The Prime Minister has admitted that the Omicron strain is “obviously milder than the Delta variant” and told the public that they should enjoy New Year’s Eve, burdened by as few restrictions as possible. However, Boris has also urged people to be “cautious and sensible” and urged everyone to get jabbed. MailOnline has more.
Boris Johnson today gave the green light for people to celebrate on New Year’s Eve but urged the nation to be “cautious and sensible”.
The Prime Minister said he believes “everybody should enjoy New Year” despite the spread of the Omicron variant.
He said the strain ‘continues to cause real problems’, with hospitalisations rising, but the data shows it is ‘obviously milder than the Delta variant’.
Johnson said the booster jab rollout means England does not currently need new Covid restrictions, despite Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all imposing new rules on socialising.
The premier today repeated his plea to the nation to get boosted as he warned that 90% of Covid patients in intensive care units across the country had not received the top-up dose…
Johnson has promised that there will be no new Covid rules in England before New Year’s Eve.
His decision not to roll out extra curbs is in contrast to the actions taken in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where additional restrictions have been imposed after Christmas.
The Prime Minister said this morning during a visit to a vaccination centre in Milton Keynes that the vaccination programme meant “we are able to proceed in the way that we are”.
He said: “The Omicron variant continues to cause real problems. We are seeing cases rising in hospitals but it is obviously milder than the Delta variant and we are able to proceed in the way that we are.
“But there is one reason and one reason only why we are able to do that and that is because such a huge proportion of the British public have come forward to get vaccinated and particularly to get boosted.
“We have done about 32 and a half, maybe more, million booster jabs now and that is allowing us to go ahead with New Year in the cautious way that we are.
“But I cannot stress too much how vital it is for everybody to get that booster jab, particularly the 2.4 million people who have had two jabs but haven’t yet had their booster, they had two jabs more than six or seven months ago, so they are eligible for their booster but they are not yet coming forward to get it.
“So I would say to people, come forward and get your booster, it is a fantastic thing to do, it makes a huge amount of difference to you, it protects you, and I’m sorry to say this but the overwhelming majority of people who are currently ending up in intensive care in our hospitals are people who are not boosted.
“I have talked to doctors who say the numbers are running up to 90% of people in intensive care who are not boosted.
“If you are not vaccinated you are eight times more likely to get into hospital altogether.”
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: Boris Johnson said that 90% of Covid patients in ICU are unvaccinated, a claim that may be true but isn’t supported by any of the publicly available date. Read Will Jones’s recent piece looking at what the published data says about the ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated patients in hospital here.
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Daily Sceptic will go down in history, and nobody on here will forget what you have done, Toby.
But is ‘Hitler’ beaten, or does he have some more panzer armies hidden in the Ardennes?
Ain’t over till it is. GLOBALLY!
Indeed we are up against a global problem. The powers that be were planning how to deal with the dissent during a coronavirus pandemic before the first case of COVID-19 was reported:
“Event 201 – How They Planned To Suppress Dissent”
Event 201 was a meeting hosted by the WEF and the Gates Foundation which was held in October 2019, six weeks before the first case of symptom onset of COVID-19. This final post looks at the video discussion from the event on the subject of how to suppress dissent in the event of a coronavirus pandemic.
Their plans are still many steps ahead of the anticipated reaction – our best hope is an unexpected Wild Card!
It is pointless debating with lying charlatans, who have all the money and all the power .They are just looking for an excuse to use it. Parliament has already allowed itself to be swept aside and in constantly voting for Johnson’s “Emergency Powers” has voted for its own irrelevance.
So what actually now stands between us and the Iron Fist? Not the Courts or the MS Media and certainly not having ” Truth” on your side or winning a debate.
As Stalin might have said:”How many Divisions has ‘Truth’ got?”
Nice one Chauncey – that article you link to is astonishing. I’m not 100% sold on the idea that some sort of unholy Gates/China/WEF triumvirate planned and executed this whole mess, but the fact of “Event 201”, now denied by Gates, goes a long way to persuading me that yes, a few very rich and powerful people have been playing fast and loose with human lives, perhaps motivated by what they believed was altruism, but always with the classic leftist certainty that the ends justify the means – which is what makes their ‘philanthropy’ so sinister. This blog article is occasionally a bit wordy, but is very clear for all that, and the references to other articles (with leading quotes from those articles) are easy to follow. Before reading this, my position was that Schwab & co are merely opportunists and that they took advantage of something they didn’t initiate; now I’d say I’m about 98% persuaded that they very consciously started the ball rolling. I don’t know this blogger and am doing what I can to get a picture of his reliability – but I no longer see any reason to think that such blogs are less credible than the MSM, whose pronouncements, from every part of the political spectrum, I take with an oil-tanker load of salt. (This gets easier and easier the more one discovers just how much of the media, from Guardian to Telegraph, has benefited from dear Bill’s munificence…)
It’s me actually, I’m the blogger in question (clue is in the author name :-), and thanks for the feedback.
All the information I shared is from publicly available information, you can watch all the videos directly from the event website which I linked to in the posts (the 4th video is only 36 minutes long). If anyone doubts a single word I have written then please let me know in the comments below and I will look into it.
And Hitler still has his expanding Labour Camps to make us all own nothing and be “free”!
They may choose not to escalate to camps. To deny us our martyrs.
Plus they are getting what they want already.
Yes it is an enormous thank you!! for the task ongoing that Toby and the team have done but we must not let the powers that be, get away with what they have done!! People are dying from it all. It is not through folly or silly decisions. It is criminal irresponsibility in office due to taking orders from Gates and co, rather than serving the electorate .
I also think that some are beginning to run scared due to multiple international case being brought against some of the big names in this; Johnson’s name is one of those accused “crimes against humanity” in the international court . There are many more and the injuries/deaths from the injected pathogen published more widely. There has to be a reckoning I would be sacked for far far far far trivially less! They need to be prosecuted so it never happens again. I know that Mr Young may not have the stomach for that but I am afraid their had to be a measured due process fair consequence.
In my family we have someone who had delays, cancellations of appointments and has now got terminal cancer. Prosecutions are needed even if you font have the stomach for it it needs to happen!
God, sorry to hear that. Justice will prevail.
The lockdown was only a placeholder until the vaccines were embedded, and they are only a placeholder until the vaccine passports are part of the furniture. So don’t get too excited Toby.
Looks like you hit a nerve there. Who downticks something so blatantly obvious?
I would like to think that the tide is turning but I am not personally seeing any evidence of it. I see mask compliance close to 100% in shopping centres and the conversations I am having with people (admittedly a very small sample) suggest to me that people are still terrified of catching Covid, even when they have had it already and are double or treble vaccinated. I hope I am wrong, but I fear it is going to take years to roll back the doom.
A few anti-mask headlines in newspapers over a week and you’ll never see one again.
Never from this sold -out Globalist media!
Fat chance, too much money being made from them. It would be nice though.
As many people have pointed out, face-nappy compliance is still very high; our church, for example, which was almost back to the old normal, was seeing face-nappy wearing in the low single figures; now it is the other way around. I am often (now) the only free-face.
And don’t forget, these accursed and satanic ‘vaccine passports’ are STILL required at night-clubs and large venues. The war is not over yet.
There is hope, but hope is not victory.
Are they required for all cinemas and theatres?
At the moment, I don’t think so.
But they are ready to be extended whenever the government think it can get away with it. See the disgraceful letter in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph from Julian Brazier; I will NOT use his title because he does not deserve it.
How does “Sir Christopher Witty” sound?
Rolls off the tongue a bit like sour vomit doesn’t it?
I will never refer to that POS as ‘sir’! Although honours and titles have become discredited in recent times, this award surely has to make the case for abolition! Scrap the lot awarded in recent times because they’re mostly ridiculous.
Yes I saw that. Felt like replying but the DT doesn’t publish the ‘wrong’ letters. I can imagine the prat sitting in his Country pile not affected by any of this! Making statements of ‘facts’ with no evidence.
Took Grandaughter to Jack & The Beanstalk panto in McMillans theatre Bridgwater on Wednesday (excellent production it should be said). Signs were everywhere saying you MUST wear a mask in the theatre, no mention that I could see, in this instance of “unless exempt“. Very unpleasant for anyone of a nervous disposition (which I am not) not wearing one. Result? Heavy compliance, though quite a few removed them once in the theatre, and when noticing the few others without masks. Herd mentality??
How can it ever be rolled back once in place?
The Soviet Union lasted 70 years, China has taken 70 years to build an Iron tyranny, both in the face of a powerful range of opponents . Who will be left to challenge the Globalist Techno Tryanny once in place and free its android, trans-human slave populations from their misery – the Martians?
Perhaps a Meteor strike is the only solution.
Or should we just be thankful that, we in the West at least, have lived through an unprecedented age of plenty, democracy, individualism, opportunity, personal choice and freedom – by no means the norm in human history.
Very sadly, our current generation has yet to understand the price it will pay for embracing digital control and observation of all aspects of human life, where the likes of Zuckerberg and Gates determine how ‘humans’ are allowed to conduct their lives, down to the very thoughts allowed in their heads and the products injected into their exploited bodies..
I keep thinking a ‘Carrington Event’ is actually what we need because it would destroy communications worldwide for a long time. We keep getting solar storms, all it needs is one enormous coronal mass ejection and, pouff, oh what a shame, there goes the Internet! (Along with a great many other things, like the national grid, but, you know, omelettes, eggs etc.)
A Really Great Reset.
Me too, post passim; will be testing this again this morning…
Because the virus has mutated into a relatively harmless strain, as always happens and as was predicted, and the authorities are now beginning to climb in off the windowsill and realise their policies have killed more people than if they had done nothing. And lots of lawyers want beach houses and they’re raring to go.
And the people will be cheering on the lawyers, which will be a new experience for the lawyers.
Weird – I was having this conversation with my wife last night.
Where are or how long before the start of the lawsuits for Covid deaths (let’s use their definition shall we for fun) where the person caught it in hospital? Lack of duty of care? Medical negligence? Criminal negligence?
How about post coerced or mandated vaccination injury? The case against those doing the coercing or mandating must be extremely strong.
The deaths in care homes either due to ‘imported’ Covid or simple neglect?
And I am sure there are many more. The first one must number 50000 plus mustn’t it? There must be some ambulance chasing lawyers. How soon do we see ‘killed in hospital by Covid? Ring this number’ type adverts like we did for PPI etc
I wouldn’t like to work in medical insurance at the moment…..
If the Law isn’t fundamentally changed, I agree.
It’s a big if though. We are ruled by legislation generated by a small unaccountable cabal who have successfully declared there to be a “Medical Emergency”.
So, anything goes – subject only to the Court of Public Opinion which they mould in any event via a disgustingly compliant BBC/MSM.
To hold bigpharma accountable would take decades – they are not frightened of huge fines/compensation – they are scared only of Lawyers being able to access their data/documents/memos/trial results via Discovery and Inspection, through Court Orders.
It looks increasingly likely that only a Mussolini moment could really change the inexorable drift to Totalitarianism, at the moment.
Brave New World. Order. Lol.
May they rot in Hell forever
I do wonder how many volunteer jabbers have killed and/or decimated people’s lives unnecessarily. Unlike where you don’t police you own neighbourhoods in case you have to lock up your neighbour, I’m assuming you do stab your local community? Could be awkward.
What the nonsequenced, nonisolated upper respiratory virus do you mean?
Don’t want to burst the bubble, but I don’t think you can give the credit to your list of sceptics, it’s nothing to do with them being on the right side of history with logic & facts.
There’s two reasons the narrative is changing, firstly the erroneous faith in vaccines taking credit for natural process (typical evolution of respiratory viruses) & secondly covid exhaustion, people are just tired of being afraid of covid & time has shown it’s not as bad as claimed.
Did you read the piece? The claim is not that the sceptics views have persuaded people to change viewpoint. The claim is that now, as people change viewpoint, they will look for reasons that accord with their new viewpoint. If it is like, say, the aftermath of the 1997 election (it was hard to find anyone who voted Tory in 1992), then in a while it might be difficult to find people who agreed with all the lockdown and other measures.
PS. The downvote is nor the troll.
It was much the same in Germany after the war: it was hard to find anyone who had even known someone else who might have had a friend who might have sympathised with the Nazis.
At the same time, there were ex-Nazis still in German politics well into the 1950s, and Heidegger, a proud card-carrying Nazi right to the bitter end of WWII, continued as a well-respected philosopher.
Weren’t a number of them (useful ones, like scientists and doctors) smuggled clandestinely into the US, bringing their knowledge and expertise to help with America’s military and other empirical ambitions? Does anybody know the historical background of any of today’s leading scientists, who their parents (or grandparents) were – what they did during the war, etc?
Operation Paperclip
A large number of the hard core Nazis were evacuated to the US via Operation Paperclip. The UK and Canada took the bulk of the hardcore Ukranian OUN people (people so barbaric that even the SS blanched at their activities). There is a musum in London still glorifying Stepan Bendera.
Good to see it will soon come to an end. Fascists will be pleased to learn that while the government had people shivering with fear under their beds, they were busy not just getting drunk at parties and ignoring covid rules, bit also annihilating our ancient rights and freedoms, including the right to protest.
The culture was saturated with the ideas behind lockdown, there was the promise that vaccines would set the country free, a promise broken, the Branch Covidian cult had a monopoly on broadcasting etc.
It takes time to fight all that.
The tide has turned but there’s a long way to go. Vested interest are still pushing testing and vaccine passports. Getting rid of the latter will be the mother of all battles.
Absolutely vital to get rid of them, but will it be possible?
Fraud eliminates legal immunity. If fraud can be proven (by normal legal standards) to have enabled the covid vaccine scam, then the shit will truly hit the fan.
The madness is ending?
Will somebody please tell the Welsh Dung and his hordes of bleating Welsheeples?
I think they must be aware that the writing is now on the wall. They just want to hang on to their moment of glory!
The EU’s long-term plan for the introduction of “vaccine” passports is planned for implementation in 2022.
The Coronavirus Act, giving the Government the emergency powers it has abused to the nth degree over the past 20 months, is due to expire in March ’22. And I recall various “Experts” saying that the pandemic wouldn’t end before 2022. The people running the Scamdemic obviously expected to achieve their objectives by 2022.
Yes, public sentiment is changing …. but I’m afraid that is because it is being allowed to.
This is an incredible document: it was written in 2018! This is the Q3 2019 version! It’s all laid out, the timeline. This is truly an amazing thing to read. Check it out.
Questions were asked in EU parliament earlier this year about this highly suspicious timeline of development:. I’ll cut and paste: link here.
Parliamentary questions
10k7 April 2021P-001860/2021Priority question for written answer P-001860/2021
Answer in writing
Subject: Vaccination passports
to the Commission
Rule 138
Robert Roos (ECR)
Questions to the Commission in response to the document entitled ‘Roadmap on Vaccination[1]’ published on 23 May 2019.
1. Will the Commission acknowledge that already in 2018 it conducted research into attitudes towards vaccines/vaccination, and drew up guidelines to address vaccine hesitancy based on the resulting report?[2]
2. Will the Commission acknowledge that even before the COVID-19 pandemic began on 11 March 2020 it already had a plan to develop a common vaccination card/passport for EU citizens?[3]
3. Does the Commission therefore agree that the proposed Digital Green Certificate will not in fact be temporary at all?
[1] European Commission Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European Commission based on the Commission communication and the Council recommendation on strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases (2018) 2019-2022_roadmap_en.pdf (
[2] European Commission State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU 2018 (2018) Microsoft Word – sovc_eu_13Nov2018.docx (
[3] Official Journal of the European Union Council Recommendation (2018/C 466/01) (2018) Council Recommendation of 7 December 2018 on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases (
This is an extraordinary document, a roadmap from 2018 to 2022 implementation of the vaccine passports. This is essential reading.
Questions were asked in the European Parliament earlier this year about the highly suspicious timeline:
Questions to the Commission in response to the document entitled ‘Roadmap on Vaccination[1]’ published on 23 May 2019.
1. Will the Commission acknowledge that already in 2018 it conducted research into attitudes towards vaccines/vaccination, and drew up guidelines to address vaccine hesitancy based on the resulting report?[2]
2. Will the Commission acknowledge that even before the COVID-19 pandemic began on 11 March 2020 it already had a plan to develop a common vaccination card/passport for EU citizens?[3]
3. Does the Commission therefore agree that the proposed Digital Green Certificate will not in fact be temporary at all?
[1] European Commission Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European Commission based on the Commission communication and the Council recommendation on strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases (2018) 2019-2022_roadmap_en.pdf (
[2] European Commission State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU 2018 (2018) Microsoft Word – sovc_eu_13Nov2018.docx (
[3] Official Journal of the European Union Council Recommendation (2018/C 466/01) (2018) Council Recommendation of 7 December 2018 on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases (
Get rid of the masks and this goes away. The mask is pure subjugation of society. A constant reminder and enforcer of fear and the broader message of protecting others. Peer control. It is simple to implement and non compliance is visible and easy to spot and in some cases enforce. People mostly hate them but go along for fear of getting in trouble with authority and from over zealous members of the public.
Yes, get rid of the masks, stop all the testing and it’ll be over.
They are always ahead and control the direction of the game, it’s just changing.
The solution to “restrictions” will of course be the vax-pass ,
The govt is trying to introduce it on several fronts at the moment ie the new digital id “right to work” “ right to rent”. This will be extended quickly to social security payments etc.
They are going to get people to comply at their weakest points.
eg the people who think they’ll be able to travel are already signed up.
So yes there may be noises that sound favourable to our side but our only long term hope is mass non-compliance.
To have an appreciation of the mindset of the foot soldiers research the likes of Michael Specter.
Also the Future of Health Conference 2019 Milken Institute.
These misguided activists are absolutely determined to propel us into the gene editing future ie constant jabbing, and this is just the health agenda.
These people want to make us into “better” people by bioengineering.
The other agendas are for total control, etc
Do what ever you can to not comply.
And again why hasn’t Sumption landed any legal blows ?
“I think it is now politically impossible for the government to do much in the way of strict lockdowns”
What, apart from
All largely gone along with and little of it questioned, especially the vaxxing. For goodness sake, this is still a lockdown or whatever you want to call it. Covid as a societal threat was a Big Lie and that is still the firmly embedded narrative. All of this must be swept away.
As an unvaxxed person who won’t test and won’t wear a mask I can’t leave the country, go and see sport, go to my daughter’s graduation, shop, travel on public transport, go to the cinema or a show and if some bastard grasses me up as a contact I might have to stay in my own home for 10 days for no reason. I feel pretty locked down.
As a person working in a safety critical environment I can tell you one thing: imposing restrictions happens in a second to remove them takes decades… (if ever gets removed)
An excellent summary, thank you
The problem we have going forward is that this had laid bare the deficiencies of our society.
Although most here probably knew it anyway this has highlighted that the majority of people are irrational, unscientific, uneducated certainly in STEM subjects, highly emotional, illogical, and believe their (Ill informed) opinions equate to fact.
You can see that in any BLM arguments, climate change, trans ‘rights’ etc but it’s been highlighted to a huge extend by Covid.
Until people realise that they are sufficient in real works analysis nothing will change. And they will never do that because it’s self deprecating.
I’ve managed to maintain most of my friendships throughout all this with civilised behaviour but I can envisage the fallout will be much more serious when friends try and rewrite their own history and pretend they thought it was largely nonsense from the beginning whereas the truth was they bought into it totally
I know lots of people who are very good at STEM subjects who are cultish covidians, and of course the medical and scientific establishment have pushed the lies. We are dealing with failings of character here, not of intellect.
I agree there are a number of facets to the failures of people to react rationally and based on evidence and character is certainly one.
What saddens me is the collective inability of society to cope realistically with something like this and doesn’t give me any hope about our ability to cope with anything else.
I suspect that the arrival of GB News, unafraid to reveal a few home truths, has had a significant effect, combined with the obvious lack of belief shown in the behaviour of ‘our’ politicians, billionaires and other members of the ‘elite’ – especially as the very obvious failures to observe the ridiculous scare predictions from the ‘scientists’.
Interesting and I hope this piece is right, although (even putting aside the looming vax passports) if the war is won purely by a change in people’s feelings, and not by logic, that still leaves ‘lockdown’ as a potential weapon in future events.
I hope not. I think once the full economic impact is felt, people will see how damaging it has been and want to avoid it again at all costs.
Unfortunately we will be suffering for decades to come, both economically and the health impacts of the vax.
Keep it going folks, this site has been a wonder to behold. Such rational, honest and brave defiance against all the odds. I sense a change is upon us. Keep going, we are gaining strength and the defences of the perpetrators is starting to crack.
99 Tory backbenchers turned the tide.
Many of them hopefully read the Daily Sceptic.
plus others – but apparently they don’t count as they are untermensch from the wrong tribe.
Unfortunately, Professor McGrogan’s view is naiive in the extreme.
Given that years of planning has gone into Agenda 2030, and that C1984 was simply the initial phase of the war the suggestion that the tide is changing shows a complete failure to understand what is going on.
In the coming months we are going to be forced to endure further privations which will include food shortages. I suspect domestic travel could suffer also. There will be others.
The screws will be tightened in different ways to maintain a state of fear, just as the covid fear starts to wane.
Why the intensity in promoting the injections? Less than 0.02% of people will die of this glorified ‘flu. Why the hysteria, the relentless propoganda? Surely Professor you can smell a rat. Can’t you?
The passports / digital ID are the goal for 2022 and then the control and repression can really take off. CBDC is already in the pipeline.
The tide is not turning.
Surely people do not seriously believe that we will go back to normal simply because Bozo announces “as you were.”
The trail of destruction caused by Bozo and Co will not be easily forgotten and people will demand answers. This government have murdered thousands and excuses of mismanagement and incompetence won’t wash. The guilty list runs in to thousands. So in order to protect their liberty and lives TPTB are not going to stop. They can’t. Why do they act so brazenly – because they believe they are beyond retribution.
No Professor, go away and do some research and re-think this shallow piece of wishful thinking.
All that you have mentioned was not common knowledge two years ago. But now the hidden hand behind the atrocities is no longer hidden. The perpetrators have been exposed, and the sights are focussing in on them now. Most truly intelligent people, deep down I suspect, knew something was wrong, but could not put their finger on it two years ago. But now they know better and word is spreading. And as much as the criminal fraudsters try to silence and terrify people the veil is lifting and the fear level is subsiding. The fraud becomes clearer every day. There will be justice.
Everybody trying to surf on the COVID wave is equally despiccable.
Those waking up should still be tarred and feathered, it’s taken way too long and so much damage has been wrought because it was allowed to be.
Quick question: Name the current (or past) world leader that has done a good job responding to covid-19?
OK. It’s a trick question, because the answer, of course, is no one.
It’s not the leftists. It’s not the right wingers. It’s not the authoritarian strongmen. It’s not the party hacks, the glad-handing ward healers, its not the apparatchiks, or the careerists. Its not the technocrats, or the populists, the boy wonders, or the senior statesmen. Not Donald Trump, or Emmanuel Macron, or Boris Johnson, or Scott Morrison, or Joe Biden. Not Putin, not Xi, not Bolsinaro. And certainly not Saint Jacinda Ardern. No one.
No one has done a good job handling covid-19. Except for Sweden, but you wouldn’t really know that, at least going by what the media has been telling us.
What does that tell us?
I think we know what it tells us.
It should also tell us (if we join up all the dots), that the whole point of the ‘scamdemic’ has been the mass forcing of the vaccines on the world population by the planned co-ordination, through the UN, the WHO, the the World Bank, WEF, national Governments, Courts, Health Regulators and very importantly, the entire global MSM in the hands of just six giant Corporations etc etc, of all the slogans, fear propaganda and lock step measures imposed worldwide – all for a corona virus, mysteriously enhanced with ‘gain of function’ but still not deadly for 97% of the population and most probably man-made.
The simple term ‘Globalist Coup’ comes to mind.
Bolsonaro has been better than most – I think he opposed lockdowns and vaxx mandates but as Brazil is a Federal country his power was limited.
The people in Belarus and Tanzania (the one that died) and to an extent Indian, Pakistan, Japan. The governor of South Dakota and latterly Florida, Texas – admittedly not world leaders.
It tells us indoctrination has done its work, indoctrination in green ideology.
“What does this tell us?”
That political leaders of all stripes are particularly reliant on advice from ‘experts’ in medical matters. These ‘experts’ are suitably selected via WHO membership etc to lead in the desired direction. Some leaders may have seen through the scam but were sidelined (via IMF / economic hitmen) one way or the other (bribe, coup, killed preferred means).
John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman
I hate to be a bit of a downer, but I think we have just got a deliberate lull for the moment, and early in the new year there will be another lockdown, using manipulated figures as the reason (i.e. lies). There will be extra nudging/tactics, and because of the ‘threat’ there will be swingeing penalties for disobedience. The reason I say this is, as far as I can see, things are not going the way of the ‘great reset’ at the moment, and TPTB will want to whip people back into line before they start to think for themselves too much. This will all last on and off until March, when they will feel justified in renewing the coronavirus act yet again.
Boris is immaterial in all this. He will be gone because he’s now off message, and a keen covidian will be put in his place, like Gove. Money will continue to be printed and used to cover the costs, so no problems there. Us citizens are the only fly in the ointment. I think we are all in real danger.
Do you think I’m nuts for believing this is what’s going to happen? I truly and sincerely hope I’m wrong, but I just have a very bad feeling about everything.
The evil one’s have not won by a long shot, humanity has just started going.
That’s my position too as I have posted elsewhere on here numerous times.
I think exactly the same and posted similar yesterday.
The ‘virus’ is the ‘dead cat’ I feel we have won the battle with the number of awaken folk but the war has only just begun. Buckle up, were in for a bumpy ride, they will not give up on their Digital ID’s that easy as the next attempt will be spotted a mile away.
I too could of course be completely wrong and everything will just go back to ‘old normal’ by March but the last 20 months suggests otherwise IMHO.
i ve never been so happy to be an american i have to s ay ! although im s till surrounded by the brainwashed here where i am but happy to say some great new yorkers are fighting back .and san diego too
The tide is definitely turning. This morning I got petrol and did shopping without a mask and was openly welcomed by staff. Some “normal” people have said to me that enough is enough. Even Nigel Farage says he is not sure about the booster. We are not quite there yet but a tipping point is coming.
Now Farage could be a tipping point if he gets on board. We’ll see.
A man who has hope has everything. But complacency leads to defeat. This war, for that is what it is, is far from over and the Axis of Evil that is leading it remains a formidable coalition.
This site has been invaluable in providing dissenters with ammmo, but the dissent must continue and organise.
To add an anecdotical datapoint here: In March 2020, when the hype started in earnest, I was actually afraid of Sars-CoV2/ COVID-19. Then, I said to myself «This is an airbourne virus causing respiratory infections and the idea that I can hide from it a cupboard, given that I’m necessarily breathing the same atmosphere as other people, is obviously ridiculous. Hence, I’m going to get it, no matter what. And the only option is carry on and see how it will work out.»
Seems I’m still alive.
Lockdowns don’t work when the actual purpose is this:
Hmmm, I’d love to start getting all optimistic at last, but I think the moronic still have some way to go before they feel that this lockdown nonsense has to stop.
Last week, I was on holiday on Dartmoor.
Morrisons and Tesco in Tavistock were quite literally 100% masked (apart from me) all week.
I watched from the bar of a pub on the Moor as “Towny”, (the locals dubbed them), dog walkers, and hikers came into the remote pub I had made my regular for a week. Many fully muzzled when coming in for a pint and a bag of crisps. (No cooked food available as the kitchen had to close down, guess why). It was weird. Similar when we got back to Bridgwater in Somerset, local Morrisons, local Masks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, and Asda, probably at 90% face knickered. All supermarket car parks are strewn with the filthy things. I counted 4 lying in wet puddles and mud between my car in the disabled parking area and the main entrance of Morrisons just 15-20 yards away on Wednesday. Yuck.
Where have all the environmentalists that made us start paying for carrier bags gone?
I should stress, I wasn’t actually in the pub for the whole week…
God I hope you’re right young man I really really do. I am however just finishing off PSEUDOPANDEMIC by Iain Davis. The end is not so pretty as we are controlled and eventually made extinct by the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP) and their cohorts.
Obviously I hope there has been a genuine shift in public sentiment.
But I disagree with the idea that people ‘went to look’ for information to support their fears/beliefs. I think the majority just swallowed the propaganda without question or even interest.
Only two weeks to inflate the curve.
The covid fauxine EUA expires on 15 Janary 2022.
We need more cases, a hospital capacity panic, anything, to keep the supposed emergency going.