The British Medical Association (BMA) has declared that those who suffer from asthma should still abide by mask mandates and guidelines, with the trade union’s Dr. Alan Stout stating that “99% of people who have those conditions can wear a face mask”. The charity Asthma U.K. also agree with the BMA’s view, saying that asthma suffers “can manage to wear a face mask or face covering”. BBC News has more.
Most people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should wear face masks when required, the BMA has said.
The guidance from NI Direct states people with such conditions only need to say they cannot wear a mask when asked to prove they are exempt.
“99% of people who have those conditions can wear a face mask,” said the BMA’s Dr. Alan Stout.
Masks are mandatory in a number of settings including public transport.
Shops, airports and taxis are among the settings which the rule applies to in Northern Ireland, designed to prevent the spread of Covid.
In October, the NI Executive agreed this would continue as a legal requirement throughout the winter.
“There are a small number of exemptions to wearing a mask and they are very, very small, so the vast majority of people should be wearing a mask,” Dr. Stout told BBC News NI’s Good Morning Ulster programme.
The message came after the first three cases of the Omicron variant were discovered in Northern Ireland on Tuesday, and all linked to travel to Northern Ireland from Great Britain.
The BMA’s mask-wearing message came after a woman who was not wearing a mask on a train said she believed she was asthmatic because she was exempt.
“Asthma is not an exemption,” Dr. Stout responded.
“Asthma U.K. and the British Lung Foundation are very good and strong on this too that anyone suffering from those conditions should be wearing a face mask.”
Worth reading in full.
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New Zealand thinks they can get out and about again after vaccination? That’s really funny. New Zealand are in this for ever
NZ’s PM reminds me of an old Genesis song, “The Lady Lies.”
Met yet another person today who was amazed they were sick with Covid after being double stabbed.
It’s a good thing we have to wear masks in shops in France, I can’t feign surprise anymore. After I left the shop I almost literally laughed my head off. Not because I’m an evil git, I just don’t know how else to respond to Clown World anymore.
Laughing is a perfectly reasonable, perhaps necessary, response!
Maybe that’s how the Bio-Fascist era ends: not with a jab, but with a giggle.
Complete with eyeroll!
Thousands are protesting in Noo Zillund, where 90% are vaccinated. I have difficulty reconciling these positions, unless the 90% is a government statistic and therefore unreliable to say the least.
No – if it’s an official statistic it has to be true. It’s the same as the drug companies – they did exhaustive testing on ooh a whole bunch of people over like an unprecedented* study period, it ran into multiple months, then they marked their own homework with the results which is like really really pukka science and not unethical a bit and the governments gave them such a hard time taking
decadesyearsmonthsweeksbloody ages anyway to decide if they were going to approve the approval that they’d already decided to approve so 90% is a low estimate IMHO.*Much shorter
I love the smell of sarcasm in the morning. Well done.
When Ardern was at her peak popularity, I and many others observed that she was betting and going all-in on a 100% sterile immunity providing vaccine, and that if that wouldn’t become available, Kiwis would face a similar future as the North Sentinelese, unless they allowed people to take it on the chin then.
But even the Sentinelese option and it’s milder form, inbound imprisonment, were confirmed as being futile and senseless when cases soon arose out of nowhere, brought in through ports, animals or just having been dormant before.
That occurrence should really have buried any zero Covid idea and strategy, incl. the ‘Super Hard Lockdowns for 3 weeks will eradicate the virus’ ones that were and are still being peddled by some in Germany.
Better not get at all ill in my neck of the woods … apparently the entire trust’s computer system is down, taking out all the surgeries with it.
Not that it makes a lot of difference: patients from one surgery have been texted to tell them there will be NO routine appointments until January as all the staff are on jabbing duty. Quick, must jab everyone to reduce their immunity just as the ‘tidal wave’ of Moronic hits.
This is some sort of planned cull. Or some sort of mass experiment.
reduce their immunityget rid of the control group@Old Maid
It’s the first. But how would you go about firming up the second hypothesis? Medical experiment (with a view to what?) or propaganda and behaviour-modification experiment? And if the latter, then again – with a view to what? Selling people more goods by mail order? Making people work harder? Making people ready to stay at home when ordered? Making people more ready to get injected, and at short notice? But why? We soon come back to population reduction, which was the first hypothesis.
I tend to agree but given the insistence one taking all the jabs makes me think that this is less a vaccine programme, more a course of genetic therapy. If you survive you may find that you will be a Human 2.0
Yes I agree – the plan includes making life change a lot for the survivors.
It’s not just the focus on taking A vaccine but the Pfizer vaccine that I find suspicious
Those who survived the AZ are now being asked to take Pfizer or Moderna, and the press on Moderna gets worse and worse, so soon it will just be Pfizer. Why? Uncertain. But seeing as they are aiming to get everyone on a every-3-month schedule, how do we know what mRNA they will be putting into it? What other proteins do they want people to express? and why?
I don’t really know. The ‘evidence’ for a cull: the cash that’s saved – long term – by not having to pay out pensions, or long-term health care for the extremely vulnerable or comorbid, or via the benefits system (two thirds of households in the UK receive some sort of benefit, apparently) would be massive. The most vulnerable are, by definition, the most expensive to the state.
‘Evidence’ for a mass experiment? The much higher yellow card reports for some batches of jab. This could be deliberate. The fact that some people are not being ‘chased’ at all to get the jab. The fact that some people from the same family who go together to get their jabs are being siphoned off into different queues and receive a different batch jab from their spouse (family member experienced this). The fact that the information about jab side effects is freely available, but that only some people seem to want to seek out their own data … and this from a ‘society’ that wants to know the fine detail of such rubbish as the precise location of every vajazzle on the person of Ms K Kardashian (sorry if you’re having breakfast). Is there some sort of self-selection going on?
I could witter on for hours, but it’s the weekend, Arsenal must be losing again (sorry to that Saints fan last week). and it’s surely gin o’clock?
Finally, some good news for the unvaccinated in Germany ….
Such as the right to exist?
But Fascists, particularly German Fascists, acknowledge no such right, do they?
Was reading some people on Tw***er – someone had cold symptoms, did a LFT test, but sadly (she sounded disappointed) it was negative. Pondered “should I do a PCR test?” Of course this led to a deluge of replies ooh yes you should, can’t be too careful etc, 1 man said “I can’t remember the last day when I DIDN’T have a PCR test”. You what??! Other comment: “Grim times”. Presumably these people have spent 20 months in front of the TV, and the phrase “Omnicron is more transmissible” has put the fear of God into them.
These people are HOPING to test positive for the social media attention.
It’s great to read all the comments on this site, but those of you thinking there is going to be a sea change in majority public opinion, pitchforks out for the politicians etc, disabuse yourself of that notion now.
These people LOVE these rules! It’s a new religion, it gives meaning to their lives! (See also: Climate Change).
Was reading some people on Tw***er – someone had cold symptoms, did a LFT test, but sadly (she sounded disappointed) it was negative.
Reminded me of this tweet … which i sadly suspect will be true …
Serious question: what do these people currently suffering from cold symptoms or perhaps flu symptoms or perhaps a slight headache or whatever actually DO if they get a positive result from a SARSCoV2 test? Do they present themselves at A&E, write their wills, or what?
There are many many people who are genuinely chronically ill and who need for example cancer or heart treatment and who aren’t getting it. Whose health service is the NHS supposed to be again?
Well if they ring NHS 111 they will get told to go into emergency mode:
1) Stay at home 2) They have to self administer one of a number of very powerful drugs orally – it could be something called “paracetamol” “aspirin” or “ibuprofen”. 3) if they feel confident enough they can try using a piece of hi tech medical equipment, it’s called “a thermometer” I believe, again orally or they can stick it up their arse
Fuck me, you’re on top form just now with the posting… on the “Charlie”?
Whatever it is, keep taking it, best laugh i’ve had for ages!
Haha no, just boring night shifts! Thanks. If you can’t laugh at this nonsense you’d cry….
Not the fear of God. The fear of the Devil.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Some interesting news re starting to bring the UK’s house of cards down.
Legal letter served to the Chair of MHRA for gross negligence. Solicitor Philip Hyland has made the letter public. Please share it to your MPs, councillors etc so that they are aware & thus if they continue to support any of the measures, are complicit.
This man is just evil….
BONUS BONUS and the Nuremberg Code Violations of Dr EVIL (
A big protest march is planned for Washington USA on the 23rd Jan 2022…
” ‘Covid’ rips through companies” (Times muppets).
No, government restrictions rip through companies.
“Fauci says Christmas parties can go ahead”.
Is he not in jail yet then? And who does he think he is to tell people they can’t have a Christmas party because of their medical health choices?
Did Simon Case resign and then unresign? I mean from his post as cabinet secretary.
Imagine having a guy flit between senior posts in the civil service and working directly for a member of the royal family. What a joke the regime in this country is.
LATEST: French gov to push for Vaccine pass to replace health pass..
These bastards are really going for it now. Right out front and in the open.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.. yeah right..
There’s no way Macron will be able to hold up the slogan “Liberté” in the election. Which kind of removes his access to the other two as well. Which is interesting, because what has he got? “La France” maybe. “Re-elect the President”
La piqûre, c’est moi!
Seems insufficient for Manny. Lets try
La trou du cul, c’est moi!
No way of testing his statement about unvaxed in hospitals. The French statistics are not being released, but its highly unlikely given the stats in other countries. What is very clear from those is that unvaxed in ICUs are almost entirely over 80s with commobidities that have never had a vax for anything, and would be there anyway irrespective of covid.
This is pure electioneering, Macron and co believe they are pandering to their core vote, the 50-70 year olds , retired or semi-retired, mainly in urban areas. And they are correct, it does.
This can be seen by reading the comments in the ‘local’ article from the Brit expat sub-group, very typical of those you read in the Times nevermind the Guardian.
I can’t see the full article — do they mention the nature of this “covid crisis” or its relation to the
clotshotvaccine?You know the one thing that bothers me about all of this – the biggest thing that really eats away at me at the moment more than anything else – that when this is all over with (which it will be) and we have been proven right all along (as we will – I am certain of it) – that those responsible for this catastrophic mess we find ourselves in – not just the politicians and their ministers and advisors but also the pharmaceutical companies and every other individual or organization who profited from prolonging this nightmare – that when this is over that they will all just simply walk away from all the suffering they have caused – not one of them will face a single prosecution for their crimes.
This bothers me more than everything thing else – more than the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the coercive methods used to get people jabbed, the deliberate targeting of the unvaccinated, the vaccine passports, the travel restrictions – all this I’m positive will not last for long, when you think about it that Build Back Better bollocks has gone a bit quiet lately and seems to have gone down with the public like a cup of cold sick – but more than all of this, what makes me more anxious than all of this put together is that even with complete victory we may not see justice prevail and the criminals who prolonged, manufactured and profited from other peoples abject misery will all just walk away free … as if nothing had ever happened..
That is my nightmare scenario – that justice will not prevail and these criminals will get away with their crimes..
Anna de Buisseret youtube videos & interviews are a good place to start to find out what the law is, how it supports us & what we as individuals can do.
She has filed a case with ICC which has been accepted. We now need to do what she suggests in her videos to ensure that when the ICC come to investigate & look for the evidence of crimes, the evidence is already there for them. That is our role. We can each do our bit.
The MHRA is being gone after first to end the jab & booster rollout, stop the testing & use early outpatient treatments to stop patients ending up in hospital. That will support the NHS to deal with the backlog of other patients.
We can do this if we all do our bit.
I’m sending the letter to the MHRA to my MP & telling him that he now has no excuse to support the covid measures. I need to check, but think that every MP was served notice about the jab harms & that if they continued to support them, they were breaking the Nuremburg code & violating human rights…. If that is the case, every single one of them who voted for jab pass & mandatory jab of NHS staff is complicit!
Remember, ignorance of the law is no defence in law.
It’s up to the remaining human beings everywhere to make sure that they don’t. ,
I fear you might well be right.
BigPharma has a history littered with regulatory fines, criminal prosecutions and civil actions settled etc but still continues.
People die and they rally don’t care. |They just carry on: too important for international health care ( in the eyes of the pols) to be allowed to fail.
George W Bush and Blair walk around in freedom and prosper when they should have been tried as war criminals.
If you choose the law route then maybe show Pfizer and the others lied about thir trial data to obtain their liability free contracts to supply the vaxxes and see if that argument is accepted by the courts especially in the USA. If so, maybe then presecutions and civil actions could lead to a takeover of their assets to meet reparations but I am not holding my breath.
The people behind this will remain untouched unless there is a murderous attack on some to show that some people who may have lost everything were not willing to let them get away,let fall guys take the fall and regroup to do it again in some other way as they will do if unpunished.
Big fines are just a business expense for those people and they have intermediaries, like any organised crimial organisation or syndicate who will do the time for them and be looked after in return.
Still, they go in the ground or up the chimney just like us.
Sorry for a rambling rant of a post but I’m taking SWMBO out for Christmas shopping soon – such joy!
There’ll be a lot of job vacancies, for sure, if even a tenth of those culpable are brought to justice. There are bunches of people working in government, local government, bbc, nhs et etc responsible for inducing fear and terror, denying medical care, using wrong treatments, refusing effective treatments, lying, profiteering, malfeasance….
Let’s retrain as vigilante assassins and wreak revenge on behalf of humanity. I am quite keen on this idea. I fancy myself in a kind of Black Widow style outfit.
I guess they realised that the inane ‘build back better’ was a bit premature when they’d not finished the demolition yet!
No, we need to hang the traitorous WEF/CCP stooges by the neck until dead. Or worse. After a fair trial of course.
The Pat Cummins case and the Victorian government’s weasel-wording their way out of banning Djkovic from the Australian Open in Melbourne are two examples which illustrate where the real power is: It is with the people if they unite (and Australians unite behind sport like little else).
FFS… had to look up the Cummins story. What a mess.
I don’t know how well Andrew Klavan is known in the UK, but this is a particularly apt video in these times. He quotes C. S. Lewis (a lot), but Churchill also said something similar:
I’m not one of those that makes or believes in outrageous claims about 5G, i’ve an open mind, radiation from masts could be a health hazard, but it’s not something I have sleepless nights over. But here we are again with scientisms hypocrisy, Watchdog warns of major risk from ‘anti-5g’ jewelry
This is exactly the same kind of strange thinking you’ll find with schizophrenic liberals over supplements vs pharmaceuticals, they’ll inject any shit in their veins corporate entities spew out in the name of scientism, but will go into anaphylactic shock about the unknown harms of taking a few vitamin supplements.
In my mind the danger of 5G is enhanced state surveillance, that’s real & ominent. And so is the “vaccine”, 3000iu vit D, 25mg Zinc, 1500mg vit C is all you need if you want to cheat the lurgy (that’s not medical advice, just science) like all science It’s just likely to be your best defence, it’s not a guarantee ;-).
Well the article you’ve linked to mentions that these bracelets have radioactive materials – and that isn’t something you should wear next to your skin, the alpha particles will start to split your DNA.
I’d recommend watching “Into Eternity” documentary about nuclear waste disposal in Finland, it’s available free online and is really quite fascinating. 1 section explains why radiation is so harmful.
Back to 5G, the power from the towers is high but due to the inverse square law much diminished by the time it reaches you. Your device has more power to cause damage because it’s right next to your head. You can walk under a F.M. transmitter at 1KW and have no ill effects. Is a 5G transmitter so much more dangerous because of the frequency? Don’t know. But it is certainly not very powerful – that’s why 1 radio transmitter can go 40 miles and you need loads of mobile masts.
Thanks, but that wasn’t my point, BTW I don’t wear any form of embellishment, I’ve never even worn a watch & still never been late for an appointment.
As for 5G its not something that concerns me personally, but I’ve seen several very well qualified scientists make arguments that 4 & 5G radiation are harmful. Like I say, it’s not something I’m bothered with, what isn’t unhealthy about modern life?
Here are some good links to explain the health effects and consequences and regulatory capture issue (sound familiar) surrounding the wireless industry, which is a defacto threat to your health. The plan is to massively expand on the wireless network to include millimeter wave transmitters everywhere, no escape. This will facilitate a new era in surveillance and techno tyranny. And it has massive health implications. Its another racket, forcing its way into your life and harming your life via its influence over government.
Amazing document for published science on this subject:
Published Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells Wireless and Health
Fancy that buzzing through your body twenty four seven.
Regulatory capture of wireless industry and more explained:
5G – Kevin Mottus
Regulatory capture in action:
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing
Fact. Fantasy.
Know the difference.
Presumably from the set of Watchers.
Officials draw up plans for two-week ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown – including bans on households mixing – to curb Omicron wave as SAGE warns new curbs must come in before January 1
Think you need to go to the cash machine, Mr Young.
If you listen to London Calling you’ll know that TY tries to welsh on this sort of bet. JD will have to insist.
James missed his chance to up the ante.
Over on TCW, in Italy apparently a building used for storing vaccines has mysteriously burned down, after the therapy was mandated for their military.
Brazil has hackers. Italy has arsonists. Whatever works.
1st jab,2nd jab, Booster jab: More pricks (No, not the government) than a second hand dartboard.
Song for Boris.
Catchy. I’ll probably be singing it under my breath at work next week.
Why do we continue to listen to the doctors, who have a totally skewed perception of the situation from seeing people seriously ill with COVID every day. As at 12 December, we had 790 people in critical care in London (for all causes) and 3,313 in the whole country, compared to 753 on the same day in 2017 (an increase of 37 people or 4.9%) and 3,157 (156 more people or 4.9%) respectively.
Meanwhile, we are destroying the lives of 42 million people of 50 or under who are at virtually no risk, not to mention the older people whose risk is marginally raised compared to pre-COVID days.
Last year, when we saw the worst of the pandemic, an additional 54,600 people died (on a consistent population and age basis) compared to the 5 previous years (per Institute and Faculty of Actuaries). This compares to 51,000 in the winter of 2017/18 (per ONS).
Can we please start listening to actuaries and statisticians (with one or two notable exceptions who have called for data not to be published when it goes against their narrative !) and not the parochial and skewed utterings of doctors on the front line.
Would you want an actuary to dig around inside your body ? Would you want a surgeon analysing death stats ?
They justify all measures as ‘small fry’ to ‘keep us all safe’. But in reality it is Chinese water-torture, steadily degrading our societies.
In the past, people risked their lives to save others. Now, Covidians risk others’ lives to ‘save’ those of people who will die anyway – and not from covid.
No, lets just all take personal responsibility for ourselves, stop quivering in fear, accept living comes with risk, there’s no guarantee there will be a tomorrow & let the situation right itself.
The Australian Medical Association is still a go-to for the MSM, even though it’s now common knowledge that they represent only 30 percent of our doctors.
I think the government has got the balance right this time with the onnicron variant. They have advised the population it is here, told people to test and isolate if they catch it but are allowing people the freedom to go about their lives as they see fit. If people want to lock themselves down they can do but also if people want to carry on as normal they can do. Most people are finding some middle ground but the point is people are been treated like adults, not a bunch of infants.
… but when was the last time such attention was given to a mild respiratory (‘cold’)virus?
They would got it right if they shut up, said nothing, and concentrated on their proper job.
Like in the late 50’s (Asian flu)
And the late 60’s (Hongkong flu)
Mind you, the population wasn’t a namby pamby load of wimps then.
1) The information people have been given is not accurate
2) The way the information is presented is designed to create fear
3) We are wasting billions on damaging and disruptive interventions that don’t work
4) Travel, work and access to certain events are all restricted needlessly, for unvaxxed especially but also vaxxed
5) We are vaccinating children for political reasons
6) Coerced vaccination of the whole population for political reasons
7) Face masks are useless and a political tool designed to create fear
8) We are being threatened with more lockdowns, plan C, mandatory vaccination
Yes, apart from that, the government has got the balance right. I may have forgotten a few points but that should be enough to be getting on with.