Todholm Primary school, located in Renfrewshire, Scotland, has been shut for a week after a ‘suspected’ outbreak of the Omicron variant led to numerous members of staff and two class groups being required to self-isolate. Last week, approximately 14,000 school pupils in Scotland were recorded as absent for Covid related reasons. The Times has the story.
Todholm Primary, in Paisley, Renfrewshire, announced it had been forced to close for a week after a suspected outbreak of the Omicron variant meant it was unable to maintain necessary staffing levels.
Two class groups in P1 and another in P2 are self-isolating, as well as multiple staff members.
The number of pupils absent for Covid reasons throughout Scotland was holding steady at about 14,000 on Friday, some 2% of the total school roll.
NHS Highland has eight confirmed cases of Omicron, with some detected amid a “significant outbreak” of Covid linked to a music event at the Royal British Legion in Nairn on November 27th.
There have been 67 cases of coronavirus detected in Nairn in the past seven days, a rate of more than 400 per 100,000, above the national average of 250 per 100,000.
Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire has the highest number of confirmed Omicron cases with 49.
Cases have also been detected in Forth Valley, Ayrshire & Arran, Fife, Grampian, Lothian and Tayside. Only the Borders, Dumfries and Galloway and the islands health boards remain free of the variant at present.
Dr. Christine Tait-Burkard, a Covid specialist at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, urged the public to follow new guidance to take a rapid test every time they go out in public.
Speaking on Lunchtime Live, on BBC Radio Scotland, she said: “We still don’t know very much more about Omicron.
“The continued information we get from South Africa is, on the positive side we continue to hear that it doesn’t seem to be as devastating in terms of symptoms when we compare it to Delta. Obviously we have to put caveats on that as South Africa has a different demographic of younger people.
“On the other hand we continue to see a very rapid spread in South Africa which is bad news, and we also see increased transmission in the U.K. Time will tell how much quicker that is next to Delta in a highly vaccinated society.”
Worth reading in full.
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Omicron is not as bad as Delta which wasn’t as bad as Alpha.
So basically people now have cold symptoms and everything comes to a standstill.
Stop testing, stay at home for a few days then back to living life as normal and ignore governments and media with their fear campaign.
exactly, this is a testdemic not a pandemic, purely a problem caused by over-testing.
One with an agenda, though…..
The argument has been made several times that this is a good thing. And I too have said well over a year ago:
There are two possible outcomes:
Looks like this variant is the best way yet of achieving the second scenario.
The only reason for restrictions is a) the sheep who are cowering in fear and b) the politicians who have gained a taste for despotic and unreasonable power over our lives. They must be shown, sharpish, that that time is over, permanently.
This is NOT ‘living with Covid.
This is causing disruption to the lives of the young, who are statistically at tiny risk from the virus.
Stop complying with this nonsense!!
Dr. Christine Tait-Burkard, a Covid specialist at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, urged the public to follow new guidance to take a rapid test every time they go out in public.
These people are absolutely barking mad. That would be daily for the vast majority. Daily tests for ~5 million people. Idiot.
I got banned from the BBC forums by saying, ‘what wouildn happen if EVERYONE stopped complying’?
The answer of course is nothing would happen!
If everyone without symptoms stopped testing there wouldn’t be a pandemic since easter 2020
There never was a pandemic.. EVER!!!!!
Things would happen. The NHS would get back to treating the millions who have suffered from the insane concentration on covid, children and adults who have been abused would be seen and their abusers dealt with, businesses of every type would open up fully and start to recover and the politicians and so called experts who have been allowed to rule the smallest details of our lives would be put firmly back in the vile box from which they crawled in March 2020. What’s not to like?
Exactly my thoughts..
She changes her mask every time she goes to the ladies room. I’d put money on it.
I hope so, those snot rags are a health risk if not changed or washed every thirty minutes or so (and an environmental risk if they are).
Filthy habit…
Ah, Dr Bait Turkard again
Howling at the moon, the lot of them. Up in the isles much of the local population is truly hooked into the narrative. Increased numbers of positive tests recently but as usual hardly anyone is sick and the only people that are shuffling off are old or have other illnesses. In the remoter parts of mainland Scotland I see some increase in bare faces in shops. Blokes in white vans have clearly had enough of this shit, I don’t see too many of them masked up when working. Emptying bins is more
expensive for the tax payer as now they have a car as well so they are not all in the cab of the truck. Except they still have their tea break in there when parked up in a quiet spot! It’s all patent insanity.
Yeah, roger that, lol. I hath espied it with thine own eyes.
She’s not barking, she’s hungry for: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Gotta keep the research grant money coming in.
If we were living in normal times such a statement – daily tests just to open your front door – would be reason to put this dangerous woman in front of a disciplinary hearing.
A Doctor eh?
“Dr. Christine Tait-Burkard, a Covid specialist at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, urged the public to follow new guidance to take a rapid test every time they go out in public.”
These people are trully nuts!
All these companies that produce these tests and and the shareholders must be rubbing their hands with glee, though. I went to a mainly outdoor Christmas fair the other day and the “NHS” we’re handing out test kits at the entrance, like sweeties.
How many takers would there be if they charged £2 for these pointless tests?
My local gym has a load of these on a table in the foyer.
Christine Tait-Burkard
Did tha Scottish kiddies raid the stores for toilet paper on the way home?
5% i.e. 5,000 per 100,000 is the level of infection needed to be classed as pandemic.
What a complete joke.
Thats the “old normal” silly.
Break their testing backbone. Don’t test. Tell your kids to not test. Do not comply. Hold the line.
My niece who is 7 recently tested positive via a PCR test ( no symptoms of course) and is traumatized that she might pass on the virus and kill her grandparents. The damage these people must have done to children through their propaganda must be off the scale.
So sad. But what about the parents?
The parents are early forties (both fit) and they along with their other daughter tested negative.
Never tested. I have put it in writing that young Eagle is not to be tested at school. Included the terms child abuse, unethical etc, leaving no doubt as to my views. No one has come back to me to debate my position. My view is that the kids will discuss it too, and our position helps spead some sanity amongst the teenagers. Saddest thing was seeing some kids wearing masks whilst playing and singing in the school concert. Lots of parents ditched the masks in the hall, despite loudspeaker reminders. Population is showing signs of becoming weary with the charade.
Population is showing signs of becoming weary with the charade.
But have the brain-dead teachers grown weary?
Sadly, no. And most of them spiked three times.
Indeed, testing is the government’s weapon to ensure a permanent “pandemic” and so bring in the WEF’s horrific plans by the back door. Being tested is simply collaboration with the enemy.
Meanwhile in gulag Wales the Rapists Dad intends to keep the pubs open by banning customers
A plan from a man with a pathological hatred of any form of enjoyment
Wales hasn’t been served well by their leadership during these times. I’m sure they’ll do more to make things worse before they’re booted out.
They will never be booted out. The dictatorship provide free takeaways and beer tokens to the workshy and the workshy send in their postal votes
And free prescriptions! Though I’d happily pay for them to get rid of Drip Drakeford and his idiot cronies.
There’s a strong streak of puritanism in those narcissistic enough to be picked to be politicians (and I’m not talking about voters, I’m talking about who “parachutes” them into their designated rotten borough).
The hysteria around the Moronic variant is unwarranted. It will become the dominant strain, but it hasn’t yet and there’s nothing we can do about it anyway — over and over again the virus shows that our biocontrol measures are pretty much ineffective against it, but we keep on doing them anyway because they’re part of our new quasi-religion.
The current worry is Delta variant — this probably is still somewhat harmful (though nowhere near as bad as the terrified masses think).
The future worry is that we’ll have our Moronic wave immediately after the Delta wave — there is a potential for (negative) interplay between the immune response to Delta and the immune challenge caused by Moronic — we’ll just have to wait and see whether that risk actually comes to anything.
The new religion is believing in these strains in the first place. This is good info to clarify the point:
Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD exposes the Omicron hoax.
The problem is that the immune systems of the double and triple injected are shot to pieces.
Could be, but of course, for the majority of people with decent immune systems the emergence of something that only causes a minor, or benign, infection demonstrates that their system is working well. After all, viruses that kill their hosts point blank don’t get very far.
A few years ago, if something like ‘Omicron’ came out of the blue at this time of year, no one would know anything about it, more than likely.
Good point.
There never was anything we could do about it! All they did was prolong & cause greater agony of the initial first “wave”, with self-inflicted harm to everyone instead of the virus doing so to a few.
Had we done nothing different to normal I suspect we would have got to the point of a less dangerous disease/virus much sooner, as many more knowledgeable people than I, have already said.
Maybe this outstanding example of utter stupidity reflects why many homes in Scotland still have no power nearly two weeks after Storm Arwen.
“The continued information we get from South Africa is, on the positive side we continue to hear that it doesn’t seem to be as devastating in terms of symptoms when we compare it to Delta.”
Devastating, eh? So, not as devastating compared to Delta.
Oy vey!
Chatting to a friend last night. Disappointed to learn he has become a Covidian
He told me he intends to visit supermarkets and if he finds non masking he will ring 999 to report it. He is convinced that this is what the government wants and it is his duty to save lives
I wasn’t convinced of his logic. I said I understood his public spiritedness but what if everyone did that
I pointed out that if say next Saturday night at 8pm 1 million people went to supermarkets and then all rang 999 at the same time the system would crash and we wouldn’t want that would we. I said some people might not even go to the supermarkets but ring from their homes reporting some transgression that had occurred earlier in the day
Anyway I was unable to convince him and he kept going on about saving lives
Anyway lets see what happens Saturday. In the meantime I’ll try and talk him out of it
Don’t bother. Tell him to fuck off.
I’ll second that!
Push him into the canal?
The canal wouldn’t want him.
That’s an emergency number only. Hopefully he’ll be charged with wasting police time (if the police still have any sense) and he’d better hope he won’t need that service himself, should an unmasked person not take too kindly to his remonstration! Sorry, but he sounds like a tool.
The police are stretched enough when it comes to boots on the ground in many areas. They are not going to respond to someone not wearing a mask, who will have gone by the time they get there.
If your friend were really unlucky he might get followed home – he should look to his own safety.
You need to ditch that friend, pronto.
Can you clarify whether his intent is to actively travel around shops, poised to inform on people with medical conditions and have them shipped off to the camps?
If so, you might point out that what The Proper Authorities wants from him is to cower under his bed indefinitely, only emerging to scream “Back off! Back off!” at his Amazon and Waitrose delivery drivers, while posting in his votes for the Party of Davos every couple of years.
I would suggest he’d be a blokleiter in a previous age while walking away with a raised arm.
He’s become a covidian!? Bit late to the party!
Good luck with that then
Head and brick wall spring to mind
So ludicrous, I can barely believe you haven’t written this as a joke, Cecil!
Dialling 999 is a sure fire way not to get a police response, tell him he needs to twat them on Twitter.
Will he actually do it though when it comes to it?
I’ve not encountered any attempts at enforcement yet. Even the local chippy, which was previously a bastion of maskivism, wasn’t questioning anyone unmuzzled, and some of the staff were wearing them under their nose or on their chin. Everyone seems to be sick of it all now and doing the minimum they think they can get away with.
“NHS Highland has eight confirmed cases of Omicron, with some detected amid a “significant outbreak” of Covid linked to a music event at the Royal British Legion in Nairn on November 27th.”
This is yet another nonsense that drives me round the twist. Any attempt to work out where people picked up an airborne respiratory virus is somewhere between guesswork and reading chicken entrails. People get respiratory viruses after months of isolation at Antarctic research stations.
The science underpinning the supposed variant is a joke, they only get away with this because people have no idea how it works and work on the assumption that things are being done properly because the government does things properly This blind faith in clear cut criminals is a big problem for the world.
Thsi does a brilliant job of explaining variants and exposing the fraudulent science causing this mayhem
Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD exposes the Omicron hoax.
Average age of attendees at British Legion is probably in the 70s. If it doesn’t see off the entire membership of the Nairn branch then it will provide valuable evidence that it is just another cold type virus, not the black death.
As someone pointed out yesterday, before it was all about protecting the the people from the pandemic. Now it’s all about protecting the pandemic from the people!
Of course. The original was so-so. Alpha was a tough nut. Delta was less so. Omicron is a wimp, and needs protecting. Its called “Viral Equity”. Solidarity with out oppressed viral cousins, people.
Viral rights!
Insisting on own immune integrity is oppressing viral asylum seekers.
vaccines are anti viral colonialism!
What has always confused me about the PCR testing bs is that all PCR machines and the reagents used state in big capitals letters on the box/machine that this item is ” FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY.”What changed?
Have you ever wondered what would have happened/will happen to society, were covid to actually have been very deadly, say a 15% CFR and equally as transmissible?
In a strange way I find it almost a privilege to be alive to witness the madness – “If you ever wondered how millions of ordinary decent people stood by and watched Germany descend into Fascism……You do now”.
For those of us who are not afraid of their own shadows, it might have been a lot better. Would have been over quicker, and life could get back to normal. House prices would be cheaper, and some wonderful buy-the-f*****g-dip stocks and crypto opportunities.
What was the %age of the German population killed in WW1 and 2?
Corrected that.
Slightly off topic but still relevant..
Who remembers the Labour MP who during a TV interview said she felt unsafe around the maskless.. Well, take a gander below. It seems MP Zarah Sultana was telling porky pies. Who’d have thought it eh!
And some bragging on Twitter..
Double think is a requirement of the political selection process. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a module of Oxford’s PPE syllabus.
Yes, this hypocrisy was alluded to on Dan Wootton’s show on GB News last night and, for the benefit of any watching ‘fact checkers’, he showed the footage/photos from both occasions.
Dear Deirdre
Last night I started menstruating for the first time
I am 38 years of age and male
Nothing in the medical dictionaries. Any idea what is causing this?
No conspiracy theories please
Dear Cecil B,
Thank you very much for writing.
We get a lot of letters here from people a bit worried about their “periods”, so no need to feel frightened, alone, or embarassed.
In your specific case i think the problem might be that you have been “jabbed”, “double jabbed”, or “booster jabbed”.
You daft cunt
ps can you tell you wanker of a mate to stop phoning 999.
Update video from John O’Looney (credit to reddit LS)
He says he is seeing an unusual number of clot related deaths in younger people.
Many illnesses and deaths in vaccinated people who cannot resist normal infections – coughs and colds.
The chief coroner will not respond to his warnings.
Here we all are, trying to reduce our rubbish that goes to landfill, and someone is seriously suggesting we should test every time we go out? Well, bollocks to that I say.
We cancelled a Sunday lunch gathering at home last weekend because one of the guests wanted us, the hosts, to take lateral flow tests before they arrived. She also expected us to leave the windows open.I was just so angry I had a flounce and decided not to entertain anyone after all. Then another friend, who I thought was more sensible, was invited to a lovely (and free) drinks and nibbles do at her local pub. She told me that when she got there, because no one was wearing a mask (in a pub in England, where no one has to wear masks) she turned round and went home.
I am too old to care if people people don’t agree with my views (and I am not shy of making them known), but it’s surprising how many closet covidians there are out there. I sometime feel as though I am fighting a losing battle.
I know that ‘fighting a losing battle’ feeling, Old Bat. At a recent foursome lunch the other couple stormed out when I pointed out the ridiculousness of them wearing masks when being shown to the table and then taking them off when sat down.
And at our local choir the rule is that we wear masks when queuing for our mid break cuppa but can be maskless when we sing (guess who the rebel is ?). We also have to have all the doors open so we sit there in coats, scarves and gloves.
Common sense has all but evaporated…..
You’re wrong. Common sense has completely evaporated (outside the confines of the Daily Sceptic).
Ah yes, I remember the “tenors spread ‘covid’ ” rumour…
We didn’t attend a funeral because at the last minute it was decreed that everyone must take a LFT and wear a mask. So we decided not to go, so as not to upset anyone…
Earlier this year I carried my father’s coffin. We were forced to wear masks which I went along with so as not to cause an upset at his funeral. It was a horrible end to a wonderful 90 year life. For me personally it was the lowest point of a very low year. I will never forgive the bastards responsible.
Just hold the line. I feel for you.
My partner and her 3 kids + their spouses went to her younger sister’s home on Saturday for a graduation party (her daughter’s). There were about 20 people and all asked to wear face masks inside the house. And they did. Apart from when they were eating/drinking because, as we all know, the virus holds off at those moments.
I strongly recommend anyone reading this cross Finland off their list of holiday destinations, unless you like all this Covidian nonsense. Domestic vaxx pass already in use here, with the ‘unvaxxed’ being denied entry to all sorts of places.
Vaccines for 5-11 year-olds and recommended home-working are among the new rules.
Twenty-five cases of the Omicron variant have now been identified in France
This is France.. right next door.. taking full advantage of OMACRON.
Read this below and weep. If anybody thinks this will not be tried in UK they’re smoking hopium..
Nice winter break for the highly paid teachers. To be fair they must be really tired after having to suffer on a gold plated holiday for most of the last 2 years.
Whether or not there is a higher than usual number of ‘positive’ test results (and I know there is a lot of scepticism about what that actually shows), has anyone stopped to ask if any of the children were actually ill? You know, the thing where you didn’t feel very well, had your temperature taken (fever shows that your body is fighting whatever it is) and perhaps needed to miss a day or two of school (early days daytime TV and Lucozade are my personal memories) until you had rested and got your strength back.
I haven’t heard of anyone dying from asymptomatic Covid. The bogeyman in all this seems to be relying on a test, rather than your body, to tell you if you are ill (clue: you’re probably not).
And, if you centre the responsibility argument on compliance rather than common sense, you will inevitably generate frustration, opposition and contrary behaviours.
So a school has been closed for what is effect a variation of the common cold!!#
The mind boggles
“a highly vaccinated society.”
The implications of this statement being a ‘highly PROTECTED society,’ when in reality what this means is that we have a seriously poisoned society and one which is latently VERY, VERY poorly.
This contract requires a country to pay even if Pfizer did not deliver the product on time, even if Pfizer did not deliver the product at all. It demanded the country will provide full indemnity to Pfizer, it demanded that it defend Pfizer against 3rd party claims, which mainly means citizens who get harm by the vaccine. It defines the product not only as the vaccine but also as other technologies which are related to COVID, It demanded the country to acknowledge there are unknown long term effects of the vaccine and that they accept that risk, countries requires to put as collateral all their assets, including embassies… I can go on and on and on, read my thread, or look on my site for the analysis I did for the Brazilian contract which is even longer.
This was not a contract, it was a foreign power dictating to a country terms and conditions of their surrendering.
… our governments have been forced to sign such agreements without our knowledge and our consent as citizens, which turned our world into one big pharmaland. I do not want any company to be above the rule of law of my country, and I do not want my country to change its laws so that a company can be exempted from what we, as citizens of the country, are required to abide by. Our governments and ministries are supposed to serve us, not a pharmaceutical multinational, any other multinational company.
They’re doomed…doomed!
Top U.S. health official Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that early signals about the severity of the variant were “encouraging”.
The U.S. health official Anthony Fauci who caused the entire pandemic by funding dangerous experiments in a less rigorously controlled environment in China after he had been banned from doing them in the US because they were unsafe, and then lied about this in an attempt to cover his responsibility up, said on Sunday that early signals about the severity of the variant were “encouraging”.
There. Fixed that for you.
The unhinged nature of the news reporting on this and everything else is apparent to anyone with a functioning neuron.. It’s not just Covid or Climate panic it’s routine effing weather. Gordon Chree the numpty who is STV “senior reporter” was reporting in Anstruther “from the eye of the yellow warning”. That means meteorologically “ a tad windy”. Chree did his report as if was presenting an episode of Storm Chasers. My wife and I noticed his cagoule flap slightly in the breeze and we swear we saw some boats Bob gently in the harbour. His furry mike also rippled gently. This storm Barra is giving the East Neuk of Fife a battering!
Is it any wonder the Scottish Government decision to do nothing over omicron except contribute potentially billions to LFT firm profits, was reported with breathless alarm. That’s because no journalist asks a basic question or reveals a basic truth. Eh no hospitalisations?, no deaths? isn’t that good news? if an eejit standing in a mild breeze can broadcast as if he’s filming an am dram version of the Cruel Sea and can’t just tell us “there’s nothing to see here” journalism is dead.
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
A suspected outbreak of a flu-like illness with mild symptoms happens in the Scottische Demokratische Republik and all children are snatched from their parents and locked in borstals where they must undergo hourly PCR testing. Meanwhile, General Secretary Turdgeon of the Socialist Unity Party declares that Scotland is increasing its share of illegal African immigrants to 500 per day to assist with tractor production.
Fucking up thousands of kids just in case a variant that is being shown to be very mild might spread through the population giving natural herd immunity and rendering the vaccination programme irrelevant.
So definitely worth it if you’re desperate to keep the narrative going.
End testing and deal only with numbers admitted to icu purely because of ‘covod’. You’ll soon see there is nothing to worry about.
If they want you to test all the time this is the reason why. Flase positive rate means there will ALWAYS be cases.
And where do we go to hear the great howl of protest from all those committed teachers?
So let primary school pupils catch whatever variant is going round. A few who have underlying conditions, who would have problems with flu, colds, bronchitis etc anyway, could be kept off school, and the others allowed to catch it and gain immunity.( My granddaughter s had it and were off school for 10 days bored, fed up and “healthy”) Then we can get to the sunny uplands of herd immunity and get back to FULL normal again. The only reason not to return to normal is that despots worldwide are too hooked on the power of restrictions to let go. They must be made to let go.
Dr. Christine Tait-Burkard, a Covid specialist at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, urged the public to follow new guidance to take a rapid test every time they go out in public.
And this will achieve what in the medium and long term? Extra profits for the LFT sellers I suppose. At best it just kicks the can down the road.
These people are just so narrow minded and fixated on one obsession. No broad context or common sense in their lives. How sad.
Teachers won’t teach, lecturers won’t lecture and doctors won;t see patients in the surgery. Is there anyone working in this dystopian country?