“From Sydney to Vienna, the rise of the unvaccinated underclass” – In Australia you can’t get in the same car, while Austria is locking them down. Just two of the countries cracking down on the unvaccinated, write Paul Nuki and Jennifer Rigby in the Telegraph.
“Why have we doctors been silent?” – “It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history,” writes Lucie Wilk in TCW.
“Why isn’t the MHRA investigating vaccine deaths?” – “I write on behalf of myself and the many others who are experiencing ‘vaccine hesitancy’ to request your help in enabling us to come to an informed decision regarding the injections against Covid which we are being ‘offered’,” says Gillian Dymond in a letter to Dr. June Raine, the Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, in TCW.
“Obesity and the pandemic (update)” – “In the non-elderly population, however, it has been shown that obesity is one of the most important risk factors for severe and fatal Covid,” concludes Swiss Policy Research.
“Profits trump health in Big Pharma’s sinister game” – “Is it that the profit motive for the pharmaceutical industry is so strong that real needs are ignored in the pursuit of money and power?” asks Harry Hopkins, who argues that a profit-driven health industry does more harm than good in TCW.
“Why Biden’s vaccine mandate hasn’t delivered the promised results” – “Wherever people are not permitted to remain unvaccinated, the next least harmful scenario is that a percentage of people will quit their jobs rather than be vaccinated,” writes Gilbert Berdine, who investigates the unintended consequences of mandatory vaccination for the Mises Institute.
“FDA may skip advisory committee in Pfizer booster approval” – A committee that initially rejected Pfizer’s Covid booster shot rollout for all American adults will not have a chance to meet and discuss the shot’s approval for a second time, reports the Mail.
“Letter to a colluder: Stop enabling tyranny” – “Stop enforcing totalitarian measures against your neighbours on behalf of the tyrants, who wouldn’t hesitate to annihilate you,” writes Margaret Ann Alice in OffGuardian.
“COP26 ends in humiliating failure” – “The UN’s climate agenda has finally hit the buffers in Glasgow. It almost happened in Copenhagen 12 years ago, when developing nations refused to limit their economic growth to satisfy the West,” writes Paul Homewood in Not A Lot Of People Know That.
“China’s ‘green’ plans go up in smoke” – “The country, which in recent years has been moving to curb coal overproduction under the agenda to switch to greener energy sources, was recently forced to reverse its steps,” reports RT.
“Why the failure of COP26 is good news” – India and China have nothing to apologise for in refusing to eliminate coal, despite COP26’s intention to phase out global production of this fossil fuel, writes Fraser Myers in Spiked.
“Why Wokeism is a religion” – “The Taxonomy identifies common myths and supernatural beliefs and helps explain why so many people continue to hold them, despite overwhelming evidence that they are false,” writes Michael Shellenberger in his latest Substack update.
“New Zealand flattens the wrong curve” – Dr. Eli David examines the failure of New Zealand’s Covid response: “New Zealand’s draconian zero-Covid policy flattened the curve again, this time along the wrong axis.”
New Zealand's draconian zero-Covid policy flattened the curve again, this time along the wrong axis: pic.twitter.com/5zMP0aj5jZ
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