Sajid Javid, accompanied by NHS bosses, are in discussion with the British Medical Association (BMA) about potentially scrapping the Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) – a move which the BMA fully supports. The QOF means that doctors have a financial incentive to assess the health of vulnerable patients, but the Government wishes to scrap this policy in favour of GPs spending more of their time assisting the booster jab roll-out – an operation which the Health Secretary has described as being the Government’s top priority. The Guardian has more.
Ministers may allow GPs in England to halt regular monitoring of millions of patients with underlying health problems as part of the urgent new blitz on delivering Covid booster jabs.
Sajid Javid and NHS bosses are locked in talks with GP representatives at the BMA about relaxing rules which mean family doctors undertake checks on people with diabetes, high blood pressure and other conditions that mean they are at higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
On Wednesday the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) identified 10 further cases of the Omicron variant, bringing the total detected in the U.K. to 32.
The BMA, the doctors’ union, has been lobbying Javid for months to suspend or scrap the Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF), which it says is “bureaucratic” and interferes with GPs’ right to judge how they care for patients.
Ministers and NHS England want to free up more GP time to help increase the delivery of boosters from 350,000 to 500,000 a day to counter the threat posed by Omicron, which is feared to be more transmissible with the potential to evade vaccines. Vaccine firms are trying to establish whether Omicron has the power to reduce the efficacy of jabs, and whether the jabs can be tweaked in response.
Boris Johnson has pledged that every adult in England will be offered a top-up shot by the end of January, piling pressure on NHS leaders to come up with a plan to ensure that happens.
Officials with knowledge of the talks told the Guardian that those involved spent much of Tuesday discussing the suspension of part or all of the requirements under QOF. “They’re talking about a partial suspension of QOF. But they may well just bin it,” one said.
However, sources stressed that ministers are nervous about approving a move that could lead to claims that vulnerable patients could see any deterioration in their condition go undetected by GPs.
Javid told the BBC on Wednesday that dramatically increasing the number of booster jabs in England was “our new national mission – in terms of the public health of this country, there is nothing more important than this booster programme”.
He disclosed that he was in talks with GP leaders about unspecified plans to reduce their workloads, including his edict that they must see any patient face-to-face on request.
Under QOF, family doctors get payments in return for undertaking checks, often every six months or every year, of the blood pressure or cholesterol levels in patients already identified as at increased risk of a heart attack or stroke. The checks also include assessments of diabetics and drug reviews for those who are on long-term medication to reduce their risk of dying.
“The targets for monitoring blood pressure and diabetes are important for health. But if they remove them, then certain newspapers will claim that they are neglecting patient care,” said one official of the dilemma facing Javid. GPs across Britain have delivered the vast bulk of the 116 million Covid vaccine doses which patients across the U.K. have received since December 8th last year.
Worth reading in full.
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Its less than a cold which is being 100% exploited, if the teachers can’t understand that they are too dim to be in the education sector.
That’s why they become teachers; they are too dim to do anything else.
A tough hide, not a supple mind, is what teachers generally have.
A bit cruel but largely true. I speak as a secondary school teacher. Most of my colleagues are not subtle thinkers, but are – have to be – very thick-skinned. I’m no Bertrand Russell but nor am I a pachyderm, and I’m looking for a way out of this profession. The stress is difficult to convey to people who’ve never attempted to teach a class of 30 disaffected British teenagers – even under non-Covid conditions. But the Covid nonsense has given me extra impetus; school life is now intolerable. It’s a daily torture to see many children plainly suffering from the callousness with which the government, through the unions, is directing their lives. Every class contains at least one child who won’t ever remove that flimsy, utterly useless face covering – despite the obvious rude health of his/her classmates. Some kids horse around and behave normally, in close proximity to their friends, yet continue to wear a mask – because…it’s cool? it’s different? I don’t know. Others – always at least one per class – very painfully avoid all contact and are evidently petrified. God knows what they’re being told at home. A shocking state of affairs.
Those who can do, those who can’t teach, and those who can’t teach, teach teachers. (Not my words.)
Will teachers skivving off for Covid be on furlough or sick leave?
and elsewhere a Govt Minister says no need for more restrictions, yet the masking comes to secondary schools!!!
My son is in the last push to A Levels. He doesn’t need a sop thrown to the unions screwing up this period. Fortunately we signed his medical waiver last March, so, he can avoid it. But he enjoys his friends and the whole atmosphere. This, um, stinks (keeping it family friendly here).
No demonstrated efficacy. Engineering-wise can’t stop the virus anymore than a chain-linked fence can stop snow. This is the ultimate “do something” move for a group that doesn’t need anything done. If a parent is frightened, they mask their kid. Stop testing and tell kids stay home when unwell and if they miss 3 days in a row, then text. The insanity has to stop but sadly Princess Nut Nut and her wandering husband don’t have the backbone to do anything.
“We signed his medical waiver . . . so he can avoid it altogether”
Back in my schooldays the rest of us would have been immensely jealous of our classmate not having to wear a mask (“just coz his dad’s a doctor”) and done everything possible to get that privilege too.(25% of the class)
But not the goody-two-shoes bedwetters with designer masks (25%) who sit by the open window.
The remaining 50% who have obeyed thus far might now be prepared to jump ship by tearing off their masks and seeing what teacher can do about it.
You have to wear a facecovering according the law. There are sites to order from or you can do it at home from curtain material a face covering which looks like mask but absolutely does FA.
As I am forced to wear a mask in the job I’m using one like this so my boss is happy and me too. As a light physical worker I refuse to suffocate for nothing.
Not if you’re exempt you don’t and you decide if you’re exempt.
It’s a ‘mandate’ but not law. I hate these useless suffocating pieces of paper or cloth and refuse to wear one ever since it caused me to lose a hearing aid. Without aids I can hear very little, especially when everyone else is masked. So please remove them, too. Don’t be a sheep!!
You don’t have to wear a facecovering! I have a heart condition and I have never worn a mask. I used to wear a lanyard, but decided I did not need to excuse myself any longer – I mean, the very thought of having to show you don’t need to wear a government appointed item of apparel is ridiculous if you think about it. I go about my business unmasked and have only once been mildly challenged by a security guard, who backed off pretty quick when I snarled at him.
My condition is very mild tbh, and wearing a mask would be no problem 90% of the time, but it’s the principle. Just like no one is going to tell me who and how many I can invite to my home, no one is going to tell me what to wear either.
Stop complying. It’s all a load of utter bs. You could wear a loose crochet mask and people would be happy because you were masked up, despite the massive holes! (I have actually seen this).
Its not law, its guidance..
Schoolchildren are not allowed to smoke by law, neither are they allowed to bunk off school, play ‘Adult’ computer games or squeeze each other until they faint to everyone’s satisfaction and delight.
And behold, they never do any of these things.
Nor are there any bullies in our schools, because all schools are plastered with notices saying so.
Actually, a whole class “conspiring” together to tear off their masks in a sign of protest would be an interesting social experiment.
I recall in my times we had such conspiracies to organize flunking of some late classes during good summer weather, and it was a major effort to convince some holdouts to participate. But nowadays we’d probably be shot on the spot if we tried to leave school premises.
Losing the middle 50% would be teachers greatest danger.
Starting with just one or two as they opt to emulate their maskless friends . . .
Worse still, we are going to be treated to comments about how much of an anti-lockdowner Johnson is because he hasn’t locked the country down again, how much worse it could have been and what a totally liberal guy he is, fighting off the SAGE monsters.
From the article, with this measure Johnson is “bringing England into line with Scotland and Wales”
This is just the beginning of a comprehensive process, it’s the excuse I expected him to use for locking England down on NYE but he bottled it.
Slowly but surely new measures will be introduced merely “bringing England into line with Scotland and Wales”.
If England ultimately has to do all the insane things that Scotland and Wales do then we’re doomed.
We don’t ‘have’ to do anything.. and we’re not doomed if we don’t do what we’re told. Enough defeatist talk already!
It could be part of a wider political/constitutional game.
Once England is fully aligned with Scotland and Wales numbers will count so that S&W have to follow Englands lead thus negating some of the damage to England-Scotland/Wales relations caused by Blair.
N.I. is different since bozo sold them out to Brussels.
We shall see. I think he is very aware that he is haemorrhaging votes. Which is what he really cares about. He’s made it quite clear our well being is of no concern to him and the First Lady
And eventually bring England in line with Australia. What’s to stop it?
fighting off the SAGE monsters. He’s just given the F*****s gongs!! Incredible!!!
Demonstrated medical problems for kids wearing masks for any more than very short periods. Less oxygen intake, and expelled CO2 recirculated into lungs.
Malevolent abuse of children. May Johnson and the loathsome teaching unions rot in hell.
Absolutely, I’ve posted a similar comment..
They will. If there were multiple eternities, they’d rot in hell for all of them.
That’s being far too kind to them to say they don’t have the backbone. They know EXACTLY the evil they’re doing, and the terrible wickedness they’re perpetrating. They don’t care because they’re smug and self-serving. There is something else on their horizon which is MUCH more important to them than the well being of OUR children.
At the new years party I went to, out of 100 people, the only people I saw wearing masks were 1 child (over mouth) and 3 under chin. They either don’t care, have become some sort of weird fashion, peer pressure or maybe they are too young to realise it’s not normal. Impressionable, you can see why they are targeted constantly by progressives, easy way to change the world, set and forget for a generation.
3 out of 100 so it’s not peer pressure; it can’t be out of tradition like the last of the old geezers who still display a pocket handkerchief.
More like normalisation as you suggest. I remember being at a party years ago chatting to a carpet fitter who was horrified when he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his specially designed Stanley Knife, a normal tool of his trade but at a party it it became an offensive weapon and made him a criminal.
I was recently told by a BTP police officer on a train to put my mask on. I put it over my chin and when she returned back down the carriage nothing was said.
Many people are chin wearers now to avoid the fines and then occasionally you exchange a glance with worried looking cloth mask wearer because you’re not wearing it properly.
These germophobe neurotics are oblivious to the fact their mask does nothing, and with Omicron having r0 of 8 or more (as bad as measles), even an N95 isn’t stopping it.
You only have to say the magic word “exempt” if asked, and if you look confident they won’t even ask.
Occasionally at my destination city centre train station they have a pair of police armed with automatic rifles near the ticket barriers. I always head in their direction and walk as close as possible unmuzzled. I do this so the sheep can see that the authorities have no… well… authority.
I’ve noticed a new behaviour from some hesitant sheeple recently. They don’t wear a muzzle on the train, but put one on when they arrive at city centre stations. These people clearly know that masks are bullshit but they fear being caught.
Fear of the authorities has probably outweighed fear of Covid for many months now. The same applies to fear of condemnation and shaming by fellow members of the public should they dare to ignore the latest government diktat.
“Fear” doesn’t quite cover it. In my case, I dread the inevitable encounter with the self- appointed mask police, who disregard one’s humanity and show an utter lack of charity.
The self appointed mask Police are probably the same school playground bullies that you learned to del with years ago.
Or, if you didn’t, now is the time to get your revenge.
Full face mask wearers were probably feeble neuroticts to begin with but they are still victims of nearly two years of sustained psyops conducted against them by our own government with the mercenary collusion of the media.
That visitors to sites such as Daily Sceptic can see through the crass and obvious propaganda does not make their victimhood less so.
It was for this reason that I used to carry spare ‘exempt’ lanyards during Lockdown Lite last Summer, to give to the deserving uninformed if they accepted my explanation about why they were themselves exempt.
It’s beyond ‘no benefit’.
Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome.
‘Research Reveals 20% oxygen depletion’ bollocks.
“Research absolutely confirms the bleedin’ obvious” would have been a better title.
This was the very first and loudest objection to ‘proposals’ for drivers having to wear masks be they private citizens, taxis, hauliers or delivery drivers.
During the ‘proposals’ stage I had a conversation with a Traffic Cop in a petrol station.
I asked him if he, his Union or his
ForcePolice Serviçe had a view on the dangers of drivers wearing masks, especially for long distances or time.He met me squarely in the eyes and said
“We dont wear them”
I took this to indicate that Officers don’t want to wear them but that there was lively debate going on with management.
Subsequently they did wear them.
Perpetuating the child abuse I see. What happened to ‘no further measures’.?
They are masking them to show that children need experimental jabs. I am aware of lots of teachers who acquired moronic variant over the Christmas holidays. Most of it came from them socialising with each other. You would think that might demonstrate to them how little transmission actually comes from children.
In a decent country, these regulations would be quashed by a judicial review. I do not include England (or the UK) in the category of countries where you could have a reasonable hope that you would get a fair hearing on the issue.
They.made access to Judicial Review much more difficult and expensive shortly before Covid arrived, coincidence I am sure.
The psychopaths manipulating this would like us living the handmaidens tale
If they’re all wearing masks, it can hardly be described as ‘face-to-face’ teaching, can it. Just saying.
This was pointed out to me by a senior practising psychologist who carried on working at a secure mental health unit throughout Lockdown Proper, including directly with Sectioned persons.
When management started to return after Working From Home memos appeared demanding all one to one meeting be held fully masked.
This meant that neither could read each others faces so any evaluation was worthless.
Further, the Sectioned person often regarded the mask as part of the punishment being inflicted upon them, similar to them not being allowed to smoke, even though they might not have been convicted of any crime.
Children once again being made to pay the price for political posturing.
Jabs and masks, not for them, but to pretend to help older people.
In the beginning of the pandemic I was wondering “since when does a consumerist society led by military-industrial complex care about the old people so much, shouldn’t they be worried about economic damage instead?” Today it is very clear that it has always been a completely fabricated ruse to advance business as usual, i.e. violent economic redistribution/robbery from the naive defenseless masses to the ruling “elite” wielding the sticks.
God, the bastards. The foul, vile, filthy, sadistic, lying bastards.
The question we need to ask is why government, after two years, does not have a cast iron study of face masks in classrooms and the impact on viral spread in schools.
Why have we not collected the hard data and instead are buckling in the face of religious wing nuts?
This isn’t science. It is a political retreat in the face of the National Education Untion.
If the govt isn’t commissioning this research, independent concerned individuals with the appropriate expertise could do it anyway. No sign of that either. We need to stop expecting the govt to do the right thing – they won’t.
There is research out there, which always shows that the face nappies have no benefit. It can also be seen by comparing stats between countries and states. It’s not necessary to do a load of RCTs to see this.
The problem is that the governent insist that they work despite no evidence, and the media parrot it as instructed.
Let’s not forget that it should always be those who claim that an intervention works who have to demonstrate that it actually does – not the other way round.
Government has control of the purse, and therefore they can pay for it to be done.
Carl Heneghan et al still have to put food on the table, which is why they are operating as doctors not study supervisors.
We have a government for a reason. So that stuff that needs to be done gets done – rather than the whims of those with money and power.
The money wants you subdued permanently, and currently they are winning. Unless we demand government prove their case loudly, they will continue to pander to the squealing and wailing of the other side. Government responds to those who make the biggest noise.
Now will everyone please calm down, please, everyone, quiet please……….Today’s announcement merely wishes to confirm to you all, all of the people living in the UK, that the establishment is only trying, quiet please, trying it’s best to preserve stupidity at all costs.
‘So we will celebrate the end of a good enough year despite covid and all of its nuisances’,. from a cousin in Canada, who has had an operation delayed and all of her social activities seriously curtailed. Personally, I’m getting impatient for the day of reckoning
This is despicable.
Until parents march into schools and have ‘serious words’ with the headmasters and teachers and union representatives, this child abuse is just going to continue.
2021 showed that no parents did this. Why would 2022 be any different?
Whilst their kids are at school, parents are at home testing themselves with lateral flow kits… more fun than The National Lottery – and, what’s better, it’s free!
We pulled our children out from a school because of masks. They have the lawyers attempting to get years notice period in fees. They have been told where to shove it. Now unlikely to be able to work due to v maddness… stressful but resolute. Thankfully none comes as a surprise due to comment sections of sites like this.
It is not about health , it never was-
“contingency plans to keep schools open amid fears of widespread teacher absences”
It is all about teachers finding excuses to skive.
Someone posted on another site yesterday; they took part in Resiliance Planning Scenarios for the Home Office (I belive).
One such scenario was about civilians all over the country raiding goverment depots in search of a well known virus killing substance (can’t remember which one).
Rather than plans for orderly distribution of the miracle cure the scenario concentrated on Military Action in response to such raids.
I asked the poster what % of such Home Office scenarios started off by seeing the British public as the enemy. Sadly I did not get an answer.
They aren’t teachers, they are implementing a curriculum, not an independent thought in their heads
“Education is our number one priority” Educating them in what exactly? how to not question? how to obey pointless, health harming rules? making them hurt their own bodies whilst men and women in suits watch, whilst their teachers are complicit in the cruelty, If you allow your child to sit for 7 or 8 hours a day being forced to breathe through a rag over their faces, which becomes damp with their warm breath and so produce the perfect environment for the growth of harmful bacteria, aside from it catching pollution, dirt and carbon dioxide, which is in itself a toxic gas thus causing illness, and mental damage then you have to ask yourself are you too complicit in the damage to your child because you are not strong enough to stand up and protect them against these people who seek only to harm.
The Bangladesh study is a bit more than ‘among other issues’.
When will Government understand that teaching unions will always do their best to **** up anything it wants to do. Just ignore them.
So parliament has been recalled to vote on this increase in restrictions has it and zahawi has produced the research that backs up this imposition?
…. No, just more of the same kowtowing to the public sector unions, how come its teachers and hospital staff who are continuously off and not the shop workers or the self employed? You know the ones who don’t get full pay for being repeatedly off and it not being counted on their absence record.
Stop paying the cunts to be off instead of masking our children
Having just returned from a ten day stint as an inpatient on a highly specialised NHS ward I can report that, with one exception, there no longer appears to be a ‘covid absenteeism’ problem within my large regional hospital at least.
Bank Holiday shifts were shared out in exactly the same way as in years past with some not expected to work at all over the holidays. These are staff that cannot simply be replaced by agency nurses overnight, if at all.
The Ward Round was conducted each morning by a different Consultant, none of whom seemed to work on the Holiday afternoons.
The exception was my only constant, Maria, the Domestic who serviced my solo en-suite room for 7 days running (and no doubt the other 15 such rooms on the ward).
Questioning this she told of her many colleagues reporting sick with Omnicon leaving the department understaffed and her overworked. She took a dim view of these excuses.
On Monday 27th Dec she was able to finnish at lunchtime and take the rest of the week off.
How so?
“Because Monday and Tuesday are (faux) Bank Holidays so Double Time and everyone suddenly recovered from Omnicon”.
Maria also takes a dim view of having to wear a mask “probably forever”.
I suppose it is worth repeating. The Danish study did not look at the role of masks in reducing transmission. It only looked at the role of masks in protecting the wearer which has always been accepted as marginal. It is almost impossible to organise an RCT to measure transmission which is why you have to explore other evidence such as laboratory explorations of the effect of masks on expiration which provide mixed but somewhat positive evidence that they make a difference.
But why let scientific evidence get in the way of a political gesture and a sop to the readers of this forum?
Masks for something less than a cold? whatever the scientific evidence
I remember reading a research paper on bTB & Badger transmission. Apparently to try to prove cows catch Tb from badgers they put an infected caged badger in a cow shed for 24 hrs among a herd of cattle. They failed to prove anything, they’re still trying, apparently.
Another interesting experiment, Unscientific Human @Dr. Sam Bailey, Another first British Failure.
We’ve got real world comparisons between masked and unmasked states/countries that show no difference in any of the ridiculous mandates.
There are some comparisons that show no difference but:
That study looks at a plethora of variables and is full of words like “might”, “could”, “hypothesized” and so on. Hardly convincing. It seeks, rather desperately, to extract some suggestion that masks might work.
It has been conducted to try to justify a pointless policy after it has been introduced. It does not start with an open mind trying to discover whether something might help significantly.
That study looks at a plethora of variables and is full of words like “might”, “could”, “hypothesized” and so on
The same is true of any study that is not a political rant. Anyway it is only an example.
It has been conducted to try to justify a pointless policy after it has been introduced.
Tricky to study the effects of a policy before it has been introduced!
“But why let scientific evidence get in the way of a political gesture and a sop to the readers of this forum?”
What scientific evidence? The Danish RCT demonstrated that masks made no difference to the wearer – are you suggesting that masks fail to prevent the wearer from breathing in SARS CoV2 viruses, but do prevent the wearer from breathing out the virus? Are cotton rags a one way system then? Do tell.
are you suggesting that masks fail to prevent the wearer from breathing in SARS CoV2 viruses, but do prevent the wearer from breathing out the virus?
It is to do with concentrations. If you are infected, then the virus is present in the air you breath out in much greater concentration than the air you breath in – even if there are infected people in the room. The mask can make a much bigger difference to the relatively large concentration than it can make to the relatively small concentration.
“The mask can make a much bigger difference to the relatively large concentration than it can make to the relatively small concentration.”
And the evidence supporting that claim is…?
If masks markedly reduce the ‘concentrations’ of virus particles (which I doubt) in the exhaled breath of infected people, then they ought to reduce the ‘concentrations’ of virus particles in the air that is inhaled as well, and as a result, the rates of infection ought to differ between the masked and the unmasked, but the Danish Mask Study results showed that there was no statistically significant difference. Why do you think cheap masks are a one-way system?
And the evidence supporting that claim is…?
and so on …
If masks markedly reduce the ‘concentrations’ of virus particles (which I doubt) in the exhaled breath of infected people, then they ought to reduce the ‘concentrations’ of virus particles in the air that is inhaled as well,
Yes – but if the level of concentration in the inhaled breath is low then the reduction in concentration is going to be very small (because there isn’t that much to reduce) and the difference in your chances of infection may not be statistically significant; whereas there is much more scope for reducing the concentration of the exhaled breath and therefore it is more likely to show up in reduced infection risk.
Any scientific proof of the efficacy of face shields, or medical masks worn incorrectly, or those bits of plastic you can buy to push the mask away from your face and allow in fresh air? Anything to prove that the variety of face coverings worn by the general public have had any overall benefit?
You can show that, in contrived situations, with specific coverings worn properly there might be a small chance that a droplet containing a virus might be stopped. Whoopee!
Have you actually read any of these studies? I’ve looked at the first on your list and I’l quote
“Our results indicate that aerosol transmission is a potential mode of transmission for coronaviruses as well as influenza viruses and rhinoviruses.”
Well as this is a very early study we now know that aerosol transmission is the mode.
“Our findings indicate that surgical masks can efficaciously reduce the emission of influenza virus particles into the environment in respiratory droplets, but not in aerosols.”
“Among the samples collected without a face mask, we found that the majority of participants with influenza virus and coronavirus infection did not shed detectable virus in respiratory droplets or aerosols…”.
There are too many problems with this study to go into, but as you can see, the results don’t support your view, particularly as the study did not address the infectivity of the viral shedding.
And what scientific evidence might that be? Can you show me any evidence that any country or state with mask mandates has achieved a better outcome than an equivalent area that hasn’t had such mandates?
I don’t need a study to convince me one way or the other.
We have survived and until two years ago thrived on this planet with millions of viruses. Our immune systems are so good that they have managed to keep the species alive without requiring an evolutionary adaptation to our respiratory systems – you know flaps for the open bits. Amazing.
If you believe that spending 8 hours per day with a rag on your face is in any way safe you are deluded – constantly taking up your own exhausts from an increasingly soppy piece of cloth which is full of germs.
The bumbling bozo buffoon isn’t such a hero after all, then.
Over Christmas we went to a family gathering and a member of the family works in social services. She was saying that suicides amongst the youth have jumped dramatically. In her area they use to see 5 or 6 youth suicides a year, now it’s 2 or 3 per week. She said the majority of cases are high achieving males who have lost hope.
Evil doesn’t describe this shower of shit thats called a government.
From the outset of Lockdown One Local Live Online (Mirror Group News) would carry 1, 2 or sometimes 3 daily reports along the lines of ‘man found dead in car on M-Way bridge’, ‘Woman found dead at bottom of cliffs’ or ‘popular local musician found dead at home’.
These reports generally ended with “the Police say there are no suspicious circumstances and the Coroner has been informed”. ie not crime but not natural causes either.
What these reports did not include were the words Covid, Lockdown or Suicide (presumably to stymie internet searches) yet they were usually accompanied by pop up adverts for The Samaritans.
What a clever algorithm.
It’s a small number of vociferous adults who are the problem. They should not be allowed anywhere near children. We must shout NO from the highest rooftops. You do not have to consent and can exempt yourself/ your parents can exempt you.
Yes, but will they? Too many will just go along with everything.
I was talking to a fairly high up Rotarian friend back in November. He informed me that they have been asked to prepare for volunteers for mass testing on 4th Jan, when the children return to school. So this was planned weeks if not months ago. They will mass test and guess what, they will find a high percentage of “positives” in the children and by mathematical modelling they will conclude the virus is rampant and we need to be locked down again, for our safety.
It’s the predictability of moves like this that can be so depressing.
How sad that Minister so successful at cutting through the “blob” over the vaccine rollout should now have been captured by the “blob”. I had high hopes for Zahawi, now evaporated
Really, you had high hopes for him?
No. These people are always a king-size let down.
Are you winding us up?
He’s a bloody Iraqi gangster.
Parents and teachers who encourage their children to wear masks are encouraging a dangerous false truth and should be utterly condemned.
Has anyone found any details as to who owns the masks companies?
Like the testing companies some of which are linked financially to ministers, it is most likely a big scam to make ministers more money.
Someone reported the other days that some NHS Trusts pay twice as much as others for identical masks depending on where in China they source them (and the abilities of their procurement officers).
“Amid fears of teacher absences” …… code for teacher REFUSING to do their jobs, not ill.
Once again, children are to be sacrificed to appease the teaching unions because this pathetic Government won’t dare take them on and won’t admit that the masks are useless.
The government are quite happy for the teaching unions – the leaders have clearly been bought – to cause trouble because it provides them a get out, an excuse:
It was the unions, not us.
So pupils will be “asked” to wear masks, and “Government issuing new “guidance”. So not law then? Not set in stone. A family member who is awake to all this, says at the school where they work, masks are not enforced except in certain circumstances, and with parent consent. However it’s the parents that want their kids to wear them!
The sane parent and child’s answer to this was, is and will always be:
“I am exempt.”
From wearing a mask and from worshipping any other otherwise pointless if not harmful symbols of obedience.
If staff are happy to accept a child declaring that they are a boy or a girl accepting a claim of exemption should present no difficulties.
Also note that there is evidence that children are less likely to spread covid once infected, thus their main goal (stopping dirty children from spreading it around) isn’t particularly backed by science.
Of course, SAGE don’t like this, because their models say that if you’re infected you’re infectious, and children do get infected. As a result, the usual suspects merely shout louder and louder that it is the children that are responsible until all scientific debate is suppressed.
I’d also note that the UK DoE actually did a fairly large study into the impact of mask wearing on covid spread in schools last Autumn — strange how we don’t hear much about that these days (perhaps Omicron variant is more scared of masks).
Finally, children are our future — when we’re stuck in care homes those now grown up children will remember what the adults did to them during these covid times.
The ‘usual suspects’ having recently been Honoured……. Effing bastards every last one of them.
“Stuck in care homes?” More likely to be euthanized or eliminated. Not by a generation seeking vengeance, but rather, one conditioned to disregard man’s humanity.
Masking of any kind is disgusting behaviour, let alone making children wear them for hours on end.
Breathing in your own exhaust gasses all day, and not supplying the brain/lungs with enough oxygen is utterly destructive, tantamount to torture. Storing up all manner of health problems for the future, let alone starving young developing brains of oxygen. In France they are now mandating it for children starting a 6 years old. Absolutely sick!
The government, health/education authorities know this of course, but are prepared to countenance it. Proof, if any is needed, that none of what’s been happening the last 21 months is about health whatsoever. Its about control, conditioning, obedience training, and the road to an eventual genocide.
Its a malicious mandate, by psychopaths
One slight correction:
The government’s activities over the last 21 months are all about national health – Destruction of.
Perhaps all the parents of children who have obese teachers should get together and inform said teacher and head in writing that their children will wear masks when the teacher has their bmi under control. After all, it’s about best health don’t you know.
Faceless cowards may be able to teach face-deleted youngsters some things, but as a former modern languages teacher I can tell you with absolute certainty that modern languages isn’t one of them.
Not that the Fascists ever bothered about it anyway.
The ridiculous policy of making people wear face coverings in any setting, when anyone who has bothered to think about it knows that it has no benefit in the real world, is key to understanding the whole shit show. It is more superstition than science and yet it is being lapped up, uncritically, by people all around the world. It’s astonishing and shows the control freaks can come out with any crap without it being resisted.
Total disgust!
“It brings England into line with Scotland and Wales”…
Government should have noticed today that England has a lower rate of Covid cases (albeit slightly) than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. So much for the extra restrictions in those places.
“Masks are ineffective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 largely because SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus and cloth and surgical masks do not prevent people breathing, or filter particles small enough to prevent sufficient virus particles passing in and out.”
Hey, that’s why Germany already mandates FFP2 masks (soon to be replaced by airtight masks, I guess).
Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late!
The return of the mask in schools mandate is much more than “political gesture.” It is a way of conditioning, demoralizing, humiliating, sickening, and ultimately controlling the next generation.
No I believe that it is political, in the sense of it being a sop to both the SAGE fanatics and teachers’ trade union leaders, as a way of heading off more widespread restrictions. Going back to July 2020 the scandalously knighted Whitty enunciated the bizarre notion (that’s if you are a scientist rather than a medic) that relaxation of restrictions in some areas would need to be offset by new or tighter restrictions in other areas, and it’s that (laughable) principle that is in effect being followed in this case. Once it becomes accepted that NPIs have a cumulative impact that can somehow be gauged by those empowered to inflict them, then it follows that particular NPIs can be reintroduced in order to fine tune the rate of spread of the virus. And I know that sounds barmy because it is barmy but just take a look back at what Sir Barmy himself said in 2020 and I think you will understand where I am coming from.
I think, given the evidence of the last two years, we can safely say absence (aka extra free holidays) will be extremely high in schools.
I know for a fact if I was of school age I’d read everything going on masks and then refuse to wear them at school citing the facts and that they cause me mental stress. Well within the law and perfectly true.
Can anyone really claim they are not in any way whatsoever affected by wearing one of these useless rags? Often mental health issues are not immediately apparent but if, for example, you sigh and say “Oh God not again just to go the shop” that is an indicator of mental stress. Avoiding going out because of masks is mental stress.
Then there is the fact of not being able to see peoples faces. I struggle immensely because I’m 64% deaf in the conversation range. I literally cannot make out what Sheeples are saying (you may be on here but if you wear a mask you are a Sheeple). That causes me stress and also stress to the person trying to communicate. Imagine what it is like for a child at school trying to learn a new subject.
Guidance? And be asked? Which means they don’t have to, when will sheeple realise that they don’t have to do anything the ‘government”(and I mean that in the loosest of terms, as they are not a government anymore just a bunch of self serving yobs) says we are all sovereignty souls allowed to make our own decisions so Boris you can F#”K RIGHT OFF!
This is simply child abuse. The Government should be taken to court and prosecuted. Disgusting people.
Once again the health advisers in this country simply choose to ignore the scientific data. At the expense of your children. Had enough yet?
parents wake up. There is not one study that says these paper and cloth masks prevent contracting or transmitting covid. Quite the opposite. The data is extremely clear that the size of the virus simply cannot be stopped with such ineffective personal protective gear.
what the masks can do though, if worn for prolonged periods, is become moist, accumulate bacteria and increase the risk of bacterial infections for the wearer.
a simple letter to your headmistress/master to say your child is exempt is all it takes to remove this risk from your child. Time to wake up parents. Time to stand up for your children, since this government cannot be bothered.
anyone heard of best practice? See what Florida has done over the past two years. Schools never closed, there were no mask mandates. If your child is sick, stay home. That’s it.
The wording is ”will be asked to….” That’s not ”being forced to”. This is the point at which parents need to start teaching their children about ”peer group pressure” and the importance of resisting it.
As children, many of us resisted (perhaps every person who is commenting here) so it CAN be done.