In this week’s episode of London Calling, James and I discuss Rotten Tomatoes’ decision to disable the ‘Audience Score’ button for the new Fauci documentary, the New York Times‘s embarrassing correction about the number of children who’ve been hospitalised in the US with COVID-19 (revising it downwards from 900,000 to 63,000), the introduction of vaccine passports in Wales after a botched vote in the Welsh Assembly, the new Bond film (which neither of us has seen) and my disastrous interview with Lynn Barber in 2006.
You can listen to the podcast here and subscribe to it on iTunes here.
Stop Press: Rotten Tomatoes has now abandoned its efforts to suppress people’s dislike of the Fauci documentary. Its ‘Audience Score’ currently stands at 3% (‘Tomatometer’ = 91%).

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Biden brought nobody he’s out of the picture it can’t possibly count.Imagine calling the Anti Christ a Black African Base ball player before voiding his bowels in the Vatican.
“the Doomsday Device is real. And the clock is ticking to the furious rhythm of hundreds of billions of pistons and turbines and furnaces and engines, with which we are pumping carbon into the air faster and faster, with record outputs, and quilting the Earth in an invisible and suffocating blanket of CO2.”
That scaremongering Johnson speech extract, played as the intro here, really emphasises the identity between the covid panic and the climate panic, even without the stark facts that both are based on similar modelling nonsense and active suppression of dissent.
The intentional fomenting of a sense of panic is the same, the invocation of an invisible menace. And of course the exploitation of the panic to justify and enable “emergency” measures is also the same.
Of course, CO2 isn’t poisonous, it’s basically plant food, there’s no reason to believe that the doom-mongers’ modelling-based predictions are any less absurd than were the utterly refuted and frankly silly covid panic projections that drove the panic response to covid, and broadly speaking a warmer world is a better world, overall.
But the bulk of the population – I’d wager upwards of 80% – who don’t possess even so much as a single viable scientific qualification apiece would not be able to make that distinction, and, having done zero research themselves, they would swallow what MSM is pumping at them from every angle and would eat up his statement and believe it and look to their compadres and say “no shit, this climate stuff is REAL man”.
On my regional news bulletin a so-called expert was trying to induce the necessary level of panic locally and tried to explain it in terms of, and I quote, “the winters will be warmer and wetter, there will be no snow. Imagine not being able to throw a snowball in the future”. All I could think was, “bring it on – I’ll take those warmer winters, I’m not going to weep for snow.”
Of course they were wrong then as they are now
Soo true….SOP of the classic neoliberal, rule by fear.
Weapons of mass destruction!
Public Health!
Climate change!
Impossible to prove, can’t see it, can’t touch it, can’t smell it coming, but it sure can help the global criminal syndicate take our privacy & freedom.
However, CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) can kill if you’re trapped in a sealed room, gives you ideas for the best way to deal with Mr global eh, wouldn’t it be ironic.
Oh for control of a Predator drone, flying over cop26, (just for a few minutes) don’t judge me, you’ve all been thinking it too!
Please note: Its a joke Mr mi5! (honestly)
And 400 private jets flew into Glasgow. Biden’s 85 vehicle cavalcade. Charlie Boy flying in from Rome:
“hundreds of billions of pistons and turbines and furnaces and engines.”
FFS you hard faced bastard.
It’s not even as if CO2 is the problem making up as it does just 0.04% of our atmosphere.
Covid Scam.
Climate Scam.
What’s next because they always come in threes?
Identity-Marxism scam. Three spirits like frogs.
Of course, CO2 isn’t poisonous,
Actually in larger concentrations CO2 is poisonous. Remember all those articles about the dangers of wearing masks? However, that is not the point here as we are talking much lower concentrations
There is no mention of poison in Johnson’s speech. I know telling the truth is not his thing and he uses the most florid language but he doesn’t actually claim CO2 is poisonous. What CO2 (and other GHGs) does is affect the earth’s surface temperature. It can do that and be plant food. There is absolutely no doubt about this. It follows from laws of physics. It is just a question of how much and what the impact will be.
Are you suggesting that all laws in science are immutable?
Many ‘laws’ of science have been superseded. For example, the phlogiston theory was entirely replaced by the quite different concept of energy and related laws.
Even the laws we all know best, Newtons, are incomplete and have, in science beyond A level, been replaced by relativistic mechanics.
This is why open discourse is essential and that’s something we aren’t getting. Anyone who has a different view/theory is shut down and ostracized.
While I don’t deny climate change or think mankind has no impact on Earth I do question to what extent we affect it and how much change we could make even if we shut down entirely and went back to being hunter gatherers (which is obviously impossible). That view is enough to get serious scientists labeled as flat earthers.
Are you suggesting that all laws in science are immutable?
No. But there are some you can rely on for all practical purposes – otherwise you would never get in an aeroplane.
Climate change is not something we can so easily prove, in practice, like flying an aeroplane though. It has so many, almost infinite, variables many of which we don’t know anything about yet.
There are some basic elements of it which are understood but much more work will need to be done and many more ‘heretics’ will most likely be proven right before we get to the level of understanding which we have with flight.
Many scientists were treated just as badly as ‘witches’ in the past and it is still happening today. Galileo was imprisoned, today they are just frozen out of their field. Just look at how Mike Yeadon has been treated.
Not sure what point it is you are trying to make here, beyond irrelevant pedantry.
You just prove again that you approve of our leaders using panic-mongering to manipulate us into supporting measures that they could never get passed without it. Reinforcing my point about the similarity between the covid panic and climate alarmism – they both target similarly cowardly and easily impressionable people.
But if that’s the level you think is useful:
“There is no mention of poison in Johnson’s speech. I know telling the truth is not his thing and he uses the most florid language but he doesn’t actually claim CO2 is poisonous.”
Nor did I at any point suggest Johnson had said that CO2 is poisonous.
My point is that it is irrelevant to climate change whether CO2 is poisonous or plant food. What matters is its affect on temperature.
Nor did I at any point suggest Johnson had said that CO2 is poisonous.
Well you wrote that Of course CO2 is not poisonous. There would be no point in writing this unless someone had claimed it was poisonous and you were commenting on Johnson’s speech and did not refer to anyone else.
“It follows from laws of physics. It is just a question of how much and what the impact will be.”
And the problem is that the idea that this is dangerous is based entirely on exactly the kind of “garbage in garbage out” modelling nonsense that caused so much harm by being so wrong in the covid panic. We know that such modelling is especially dangerous in the hands of motivated liars, who stand to gain by generating alarmist results or who are motivated by ideology, and when dissent is systematically suppressed by accusations of “irresponsibility”.
Whilst the podcast identifies the hypocrisy of those attending COP26, such criticism of their carbon footprint serves only to support the narrative that mankind’s CO2 emissions drive climate change.
Anyone who is sceptical about this theory, which I assume includes Toby and James (?) wouldn’t care how many flights / car journeys are taken as it would be of no consequence.
It’s the sheer hypocrisy of “do as i say not as I do” which lends people to complain about the elites behavior not the belief that their actions are adding to the ‘crisis’.
No, just as we can complain about the hypocrisy of elites claiming masks are “necessary” but not wearing them themselves when the cameras are off, without ourselves believing the nonsense about mask-wearing for a moment.