatred against them. In fact if you listen to their analysis of world events they are way ahead of the average Brit. Please, stop pretending that there is some British anti-African tendency, I know very well that given our deficiencies many of their energies will be welcome here.
2.5 million black people in England Scotland and Wales.
What about representing, indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Jews, disabled people?
Are they not worthy of a bursary?
Positive racism is always racist against someone!
You’re just suffering from affirmative action phobia.
At least the National Trust is doing its bit for dyslexia, even if persons of African extraction are just a little over-represented on its Isaac Newton Award panel of judges, comprising three out of four.
No doubt one should view such moves as overcompensation for White Supremacism, like the child-molesters who protest too much about their love of children.
Phobia is a clinical (or pseudoclinical) term and it refers to irrational fear of something, eg, agoraphobia, fear of wide-open spaces. And that’s the precise reason for all these political somethingphobia terms. It’s an attempt to pathologize dissent and thus, “demonstrate” that there’s no real reason for it and no reason to address it because it’s really just someone else’s mental health issue. To use the usual everyday example, Not happy about being groped by gays “just for fun¹”? Well, this certainly doesn’t mean they should stop groping you but that you really need to do something about your homophobia!
Inventing terms like afriphobia² is an act of proactive passive aggression against anyone who might be critical of agenda in question. This usually means the people who do so know that they’re championing a bad cause.
¹ Whose fun, by the way? Fun for the people who like to do it or fun for those who have to suffer it?
² Is this an example of an afriphobic dog whistle?
“RW visited by police after complaint that he compared Africans to dogs in bizarre racist rant.”
Yep. —Spot on. ——Disagree with a Progressive and there must be something wrong with you. It is a blatant attempt to de-legitimise or even criminalise thoughts or words they don’t like, and they don’t like them because they often make a mockery of their absurdity.
I’ve never heard of such a nonsense, made-up word. And 1977? So you’re telling me it takes best part of five decades to acquit somebody of a crime, but they’ve since died anyway so what meaningful difference does it make?? Jeez Louise…
Well on the topic of transport police, albeit not ‘British’, ( I’m back shaming Germany because there’s just no end of material coming out of that country..), it’s at least a bit of a change to hear of things other than wet leaves on the tracks holding up the trains;
”An Afghan migrant who was masturbating on a train track outside the German city of Kassel was arrested after halting rail traffic across the region.
The migrant, who lives in Niest, shut down the Kassel rail system on Jan. 16, but the story was only published by German newspaper Bild on Jan. 22.
“Because of him, the driver of a RegioTram in the direction of Kassel had to brake quickly in the area of the Kassel-Jungfernkopf train stop,” said a police spokesman. The 30-year-old was lying in the middle of the tracks and was masturbating when the conductor was forced to halt quickly to avoid hitting him.
The train was stopped right in front of the man, but police say the man just kept masturbating. Witnesses began filming the man, with some of the footage leaking online.
The Afghan’s actions caused 13 trains to be late before police arrived and arrested the man. No one was injured during the incident. The Afghan has been charged with interfering with train traffic.”
Not quite as bad as the darkie, dinghy immigrant who approached the window of a woman’s home, scared the living daylights out of her and then rubbed one out while staring at her.
Cultural enrichment eh?
Liberal Progressives will tell you they are not committing crimes “because they are immigrants”. —–I beg to differ. The opposite is true. eg In Sweeden immigrants commit 10 times more sexual offences and rapes than indigenous Swedes do. The response from the left is to make it a criminal offence to point that out.
I can honestly say that the more I see this kind of utter corruption and blatant favouritism, the more it stirs up feelings of racial prejudice. I doubt I am alone in that. It’s very sad that the police want to set us against each other, when I would wish to only judge folk by their character.
This makes me feel about the British police like I already feel about it. All the black people running around here, except insofar they already work for the plod, if I may borrow this, are certainly innocent of this.
Stirring racial prejudice is what is behind ALL the diversity “initiatives.”
‘It’s not always about what they say it’s about.’
Kit Knightly predicting how growing your own fruit and veg will be turned into a subscription service a la Windows 10 bug, 11 bug and so on. Of course a license will be required.
I’m fed up with our taxes being appropriated by the unelected.
It’s not for the police to ‘fund’ anything. They’re a recipient of our taxes solely for the purpose of solving crime. They have no right to redirect these funds elsewhere.
Whitephobia is a very real issue these days. Racism and discrimination against Whites is on the rise whilst whites are far more tolerant of other races.
Unfortunately, the worst cases of Whitephobia are perpetrated by other Whites that hate their own skin colour and tribe.
The left invent new “phobias” everyday. —-If you disagree with them you are apparently suffering from one of their manufactured malady’s.
Never heard of ‘Afriphobia’ before now … strange word … can’t see it catching on. Afrophobia sounds better, but maybe that’s a fear of certain hairstyles.
Well if I were “African” I would take issue with being lumped in with billions of others. Africa is a huge continent with many different races, cultures and languages, and any consideration of “African” with respect to the UK would also need to include people of Afro-Caribbean origin too.