Chile is known to be the most economically developed country in Latin America, with a GDP per capita of $28,500 – about the same as Bulgaria. It’s therefore not surprising the country’s vaccine rollout proceeded rapidly. As a matter of fact, by mid June of last year, the country had double-vaccinated a greater share of the population than the U.K. or U.S.

At the present time, more than 90% of Chileans are double-vaccinated – almost 20 percentage points higher than in Britain. Chile has also administered a greater number of ‘booster’ doses. By December 14th, over half the population had received one, compared to just 19% of Americans.

Unlike in the West, however, a large fraction of the vaccines given in Chile – 72% – were SinoVac (another 25% were Pfizer). While this often vaccine is said to be less effective than the Western-made ones, the WHO claims it’s up to ‘100% effective’ against severe disease:
A large phase 3 trial in Brazil showed that two doses, administered at an interval of 14 days, had an efficacy of 51% against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 100% against severe COVID-19, and 100% against hospitalization starting 14 days after receiving the second dose.
And a study carried out in Chile itself reported an effectiveness against hospitalisation of 88%, and an effectiveness against death of 86%.
These are big numbers. But by now, we know to treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism. So let’s look at excess mortality in Chile:

As in many other countries, Chile saw a major post-vaccination wave, which burgeoned in January of 2022. By this time, 86% of the population were double-vaccinated and 57% were ‘boosted’. Despite this, excess mortality peaked at 63%, and was actually greater than in the country’s first wave.
Of course, you wouldn’t know this by looking at Chile’s ‘official’ Covid death rate, which suggests the third wave was considerably less deadly than the first.

The excess mortality data from Chile make it very difficult to believe that vaccine effectiveness against severe disease is 86% – let alone 100%, as the WHO claims. And note: Chile had already seen substantial excess mortality in both 2020 and 2021 – meaning the spike in early 2020 can’t be attributed to the ‘dry tinder’ effect.
Add Chile to the growing list of countries whose post-vaccination waves were as or more deadly than their pre-vaccination waves.
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It does look as if it would be in trouble, if it was any other product. Trading on false claims for the benefit of something, while causing damage and diverting resources would be hard work, especially if the organisations involved were financially liable.
And yet they still keep looking to stab people with this garbage. They used Sinovac – right, because it’s not like the vaxx rate and excess death rate show correlation in all highly vaxxed countries, regardless of the choice / mix of poisons (mixing pokes was a stroke of genius, no telling whose poison did the trick).
It is one thing that they went all-in at the beginning, using novel therapeutics of questionable value – they knew from the start it would at best only alleviate symptoms, not provide immunity – for a virus which they also knew was not the new black death. But they saw a direct correlation between vaxx roll-outs and a huge increase in infection rates, after each poke 1 – 2 – 3. Then came the rise in ‘sudden’ deaths. Then the strange decreases in birth rates. Now the trending excess death rates. NL now has 2 consecutive weeks of excess deaths where the numbers do not tally with the official corona deaths for those weeks. Undoubtedly there will be deaths related to delayed diagnosis/treatment due to the criminal lockdowns, but that surely should be a long and reasonably stable line, not one that moves up and down and seems to have a temporal relationship to vaxxes.
At this point health officials, political leaders and pharma execs still pushing people to take this pointless, unsafe, ineffective gunk should be expecting to face charges of negligent homicide. There is no excuse now.
Even Bill Gates has admitted publicly the jabs are pretty ineffective. Which makes one wonder whether he might no be pulling the strings as much as it seemed.
But then again, if Goebbels had come out in 1944 and said that the jews maybe weren’t that bad and probably not the root of all of Germany’s problems, would anyone have paid much attention?
Sometimes things set in motion are very hard to stop.
Yes, I’m sure part of this has to do with the fact that this thing has such momentum, few know how or dare to try and stop it. Not an excuse by any means, but does explain somewhat this now increasingly farcical demand that people keep taking a vaxx with a highly questionable safety profile and that is clearly not effective. Unless ‘effective’ now means that it is more likely for you to become infected, repeatedly, and still become quite ill. In such case it obviously works a treat.
I just hope health officials, politicians and pharma execs take a good long look at Sri Lanka right now and imagine what it would be like to face such crowds who are not only suffering from the same economic hardships, but have the added anger of realising they may well have lost husbands, wifes, children, parents, siblings, friends to a pointless vaxx which was known to cause severe injury and death within a fairly short period of time after the vaxx campaign started. As far as I’m concerned there is no bucket of popcorn big enough.
I too thought that the mix n’ match was to squirm out of paying damages to the jab injured.
Kudos to all the Chileans who obediently lined up for each successive shot of mRNA juice only to find out it doesn’t do anything.
And extra kudos to those who refuse to accept, in spite all the evidence, that the jab doesn’t do anything and will dutifully line up again for future shots.
Really. What a bunch of troopers.
Steve Baker MP has joined the ranks of the useful idiots calling for pregnant women to have the ‘safe & effective’ toxic bioweapon injection….
Steve Baker?! What?
A link to a telegram channel with a screen grab of his Twatter, admittedly from last year, but even so. Plus he did vote for mandatory jabbing of NHS staff.
There are numerous alternative media sites which are constantly waving flags over the injection nonsense and lies.
Three of the most prominent non mainstream outlets are The Daily Sceptic, TCW and UK Column News, all three of which put out top class journalism. If there is any member of Parliament not dipping in to these sites at least every other day then they are guilty of professional negligence. They simply have no excuses given the wealth of evidence confirming how useless and dangerous these vials of junk are.
I wouldn’t doubt that many MP’s are probably reading the government propoganda sheets and watching the British Bullshit Corporation so by way of balance they have a duty to seek out alternative views.
The fact that we “conspiracy theorists” have been right time after time should by now be sufficient to hear Parliamentary voices being raised repeatedly and loudly, that this is not happening means MP’s are either complicit in the unfolding carnage or lazy and incompetent.
Or perhaps it’s a mixture of the two.
Agreed! There is a third option – bribed so actively complicit rather than passively complicit.
Shocking, not shocked. Thanks for keeping the record on this, Noah, DS.
Is it a lack of religious faith, the break-up of the family, a rubbish education …what? What has left a hole so big in people’s lives that they desperately want to believe this nonsense…and it is nonsense…not a bit of it stacks up when you look at the evidence.
what makes them really want to believe and belong so badly???
“What has left a hole so big in people’s lives that they desperately want to believe this nonsense…and it is nonsense…not a bit of it stacks up when you look at the evidence.
What makes them really want to believe and belong so badly???”
Oddly enough, that is exactly what I wonder about the religious.
Re the Jabs.
Burundi a small country in East Africa, population 12.5 million approx.
Current ‘rona death rate 38!!! This has not changed since last August when I first became aware of it being the least jabbed country in Africa.
I will agree that perhaps their data gathering maybe a bit lax shall we say?
Their current jab rates are;
Total doses 17,139
Fully jabbed 14, 707
I guess they have used the Janssen jabs.
Could this country be the ‘control group’?
It will be interesting to see what happens to their healthy live birth rate in the coming years.
The main reason for the low Corona death rate in Burundi may be because, according to Wikipedia, “According to the WHO the average life expectancy in the country is 58/62 years”.
Similarly in other African countries with low Covid death rates such as Nigeria.
In the UK we were all made to fear the virus, but anyone relatively young and healthy had no good reason to fear it, yet many have risked potential damaging effects of the vaccines.
Ebygum hits the nail on the head. There’s a God-shaped hole in people’s lives which is being filled with the new religion of climate change. The Church has abandoned it’s core message and joined in.
Well the Pope – bloody Satanist is fully signed up to the WEF and Reset.
And Welby, supposed head of the Anglican Church is too. Most of the Synod has been indoctrinated with Satanic Reset woke guff hence why the priesthood capitulated so easily.
One could argue that the Church fills a void in people’s lives.
I have no religion, I feel no need for one.
In my childhood I attended Sunday School, later I sang in the Church Choir, I married a Christian, attended Sunday Services with her, etc., etc.
I am still an atheist, no voids.
I’m in Chile now. It’s bonkers here. About half of the population are still walking around OUTSIDE in face masks even though the government finally lifted that restriction a couple of months ago. They’re still mandatory in public buildings and you’re also supposed to sanitise your hands and scan your wrist / forehead with temperature sensors. The latter looks suspiciously as though their long term goal is to read an implanted RFID tag or chip, though they do seem to produce credible temperature readings. You still have to show proof of quadruple COVID jabs or having recently had a PCR swab shoved two inches up your nose to travel more than about hundred miles (though you can break your journey and no one will notice). Proof of quadruple COVID jabs is also mandatory to enter some restaurants (officially all, but most don’t check) as well as churches. The latter I find particularly ironic given the jabs’ tendency to induce miscarriages, the fact that most churches are Roman Catholic and Chile has some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. There is a modicum of resistance in the form of a few slogans and people refusing the jabs, though nothing like we had in the UK. You’d have thought they’d have known better after the Pinochet experience, but then again this may explain how it was allowed to happen.