- “It is too soon to reach for ‘Plan B’” – “So, while the Government can point to statistics that do not imply the reimposition of restrictions, this is not good enough for those whose principal response to this public health issue has been to demand tougher and swifter measures,” reports the Telegraph.
- Get tough on anti-vaxx protests outside schools, Priti Patel urges police” – Home Secretary speaks out as Sir Keir Starmer calls for exclusion zones to prevent demonstrators ‘spreading misinformation’, reports the Telegraph.
- “The new public health despotism” – Draconian rules are suppressing our humanity, argues Matthew Crawford in UnHerd.
- “Serious adverse reaction risks behind those child jab invitations” — “Nowhere does the three-page letter mention the possibility of adverse reactions, and children are being asked to turn up no more than five minutes before their appointment, which means no time to discuss any concerns,” writes Sally Beck in TCW Defending Freedom.
- “Our constellation of concerns over vaccine for children” – A collection of senior doctors and scientists have written a letter addressed to Sajid Javid, Nadim Zahawi, and others, about the dangers of vaccinating children, in TCW Defending Freedom.
- “Retailers fear ghosts of lockdowns past will ruin Christmas sales” – Rising profit warnings and the end of Government support threaten to take the shine off sector’s ‘golden quarter’ for a second year running, reports the Telegraph.
- “A ‘nudge’ too far? The rise of behavioural science and technocratic rule” – A transcript of Laura Dodsworth’s opening speech at the ‘Battle of Ideas’ talk in London, published in her latest Substack update.
- “Undeclared hazardous components in nasopharyngeal test swabs used in Covid PCR tests” – “Aluminum and silicon can both present health hazards, and this can explain the rapid-onset nasal bleed and strong and lasting adverse reactions reported by the tested individuals,” writes Peter Grandics in Trialsite.
- “New Zealand is moving to a two-tier society, but the unvaccinated are already a global underclass” – Protests and unrest are growing as more countries are tightening restrictions on those people who have not been jabbed, reports the Telegraph.
- “Ron DeSantis wants to pay unvaccinated Chicago police to go and work in Florida” – In Chicago, 21 officers have been placed on “no-pay status” for refusing to say whether they have received a Covid vaccine, reports the Independent.
- “Arkansas Governor: Covid vaccine mandates are increasing resistance to vaccines” – “Covid vaccine mandates are increasing resistance to Covid vaccines, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said,” Zachary Steiber reports on the Arkansas Governor’s recent attack on mandatory vaccination measures in the Epoch Times.
- “Our commitment to net zero has become quasi-religious. It needs to be scrutinised properly” – The ultimate effect of this rushed strategy could be to push political and economic power East, into the hands of Beijing, writes Ian Duncan Smith in the Telegraph.
- “Bins overflow in Glasgow just days before leaders meet for Cop26” – “Nicola Sturgeon has challenged polluting nations ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference and asked them to ‘step up’, despite bins overflowing in rat-infested Glasgow,” reports the MailOnline.
- “Boris Johnson is no green superhero” – The Tories will destroy the countryside — not save the planet, argues James Rebanks in UnHerd.
- “Listen, it is not racist to criticise Saudi Arabia” – Police are investigating a football fans’ banner that mocked the Saudis, writes Brendan O’Neill in Spiked.
- “The anti-woke rebellion has begun – but the arts have a bigger problem” – A new report aims to help museums and galleries navigate the culture wars. But first these institutions must reject our culture of offence, writes Ella Whelan in the Telegraph.
- “The ACLU is now siding with the censors” – Its advocacy of trans rights has come at the cost of free speech, argues Wendy Kaminer in Spiked.
- “Will your favourite children’s book be cancelled?” – “Classic children’s books in a Cambridge University archive are set to be labelled with ‘trigger warnings’ for ‘harmful content relating to slavery, colonialism and racism’,” reports the MailOnline.
- “Why I didn’t apologize for that Yale Law School email” – We must end the culture of performative repentance, writes Trent Colbert in Persuasion.
- “The dangers of removing social media anonymity” – Toby tells GB News: “If we were to make anonymous social media accounts unlawful, that would be taken as a green light for oppressive regimes around the world to enact a similar policy.”
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Fox News fighting the good fight in the US:
“The majority of people who have been refusing covid 19 vaccinations actually have been voluntarily vaccinated, against mumps, measles, rubella, DPT, …. you have to ask yourself why? And it’s because when it came to covid 19 our public health leaders have lied, and lied rampantly.”
Public officials have been lying about this at every step: Ramaswamy
“A former Labour MP facing jail for threatening to throw acid over a suspected love rival reportedly told her supporters: ‘I am a black woman in a white court.‘”
Long past time we introduced exemplary sentence extensions for criminals deploying the minority victim card in the hope of avoiding conviction or reducing their justified punishments.
It’s most contemptible when it is used by killers against their victims, who are entirely unable to defend themselves (“I was provoked by his racist/homophobic/antisemitic/islamophobic etc abuse”).
“Convicting Webbe, Chief Magistrate Paul Goldspring said: ‘I do not find the defendant to be cogent, compelling and truthful in all aspects of her evidence.
‘Some of the things she said I believe were made up on the spur of the moment.’
He added: ‘In short, I find Ms Webbe to be vague, incoherent and at times illogical… and ultimately I find her to be untruthful.'”
Webbe in many ways epitomises much of the corrupt unfitness for purpose of our political class and system. In the past, we would at least have expected our MPs to be able to lie smoothly and effectively when actually brought to trial.
A fast tracked “affirmative action” candidate, with a background in, at best, complete uselessness and in practice actually harming our society:
“She studied social science at De Montfort University, Leicester, followed by race and ethnic relations at Birkbeck, University of London
Webbe is a founder and former Chair of Operation Trident,[5] a community-led initiative created in the mid-1990s to tackle the disproportionate effects of gun violence on black communities.
Webbe was a policy director and adviser to the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.[5]
Webbe stood for election as a councillor in Islington in 2006 but was unsuccessful.[10] She was elected as a Labour councillor to Islington London Borough Council in 2010, representing Bunhill ward.[11] She was re-elected in 2014 and 2018.[12] She served as the council’s executive member for the environment and transport.[5] Webbe resigned as Islington councillor in March 2021.[13]
Considered to be a close ally of the then Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, Webbe was elected to the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) with support from the Momentum organisation in 2016, finishing third in the ballot with 92,377 votes.[5][4] In 2018, she was shortlisted to become the Labour candidate in the Lewisham East by-election, but finished third in a vote among local party members and was not selected.[14] In July 2018, she was elected as chair of the NEC Disputes Panel.[15] In 2018 Webbe was re-elected to the NEC, finishing second in the ballot with 83,797 votes.[16] She became ineligible to retain her NEC membership upon being elected to Parliament.[17]
Parliamentary career
She was selected as the Labour candidate for Leicester East for the 2019 general election; the party’s incumbent MP, Keith Vaz, had stood down after being suspended from Parliament for six months. Her selection resulted in the resignation of the Constituency Labour Party chair, who described it as “a fix”, and some in the local British Indian community were angry that one of their candidates was not interviewed.[18][19][20] Some saw it as a Momentum-led imposition of a left-wing candidate on a traditionally centrist constituency party.[4] Webbe was elected with a majority of 6,019. This compared with a 22,428 Labour majority in the seat in 2017; the Labour Party nationally suffered its worst election results since 1935.[citation needed]”
I think the chief magistrate just described the typical British politician.
Clearly, telling the truth is an act of huWhite supremacy.
When Ali G said ‘is it cuz I is black?’ all those years ago, who would’ve thought that was actually the cutting edge of satire.
We used to say it to our teachers in school and we considered it HILARIOUS when we were about 13. Now it’s said in an actual court to a sitting judge, by a former MP. The mind boggles, it really does.
Does anyone please have any links to credible and accessible (largely non-academic) info about the vaccines and their effects on the menstrual cycle and which detail the potential risks? Ideally, sources with real examples and testimony, case studies etc. would be great.
More importantly, does anybody have links to credible and accessible information that ‘the vaccines’ have undergone robust and complete safety trials before administration to the population at large?
I find that any discussions are halted with that question.
A good follow up statement is that the PCR tests are unable to detect infectious SARS-COV-2. Fact.
End of argument.
True, but I’m not dealing with a discussion, rather trying to give someone who’s on the fence info to make an informed decision. It’s more difficult to demonstrate there’s no safety data than to present the increasingly known risks.
I’ve seen a few links to such articles on the David Icke website.
EG: https://davidicke.com/2021/10/22/mit-scientist-on-covid-fake-vaccine-dont-go-near-it-warnings-for-pregnant-women/
They’re linked to credible sources, in the main. Don’t be put off by the articles about reptilian gods (which I personally love reading about) – there’s some good information collected there.
Thanks for this, I’ll follow it up. I’m very reluctant to reference Icke directly however as I think I’ll likely lose the person I’m trying to inform.
This site allows a search of latest yellow card reports. It is without comment and is impartial.
Thank you, this is a good source for the stats.
This is causing many from the Cult of Covid to go insane. It is sparking lots of incidences of Covid Tourette’s. Don’t go spreading it around or anything:
So all those crazy foil hat wearing social media reports of black moving fibres in the nasal swabs were true?
These conspiracy theorists are pretty bloody lucky at guessing right all the time, its freaky.
Only yesterday we were told by the Prime Minister the vaccines don’t prevent transmission!
We owe it to our patients to agree that no Covid jab means no NHS job, writes Dr MAX PEMBERTON
Avoid this Dr at all costs, the man is clearly an imbecile, do you really want to be treated by this idiot?
They really don’t have any respect for us at all.
How many patients would think that an unjabbed surgeon or nurse or paramedic is better than no surgeon or nurse or paramedic?
Covicretin trapped in burning vehicle: no, no, don’t touch me! You’re unjabbed! I want to stay saaaaaafe!
I’d not want a medic silly enough to risk the clot-shot.
I’d prefer one unjabbed. I wouldn’t want to risk being operated on by someone in the first stages of clotting caused dementia
It will not be too much effort to avoid him, as he, along with most of his colleagues, are avoiding us.
“‘If we were to make anonymous social media accounts unlawful, that would be taken as a green light for oppressive regimes around the world to enact a similar policy’”
I’m tired of arguments against tyranny only being possible if they impact on anyone but us. In this case the best argument being made against the monstrous anonymity issue is that poor Africans will suffer in their dictatorships. I see the same thing with vaccine policies are evil apartheid because ethnic minorities have a low uptake and therefore they’re criticisable. They’re criticisable because they create a morally repugnant apartheid state, and yes, this is the case for HUMANS, full stop, even rich ones from Berkshire.
It just shows they’d LIKE to be oppressive but they don’t think they’d get away with it yet.
It can’t be overstated how much the banning of anonymity online would harm free speech.
Many people post anyonymously because they they work for ‘woke’ employers who could sack them for posting views which a few years ago would be entirely uncontroversial, or that they might be targeted in real-life by the unhinged left. Having been on the end of some left-wing hate while campaigning, I know how these people operate and it’s not pleasant.
It’s ironic that targeting ‘on line hate’ by banning anonymity could very well lead to actual physical targeting and assaults, or pressure on your employer to sack you, as those who don’t like what you said would ‘know where you live’ so to speak.
Also I have to keep my personal views separate from my employer’s views when posting online, especially when posting about the sector I work in.
If anonymity were banned I would be unable to participate in the various forums I do anonymously post in, as I would be unable to speak freely.
Also I have been on the end of specifc online targeting when I was supporting a product a previous company I worked for on an online forum. Some very unhappy users decided they would try to target me personally in real life, and threatened to find and ‘doxx’ my home address as I had posted under my full name as a company representative. If I’d posted under a ‘handle’ then they wouldn’t have been able to threaten that.
“It can’t be understated how much the banning of anonymity online would harm free speech.”
That’s the intention of it, obviously.
In their hearts, free speech is a bad thing because it allows people to say things they want to see suppressed, and anonymity allows the people they hate and fear to speak freely and say the things they hate and fear being allowed to be said or heard.
“It’s ironic that targeting ‘on line hate’ by banning anonymity could very well lead to actual physical targeting and assaults, or pressure on your employer to sack you, as those who don’t like what you said would ‘know where you live’ so to speak.”
Not really ironic. Again, that’s the whole point. They want people saying things they disagree with to be hurt. That’s what they mean by “taking responsibility for your words”, and “facing consequences for “hate speech””.
This kind of intolerance and hatred is the essence of cancel culture and the essence of the woke left’s culture. They are the haters, and always have been.
It is scary just how frightened many people remain of this Covid thing: the causes of which are unproven, the symptoms of which are totally variable and for which no known human action seems to make much difference. The mortality of it is also well below 0.5% as we know, and less than 0.1% rounding to zero for anyone aged under circa 55.
Am on a train. Windows etc are open. A very obese but relatively young woman got on the train. Heavily masked (has seriously tried to iron out all “gaps”) and carrying hand sanitizer. She immediately opened yet another window and used the sanitizer as she sat down.
Do we think such people will ever feel “safe” again?
No. Their outlook on life has been totally perverted.
I always wonder what exactly they are afraid of. I think the answer must be ‘fear itself’. A shapeless, formless, meaningless terror that’s indissolubly linked to the word ‘Covid’, but which carries no meaning that is relatable to anything in real life, and certainly not relatable to the truth about Covid. For one thing, actual Covid illness is so rare that hardly anybody has ever seen, let alone been, a Covid patient with his or her aches, pains, cough, and rapid recovery.
The obnoxious manager at my local corner shop sanitises her hands between every customer. She also shouts at people the ‘wait outside’ when she deems the shop too busy.
She always a stroppy cow but now she’s a paranoid stroppy cow. The rest of the staff seem to not be affected, no masks or any special measures at all.
Her best way to mitigate risks would be to dodge fructose.
My next door neighbours are terrified of Covid. When I was recovering after getting covid and sat out in the garden to get some fresh air they went back inside their house, despite us being separated by a six foot fence and them being about 20 feet away.
They also go everywhere with masks on.
In some ways I don’t blame them – they’ve been propagandised and terrified.
It’s notable they made some of the loudest noise banging pans for ‘Our NHS’ during the Thursday evening mandatory ‘Two Minutes NHS love’ that we suffered through.
I notice that very many of the distinguished signatories of the protest letter against child vaccination are retired.
Presumably practising consultants and academics, even the most distinguished, have been told that to protest against government wickedness means they lose their jobs. And they’ve given in. My career before my patients.
This has never cropped up before so yes I’d expect a significant number of signatories to be retired. With regards to currently registered clinicians it’s not black and white, had this been 12 months ago would I have signed it? I honestly cannot say, I’d hope I would but I really do not know. Registered practitioners that contribute to this site tend to be anonymous, should they name themselves and risk a fitness to practice complaint? Even if they kept their job and position, the NHS is one of the worst organisations for bullying, that is endemic. There are books written by senior clinicians that detail their experiences.
Florida Governor: Hold Employers Responsible for Vaccine Injury
DeSantis Calls On Businesses To Pay For Adverse Reactions To Vaccine If They Mandate It
One of the annoying and grating aspects of the covid/climate hoo-haa is the way celebrities feel free to lecture us all on the virtuous way to behave. Today we have Joanna Lumley lecturing us on climate change;
The item states that she thinks people should cut back on weekend breaks abroad! She wants the country to go back to the 1950’s and re-introduce rationing. It is as if all the covid restrictions have paved the way for the continuance of restrictions in the name of climate change or whatever.
The continuation of travel restrictions now in the name of the climate are one of the insidious developments over the last 2 years. I have family in Canada and we have had some good trips to Canada but the way Canada has gone it seems unlikely I will ever go to Canada again in my lifetime. I have family in Uganda and in theory I could go to Uganda but even if I did manage to get there, on arrival in Uganda you are subject to a Ugandan PCR covid test and have to wait for the result before you are allowed entry. If your PCR test is positive you will be sent to a Ugandan covid quarantine camp. It would be a huge gamble which I am not sure is worth taking?
And so I guess Joanna Lumley will be pleased with me as I am not travelling anywhere outside the UK but not because I want to save the climate it is because the world has torn up the freedom to travel and I am not sure those freedoms are coming back anytime soon…….if at all?
I agree Steve, I think air travel will continue to be very difficult. It makes my blood boil that someone like her calls for rationing. I would like to take her on a walk around some of our inner city areas and ask her if she thinks these people should endure rationing!! I don’t know her living circumstances but I’d guess she doesn’t live in a tiny council house or flat or shop at the local pound shops and the many charity shops.
She is such a hypocrite, she’s constantly on the radio being paid to advertise, in that really annoying breathy way she speaks… Holidays
Has she herself made a pledge not to travel unless it’s absolutely necessary? Has she cut down on luxury items and fashion clothing and kept the same technology items until they break or is she a complete f@@king hypocrite like the rest of the ‘green’ elite?
I’ve been as green as I realistically can be since my teens. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle is my mantra. I like to make homemade gifts, I absolutely don’t play the ‘I’ve got the latest gadget game’ and wear clothes until they wear out or buy/sell secondhand for special occasion wear. I find it highly offensive that people who fly more in a year than I have in my life and are never seen in the same outfit twice think it’s ok to lecture me on being responsible.
Morning, TCW Lite co-conspirators.
Oz: 300,000 supermarkets workers face no jab, no job.
We can do our bit here by encouraging the boycott of Aldi. Do we want the same in our country?
I got this response from Aldi when I challenged them about this:
“Aldi UK have no plans to make it mandatory for staff to have the Covid 19 vaccine.
I hope this answers your query.
Once again, thank you for contacting Aldi and we look forward to your continued custom.”
“have no plans to” doesn’t mean “will never”.
Publicly shaming Aldi is a way we can support our oppressed cousins in Oz.
Mike Yeadon’s Final Warning
Yay! Go Killary! She failed to in her bid to stamp on the faces of the American electorate – so she wants to stamp on ours instead. Evil bitch.
Good to see Andrew Marr standing up to her. Or not. Cowardly bastard.
Resistance to mandates growing in the US:
‘Pushback to COVID tyranny is spreading, but the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know that’
How can they say the “vaccine” reduces deaths?
I’ll tell you how.
A lot of deaths are occurring in those crucial 2 weeks after the first jab and being counted as unvaccinated covid deaths. Taking from one pile and adding to the other.
Murder One
COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination
A modest proposal, by environmentalist Alexander de Pfeffel.
Social media websites rely on anonymous accounts to survive. If they make them unlawful, they will lose millions of ‘followers’. I remember getting a Nokia 3310 in the year 2000. I was amazed to be able to send a text message, but never did I imagine what they would be capable of over the preceding 20 years. It makes me wonder what Big Tech & Social Media will be able to do over the next quarter century. It will probably involve a Social Credit Score along the lines of that Black Mirror episode entitled “Nosedive”.
At last – a visible sign of pushback, here in Wales, if this report can be believed.
The number of people wearing face masks in Wales has taken a nosedive in recent weeks, according to the latest Government study.
In fact, fewer people in Wales are wearing face masks now compared to England, where it’s not even compulsory to wear one at all.
From my limited perspective, I’ve noticed this in the last week. Many more maskless faces in the supermarket, last time I went.
The Welsh fuckwit govt response:
One of the key measures being considered to halt soaring infection rates in Wales is how to get more people to wear face coverings indoors.
Health minister Eluned Morgan:
“Is there anything more we can do for example, around working from home, which we know makes a huge difference? Is there more we can do to make sure that people actually do wear their face coverings, in public places indoors? And we’ll be seeing if it may be necessary for us to roll out the vaccine passports to other situations.”
Come on fellow Cymry – Despite her petty threats, Hold the Line!