So, Rishi Sunak will shortly be installed as our new Prime Minister – the fifth since 2016. Indeed, Prince Charles is already on his second PM and he hasn’t even been crowned yet, suggesting he may break his mother’s record of appointing 15 during her reign. You wait 70 years for a coronation and then two come along at once!
My email box is filling up with people claiming this is a WEF-orchestrated coup. The evidence is overwhelming, they say. Here’s the Naked Emperor on the case for prosecution:
His father-in-law, Narayana Murthy, is an Indian billionaire and founder of Infosys. In 2005 Narayana was co-chair of the WEF’s annual event, along with Bill Gates. Infosys has partnered with the WEF to deliver digital services which to many look like social credit systems and biometric IDs.
Infosys runs India’s digital ID scheme called Aadhar and Rishi’s wife owns just under 1% of the company. That doesn’t sound a lot but it means she gets £11.5 million in dividends every year.
Rishi is also a keen Central Bank Digital Currencies advocate.
Mr Sunak’s former hedge fund was heavily invested in Moderna and he refused to say whether he would profit from the Covid vaccine.
Here’s a nice photo of Rishi with the National Farmers’ Union President wearing her nice shiny WEF Agenda 2030 badge.
Here’s Rishi explaining his new Agenda 30 Green taxes and Sovereign Green Bonds, sponsored by the WEF.
We also can conclude that Rishi is the globalists choice by looking at who supported him and what they say.
Tobias Ellwood MP was an early Rishi supporter announcing that “the free market experiment is over and the reset begins” before swiftly deleting his tweet.
Tobias is a member of the Global Thinkers Forum, Chair of the Defence Select Committee and reservist in the 77th Brigade, the secretive section of the British Army’s information warfare unit (Hi guys!). Here he is again calling for a reset.
Two other Rishi supporters are Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Michael Gove, Chief Westminster King Maker, who both attended the Bilderberg meeting in Washington in June this year.
Individual statements or policies can be argued away as conspiracy nonsense or coincidence but put it all together and it is clear that inexperienced Rishi was placed into power a couple of years ago with the intention of pushing an agenda that benefits the few.
Worth reading in full.
You won’t be surprised to hear I don’t buy it. Not just because it assumes that a conclave of puppet masters are responsible for a series of unfortunate political events, ignoring the thousands of variables that are responsible for history unfolding in the way that it does – including the free will of the protagonists – but because there’s a simpler explanation.
Liz Truss lost power because she and Kwasi Kwarteng chose to introduce a mini-budget they’d made no effort to prepare the financial markets for and which probably would have spooked those markets even if they had. They put an energy support package in place that would cost the British Government up to £100 billion, depending on the global energy markets, and proposed to cut taxes by £45 billion without any corresponding cuts in public expenditure, in spite of the fact that inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years, our national debt is £2.45 trillion (up from £1.8 trillion in March 2020) and we’re almost certainly heading into a recession. Forget the proposal to cut the top rate of tax and scrap the cap on bankers’ bonuses – those supposedly ‘libertarian’ measures were irrelevant. It was the fact that the British Government was going to have to borrow hundreds of billions of pounds without any serious plan to balance the books that sent the currency markets and the bond markets into a tailspin.
There was nothing inevitable about that – Liz and Kwasi could have waited until next Spring to unveil their pro-growth strategy and gone about implementing it in a measured, gradual way instead of springing it on everyone just days after a period of national mourning.
But the events that followed this catastrophic political misjudgement do have an air of inevitability about them: first the U-turn on cutting the top rate of tax, then the defenestration of Kwasi, followed by the appointment of Jeremy Hunt, then the U-turn on not raising corporation tax and the shrinking of the energy support package from two years to six months… how could any Prime Minister survive such a cascade of humiliations?
After she’d been dethroned in these circumstances, Rishi’s coronation also seems unavoidable. Had it been Boris who succeeded her – or, God forbid, Penny Mordaunt – the financial markets would have jack-knived again. Indeed, gilt yields started to rise the moment rumours began circulating that Boris would throw his hat into the ring and didn’t begin to drop until he announced he wouldn’t be standing. I daresay that was an important factor in his decision not to run – if the currency markets and the bond markets rejected him, just as they’d rejected Liz, he’d have no choice but to resign as well.
So what’s the moral of the story? Remainers will argue this proves that take back control was never more than a clever political slogan. The idea that Britain could regain its sovereignty by leaving the European Union was always for the birds, given all the other international forces restricting His Majesty’s Government’s room for manoeuvre, not least the financial markets. Indeed, Jonathan Freedland wrote a column in the Guardian about what he called “the sovereignty delusion” making precisely this point:
Truss and her now ex-chancellor were given the rudest of reminders that in our interdependent world there is no such thing as pure, untrammelled sovereignty. No government can do what the hell it likes, heedless of others. In this case, the restraint on sovereignty was not the EU: it was the money markets. But their verdict was as binding as any Brussels edict; in fact it was more so. They ordered the removal of a chancellor after just 38 days in office and the cancellation of the Government’s economic strategy. It is the financial markets that have taken back control.
There’s a deal of truth in this, but with one important caveat: the money markets probably wouldn’t have reacted in the way they did to the mini-budget if inflation wasn’t approaching double digits and if Britain’s national debt wasn’t 100% of GDP. Freedland blames Brexit for Britain’s straitened economic circumstances, but the actual cause was Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak’s mishandling of the pandemic. If they hadn’t mothballed the economy for 18 months and borrowed ~£400 billion to pay people not to work our national finances wouldn’t be in such a parlous state and Liz and Kwasi probably would have got away with it. The financial markets didn’t take back control. Boris and Rishi handed it to them when they more or less bankrupted the British economy.
There’s an irony here. Boris and his closes allies reacted in the way they did to the pandemic because, as they saw it, it was the best way to ensure their political survival. I daresay the same calculation was made by most political leaders who rushed to impose lockdowns and then borrowed hundreds of billions to cushion the economic shock. But the result has been a global recession and a grim new financial reality in which political leaders can no longer spend their way out of trouble. So one after another the incumbents are going to fall – and, as in Boris’s cases, their successor’s too. From now on, anything other than brutal austerity won’t be economically feasible, even though it’s politically disastrous. Britain is the canary in the coal mine; soon, every Western country will be like Italy, changing Prime Ministers every five minutes.
Those who see the hand of the WEF or Bilderberg or Bill Gates in all this are not cynics, but romantics. They cannot bring themselves to believe that sheer human folly could have brought us to such a point. Mankind is not so inept, surely? There must be some controlling intelligence directing events, even if it’s malignant. I almost wish that were true, because the truth is even harder to bear — we are the authors of our own downfall. But bear it we must if we’re going to avoid making such a catastrophic mistake again.
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Sorry to disagree. Look at who goes to Davos and look at who has power in the world. It is not infinite and unique power, but it is a strong influence in both politics and finance.
It’s just that the “sheer human folly” consistently happens to implement the WEF agenda. The medically absurd but vaxpass-friendly proposal from Dr Bill Gates and Dr Tony Blair and his teams embedded in the governments of more than 20 countries, that the world should stay in lockdown until most people had been vaccinated with a leaky vaccine. The vaxpasses that we were assured weren’t going to happen even as they were being prepared. The obsession that the WEF and its graduates have with implementing digital ID and CDBCs, instruments of tyranny. The deep green Net Zero politics. The censorship. None of this has been driven by the electorate. These policies are coming from somewhere, they are not random, they have been adopted by governments “left” and “right” around the world.
An excellent piece from John Ellwood over at TCW which Toby would benefit from reading.
And here is an amusing, albeit dark view of coming events from the new Fishy academy by Alexander McKibben over at TCW.
Re ‘None of this has been driven by the electorate’
The overwhelming majority of the voting population in the West (and to some extent wider world) supports the Green / Climate Change / Net Zero / Ultra Health (eg suspension of all normal liberties because of a flu-like disease) agenda.
It would be very surprising if they didn’t, as children have been indoctrinated into this ideology from the earliest of ages at school for around three decades now.
This is an entirely open ideological and quasi-religious problem and challenge, not hidden conspiratorial one.
The real deception going on is the attempt to hi-jack this crucially important practical and moral issue for anti-democratic purposes.
Mr Young still clinging to cock-up theory. Of course there will be cock-up excuses when Fishy sells the country to the IMF, when CBDC is introduced, when the currency becomes carbon credits, when digital ID appears.
The destruction of Western economies is required in order to facilitate their ‘great reset.’ It’s all hiding in plain sight- Agenda 2030, the Rockefeller Lockstep paper from 2010.
We are facing the battle of all battles and it is the battle for humanity.
I think it’s combination of the two: cock-up AND conspiracy. We have venal imbeciles possessed of low cunning and greedy, easy-to-manipulate fools running countries, while sinister organisations and manipulators such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, the UN, WEF and Soros family, among others, stand ready to take advantage and put in their people in advantageous positions, some of whom are robotic technocrats, devoid of humanity and conscience, and others are the easily-bought types mentioned above, also devoid of humanity and conscience.
Either way, the individual and the small local community doesn’t figure in their plans: they can be railroaded whenever a ‘big plan’ suits the people in charge. A major reason I wanted out of the EU was because it’s tough enough being an individual or a small business among 64 million people, ruled from London. Being an individual among half a billion people ruled from Brussels, renders you irrelevant.
Ultimately, we’re run by globe-spanning neoliberals, who believe in the market for the market’s sake, in an unholy alliance with cultural Marxists who enforce company ‘values’ and ‘best practices’, in effect creating a repressive legal system of their own that operates outside of a normal country’s. Say or do something entirely legal that contradicts your company’s ‘values’ and you can lose your livelihood and be blacklisted by other similar companies, effectively rendering you unemployable and a non-person.
These elitists see us as sheep and, of course, they see themselves as shepherds and, when it suits them, butchers.
Good post, spot on I reckon. The question becomes what is the balance between cock-up and conspiracy? Mainly the former I reckon, with cynical organisations and individuals gaining advantage from the folly they see unfolding before their eyes.
PS.: I wrote my post below using the phrase ‘robotic technocrats’ before reading your post.
There’s probably a large element of Cocked-up Conspiracy too:
Very well put.
Perhaps Mr Young has outlined a contrarian opinion knowing how DS members would react to Fishy’s walk-in. The weight of evidence supporting deliberate interference these last few months is very difficult to ignore and cock-up theory just doesn’t hold water.
Toby protecting DS perhaps?
The same happens to countries as it does people: Don’t get into debt and you can spend however you like.
The essential folly from which pretty much all the other follies flow is the introduction of fiat currency. It turns government debt into currency and makes it easy for them to siphon off the country’s wealth into nonsense projects, wars etc. Until that is fixed nothing much will improve and we’re all headed for Zimbabwe.
The fiat in fiat money is functionally redundant because currencies are always established and maintained by fiat (usually a government decree). During the time when money was still based on almost completely useless and therefore inherently worthless ‘commodities’ like gold and silver, governments finding themselves in short supply of their own coins would remedy this problem by adding more readily available metals during minting while keeping the same nominal value, ultimatively causing inflation not because the amount of so-called precious metals in coins was reduced but because the amount of coins could now be inflated without limits (or rather, within much laxer limits).
Fiat cars, Italian, stands for “Fix It Again Tomorrow”.
I now understand the meaning of fiat currency.
You buying this $HIT?
When the Globos actually put a Matrix plug in the back of your neck and start preparing a concoction of blended maggots to stuff into it, Toby won’t be buying into the paranoid conspiracy behind that either.
I think Mr.Young needs to stop looking at life through rose tinted spectacles and get real…quickly.
The mistakes all go one direction. Those aren’t mistakes.
Is there a guy in a room pulling levels and pressing buttons.? I doubt it. But every one of these traitors is bought in. They knows when a decision is to be made, which decision they are expected to make. They know when an opportunity to advance the cause presents itself, then they will be expected advance the cause. I mean, seriously.! How is this a ‘conspiracy theory’.?
Johnson and Truss were authors of their own downfall. Seeing state intervention-hawking restriction-loving cretins like Sturgeon, Rayner et al pillory Sunak for ‘trashing the economy’ only serves to underline that the government would have been damned if it did, damned if it didn’t. So, it should have done the right thing from the start and held the line. However, Johnson doesn’t have the moral fortitude or courage for such a move. As a Day 1 sceptic I do have some sympathy for Sunak; I remember all too well the social pariah status I achieved for daring to suggest shutting down the economy and schools was unconscionable. In the end, I bailed from all the school mum Whatsapp groups; I couldn’t bear to listen to them anymore and had given up on any notion that they might fight gif their kids, such was the importance of their virtue-signalling status. Yes Sunak should have resigned in protest, but then I suspect he’d have been criticised if he’d bailed and left the country in a crisis. Damned if you go, damned if you don’t, by a fickle public, media and political class.
Couldn’t agree with you more.
Wow Toby, you’re wilful ignorance knows no bounds.
“Your” not “you’re”. Apologies. My ignorance is naturally occurring, but not wilful.
I had high hopes of Toby with his article the other day (Are we witnessing a globalist coup?), but here we are with Toby back on the cock-up theory. Oh dear!
No-one, not even Tory MPs, have voted for Sunak although 150 or thereabouts indicated they would.
The Party Members were prevented from voting because they couldn’t be trusted to do as they were told (at the second time of asking).
The voters have been denied any say now in the appointment of two Prime Ministers, who are breaking the Manifesto the Party was elected to deliver.
The Globalists have got their man, without even a wiff of something vaguely approaching democracy.
He is another WEF “Young Leader” imposed by Globalists who don’t give a tinker’s cuss about the British people.
The LibCONs are going to be annihilated at the next General Election …. and their Party deserves to be destroyed.
Strictly speaking, the only constituents that can vote for an MP that could become a PM are those on the register in that MP’s constituency. That said, it’s conventional that the leader of the majority party in the HoC gets the PM’s job. However, many people think about it in a kind of pseudo-presidential fashion. Some might say that a presidential system might be better, but that would be another ball game.
Another matter could be what will happen with the Conservative membership. How many existing members will cancel their membership? Also, it could split rather like Labour did in the early 1980s; we’ll see.
Craig Murray had a brilliant article last week on that and why the parties don’t need and don’t give a fig about their members anymore.
He seems to have studied at the “Angela Merkel and UvdL School of Democracy”.
“Zis election result is wrong and must be revoked.”
Look on the bright side. Anointing Sunak rather snookers Labour and their professed concern for ethnic minorities. How many Labour party leaders & Prime Ministers have been other than white males? Oh yes, I forgot they’re also the party that cares most for women, or “people with cervixes” as they would say.
So, who have they got left to vote for them, apart from economic incompetents, public sector employees and union leaders?
noun [ C or U ]
UK /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/ US /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/
the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal”
Yes, maybe TY is right – they are not keeping it secret so it’s not a conspiracy, just wicked.
If given the choice of conspiracy or cock-up I almost always choose the latter.
There really is no choice here though.
Toby is entitled to his opinion, despite evidence to the contrary.
If Schwab himself boasts he’s “penetrated the cabinets” of governments worldwide, stating over half of MPs in each country are products of his ‘Young Leaders’ programme, then Sunak has WEF links until proven otherwise.
On another website this was posted a few days ago ….
‘Sunak appeared at the World Economic Forum’s Green Horizon Summit in 2020 to push the idea of a “whole of economy transition” to “green energy” sources. “The challenge of climate change is clear and it is urgent,” Sunak said. “We need to ensure a positive and fair transition to Net Zero and protect our environment.” ‘
Clear enough for me.
They’re not products of his Young Leader programme but absolvents of it. Schwab has been doing this for long enough that Merkel was already a Young Leader . OTOH, that so-called western democracies which are really elective oligarchies are very prone to corruption isn’t exactly news. That’s baked into a system designed around decoupling responsibilty and competence from power.
I’m pretty well with Toby on this. A sensible and sober analysis, particularly regarding the relationship between the markets and governments.
His conclusion:
Those who see the hand of the WEF or Bilderberg or Bill Gates in all this are not cynics, but romantics. They cannot bring themselves to believe that sheer human folly could have brought us to such a point.
seems bang-on to me.
Having said that, it’s also clear to me that the ‘globalists’ will do all they can to gain advantage out of the self-inflicted chaos the Western World is experiencing. Sure, a whole load of robotic technocrats are working to their own ends in all this confusion and hardship – a ‘concatenation of interests’ as Mike Yeadon put it. But the likes of Gates and Schwab as puppet-masters pulling all the stings and controlling events in minute detail as they implement their meticulously worked out plans to dominate the universe? Pardon me if i’m a bit sceptical.
One thing that is never mentioned – if Sunak is a WEF stooge then how come he supported Brexit?
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I see Sunak politically as a sort of a John Major figure. And it may be he achieves the same fate.
The down-vote button is at the bottom of this post to the right.
Thanks for advising the position of the downvote. I rarely ever use it.
I disagree with your position however and believe your interpretation of events is shallow. The majority of governments around the world have done exactly the same things these last three years: totalitarian lockdowns, vaporised health services, aggressive injection programmes and phenomenal state spending and borrowing which could have only one goal – massive impoverishment of populations, physical, mental and fiscal. And that can be put down to random incompetence across the whole planet? That really requires an answer to the question “what you smokin’?
The events occurring are all laid out in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 document, Agenda 2030, the WEF website and scores, if not thousands of other papers. At the moment I would say the planning is largely on track and our situation is going to become much worse between now and Easter.
I highly recommend widening your research.
Clearly there are organisations and individuals who are striving to create a supra-national government in which actual national governments are akin to local councils, with very limited effective powers. And just as clearly they have been aided in that by the inadequacy of the politicians we elect to govern us, which in itself is a reflexion of the torpor and intellectual laziness into which much of our society has sunk.
But Toby’s article is about the replacement of PM Truss with PM Sunak, and whether this was a coup orchestrated by the WEF. He then goes on to outline a, in my view, persuasive argument about why this isn’t so. That’s what my post was attempting to address, rather than to deny the apparently sinister and ominous aims and motives of supra-national organisations like the WEF, EU, WHO, etc – organisations who I believe are indeed attempting to orchestrate chaos and gain maximum advantage from it, but who aren’t as all-powerful, all-seeing, and clever as many would like to suppose.
You wrote this … ‘And just as clearly they have been aided in that by the inadequacy of the politicians we elect to govern us’
I think the point that most are making here is that the cause of that ‘inadequacy’ is that they are almost all of the same globalist (to use an over simplified catch all) mindset.
In my view Thomas Sowells fantastic book Conflict of Visions covers this perfectly … we have a group of people in political and cultural power who are overwhelmingly of the same ‘unconstrained’ vision which naturally has themselves, due to their self evident superiority, sitting atop an enlightened and hugely changed civilisation.
Bernie Spofforth put up a tweet an hour-and-a-half ago:
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I just understand that behind most government decisions are lobby groups & global corporations with vested interests, who are far more intelligent than the MP’s we have selected, which means they are easily led, easily bought and easily controlled.
Seems about right to me.
I went to a Together debate last night on ‘the great reset’.
Prof Frank Furedi had a very interesting point, stating that for a few decades politicians have been outsourcing decision making to external institutions. It started with Gordon Brown giving the Bank of England power to set interest rates. Politicians have been looking at the EU, WHO etc for their decisions. As a result the distance between the people and decision making has become greater.
And what are the four institutional investors doing in number 11, advising the Chancellor? What is that all about?
It may be worth asking Furedi to write a piece for the Daily Sceptic.
At the very least it’s a coup by the Parliamentary Conservatives who have deprived the members of the chance to express their choice – something TY himself was very keen to do. Clearly a case of making sure the wrong answer was not returned twice in a row.
A first I am a Romantic. I guess time and watching will show which theory is correct. I hope you are right Toby, that there will be no centralised digital currency, that digital I.D will not be introduced and flowing from this a CCP style of tyranny. I have to say looking at what has happened over the past 2 plus years, the censorship, the cruelty, the egregious spoutings of the WEF members, Sunaks love of digital currency, the lockstep following of the western world in its behaviours during the cold. It makes it very difficult to believe this was all haphazard, and uncoordinated. But, I hope you are correct.
Cheer up lads. Open the popcorn It’s going to be “must see” viewing watching Green card Sunak wriggling
Toby … you are getting right on my ‘t***’ with your absurd arguments against the bleedin’ obvious … of course they don’t control everything directly but they influence everything all the time by forwarding a narrative and achieving near group think conformity ….. stop being so damn myopic ….
I agree, our large debt has tied us to the ‘markets’ and we’re now more ensnared, though as pointed out we are in an interdependent world. . Isn’t debt how capitalism leverages control? Haven’t there always been secret and not-so-secret societies trying to pulli the strings? At least WEF has come out into the open, particularly since covid, and we can see what they’re up to.
Mr. Young, in a pure fashion, is skeptical of the skeptics. He refuses to accept that there are pure evil people and organizations and that all is a result of bungling incompetence. History would beg to differ.
No attacks on the equally or even more bankrupt and equally or even more profligate and troubled European countries and the US though.
That’s the big hole in your story.
Meanwhile in Alberta, new PM Danielle Smith not just apologized for the discrimination of the unvaccinated, she also announced that this is going to be prohibited going forward and that none of her cabinet will be allowed to go to a WEF meeting, as she doesn’t like it when billionaires brag about how they control politicians.
(Only) A World Government led by her and Ron DeSantis would be fine with me.
Unrestricted Warfare by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui is worth a read and would be worthy of an alternative title: ‘How to wage total war on a people whilst retaining plausible deniability by disguising your assaults as cock-ups.’
Bravo, Toby. (Yes, I’m on Team Toby.)
You might also have added that the financial markets didn’t take back control. In fact they don’t exist as a single entity. They are made up of the investment decisions of many thousands of individual people. In fact it was REALITY that took back control, from Truss’ fantasy economics.
Governments are always constrained by reality. But they do have room to make decisions. The markets will not react badly to tax cuts, if they are matched by spending cuts. So there’s a decision that is open to governments – to spend and tax more, or to spend and tax less.
Fantasy economics – like every rich world country printing trillions to pay furlough, buy useless PPE, “vaccines”, track and trace?
Oh Toby, you know the song “Dream, dream, dream” by the Everly Bros. Don’t we all wish this was just some dumb and stupid decision making on behalf of those we pay to work for us, government. Sadly, we have puppets whose strings are being pulled and it will all end in tears. I admire your optimism, just can’t participate in it.
‘Would have jack-knived again’
Jack-knifed surely?
As I already wrote in another comment: You should really call it a Nazi coup by multinational corporate fascists (or something like that) to go full-throttle US domestic politics Democrat copycat mumbo-jumbo. The Chaotic and Unedifying Party has deposed another of it hapless would-be statesmen and the shelf-life of the current wannabe prime minister has yet to be determined. But that’s a completely democratic procedure, just not exactly good government.
It’s all completely legal, indeed – unless someone nudged others to destabilise the pound or whatever, in order to destabilise the government. We’ll never know, or prove it.
I certainly think if I were a Tory party member I’d not be best pleased that the MPs didn’t give me a chance to vote because I got the right answer last time. But then they could/should amend the party constitution to ensure that at least two candidates are put before the members.
I obviously don’t have a proof for that but I’m convinced that destabilising the pound was an intentional political maneuver. This has been used (or someone reportedly threatened to use it) to a good effect in the past.
I’m also a bit suspicious about the open glee in this article, eg, the Because of The Markets Keynesianism just doesn’t work anymore and brutal austerity is the only option! The time since March 2020 has demonstrated that The Markets can wonderfully live with governments burning truckloads and truckloads of money on nonsense. But apparently, sensible government spending is completely off limits. Whether or not Truss’ plans where actually sensible is a different question but not one this text discusses. They were Spending and came from The Government. And The Markets just cannnot tolerate this!
Yes I quite agree.
Toby thinks I am a ‘romantic’. Follow the money and power it is globalist coup! Next is more loss of liberty for ordinary people the digital stitch up, no saving up in the jar for the trip to Bolton Abbey. When I got there with my coin savings. Digital only allowed. !! Little example but the bigger picture is loss of our own destiny and decisions that is and always should be a romantic goal, freedom.
By calling it folly instead you are letting it happen.
Hunt staying as Chancellor. Zero covid lockdown fanatic.
That was a bloody given. The DD’s wanted some proper evil behind Fishy, Chunt is their man and he was moved into place without a murmer from the Tories in Westminster. I’ll bet Shameless Shapps is staying too.
It is all becoming very predictable.
A real government of occupation.
Yes, Shapps is staying, also Gove (another lockdown fanatic scumbag) expected to return. One consolation is Braverman back.
Power has been migrating upwards for 30 years – it didn’t just vanish into thin air.
It doesn’t matter where you stand on the spectrum. Watch the second half of The Real Anthony Fauci movie
And surely we can all agree that people like Fauci have corrupted our ruling classes to the extent that none can be trusted. It won’t be comfortable but we, ordinary people, must make our views heard before it’s too late.
@toby young. Agenda 2030 here from the Indian PM Narenda Modi who looks forward to implementing it with our latest and current PM