The NHS is set to reach another milestone with the English vaccine roll-out today with half of all adults under the age of 30 having received a first dose of a Covid vaccine. So why do Government advisers continue to push for lockdown to be extended? Sky News has the story.
More than 4.2 million people aged between 18 and 29 have received a jab in the three weeks after the coronavirus vaccination programme was opened up to those in their twenties.
Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi praised the “phenomenal achievement”.
He added: “It’s fantastic to see so many young people coming forward for their jabs, doing their bit to protect themselves and their loved ones.”
It comes as hundreds of “grab a jab” walk-in vaccination sites, including at stadiums and shopping centres, opened in England.
The sites were designed to boost uptake of the Covid vaccine amid rising case numbers fuelled by the Delta variant…
Appetite for jabs remains high as the vaccination programme enters its final stages.
More than one million vaccination bookings were made between Monday and Wednesday this week, while the NHS is also contacting people aged 40 and over to bring forward their second dose in line with updated expert advice…
More than four in five adults have now received their first jab and over 60% of people have received both doses, the NHS said.
Worth reading in full.
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“The vaccine is our wall of defence against the virus.”
Vaccines that don’t stop infection or transmission. 1043 have died in the uk from an experimental vaccine with an Absolute Risk Reduction of between 0.9 – 1.3%! for a desease that 99.87% survive. Infection rates in countries where the vast majority are either single jabbed or double jabbed are escalating: The Seychelles, South Korea,Israel, UK. The overwhelming number or cases are in the double vaccinated
1440 deaths as of last Thursday. Keep up please! Deaths are increasing at a rate of 5 or 6 per day.
Yellow Card Reporting Data
Medics are routinely refusing to accept the ‘vaccine’ as the cause of unexpected death in a healthy person who had received a jab recently so the actual increase in the daily death toll is almost certainly at a substantially higher number than that.
I agree – my respect for the medical profession is as low as it is for our politicians.
If anyone dies within 28 days of a positive Covid test then it is Recorded as a Covid death, no matter what the cause. It is therefore, not unreasonable to assume anyone who dies within 28 days of a Covid jab was killed by the jab.
The “disease reduction” claim is probably dubious because it excludes those people who have the vaccination but contract Covid within a certain period before it is claimed the vaccine becomes effective (14 days I believe). As the vaccination compromises the immune system, this figure is not inconsiderable.
So theoretical number of people saved (extrapolated to UK population) by the “vaccine” is about 884, 1,043 have died from said “vaccine”, this may be an underestimate, plus too early to be certain of long term effects. So therefore said “vaccine(s)” should not be recommended for general use. Right?
Hold on, that’s if everyone gets the disease over a year. 1043 (or 1440) “vaccine” deaths in rather less than a year (I think there was allegedly one person who died from the disease after being re-infected).
Unless the absolute risk reduction refers to “cases” rather than deaths…
1043 have been admitted to have been ‘vaccine’ deaths, however, there are numerous accounts in various social media platforms of ‘doctors’ automatically rejecting the possibility that the unexpected death of a recent ‘vaccine’ recipient could possibly be ‘vaccine’ related and it is widely admitted that the number of reported adverse reactions is a tiny fraction of the actual number. My wife has perhaps forty or fifty colleagues in total, all of whom have had two jabs, all of whom have experienced adverse reactions, about forty per cent of which have required more than one day off work, and none of them has reported the event or knew that they could do so.
Yes. One wonders if doctors are paid or threatened to not report adverse reactions/deaths, and of course most of the population doesn’t know they can, so the reports are the merest tip of the iceberg.
Disturbing but inevitably anecdotal.
Thanks Mark – rams home the message that vaccination does not mean freedom.
In every age group except the youngest the proportion of cases amongst the vaccinated relative to population size is lower than among the unvaccinated.
See, here we go again. The differences are trivial – 92-94, 93-95, 89-91, 88-89, 84-86, 80-83 (and in the most vulnerable 90+ age group both “cases” were vaccinated), but instead of conceding “yes, it’s clear they are lying when they claim that people should take the vaccine “to protect others””, you think the appropriate response is to nitpick about a couple of percent difference
I admit the gain from being vaccinated shown in this particular table is quite small – if you do the sums being vaccinated reduces the risk of infection by about 20%. But it is a very long way from that to:
it’s clear they are lying when they claim that people should take the vaccine “to protect others
I’d be happy to accept that there’s random variability in the data and that you shouldn’t focus on the precise numbers but rather on the broader indication that the vaccines no longer provide any meaningful protection from infection.
But seeing as you’re focusing on the detail, perhaps you’d like to know that In last week’s update to those numbers the proportion of cases amongst the vaccinated relative to population size is higher than amongst the unvaccinated for those 40 – 69 years old.
Right, that does it, I think I’ll pass on the “vaccine”!
Yes – that’s interesting. Can you give a link?
As you say we are talking about a single day’s data and there is a lot of random variability in that.
The emerging pattern seems to be that the current vaccines are of limited success in preventing infection with the Delta variant but still effective at preventing serious illness – provided you have both doses.
I haven’t run the stats, but to my eye those differences, and with the reported number of cases, are not likely to be statistically significant and therefore should essentially be considered the same.
I look at a lot of clinical data.
I agree. The whole chart has extremely limited significance as it is clearly only one day’s data.
Corporal, you are really, really shit at this.
You always contradict people, that’s not how you are supposed to do your so called “duties”.
You’re hereby relieved now, go back to sweeping the barracks.
From HeresJohny
“You always contradict people, “
From two comments I made earlier today:
“I agree. The whole chart has extremely limited significance as it is clearly only one day’s data.”
“Yes – that’s interesting. Can you give a link?
As you say we are talking about a single day’s data and there is a lot of random variability in that.”
I contradict people when I think they are wrong.
Well! Will you look at that…
and the latest from Sydney:
100% of over 90’s “cases” “vaccinated”? That’s quite high. Even if it is only 2 “cases”.
Wall of defence? Out of rotten, moth eaten straw?
Vaccine passport now MANDATORY in France, following more than a year of corporate media propagandists claiming the idea was a “conspiracy theory”
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
Join our Stand in the Park – Bracknell – Telegram Group
If there was an emergency, it’s Over.
They invented the problem, so they can invent whatever “solution” they like, whenever they like, however they like.
a final Solution being invented?
Or should that be Agenda…
The Final Agenda (21).
They sure did invent the problem!
10.7%? that’s very high. The obvious answer – ban pizza adverts!
Funnily enough there was a story today about a salt and sugar tax. I suppose Himalayan salt will be lumped with all the other muck…
Pitiful ATL pleading as usual – the delusional assumption that “vaccination leads to freedom”. It doesn’t – that just about as plain as can be. It may lead to a few “incentives” for the peasantry to get “jabbed” but that’s all.
Otherwise, the Government remains on track to the ultimate destination – Digital Compliance ID without which it will be difficult to function in society or travel abroad. All this while the likes of Mogg continue sitting in Cabinet FFS.
Isn’t it time the scales dropped from Toby’s eyes?
Also the PR buzzword “fully vaccinated” while the “booster” jabs are already being rolled out to unlucky israelis.
Yes indeed
“Fully vaccinated” is a meaningless propaganda term
They’ve planned here. It’s called phase 3 in the NHS. They intend to try to do 2 arms at once as much as possible (cov plus flu) but haven’t agreed it yet.
Fully vaccinated? Not in any sense that existed prior to 2020 – they’ve had 2 doses of an experimental drug that at best claims to reduce symptoms.
I know, amazing isn’t it?
Asking the question to my colleagues “WTF does “fully vaccinated” even mean?” elicits vacant stares and after a few moments, the usual “you’re a conspiracy theorist” remark.
Ah well.
When the sheep don’t have any answer, their default response is to start throwing around the “conspiracy theorist”, “Covid denier”, etc, claims. If you’ve highlighted something particularly uncomfortable they’ll move on to “you are happy to let people die”, etc…
Only another 34% to go and then we can repeat the whole process all over again. I’m sure the next iteration will break above a 2% Absolute Reduction Risk too!!!
Shouldn’t the title be in quotes?
I suppose I’m on the wrong site…
Has anybody got the figures for alleged covvisnuffits this time last year, when there wasn’t a ‘vaccine’?
From memory about the same or less
And many fewer “cases” and a lower positive test %
Those vaccines really are effective, and safe
and free…
My notes for 14th July say 138 deaths (and masks compulsory in shops – happy anniversary!
However they were over-counting deaths quite a lot at the time. About 100 deaths for the week ending 18/07/20 seems a reasonable estimate under the new counting system I think it was anything within 4 weeks of a positive test result). Of course the new system also overestimated deaths…
I remember when vaccines were supposed to be the key to lifting restrictions and restrictions remain, restrictions are permanent.
I remember when we were told we could have our freedoms back once the vulnerable were vaccinated, but then I remember ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ too.
don’t tell me they lied to us?
As everyone has pointed out the numbers in Israel and elsewhere don’t lie. The ‘vaccine’ , as demonstrated in the partial trials, are at best a help in reducing some symptoms.
The lie , amongst many, from all governments is that this is the only solution to pressures on health services. There are generic solutions that are cheap, proven, without side-effects. But they refuse to acknowledge them.
But I thought they couldn’t acknowledge them or their friends in the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t be able to flog their “vaccines” under emergency authorisation?
I could be ‘fully vaccinated’ today, and then they could decide that I’m not tomorrow.
Very well said
The Germans felt they were doing fine until 1942.
The thalidomide taking women slept well for a while.
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
This vaccine program could very well still turn out to be a ‘Titanic’ success.
question is, would they be that incompetent?
“The vaccine is our wall of defence against the virus.”
Really? Nothing else?
Good bit of propaganda from bbc news at 10 for the ‘vaccine’ and compulsory masks forever
I had the misfortune of catching the ITV news at 10 and there was a fat young bloke with a oxygen mask on talking very clearly about how he didn’t think he needed to be vaccinated ( didn’t look very ill to me) and then the interviewed an older woman who had been in for only one night … because she’d had the vaccine.
I wonder if I could self identify as a double jabbed person?
Yes I don’t know why not!
I don’t think it unreasonable- after all if you can deny your X/Y chromosome arrangement on a whim, why not this?
It’s out new gender and if you don’t agree you are a transphobe
I did a little test simulation today with the H&T website (for research only) to generate a double vaccinated QR code. For the purpose of a purely visual approval it would work well, but having tried to scan it on the Greek government covid app, it was rejected.
I think the key may be the “vaccine” batch numbers. I am waiting to be able to scan a real Vax pass and then I’ll steal the batch numbers and stab dates from it, and also confirm that it works as the hack and trace site states.
Do you think that there might be problems in using somebody else’s details? That the database might be programmed to detect identical entries?
That depends how big a batch is. If batches are relatively big, say one thousand, then many people will share the same batch numbers and dates. The rest of the data would be unrelated to the original person. On the UK border they could be verifying the QR code against a central database, but that should not happen when abroad or if vaccine passports become a requirement to buy food etc.
They are up on the Gab group – for purely aesthetic purposes
Thanks. Which Gab group?
For views on how France is taking Macron’s statement on Monday evening its worth looking at today’s FranceSoir.
Put it in translate and enjoy the way the French express their dismay.
Also there is an English language video with Peter McCullough who tears apart each point Macron made and basically says no-one anywhere should now take a vaccine as they have been shown to be completely useless against the Delta variant, which in any event is very mild. He finishes by saying he will come to Paris to testify in front of the French Senate. Incidentally he says its possible that the Novavax vaccine might be OK for ‘special needs’ as its formulation is safe.
Excellent news from France – was hoping the French would protest Macron’s tyrannical statement that would have not looked out of place under a fascist police state regime – French Army generals warned a couple of months ago of possible civil war in France – Macron is narcissistic enough to trigger one.
I don’t think the French generals were talking about “vaccines”. Saying that, if this is seen as discriminatory against Muslims (which it is), this could yet be incendiary
I think I’m more inclined to believe Dr McCullough’s science than President Micron’s.
We all know Macron is Rothschild.. I’ve always wondered about his ‘wife’. She was his teacher, he her student. She was once old enough to have children. They have none. She’s his beard.
can you also have the English language video with Peter McCullough thank you
so glad to seefrench protesting even saw many with out the ‘nappies’ finally!
Two-Thirds of U.K. Adults Think they are Fully Vaccinated Against Covid.
They think do they? I find that hard to believe.
Probably only in the sense of “believe they are fully vaccinated because the politicians and media have told them so – and such trustworthy sources would never lie, would they?”
Fully ‘vaccinated’ UK adults think they are going be free to travel again.
Sorry to quibble, but surely it’s possible to get a picture of a Covid vaccine rather than a flu one? They don’t come in pre-prepared vials. And they aren’t quadrivalent, (as far see know).
So, 87.4% of c. 52.7m adults getting at least one dose, i.e. about 6.7m adults not taken it, and about 17.5m not taken either dose. Even with these numbers presumably reducing, it looks like millions of adults and maybe some children will be facing discrimination. Over private health matters. That woman from Big Brother Watch was on GB News saying that if that horrific vote had been done properly, with MPs there to have a proper debate on the matter so they could understand what was at stake, this would never have got through. Hard to avoid the conclusion – shame on the government.
I wish I could agree but it very much looks as if the non-opposition opposition has been well and truly bought.
Lindsay Hoyle is an utter disgrace. On what grounds was this debate given only 90 minutes? Basically the government are taking the piss out of the democratic process and there is nobody calling them out.
Yes, we do need a new Guy Fawkes.
Last man with principles in parliament?
If they’ve bought the Guardian, makes sense they’d buy the opposition. I seem to remember at the time of Brown that some of these types were switching from Labour to the Conservatives.
“Two-Thirds of U.K. Adults Fully Vaccinated Against Covid”
As the great Sir Geoffrey Boycott once said:
“I don’t give a toss, love”.
I think Mr Javid is more honest than Mr Curzon, who writes here. Javid says on Twitter: “Two thirds of adults across the UK have now had two jabs.” Curzon interprets that as “Two thirds of UK adults fully vaccinated against covid.”
That is one helluvah ticking time-bomb of adverse reactions just around the corner. And for what? Protection from a not particularly deadly disease? Over 40 million guinea- pigs in the UK alone. I weep for the future.
fully vaccinated = fully asleep and stupid
Back at the turn of the year the Cowardly Lion in No.10 assured us that “jabs will make us free.”
Yeah, right. In the same way “Arbeit Macht Frei.”
Emmanuel Macron is a ‘gay psychopath,’ claims best-selling Russian newspaper.
In other news…
You can really hear them, down the line, ‘we’re very sorry you’re vaccines have not worked against the X variant but please don’t worry, we have one in production which will’ Hail the boosters!
I SO hope it will wake up more people!
Sadly it won’t
It won’t. Sister in law (fully paid up brainwashed, double jabbed Covidian) says she’s quite happy to take booster jabs whenever the government tell her to, for ever.
Stupid cow!
The vaccine is a ‘wall of defence’? Is this man crazy. The jab is not legally a vaccine. It’s a medical treatment. They continue to insult our intelligence.
Well that should ensure Deagel’s prediction of only 15 million Brits by 2025……
It means nothing, apart from to some government statistician.
HMS Queen Elizabeth has all the crew 2x vaccinated and has an outbreak on board with over 100 cases.
Jabs working well then…
These politicians need to ‘swing’ for what they have done! I cannot express the level of disgust I feel for this government and their handlers! The worst is yet to come, but be assured none of them have had the same’ jabs’ as the populace!
Lies, lies, lies and statistics. If this were true why the constant propaganda to get everyone vaccinated.
If this is true, I fear the death rate over the next few years. What will our arrogant MPS and establishment do with the bodies????
The injections don’t work
You’ve been sold a pup
There is a massive “so what?” attached to this. The j@b doesn’t prevent the spread and now seems clearly not to be preventing deaths. There is something else being played out here and it’s not going to end well.
All the ‘cases’ in our local hospital have been doubly Jabberwocked.
Not known if they are in because if the virus or the side effects……but
maybe Lewis Carroll’s warning was right all those years ago…..and we have to kill it again
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand;
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
The Health ID card underpins the false presumption that to be ‘innoculated’ is to be healthy. Continued, regular and increasingly frequent ‘boosters’ that will undoubtedly become the requirement for a ‘green’ health ID card status will not increase health – there are very worrying implications for the immune systems of the population, not to mention the totally ignored adverse side effects and deaths from the experimental gene therapy itself.
This is the frustrating thing about it – to prove that you are ‘healthy’ you will have to accept something that is potentially very bad for your health.
Whatever you believe the underlying reason is for all of this, then even if you take the most benign of explanations for wanting to continually ‘inoculate’ the whole world being “prevention (of any disease) is better than cure”, it seems that big Pharma and big corporations are playing God – and I hope that God should he exist exacts a fitting revenge on these people
Prevention is better than cure? Really? I say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Inviting us to come forward to receive a jab that will not give us back our freedoms or allow us to travel, that is still in the experimental stages, that can carry a number of severe adverse reactions to it and possibly unknown ones at a later stage, and that, indeed, doesn’t even stop us getting the virus or spreading it. The government know this. So do SAGE and the NHS and yet they continue to promote the jab as if on autopilot with any clear logical thinking gone a long time ago. It is no wonder therefore that conspiracies – which may not be conspiracy theories any longer but conspiracy facts – proliferate. The extraordinary revelations made by Dr David Martin to Reiner Fuellmich must surely lead to court actions against all these conspirators – Gates, Fauci, CDC, PHE, SAGE, NERVTAG and government leaders all over the world, who no doubt feel they are beyond the law because the media, the police and all the security services are on their side i.e. they have all the guns, all the ammo and all the money and can do what they damn well like and don’t care that many of us know they are lying, know that there is something else going on other than a manufactured global health crisis. This is about money and power and allows governments and lunatics like Klaus Schwab to jump on the bandwagon and exert control over the people. We can protest all we like and have irrefutable evidence on our side, it won’t make a blind bit of difference. What would make a difference is if senior army or police chiefs saw what was going on and decided to do something about it for the sake of democracy and freedom, the very things they are sworn to protect.
The government, in fact all governments, are so invested in the vaccination programme that they can’t bring it to a screeching stop, for to do so would show they have been wrong all along and have played Russian roulette with, in the UK’s case, 2/3s of the population’s health. Imagine that number of people suddenly feeling they had been duped and experimented on. It would unleash a sleeping dragon that would sweep all these corrupt governments from the face of the Earth…(probably for new ones to replace them unfortunately)…
I think the reason the government cannot bring the mass injection scheme to a screeching stop is not because its members have invested heavily in it but because the makers of the injections have invested heavily in the members of the government.
I can’t remember now if it was Ferguson or others on SAGE right back at the beginning who stated we would have to stay locked down until a vaccine was invented. So they can’t back down even though the “vaccines” are hardly working AND causing great harm. And we’re still in lockdown . . .
ZOE symptom study update
Now, to be fair, we’d expect more vaccinated cases than NON-vaccinated because more people are vaccinated but it does now look as though initial protection from the vaccine is waning. We need to note by how much the vaccinated case numbers exceed the unvaccinated cases.
UK Prison Town/Mega Prison UPDATE – More approved- Prison towns built next to crematoriums
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow lockdown sceptics, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
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Vaccine passport now MANDATORY in France, following more than a year of corporate media propagandists claiming the idea was a “conspiracy theory”
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
Join our Stand in the Park – Bracknell – Telegram Group