ITV has been issued with a warning by Ofcom following a Covid segment with Dr. Hilary Jones on the morning show Lorraine. The Glasgow Times has more.
The broadcaster has been told to take “greater care” after Dr. Hilary shared inaccurate vaccine statistics in December.
The programme attracted 3,833 complaints from viewers over a discussion about the number of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients in hospital.
The segment, on December 6th 2021, saw host Lorraine Kelly and resident medical expert Dr. Hilary encouraged viewers to accept the offer of a coronavirus vaccination. …
ITV viewers lodged complaints after ITV’s resident medical expert, Dr. Hilary, shared inaccurate information.
He said: “Those people who haven’t been vaccinated, we’d really love you to think again and be vaccinated because 90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated right now with Covid.”
On Monday, media watchdog Ofcom ruled it would not be launching a formal investigation, but has issued ITV with guidance.
In a statement, Ofcom said: “This programme incorrectly referenced the proportion of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients in hospital.
“We have told ITV that greater care should be taken by trusted medical experts when presenting facts and figures on public health issues.
“However, given official statistics and research have consistently shown that vaccination against COVID-19 offers greater protection against serious health consequences, we do not consider that the error was sufficient to materially mislead viewers on this main point of discussion.”
I suppose we should applaud Ofcom for warning a broadcaster over pro-vaxx inaccuracies rather than anti-vaxx inaccuracies, but claiming the error wasn’t bad enough “to materially mislead viewers” is pretty extraordinary. Claiming that 90% of all people in hospital are unvaccinated is pretty misleading. Moreover, the article also includes the following paragraph:
A clarification was broadcast on the show two days later, explaining the statistic related to patients in intensive care units rather than the proportion of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients in hospital.
In fact, it’s also not true that 90% of Covid patients in ICUs are unvaccinated, as we’ve pointed out many times before on this website. So even the “clarification” was misleading.
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This is a comment in response to an article published on Russia today
‘Columbia University study reports over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.
Here are some quotes from the paper:
Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).
In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.
Meanwhile, critics like my good “friend” Jeffrey Morris admit they haven’t got a clue as to how many people have died and can’t figure out even a single way to estimate it. Stunning. He still thinks there is no proof of causality.’
p.s not my comment
Scary when Russia Today needs to be a core go to source of information because our own media are effectively in thrall to an ideology and are telling lies.
I also scan Russia Today too, so this is an affirmation of your post. Not a criticism.
yes, Russia Today is full of trash.
If Putin wants to win, he should try being nice to people. Many are ready to follow his lead in order to overthrow covidian tyranny! (But not ready to replace covidianism with ‘old-school’ tyranny.) He should be lapping up this opportunity.
Is Putin in any way an opponent of tyranny?
No, only on a rhetorical-tactical level, I imagine.
He could more easily ‘make Russia great again’ by stressing free collaboration with countries like Ukraine, Hungary, and Poland.
Poland, where I was born, is (as always!) in a strategic pickle with EU on one flank and Russia on the other. A diplomatic revolution towards Russia might be feasible if the EU bullying gets too bad: but would require Russian ‘benevolence’ (a tough ask).
A more pragmatic Russian leader could do this. I suspect, however, that Putin lacks the originality to make the ‘great leap forward’ to democracy and an inversion of all his policies hitherto.
Indeed – I think a pragmatic Russia that offered itself as a benign alternative to the EU would stand a very good chance of wooing quite a few of its neighbours away from the Franco-German imperialists trying to culturally colonise the east.
Is Boris ?
No and that is irrelevant.
Have you actually ever listened to Putin’s analysis of world affairs?
No. Why?
More so than the BBC? Or The Guardian? Or Reuters? Or any other western corporate news source you could care to mention? Western media is worse than trash. It’s carefully constructed propaganda on behalf of corporate interests. Coronavirus was the nail in the coffin of British investigative journalism, when government became the largest purchaser of press advertising space and Ofcom essentially outlawed free speech. My attitude to RT is: if this is Russian state sponsored propaganda designed to weaken the west, good. That makes it slightly more reliable than anything else on offer in the corporate media. Of course anyone open minded with a genuine interest in how the world works knows that this is the age of independent and citizen journalism.
…and your BBC is a beacon of truth and light…
Russia Today tells more truth than the BBC!
It’s OK just more obviously manipulative, so less sophisticated.
I think the general public is still quite blind to all of this.
The criminals have the opportunity to soften the damage they have caused over the last two years and escape Nuremberg-style justice. The MSM creeps are doing the backpedal now, trying to join the right side of history, and a few angry tweets might be the worst thing they get in return for betraying their people and country.
Te General Public, we can now be assured, is blind to everything!
It is our duty to question Government policy, not a moral wrong
Rosie Langridge
The big danger is that this fake normal stays
Join the friendly resistance before it’s too late
now is not the time to give up
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Only a simpleton is going to believe this.
Then again…………, there are plenty on this site.
There you go again. Petty insults and no substance.
Just ignore this troll CG.
OffCom stepping in to give the pretence that they are doing the job they should be doing.
As you were.
Their job is to push the Vax Narrative – simple!
Can we complain about Ofcom for claiming Jones is a ‘trusted medical expert’ when he is actually a cunt
And we should complain that Ofcom is telling outright lies.
Watch what you say……Cunts are useful
Yeah, but. . . who watches the toothless, de-nutted “watchdogs”?
Not that size, unless of course you’re the elephant in the rooom?
A Swathe of complaints to the GMC might help him to tell the truth in the future. I’d have to get out my GMC booklet on the duties of doctors to check what subsections his offences come under though.
Excellent idea.
The offence of dishonesty for starters.
Never forget and never, ever forgive:
They will all hold our views within two years, and claim they were always Resistance!
Like all Frenchmen were in the resistant after the war.
No victorious side has ever purged all such specimens successfully.
The pivoteers’ imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, however – and of their spinelessness.
This reminds me of the Donatists, those Christians in N.Africa who refused to bow under the Diocletian persecution, and found it impossible to reconcile afterwards with those who now wanted back in but who had previously given in. These were the traitorous ‘traditores’ (handers over) who had folded quickly, handing in scriptures as a token repudiation of their faith, and also handing over sacred vessels, and the names of fellow Christians.
So too we may well find it hard to forgive those who were so quick to worship government pronouncements, hand over basic citizens’ freedoms, and to cast aspersions on others, and maybe even turn them in. But I guess in order to succeed we need to be gracious in welcoming them back into the fold of decent citizenhood, hard though it is!
Point taken, but the trouble with the Donatists was they expected sinlessness in priests for the sacraments to be valid. This was a heresy, as well as being unrealistically hardline. It also made it harder for them to forgive others, and led to hypocrisy.
I am ready to forgive all, but will any seek our forgiveness? We’ll have to leave it to God. This does not rule out just punishment of those responsible, if possible, of course.
Interestingly that’s the line that Jon Gaunt was getting so riled up about on Neil Oliver GBN Saturday evening. He claimed it was an incitement to violence, well worth a watch… What a pillock
He and GMB should be forced to make a prime-time on-air correction / abject apology and to state the ACTUAL figures. Also selectively quoting information as part of a disinformation agenda should be also grounds for censure. TV broadcasters are supposed to be reporting the news accurately, completely and fairly, not with a slant. They CAN report and discuss people’s opinions, but in the same manner.
That they have NOT yet reported on the information that GB News obtained via a FOI request about the number of otherwise healthy COVID-only deaths is also telling. TBH I don’t believe the PHE figures anyway, given they are (IMHO) effectively marking their own homework.
No truly independent body checking the data, and by their own regs, a tiny amount of deaths had anything resembling an autopsy, not also the correct statements made by NZ doctor Sam Bailey that as yet COVID STILL has not been properly isolated and purified as per established methods, but made up using a ‘soup’ of particles and computer program ‘guesses’ based on similar ‘virus’ guesses from 15+ years ago – the proverbial House of Cards.
Pfizer CEO paints ‘ideal’ future of Covid vaccination — RT World News
Head of Pfizer describes those who question the death jab as ‘criminals’
His comment “90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated” was not a mistake, a whoopsy, slip of the tongue: it was quite clearly deliberate and designed to scare people. Can you imagine if Toby went on ITV and made a tiny mistake? The media campaign to inject everyone with experimental killer drugs is disgraceful. Why has no channel had a genuine debate on the positives and negatives? All we hear is shite like Hilary Jones and anyone with a different interpretation, aka knowing the truth, never gets on TV and is instantly dismissed as a Nazi, oops, an Anti-Vaxxer.
Because all the major media channels are owned or funded by the Davos Oligarchs. So the channels don’t provide news as such, but rather advertising and marketing to advance whatever is on their agenda.
Gates has given $314 million to world Media organisations – Globalist Corp Comcast, who own UK SKY News, donated funds to the Senile Joe Biden ‘election’ campaign.
Gates gives £3.4 million to the Daily Telegraph to advocate his World Health Policies.
More confirmation if required of the total Web of Evil which now hangs over all the corridors of power!
They mean us harm!
I absolutely despise this smug cunt
Horowitz: The very concerning data from Scotland.
Very important findings…but then we know don’t we?
Could we all say a prayer for him and pray he should have an anal prolapse and allow a pack of wild dogs to feast on that sour treat.
He is an anal prolapse.
“trusted medical expert”? If this wretch is one, then I hate to think what an untrustworthy TV quack might be like.
Second half of this video – claim made that the jabbed are pissing carcinogens. He is a health professional.
Blood Clots & Inflammation: Dr. Thompson Details J&J Vax Reaction & Bloodwork Findings
So how many indoctrinated cretins has Jones pushed through the door marked “get your untested cytotoxin here”? He should be tarred, feathered and fucking stoned too death.
Cuddly propaganda for the modern age.
Democratic totalitarianism is the finest form of enslavement currently on offer.
Correcting a TV medical buffoon is a clever way of insinuating that the gov is right after all – and that any ‘real errors’ will be impartially dealt with.
That’s why we can’t trust the current ‘liberalisation’ mind-bending phase.
Dr. Mad Hattery Bones, is a paid shill for GloboCap’s fear porn narrative, with that other ghastly GMB troll that is Lorraine Jelly… the bare faced lie of ICUs being 90% full of the selfishly unvaxxed is in fact criminally inaccurate – deliberately so to fuel the demonization of the jab refusenicks.
Meanwhile this current lull in “proceedings” is simply that the EUs next phase of bio-ID matrix grid populace crush downs… will roll later in come the summer, tis likely the UK NHS app will integrate into this system too.
Game on.
The media with all their hysterical reporting are to blame for much of the pressure on governments “to do something”.
I had to correct Dr John Campbell when he also repeated the 90% “unvaccinated” in ICU lie.
To be fair to him he is slowly becoming sceptical with his recent video on 20th Jan 2022 showing that only 6,483 people died of Covid in 2021 with no other comorbidities and the average age at death was 81.5.
Over 1.3 million have viewed his video so hopefully there will be a groundswell towards Covid scepticism.
One of my pet (completely speculative and far-fetched) predictions is that the establishment will ‘flip the script’ on mRNA vaccines and allow it to become known that they were a terrible mistake made by overreaching and unscrupulous governments. Imagine the lawsuits! If you wanted a way to bankrupt countries in order to make way for global governance, it would be a great way to do it. UN comes in to keep the peace, World Bank props up the economy with CBDCs and China releases drugs to counteract the effects of the bad western vaxxes! What a picture!

There won’t be any lawsuits.
Allowing children to be “vaccinated” stops all lawsuits.
That is why governments go against (JCVI) advice and have jabbed children when the harm from the jabs is greater than from Covid.
“They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.
So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.
That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”
Oh dear, who’s going to regulate the regulator on giving out false information and propaganda?
Sometimes when I want a good laugh I read the comments in the Guardian. Today there was a comment with 111 up ticks. It said that when Covid is over and the historians analyse what went on they will say that NZ and Oz got it right!
I still rely on personal experience and observation and I’m still waiting for my first Covid death and being a member of 2 organisations which have elderly members (bowls and Rotary) I still haven’t heard of anybody dying of Covid. I must assume that this plague isn’t that deadly.
Their historians will claim that, yes. Having revised all records on the internet like that bloke from 1984.
He should have been sacked for such misleading information. Is he prepared to accept responsibility for any adverse affects? My guess is he isn’t!
He no doubt has “powerful friends”.
I wonder how often complaints are made against the ghastly Jon Gaunt about his hate speech, incitement to violence against the pro-freedom movement, and general smearing he does every single time he’s given a platform.
I’m surprised GB News keeps inviting this scumbag back on to their shows because every time he’s on there’s almost a fight due to his viscious verbal assaults.
Last night he was on the Neil Oliver show and the hostility he showed towards the pro-choice NHS rally was jaw-dropping.
I can’t believe my Ex wife used to date him when she lived in Barnsley to think we shared the same cavity the Horror.I assume the Big C has rotted his cerebral cortex.
Thank God she’s your ex wife.
Good grief. I couldn’t share the same room with the c*nt.
They don’t call him Dr Shillary for nothing you know
He and people like him are exactly the reason why so many people have lost faith in the medical profession and by extension the NHS. The average person when seeing a doctor (which is by no means as easy as it sounds these days) expects to treated by a healthcare professional, not a purveyor of government policy. And since we have socialised medicine, the government get to have their cake and eat it. Non negotiable tax contributions to pay for non negotiable treatment, administered by government employees, at a time of their choosing, also non negotiable.
We need some Russia hackers to follow the money. Who was paying this tosser?
He has some links with the infamous Gates Foundation, I think…
Doctator Hilary Jones is a consistent purveyor of utter shite masquerading as science.
A lot of people swallow it though.
As is Dr Sarah Jarvis of radio 2 fame
“However, given official statistics and research have consistently shown that vaccination against COVID-19 offers greater protection against serious health consequences, we do not consider that the error was sufficient to materially mislead viewers on this main point of discussion.”
My emphasis.
Groan. Saw the headline – thought: that looks good. Only to have the obligatory sting-in-the-tail at the conclusion.
Yes. Something and nothing.
“official statistics and research have consistently shown that vaccination against COVID-19 offers greater protection against serious health consequences”: perhaps so. But on the other hand intelligent research has shown that the claim is dubious. Who to believe: the official narrators or the sceptical intellects on the internet? My money’s on the latter.
greater care should be taken by trusted medical experts
Shouldn’t greater care also be taken by Dr Hilary?
Greater care should be taken of Shillary Jones. He should be Taken into Care.
Stay safe!
My friend’s mum who is 80 said that if she ever heard someone say that phrase again she is going to stick a knife between their eyes
Definitely with you.
“Stay safe.”
I just want to scream. FO.
This is evil: It’s just another visual way of signalling that – by virtue of their mere existence – other people are nothing but dreadful health risks and people can only protect themselves from this by performing all kinds of bizarre, anti-social rituals. That’s both harmful to the wearer (who’d otherwise have to conclude that the health risk wasn’t so dreadful after all) and to society at-a-large which has to be split into isolated human atoms to protect them all from each other.
I saw this Dr Hilary Jones take on the NHS consultant who confronted the Health Secretary on a hospital visit. Jones spouts drivel about covid and I’m pretty sure he’s not reading the actual literature; seemed completely baffled by the concept of natural immunity and it’s robustness vs vaccines and suggested vaccines more effective at preventing the transmission of the virus. Would really like to see him go head to head with Carl Heneghan or Sunetra Gupta. He’s a compete muppet.
Are you reading the literature?
He Knows nothing whatsoever about immunology/vaccinology/epidemiology.
He is just a Doctor – and as such knows nothing about these crucial sciences and yet the MSM give him airtime.
Has anyone done an audit or investigation into his financial interests?
We can guess, surely?
What a repulsive specimen he is!
This week, Paul Joseph Watson put up video clips of Jones from at the start of the ‘pandemic’ telling people just how useless (and potentially dangerous) face masks are! Three months later he performed a complete about-face with no reason given.
Can i say cunt?
You just did.
Dr Hilary is a media personality with an agent. Does he still practice medicine? I am glad he has been taken to task by OfCom, useless though that body is. They now need to look at the rubbish he has been spouting on Covid for the past two years. It may take a while, as there is an awful lot of material to wade through.
Im afraid the first thing i thought to myself was “Whats in it for him”.I hope this is the start of the end for this pointless self serving EX doctor
Medical clinics and hospitals in USA are denying life-saving Ivermectin medicine even with court orders. Big Pharma doing all that they can to push the vaxx and inoculate us while effective and cheap COVID cures exist. There turns out to be censorship that we have never seen before for those who are looking for these treatments. We say over and over again that indepenedent researchers found Ivermectin safe and very effective for these Flu-Corona symptoms. Getting Ivermectin is easy
Doesn’t ”Unvaccinated” also denote people who’ve had two jabs or are within two weeks after the third? So perhaps, having only just had the ”booster”, are catapulted straight into hospital.
Jones has been brow beating people and terrifying all the elderly for far too long.
Lies, lies and damn lies. Thats him and his ilk all over.
He didn’t wear a mask at Wimbledon proving he isn’t worried about the plague. Rules don’t apply to him.
Ofcom should be renamed the British State Censor