Professor Neil Ferguson has declared that Britain’s Covid cases and hospitalisations may be “petering out”, adding that the country is unlikely to need a Netherlands-style lockdown because antibody levels are higher in the U.K. population due to higher case numbers earlier in the year. MailOnline has more.
The Professor at Imperial College London told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We’ve had two or three weeks of declining cases and admission to hospitals, that may be petering out, it is too early to say.
“There is a hint of an uptick in the last few days.
“But we are in quite a different situation from those European countries you are talking about (the Netherlands, Germany).
“We’ve had very high case numbers, between 30,000 and 50,000 a day, really for the last four months, since the beginning of July.
“That has obviously had some downsides. It has also paradoxically had an upside of boosting the immunity of the population compared with countries like Germany, the Netherlands and France, which have had much lower case numbers and are only now seeing an uptick.”
The Epidemiologist, whose modelling helped instigate the first lockdown last year, said he hopes the U.K. can “avoid” returning to social distancing restrictions this winter.
He said: “I think it is unlikely we will get anything close to what we had last year, that catastrophic winter wave.
“We might see slow increases as we did in October, for instance, but not anything as rapid as we saw last year.
“We can’t be complacent, but at the moment I don’t think we’ll be in a situation the Netherlands is coming into where they really do need to get on top of rising case numbers using social distancing.
“I very much hope we can avoid that in this country.”
The expert also said modelling from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has indicated that rolling out booster vaccinations to the “younger age groups” once the most vulnerable have been jabbed could help “drive down transmission to low levels” in Britain.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: When lockdown sceptics have suggested that natural immunity can provide you with protection that’s at least as robust as the Covid vaccines – with all the attendant implications for vaccine passports, ‘No Jab, No Job’, etc. – they’ve been branded “anti-vaxxers”. Does this mean Professor Lockdown is now an anti-vaxxer?
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I have yet to understand why anyone listens to anything this proven charlatan has to say, let alone dances attendance upon him and gives weight to every ludicrous utterance or “duff” prognostication of his.
Were it not for the BBC and in particular, its dreadful “Today” programme constantly giving Ferguson airtime and a platform, he should, in the normal course of nature, slither back under whichever stone he emerged from, and shut up.
He’s Gates’s puppet, that’s why he gets the airplay!
Yes, the BBC promote this witch doctator as a scientist when Neil Ferguson is as much a scientist as Hafthor Bjornsson is Britney Spears.
I agree, but at least this time he isn’t predicting multideath, so why not let him blether on?
He is trying to recover some credibility…. He should save his breath and go and mop some floors somewhere – A job that does not allow him to f@&k things up too much
I pity those floors..
Well put.
Knowing what he has to say is informative because he is Bill Gates’ mouthpiece. So he gives am insight into what one of the most influential people in global governance is thinking.
It’s his total lack of embarrassment that gets me; if I’d been so wrong – publicly – on such a vast and ludicrous scale, causing so much damage and suffering, that I’d be too mortified ever to emerge from beneath my duvet again.
This creature is a 22ct idiot and a globalist puppet. But he’s got plenty of company, unfortunately, especially in this sick joke of a government.
same hubris as that other horror Hancock, perhaps they have been given an injection that blocks all self awareness
I say this in the nicest way possible; what a twat.
Nicely put!
Piss off Fearguson!
Fuck him scum bag he needs to watch his back.
“The expert also said modelling from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has indicated that rolling out booster vaccinations to the “younger age groups” once the most vulnerable have been jabbed could help “drive down transmission to low levels” in Britain.”
The spin from the BBC is that he says there is “no reason” not to give boosters to under 50s.
Begs the question if under 50’s don’t take up the offer will they be termed to be “unvaccinated” ?
BBC refer to him, and I quote verbatim, as “a leading scientist”.
My understanding is that Professor Ferguson does not hold any medical qualifications and is not a practising doctor. He is, to my mind, not in any way qualified to opine on what medical treatments should be imposed on the population.
When I read this this morning I was horrified. People could be influenced by this description, “leading scientist”, and act on it to the possible detriment to their health.
The eternally stupid might pay attention to his utterances but those that do deserve what follows.
His doctoral research investigated interpolations from crystalline to dynamically triangulated random surfaces
How can say that this is not applicable to the behaviour of a virus?!
As well as “a leading scientist” I really object when he’s called an epidemiologist. What bollx!
Ferguson seems to have discovered natural immunity – better late than never – but still managed to promote the deadly gene therapy for kids to keep his funders happy – meanwhile the kids have been busy developing natural immunity safely and naturally…
So why can’t they roll out antibody tests? Oh, I forgot, they banned those because they thought that if people know they’ve had it they’ll stop wearing masks!
You mean natural immunity as in Tony Blair’s Teflon coating..
Anyone can be an expert in hindsight. How come none of his models projected what actually happened?
Something to note, if vaccination rates are similar in different countries, then necessarily the thing making the difference for the UK is infection acquired immunity. Ferguson points this out himself.
Funny that.
Ferguson is mm by mm backing away from the fearmongering. However, politicians are begin to realise they could have a real problem in that it is becoming more and more empirically obvious that the drugs they’ve been effectively forcing people to have basically don’t work and may actually begin to show unequivocal harm in excess of any supposed benefit.
I’m convinced that because they know they might be in deep shit with their electorates they’re therefore desperately ramping up the threats and coercion with passports and restrictions on the non compliant to try and reduce the unspiked control population to a negligible level such that uncomfortable truths can be spun away with their BS.
We must do our duty and get “our” jabs to get rid of any control groups. At least that’s what Pfizer was telling me. They speak on behalf of the other drug companies as well, of course.
“We’ve had very high case numbers, between 30,000 and 50,000 a day, really for the last four months, since the beginning of July… [this has] had an upside of boosting the immunity of the population compared with countries like Germany, the Netherlands and France. The fact that we now have comparably higher levels of immunity is no thanks to Fergusson, who was agitating for lockdown not so long ago. The man has been proved wrong time and time again and now has zero credibility. The BBC only wheel him out because of his political leanings, not because he is competent.
Whether not he is competent depends on what he seeks to achieve. He has openly stated he is happy to be “wrong in right direction”.
In my profession if I was happy to be “wrong in the right direction” I’d be out of business
Tells you everything you need to know about the BBC and its standard of what passes for journalism
The British Fauci.
It’s not his gift to decide our liberty. Don’t comply.
The government and its fellow Branch Covidians are allowed to contradict themselves but anyone pointing this out is a conspiracy theorist Covid denier or some other such pish.
While keeping option open for generalised lock-up, building towards boosting ‘anti un-jabbed’ and ‘pro-climate’ policies.
Un-jabbed specifically locked-up and pro-climate locking all up.
He remains Pharma’s rep tasked with selling jabs and keeping rats in lab
He’s an insignificant
“What are you saying Neil, don’t you know we are in the middle of a pandemic!? The last thing we want to hear is some truth!!!”
Yes, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. A pandemic of cancer and heart patients. Stay away, die at home and save the NHS (and your State Pension costs) .
Maybe someone is getting rather worried by the negative comments, even within his own faculty??
Just in case they have another run on toilet paper I will print the Daily Fail page carrying this story so that I will have some reserve.
Did they let it rip, over the summer?
Someone, please tell me, how it takes 2 years for a highly contagious disease to NOT spread through the population? Could this be why masks are so effective (sarc), because it’s so bloody difficult to become infected anyway. I want an article on HOW this scam is being kept alive?
And why hasn’t DS still not written any article for us simpletons explaining how mutations can be identified when they’ve failed to isolate the actual virus.
Not sure what you mean by “failed to isolate the virus” – I recall Dr Richard Fleming and others stating the exact opposite?
Let us not forget that this Government downgraded SARS COV2 from a highly infectious disease to a lesser category in March 2020.
“The expert”
I’ve bust me corset laughing at that. Unless the term ‘expert’ is defined as ‘ the wildly and consistently wrong’.
“The Epidemiologist, whose modelling helped instigate the first lockdown last year, said he hopes the U.K. can “avoid” returning to social distancing restrictions this winter.”
Since when has Ferguson been an Epidemiologist?
Since he gave up trying to do sums?
Well, they have to find some kind of title to give him – they are clearly clutching at straws. Not a lot to work with…
Three weeks data is not now enough got Prof Neil. But the “hint” of an uptick in the last few days, mentioned twice, is enough for him to keep betting on both sides of the coin.
pull the other one you prick.
If he thinks it is unlikely we will have a winter surge and lockdowns, we should all start being very afraid. This clown has a 20 year history of being completely and utterly and quite spectacularly wrong.
With this r.soles track record this pronouncement is worrying.
Since when has this oxygen thief been an epidemiologist? Or for crying out loud “expert,” on anything save being wrong?
Unlikely we’ll return to “social distancing measures this winter.” He might be correct on this one although I have never participated in the anti-social clog dancing shite anyway and have no intention of starting. Judging from the party of 200 plus I attended last night – lots of hugging and kissing – neither have most people.
I am now worried because the cu next Tuesday Ferguson is always wrong about everything.
don’t pay any attention to this creep.
he will be hanged when found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
I have no respect for Ferguson, Shridha, Scally, King, Edmonds and their ilk. They have spent the past two years promoting their media careers. Aren’t their students missing them? Probably not.
Mail Online calls him an ‘expert’. In what, self promotion, hypocrisy and being wrong all the time?
Absolute, gobby slime ball whose original ‘forecasts’ (cock ups) in 2020 fucked up the economy, our children’s education & mental health and the treatment of all those poor individuals who were suffering from other illnesses other than Wuhan Flu.
Why do they keep dragging this side show act out? Why not interview Polly the Parrot or Count Arthur Strong both are entertaining and probably have more interesting points to make.
He must have got a memory upgrade for his Sinclair Spectrum.
Did I read correctly when the word “expert” was used to describe Ferguson?
I commented on here a while back that central London had the lowest rate of covid and the lowest rate vaccination in the UK. While the Orkney islands had one of the highest rates of covid and vaccination in Scotland. If this is not evidence of natural immunity I don’t know what is,but it shows that by following a public health policy as they did in Sweden and was WHO policy 2019 pandemics will end quicker. We should remember that Ferguson and other epidemiologists have driven government policy and only by Boris insisting we end this madness can we see lockdown was the biggest mistake the world as ever made.
Since when did we elect Ferguson to be spokesperson for the government?
They’ve all been to COP26 and stated it’s to save mankind, while locking us up, coercing us into an experimental vaccine and now Germany threatening not to treat the unvaccinated.All be at the Cenotaph though, virtue signalling.
Ferguson is just arse covering. He now realises that he needs to look at up to date empirical data and has turned his Atari off ….for now.
Is this the same person or a hideous doppelgänger… talking a few hours ago to the BBC ….. and touting that under 50 should get the booster?
Covid: ‘No reason’ not to give boosters to under-50s
Why, if he believes the epidemic is ‘petering out’? How many feet has this man got, because he seems to have one in every camp!?
In Christopher Snowdon’s recent Spiked-online article linked on this site, Snowdon said the Today Programme has Ferguson on ‘speed dial’, indeed they do, I don’t understand why that programme is obsessed with Ferguson?
The US CDC have now admitted they have no record of anyone with natural immunity (ie, recovered from covid) transmitting the virus…
Oh no! With his track record it must mean another lockdown is highly likely!!!
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!