Vaccine passports may have been ruled out in England (for now), but the Welsh will be forced to prove they have been vaccinated or recently tested negative for Covid to get into nightclubs and ‘large events’ from next month. Sky News has the story.
From October 11th, anyone over 18 will have to show either an NHS Covid pass proving their vaccine status or a negative test result in order to enter nightclubs, indoor non-seated events for more than 500 people, outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people, and any event with more than 10,000 attendees.
The Welsh Government said the measure is being introduced to help reduce the spread of coronavirus as infection rates reach “high levels” in the country.
A Covid pass shows if a person has been fully vaccinated and also if someone has had a negative lateral flow test within the past 48 hours.
A nightclub trade body had warned First Minister Mark Drakeford that Covid certificates would have a “hugely detrimental impact on trade, and would result in some of the hardest-hit Welsh businesses losing out to those in England”.
In a letter to the First Minister, Benjamin Newby from the Night Time Industries Association added: “With no criteria to identify ‘nightclubs’, and with local authorities differing in licensing conditions, any implementation of vaccine certification will be inevitably arbitrary.”
He warned there would be confrontations between staff and annoyed customers, and potential fraud.
The Lib Dems and Conservatives in the Senedd also expressed concerns and called on ministers to not implement the scheme.
Mr Drakeford has also encouraged everyone to work from home if possible and make sure they are fully vaccinated, but said the alert level will remain at zero for the next three weeks.
Worth reading in full.
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Oh so demacracy’s a “problem” now is it?
“It will allow us to regain our freedoms”. More like it will allow some to be denied their freedoms in “vaccine” hesitant France.
And I see the technocratic Manual Chevron’s party “En Marche” supported this vaxport nonsense. Quelle surprise.
If they are keeping unvaccinated British out too, that will cost them dear. Let’s see now, a country heavily dependent on tourism, vaccine hesitancy in the UK (if the papers are to be believed) at 7%, if these don’t get the “vaccine”, plus some of their family and friends who won’t go on holiday to France if they’re not going, so probably over 10% put off from holidaying there, and maybe over 20% – quite a lot of money lost, and after throwing billions at these restrictions.
And can anyone tell me how many people in France might be being killed by these “vaccines”?
Exactly – not democracy, but demoncracy
I can tell you that the post-‘vaccine’ deaths in Europe as a whole is about 10,000. This is twice the rate of the UK which, at 1,002 total represents 1 death per 44,000 jabs.
Presumably extrapolated from the “yellow card scheme” or similar – which has been understating adverse reactions, hasn’t it?
The Yellow Card reports for the UK, yes. Government estimates are that 10% of serious adverse effects are reported. The Yellow Card reports are cumbersome to browse, so I set up my own spreadsheet to query them. However, you can use this excellent facility from ukcolumn:
The European results come from here:
They are also a bit awkward, but provide far more information.
UK column one is excellent. Perhaps the BBC can be persuaded to provide daily updates – with estimates of how much the figures are understated? (silly question, I know).
Any room for me on that planet of yours?
Saw a video posted on this site the other day of an american talk radio host discussing the Reset, vaxx passports etc and his precise words were “it’s all over for europe now – we still have a chance in USA of undoing this”. Sadly, would appear his assessment is correct.
They want you to have a passport for a vaxx for a disease you DONT have.
But you don’t have to have a passport of any kind for AIDS, Hepatitis and other communicable diseases that you DO actually have.
If it’s against the human rights of the latter, it’s surely got to be the same for the former?
and also if the vaccinated are “shedders” then are they not a greater disease threat to the unvaccinated rather than the other way around???
Been voted through now apparently. Brief flicker of hope extinguished.
Yes, it went through last night, and the government has got pretty much everything it was looking for.
The opposition was able, as I understand it, to reduce the extension of government emergency powers from October to September (a rather meaningless concession), but the digital IDs have gone through (they will be introduced on June 2), so that’s that; the Rubicon has been crossed.
For the time being, the government has promised that the digital ID will only be used for large gatherings of a 1000 people or more, and not for day to day activities such as visiting bars, restaurants, museums and cinemas, but this is not set in stone, because the government says it might need flexibility in the future.
I live in France and find this devastating. The government has pursued this policy with absolute determination; don’t doubt for one minute that the British government will get the same measure through, whatever it takes.
A terrible day…
The government had the audacity to call this bill, which extends the government’s emergency powers and introduces the digital IDs, “The Management Out of the Health Crisis Bill”.
It reminds me of Boris Johnson’s “Roadmap Out of Lockdown”, which extended the lockdown into the summer; just more Orwellian inversion of language.
Could someone explain the exact rules? Is this a digital pass showing vaccination,neg test within 48 hours or certificate of resolved infection within 6 months?
France seems to have one of the highest vaccine resistancy in Europe.Difficult to understand how it could work without this 3 parts digital pass.
For the time being, it works around the three elements you have described, but the problem is that once you have established the principle of the digital ID, those criteria can be narrowed very easily.
They say it is for “gatherings” of 1,000 or more, but what does that really mean? For example, the big double-decker TGVs carry several thousand people at a time; central areas of town where one might go to eat or drink contain several thousand at a time: just because an individual bar might only have ten or twenty people in it makes no difference.
Once the principle is conceded, the government can do what it likes.
Jody, I agree a very bad day. I can see no justification for this, even if you ignore the more orwellian overtones. And you can’t ignore them, as you rightly say , the parameters can be manipulated at any time, and the use extended.
Its now up to the French population. If they are not loaded on smart phones etc they could die a death. Vaccine take up is still relatively low, and the government has a hell of a job getting anywhere near its target of 60%, currently approx 25%. If there is the same resistance to the health passport it may die because it doesn’t reach critical threshold of 50%. If it gets there we are doomed I’m afraid.
I have relatives who live in France – I am coming to doubt that between them and me being unvaccinated I might never see them in the flesh again.
Seen this sort of thing too many times before; “the plan has been rejected so we must force it through, no matter what”. Well, if they get brought in in Britain, it will certainly determine how I spend the last fifteen to twenty years of my life. I have no concerns about never entering a pub or club again, I don’t go to football matches or concerts….but if the damn things start creeping down to “lower levels” and being integrated into every aspect of life, then I’ll worry, especially if it’s still the same vaccines on offer.
It’s been going on a LONG WHILE
Interesting site, hadn’t seen that before, thank you.
And yes, the political ruling class and now of course Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Finance have left any attempts to cover up their disdain of those they rule.
We are fodder to our masters. Its going to get a lot worse I fear. Shipping is collapsing, commodity prices going vertical, agri products going vertical; many now muttering they see deliberate manipulation globally. Hyper inflation followed by digi-currencies that you can only spend on ‘agreed’ products. And all the while the constant psyop whipping up fear of the latest biosecurity emergency.
If there is acceptance and use by 50%+ of the population of ‘health’ digi IDs there is no going back, we are slaves from day onwards.
Yes I saw something somewhere [sorry I cannot provide link or source] the other day where they were warning of food supply chains breaking [deliberately?] in September or thereabouts. How anyone can believe this is about a virus now beggars belief. Everywhere you look you see pointers to the Great Reset and to the fact that this is orchestrated at a global level.
Exactly Milo. Those who haven’t ‘twigged’ by now that this is all part of an extremely well prepared plan which is currently being executed under the cover of a common virus is no different from those ‘sheep’ who have been brainwashed by the government and MSM propaganda (which are heavily influenced by Gates of course). If they don’t join the resistance movement now, we’ll all go under and literally end up just like sheep (or more likely lambs to the slaughter).