As we all know, leading virologists went to great lengths to stifle discussion of the lab leak theory of Covid origins – despite lending it credence in their private communications.
Twenty-seven signed the infamous Lancet letter, which referred to claims that “COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” as “conspiracy theories”.
Yet one of the co-signers later admitted he initially believed there was a 50% chance the virus leaked from a lab. And another wrote in an email, sent one month after the letter’s publication, “I do not see how anyone could definitively state that the virus could not possibly have come from that lab.”
A third co-authored a paper stating, “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible”. Yet mere weeks before, he’d written in an email that “some of the features (potentially) look engineered” and that he and several colleagues “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory”.
A fourth wrote an email referring to the lab leak as a “very destructive conspiracy”, asking his colleagues whether there was something the NIH could do to “help put [it] down”. And a fifth stated in an email that “further debate” about the lab leak theory could do “unnecessary harm” to science.
Did their efforts pay off? Are most people around the world convinced that the lab leak is a “conspiracy theory” for which there’s no hard evidence? They aren’t – according to a major new poll.
YouGov asked respondents in 26 countries, “Which one, if any, of the following best describes how you think Coronavirus first emerged?” They were five response categories (as well as “other/don’t know”):
• “It was a natural mutation that occurred in the wild”
• “It was a natural mutation that occurred in humans”
• “It was a natural mutation that was released from a laboratory by accident”
• “It was artificially created in a laboratory on purpose, and then released by accident”
• “It was artificially created in a laboratory on purpose, and then released on purpose”
The numbers in YouGov’s table are a bit hard to read, but Twitter user Triple Bankshot has helpfully graphed them:

In 25 out of 26 countries, a plurality of respondents said the virus was released from a lab. With the exception of Danes, in other words, more people believe the lab leak than the natural origin theory.
What’s more, in most countries, more people said it was released intentionally than said it has a natural origin. This was even true in countries that have a favourable view of China, like Russia, Kenya and Nigeria.
Interestingly, North West Europeans seem to be among the least likely to believe the lab leak theory. Is this because of greater trust in government? Probably not. Although European surveys show trust is particularly high in countries like Sweden and Denmark, international surveys show it’s just as high in Russia and India.
YouGov’s poll shows the public aren’t having it. Most people around the world think the virus leaked from a lab, Lancet letter be damned.
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In a word: ccucggcgggca.
Pardon my ignorance – What?
DNA sequence.
I wonder whether the reason for North Western Europeans greater belief in a natural mutation is a result of heavier propaganda in this region, and/or greater trust in the mainstream media that generally/repeatedly scoffed at the idea of a lab-made virus.
The mainstream media purveyed the propaganda in great dollops as instructed to an already credulous audience.
There are those who believe for intelligent reasons derived from dispassionately looking at the evidence and those who believe because they just jump on any anti authority conspiracy theory right or not and are credulous. Or maybe that’s just me trying to rationalise how the people of Kenya, Nigeria and France seem to have their heads screwed on so much better than us Brits.
We were subjected to a nudge / behavioural psych onslaught that was not quite so developed in Kenya, Nigeria and France?
Remember it was Cameron-Clegg who set up the Number Ten “nudge unit” aka government overt political propaganda.
If we had accepted the lab-leak theory in 2020 then we could have pressed the likely offending laboratories/countries to let everyone know what the known characteristics of the virus was, and what the aims of the research were.
This crucial information might have offered a significant ‘head start’ back in 2020, allowing for more effective medical and PPE interventions. It could have saved many thousands (possibly millions of lives).
The use of official rules and guidelines to quash any suggestion of a lab leak took the heat off the responsible parties, and led to this pandemic killing more and causing more disruption in general?
The Lancet let us all down very badly in publishing that letter. But then again journals are the lapdogs of the pharmafia. Their credibility is shot to pieces.
The Lancet has been decidedly dodgy for years.
I am sure that’s so. But the ‘burner phone biolab gang’ really called in the favours with this letter. This was a surely a final nail in the credibility casket.
I do not understand why you cling to cock-up theory when evidence is presented here on a daily basis confirming this “pandemic,” and there has NOT been ANY pandemic just a Scamdemic, was years in the making.
Millions killed? Post injection roll out yes. Initially people who died were very old and with underlying health problems and died of re-named ‘flu. Or were killed by Midazolam Mat’s kindly interventions.
“more effective medical and PPE interventions.”
For crying out loud, Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine were banned and emptied from shelves everywhere. I wonder why?
Unfortunately, Amanuensis your clinging to cock-up theory has all the hall marks of a civil servant plant and it is very tiresome.
I don’t think he’s a plant and he’s certainly not tiresome
But yes, one struggles to give these bastards the benefit of the doubt
Regarding interventions, in some fantasy world that does exist that would have been good, but at this point I don’t trust any of it – I don’t want governments and “public health” bodies and “doctors” anywhere near me. Leave me the hell alone and don’t steal my hard earned cash
The good ship SS Benefit of the Doubt weighed anchor and set sail, destination unknown, in about March 2020. It has not been heard of since.
Anyone who has sighted it since that date is woefully misinformed.
Ending with ‘We declare no competing interests’ this is the ‘get your excuse in early’ main paragraph from The Lancet letter:
The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published andanalysed genomesof the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),1 and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 as have so many other emerging pathogens.11, 12 This is further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine13 and by the scientific communities they represent. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus. We support the call from the Director-General of WHO to promote scientific evidence and unity over misinformation and conjecture.14 We want you, the science and health professionals of China, to know that we stand with you in your fight against this virus.
And here is a list of those stalwart peddlers of the $cience and biowarfare / medicine doom-loop Chuckle Brothers ‘To me, to you’ self delusion and, who knows, just a hint of something dark and naughty? Let the courts decide!
The signatories, those shining purveyors of all that is admirable in modern science, include:
Jeremy Farrar (and his burner phones!)
Christian (that may be a red herring) Drosten
there’s even a Madoff on the list
Someone called Peter Daszak (sure I’ve heard of him before)
Dr Strangelove
Baron Frankenstein
I just can’t be bothered to list the rest.
Great that The Lancet published it! What a service to humanity!!!
Science has been so thoroughly corrupted by the forces of evil, that it’s virtually impossible to find any valid research these days.
I always start with reading the funding and competing interests declarations which effectively eliminates 80% of papers, then the methods and then the conclusions.
Once those dodgy papers have been culled, that leaves very few research papers worth noting.
… that jeopardise our global collaboration to cover well-dodgy things up and make shedloads of money at the same time, as is our historical right.
Perhaps the reason a survey could not be done in China should be emphasised as the media are not telling the public what life there is like.
My original post here has been pulled for some reason. In it I merely quoted the main paragraph of The Lancet infamous letter which is well worth a read and I also mentioned the names of some of the letters signatories such as Jeremy ‘Burner Phone’ Farrar of the Wellcome Trust, Peter Daszak (Gain of Function guy) and Christian Drosten (PCR test guru).
Lest we forget.
I am pretty certain that these are the same people who believe that the Russians blew up their own pipeline.
I mean the ones who still believe in the natural origin psy-op, of course.
“At the start of the pandemic”
Presume we’re talking about the pandemic of lies?
Majority believe covid made in lab
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You’ve got to be either very gullible or seriously thick to believe that it magically appeared in the wet market of a city, which has a lab built to specifically experiment with viruses.
As the last 30 months have shown “very gullible or seriously thick” would describe at least 90% of the population