“Man killed himself after being made redundant by Covid-hit golf club” – “A veteran greenkeeper killed himself after being made redundant by the golf club where he had worked for 33 years after they made financial cuts because of the effects of the pandemic, an inquest heard,” reports MailOnline.
“FDA’s forced hand drops Pfizer’s bombshell safety document” – “The highly confidential Pfizer documents, which have been synonymous with the extreme lack of transparency revealed by the actions of pivotal Governmental agencies… are finally being revealed,” writes Sonia Elijah, who examines the information previously hidden from the public in Trialsite.
“Why don’t we introduce obesity passports?” – “The latest argument for vaccine passports is that we have to increase vaccine uptake to reduce pressure on the health service. By this logic, we should also consider restrictions for those who are overweight,” writes Dr. Noah Carl in RT.
“Get ready for tougher restrictions, Scots warned” – “The First Minister urged Scots to limit gatherings to three households and cancel work Christmas parties, while businesses are now legally bound to facilitate home working where possible,” reports the Times.
“The end of the pandemic will not be televised” – “As an extraordinary period in which social life was upturned, Covid will be over when we turn off our screens and decide that other issues are once again worthy of our attention,” write David Robertson and Peter Doshi in the BMJ.
“Unvaccinated U.S. Google employees set to lose pay & get fired” – “Google has said that more than 150,000 of its employees in the U.S. will be placed on unpaid leave and terminated if they don’t comply with the company’s Covid vaccine mandate,” reports RT.
“The new Dark Ages” – The woke assault on Western civilisation is taking us backwards, says Joel Kotkin in Spiked.
“In Liddle-o parentis” – “As a society, we have raised a generation in which a significant portion of those who attend university are babyish, sociopathic tyrants,” says Collingwood, who comments on the student protests at Durham University following Rod Liddle’s speech in Bournbrook Magazine.
“Temporary measures will become permanent restrictions” – In light of the recent vote to approve ‘Plan B’ measures, Lord Daniel Hannan talks about the danger of temporary emergency powers becoming a permanent feature of everyday life.
The restrictions were supposed to be a temporary response to a one-off situation. Yet they are in danger of becoming a standard tool for governments. From my speech on "Plan B" today. pic.twitter.com/ZWWjP5bOxG
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