Professor Neil Ferguson has declared that Britain’s Covid cases and hospitalisations may be “petering out”, adding that the country is unlikely to need a Netherlands-style lockdown because antibody levels are higher in the U.K. population due to higher case numbers earlier in the year. MailOnline has more.
The Professor at Imperial College London told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We’ve had two or three weeks of declining cases and admission to hospitals, that may be petering out, it is too early to say.
“There is a hint of an uptick in the last few days.
“But we are in quite a different situation from those European countries you are talking about (the Netherlands, Germany).
“We’ve had very high case numbers, between 30,000 and 50,000 a day, really for the last four months, since the beginning of July.
“That has obviously had some downsides. It has also paradoxically had an upside of boosting the immunity of the population compared with countries like Germany, the Netherlands and France, which have had much lower case numbers and are only now seeing an uptick.”
The Epidemiologist, whose modelling helped instigate the first lockdown last year, said he hopes the U.K. can “avoid” returning to social distancing restrictions this winter.
He said: “I think it is unlikely we will get anything close to what we had last year, that catastrophic winter wave.
“We might see slow increases as we did in October, for instance, but not anything as rapid as we saw last year.
“We can’t be complacent, but at the moment I don’t think we’ll be in a situation the Netherlands is coming into where they really do need to get on top of rising case numbers using social distancing.
“I very much hope we can avoid that in this country.”
The expert also said modelling from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has indicated that rolling out booster vaccinations to the “younger age groups” once the most vulnerable have been jabbed could help “drive down transmission to low levels” in Britain.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: When lockdown sceptics have suggested that natural immunity can provide you with protection that’s at least as robust as the Covid vaccines – with all the attendant implications for vaccine passports, ‘No Jab, No Job’, etc. – they’ve been branded “anti-vaxxers”. Does this mean Professor Lockdown is now an anti-vaxxer?
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Good news for holidaymakers?
Fuck off
Save the summer?
Fuck off
It’s all bollocks
Travel restrictions are lockdowns
Was going to make a sarky comment, but I think you’ve summed it up perfectly.
Australia is in the green? Queensland is in full Lockdown as i write this but a close look should be made into the connections between the State Premier and the Cheif health officer,soon to be State governor and the entire fiasco .
Watch out guys: DID YOU ALL KNOW? …
Dr. Jeanette Young’s Husband is: Professor Graeme Nimmo …
Now Nimmo is the Director of the company ‘Queensland Pathology’ and also has interests in Genomic Sequencing. By a remarkable coincidence, Nimmo is also a Founding Member of a body called AGAR – who are affiliated with the Australian Society for Antimicrobials. Of which Professor Graeme Nimmo is a committee member – and of which Pfizer is a Corporate Sponsor.
Nimmo has served on the Advisory Board for Pfizer – and therefore the QLD Government’s current push for Pfizer Covid Vaccines is a blatant conflict of interest. The soon-to-be QLD Governor’s back pocket will no doubt be getting a filling.
Then we have other names like:
Thomas Gottleib & Geoff Coombs – who both belong to the same group that come up a few times throughout this message.
The next connection is the Australian Philanthropist and Billionaire couple Andrew & Nicola Forrest – who head-up the ‘Minderoo Foundation’. The Forrest’s also have direct ties to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Now who has hooked up with his ‘Contacts’ for the Australian Govt to source Millions of Testing Kits to come from BGI; the Beijing Genomics Institute, direct from China?
Guess who also has a Business relationship with them? !!!
Well, none other than Henry Palaszczuk – the Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s, father and an ex Queensland Labor Party Minister – who founded a DNA storage company (a Trillion $$$ Industry) called GTA Foundation, and who held a conference on their strategy etc in Sept 2019 in China.
Henry Palaszczuk is also involved with another Chinese Company under the OTHER name that he uses: ‘Beileqi’.
BELEIQI: Well that would be the company who manufacture Monitoring & Electrical Equipment & Smart Grid Equipment – no doubt for for supply to the Queensland State Government’s power grid.
Now Henry Palaszczuk & Professor Graeme Nimmo (the new Governor’s husband) both have a common interest in Genomics.
Not only this, but BGI Australia (Yes: Beijing Genomics Institute – that CCP organisation) have their laboratory in the Brisbane suburb of Herston – the exact same location as Queensland Pathology, where Professor Graeme Nimmo works!! Dr Jeanette’s husband. This is also where the DNA data for all of the Covid PCR testing results is stored.
Australian DNA Data —> Beijing Genomics Institute – tied to the Chinese Communist Party —> Bioweapon research targeting a known DNA Group of Australian citizens. Depopulation Agenda. Just my (Rob Martin’s) assumption. Silly me.
Bill Gates is also a funding source for BGI Projects … Namely funding Covid 19 & Genomics projects.
Prof Nimmo / BGI / CCP / Minderoo Association / Twiggy Forrest (multi-billionaire).
Greg Hunt, the Federal Government Health Minister, recently held a meeting with the Minderoo Billionaire … Twiggy Forrest.
Connect all the dots and follow the money trail. ‘Tis quite amazing where it leads.
Something is clearly VERY ROTTEN in the State of Queensland – AND IN THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
Its the same in every country of the world- British politics stink of money manipulation as well
Bought, threatened, both? Nothing else makes sense for a virus with a CFR of .27 and .07 for the under 50’s in Uk. What a flipping joke this has been. But yes, the rich got richer
The guys at Sheepfarm have been doing this, following the trail of money with the SAGE committee and it is utterly utterly shocking. It’s actually quite hard for the average decent and honest person (the vast majority) to take in. Still, time to grow up and accept that politicians most certainly do not have your best interests at heart.
Wouldn’t it be damn fantastic if you could just go on holiday to any country and make some sodding plans for the future without having to think about it and worry about traffic light status of a country like we are children or something…
Queensland is locked down right now and we cant even travel to New South Wales but a close look needs to made into the connections politicos have everywhere, for example: DID YOU ALL KNOW? …
Cheif Health officr nd soon to be governor of Qld. Dr. Jeanette Young’s Husband is: Professor Graeme Nimmo …
Now Nimmo is the Director of the company ‘Queensland Pathology’ and also has interests in Genomic Sequencing. By a remarkable coincidence, Nimmo is also a Founding Member of a body called AGAR – who are affiliated with the Australian Society for Antimicrobials. Of which Professor Graeme Nimmo is a committee member – and of which Pfizer is a Corporate Sponsor.
Nimmo has served on the Advisory Board for Pfizer – and therefore the QLD Government’s current push for Pfizer Covid Vaccines is a blatant conflict of interest. The soon-to-be QLD Governor’s back pocket will no doubt be getting a filling.
Then we have other names like:
Thomas Gottleib & Geoff Coombs – who both belong to the same group that come up a few times throughout this message.
The next connection is the Australian Philanthropist and Billionaire couple Andrew & Nicola Forrest – who head-up the ‘Minderoo Foundation’. The Forrest’s also have direct ties to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Now who has hooked up with his ‘Contacts’ for the Australian Govt to source Millions of Testing Kits to come from BGI; the Beijing Genomics Institute, direct from China?
Guess who also has a Business relationship with them? !!!
Well, none other than Henry Palaszczuk – the Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s, father and an ex Queensland Labor Party Minister – who founded a DNA storage company (a Trillion $$$ Industry) called GTA Foundation, and who held a conference on their strategy etc in Sept 2019 in China.
Henry Palaszczuk is also involved with another Chinese Company under the OTHER name that he uses: ‘Beileqi’.
BELEIQI: Well that would be the company who manufacture Monitoring & Electrical Equipment & Smart Grid Equipment – no doubt for for supply to the Queensland State Government’s power grid.
Now Henry Palaszczuk & Professor Graeme Nimmo (the new Governor’s husband) both have a common interest in Genomics.
Not only this, but BGI Australia (Yes: Beijing Genomics Institute – that CCP organisation) have their laboratory in the Brisbane suburb of Herston – the exact same location as Queensland Pathology, where Professor Graeme Nimmo works!! Dr Jeanette’s husband. This is also where the DNA data for all of the Covid PCR testing results is stored.
Australian DNA Data —> Beijing Genomics Institute – tied to the Chinese Communist Party —> Bioweapon research targeting a known DNA Group of Australian citizens. Depopulation Agenda. Just my (Rob Martin’s) assumption. Silly me.
Bill Gates is also a funding source for BGI Projects … Namely funding Covid 19 & Genomics projects.
Prof Nimmo / BGI / CCP / Minderoo Association / Twiggy Forrest (multi-billionaire).
Greg Hunt, the Federal Government Health Minister, recently held a meeting with the Minderoo Billionaire … Twiggy Forrest.
Connect all the dots and follow the money trail. ‘Tis quite amazing where it leads.
Something is clearly VERY ROTTEN in the State of Queensland – AND IN THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
Interesting stuff. Seems almost as corrupt as the other five eyes fiefdoms.
I do think the establishment protection agencies (they monitor US but don’t protect US! we just pay) have gone rogue.
Can’t see that being the case for years
This is all being manipulated to make travel as difficult and stressful as possible. Surprised hospitality and airlines don’t have more say? They must be out numbered in £££’s.
I will NOT be making any holiday plans until (if ever) all of this nonsense (face-nappies, anti-social distancing, quarantines, expensive and unnecessary testing) is finished.
And even then I would wait at least six months because this evil, tyrannical and satanic government will change the rules at a moment’s notice.
I look forward to the complete extirpation of this evil regime.
Same here. Doesn’t bother me all that much. I grew up at a time when travel abroad was a rare privilege, quite beyond the means of a lower-middle-class family like ours. We never worried about it.
A jabbed-to-the-eyeballs friend told me yesterday that she’d postponed her planned trip to Spain because ‘next year, with luck, we’ll only need an LF test.’
Next year. With luck. God help us.
Personally I won’t test or quarantine just to be able to abroad. But I feel for those who have to travel for work, and those who have loved ones abroad. Harder for them.
A time when travel abroad was a rare privilege…..And that’s exactly what the powers that be want it to become again, despite years of social progress enabling accessible foreign holidays for all. I can’t express my contempt for the ruling classes who are ensuring the plebs are put back in their places – mind you, their contempt for us is limitless…..
Went to Chicago in May stayed two weeks. Attended a wedding 225 guests at reception, church full. Went on to Las Vegas. Airports crowded, aircraft full. Stayed at hotel with 4,000 rooms, sold out. Came back to hell, I mean England, took three Covid tests and quarantine x 5 days. Yes something is very wrong folks. Wake up.
Oh, thank you masters. Thank you for your benevolence. We are so grateful letting us lowly citizens know which are the safe places to go and which aren’t.
We thank you also for injecting us with safety serum to keep us safe. We are in awe of your power and wisdom.
Not enough. We want your children. We want you to have fewer babies. We want some of you to die. You can’t even spell Pinocchio.
“Good news for holidaymakers”
Good news for vaccine makers more like
When are we going to get some bad news for “vaccine” makers?
I still suspect 2016 was the last time, and that there could be a connection to what has been happening.
When are we going to get some bad news for “vaccine” makers?
That should be a good start.
Read the USA cdc VAERS. Plenty of bad news there for the vaccine makers. 11,000 deaths so far from vaxx. Possibly more like 50,000 to 500,000 according to more recent info.
Israel catastrophic numbers of breakthrough cases same in USA. Think Uk is any different? Don’t think so.
MSM not reporting any of the issues with serious adverse events and deaths post vaxx. The sheeple just keep getting jabbed. What is the saying? You can lead a horse to water…..
…and good news for the iniquitous PCR testing industry. I’m sure it will brighten travellers / holiday makers overall feel good experience knowing they will have to fund a – most probably, more expensive – unpleasant, invasive test on a frequent basis. Nothing like the anticipation of having what will feel like the equivalent of a broom handle thrust down the throat, then rammed up the nose, to look forward to. Enough to put one off travel…
There is, of course, the ongoing worry that the capricious folk who manipulate the traffic light travel system will inevitably change a country’s status at short notice.
Everything is being done to deter travel, with punitive measures against travellers – unless they are one of the elite who follow a different set of rules.
Where the fuck is Sweden anyway?
Permanently delisted?
Would that be the Sweden that has reported 4 “Covid” deaths going back to July 13th? that had less deaths in 2019 and 2020 combined than in the 2 years previous to that? No reason why our government should put any restrictions on them – though they might be tempted to put restrictions on us.
Indeed they might. How infectious are criminal stupidity and terminal cowardice?
Sorry? What’s Sweden?
My leader has told me no such thing.
Yes I wondered that too. It will never be on the Green List no matter how many people don’t die.
“A precaution against virus and variants”.
Are they by any chance fixing it so that the restrictions can be continued indefinitely?
Bunch of lying crooks
“Worth reading in full…”
Al Beeb?
Is this site ‘avin a laugh?
You what now? Why the fuck would anyone sane want to visit France ?
France is just somewhere you fly over on the way to somewhere nice.
Its basically just in the way.
Just as long as their air traffic controllers allow airlines to fly over their poxy little country
don’t get me wrong, I like France but there’s no way I’m visiting while the current regime is in place. “papiere, bitte!” “sieg heil”
Austria and Romania are barring and quarantining UK arrivals respectively. This list is a joke like all the others before it.
Yes, I am German, and would like to visit my family, but German regulations pose restrictions on me, and my parents are lambs, so no middle finger, and anyway, many places still demand at least a lft for entry and ffp2 masks widely demanded.
Some good news from France, though – it does seem to be all kicking off there big time, at last. Demonstrations everywhere and the firemen’s union has announced a strike:
French firefighters’ & hospital unions declare strikes against ‘unconstitutional’ vaccination mandate
And the French firemen don’t mess about.
Imagine if we had trade unions who actually honestly represented their members interests, rather than arguing about pronouns and pushing woke causes, and their officers’ political careers.
In fairness, I have talked to someone working for this union whose main job was assisting people with mask mandate discrimination and such, so they at least seem to be better than the run of the mill Labourite unions:
Workers of England Union
Workers of England Union
Aug 1
The @WofEUnion appears to be the only trade union defending workers rights in ‘No Jab, No Job’ cases – COVID-19: Employers told forcing staff to have vaccine could be criminal offence amid warning over ‘no jab, no job’ policies
[Disclaimer – I know nothing about this organisation beyond what I have said here.]
I have read encouraging reports about this union. It seems to be the only one with common sense.It is actually interested in workers rights and better still, supporting its members.
From the beginning, I’ve advised people if they are not happy with their union – if their union isn’t supporting them – then don’t support that union. Stop paying ‘union dues’, hit them financially and go elsewhere.
Good luck to them, and I hope they build barricades and throw those heavy, blocky paving stones.
And just wait until the air-traffic controllers go on strike and the HGV drivers block the Channel Tunnel.
This is never going to end until we learn to FIGHT BACK BETTER. New resources website updated regularly with useful information and links:
Don’t count this as any sort of victory. This is merely another tool they are using to control you.
Plus it also serves as a distraction tactic from the very real, effects everyone regardless if they can afford a plane ticket, vaxxed or not, theft of your God-given rights and liberties. But hey that doesn’t matter as long as you can sit on a plane, masked, to go to a warm country for a couple of weeks. You still have to come back and get your boosters!!!
Also, all these lists do is point out just how arbitrary the whole decision process is. No doubt waves of political pressure to boot.
Won’t do a trade deal with us? We will just put you on the red list and announce it to the world who will do the same, how will you pay your salaries now? Oh, you want to sign that arms deal now?….
See how it works,
Israel is on the Green list? Thought they were having all sorts of troubles since they bet the farm on the Pfizer roll out?
It puzzles me WHY people want to go to EU countries considering the way we are being treated by their “leaders”.
Your money is our only weapon against the eu- spend it in other places, boycott all eu countries, buy nothing from them
Many people living in the UK have very close friends and family in the EU.
If Ruritania has the phi version , the phi version is going to get here sooner or later so what’s the point of red listing Ruritania ?
Well, defenders of the PM would say that he needs to be seen to do something about scariants.
But the PM and his fellow cabal members have promoted scariants rather than downplayed them, so that defence won’t wash with me.
So how many countries will let you in?
I found a map the other day and the number of countries that will let you in without a test or vaxx could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Mexico was one, now of course on the Red list.
Oh what a surprise no mention of that pariah country Sweden – or is it hidden somewhere in the smallprint.
I note that Sweden is still being punished for getting it’s handling of the pandemic right i.e. no lockdowns. Despite the fact the pandemic is virtually over here (I am a Brit living in Sweden) it remains on the amber list. But as the UK refuses to divulge the reasoning for its absurd traffic light system, a level of secrecy impossible in Sweden, we can only draw the conclusion it is essentially a political decision.
Mexico to Slovakia. Slovakia to U.K. Problem over.
I often wonder how interested we true Sceptics really are about what’s green, amber, red or sky blue pink. I mean I haven’t been jabbed and don’t ever intend to, so for me I really couldn’t give a monkey’s especially as I won’t have a ridiculous debunked PCR test. Until this whole charade is over apparently I won’t be able to travel abroad anyway. This whole article is irrelevant to me. Just wondering how many think the same?
Someone let our Welsh Socialist arts graduate Drakeford know that Covid19 19 is not Welsh speaking and stop treating us as a different species in Wales! We have the worst of both worlds Drakeford and Boris !