The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to add a warning to the Covid vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said there is a “likely link” between them and cases of heart inflammation, particularly in children and young adults. The MailOnline has the story.
The CDC made the announcement Wednesday during a presentation.
The Covid Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group discussed nearly 500 reports of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis, in vaccinated adults under the age of 30.
The group of doctors said the risk of myocarditis or pericarditis following vaccination with the mRNA-based shots in adolescents and young adults is notably higher after the second dose and in males
It comes as the Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices (ACIP) is set to meet this week to assess the possibility of a link between the heart condition and the mRNA vaccines.
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use mRNA technology, while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses the more traditional virus-based technology.
According to the presentation, there have been 484 preliminary reports of myocarditis or pericarditis in young people under age 30 as of June 11th.
So far, 323 have been confirmed by CDC and 148 are still under review.
In total, 309 patients were hospitalized, of which 295 were discharged and 79% have since recovered.
Nine patients are still hospitalized with two in intensive care units. There was no data available for five patients.
Males were much more likely to report heart inflammation after receiving a second dose than women.
As of June 11th, there were 9.1 per million reported cases of myocarditis/pericarditis in females ages 12-to-17 compared to 66.7 per million in males of that age group.
What’s more, rates among females ages 18-to-24 and ages 25-to-29 were 5.5 per million and 2.6 per million respectively.
Ang [among] males, rates were 56.3 per million for the 18-to-24 age group and 20.4 per million in the 25-to-29 group.
In Australia, the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is facing further criticism over its links to a variety of side effects. The vaccine will have been almost completely phased out of the country’s roll-out by October.
Worth reading in full.
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Roll up your sleeve and make your “informed choice”, peasants.
Sat, 26 June, 1pm
The Next Big One!
Freedom from Vax Passport Enslavement
Hyde Park, North Carriage Drive Entrance
The child killers need to meet a certain fate
What’s a thousand times more dangerous than Myra Hindley……Pfizer
Warning! Your heart might be damaged by this life-saving vaccine!
But don’t worry. If you do suffer myocarditis as a result, you will have #extremelyrare myocarditis. Not the really common variety suffered by the unvaccinated.
Of course #extremelyrare myocarditis swells your heart and destroys your life in exactly the same way as the common one. But you should be proud and happy to have the much rarer version. In doing so, you will be extending the lives of numerous grandmothers by several weeks, and signalling your virtue to the rest of society. Rejoice at that news!
has someone told Devi Sridhar?
“100% safe” she said. On BBC Newsround. To an audience of children.
Isn’t that a contravention of the BBC Charter?
its a contravention of something! BBC removed the 100% safe quote under pressure.
I think all unsafe outcomes of the Pfizer vaccine ought to be renamed “Sridhar’s disorder” in her honour
How about ‘Shridars List’ for the dead children
Perhaps in time a film by Spielberg
nice! It would be good if she gets emailed or tweeted every child injury from her ‘100% safe’ Pfizer vaccine
The fact that the BBC allowed that statement to be made in the first place without immediate challenge is bad enough. That they had to be put under pressure to remove it really says all we need to know about this organisation and it’s relationship with the people of this country.
She should be placed on the barring list and not allowed to work with children
That’s going to be a very long list.
I’d go further and say she should be arrested for being an accessory to child abuse.
Damn straight.
She would have been told lots of things over the years.
Why isn’t it being pulled entirely?
Got to use the stocks up.
“while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses the more traditional virus-based technology.”
I believe that the only previous “vector” vaccine was Ebola in 2019 .
The number of people who believe that the J&J and AZ vaccines are “traditional” is mind-boggling. Even heard a GP on Delingpole’s show saying that about the AZ vaccine.
A friend of mine deliberately sought out the AZ for that very reason, with a dash of ‘the media seems to want to discredit it so it must be the most righteous one’

I completely despair.
The issue is that myocarditis is a condition that is genuinely asymptomatic most of the time. A few people will get chest pain, racing heart, faintness etc serious enough to get the attention of an A&E doctor to spot it. Many will get written off as panic attacks, indigestion etc – especially in young people. But the terrifying majority will sit on a ticking time bomb of a permanently damaged heart muscle (it can never repair itself) for potentially decades until it can cause them a problem.
Why would anyone risk heart failure when they have no chance of dying of covid?
They are stupid and/or have stupid parents.
Simply because they are not aware, which is exactly how the media wants it.
Heart inflammation is just ONE of many dangerous side effects of the vaccine, including life threatening blood clots etc. all related to the fact that the spike protein does not stay at the injection site but goes into the bloodstream instead.
The problem was highlighted most recently by Canadian researcher Dr Byram Bridle, who was awarded a $230,000 Ontario government grant last year for research on Covid vaccine development.
The spike protein produced by the vaccine does not just act locally, at the site of the jab (the shoulder muscle), but gets into the bloodstream and is carried through the circulation to many other sites in the body. Previously confidential animal studies using radioactive tracing show it to go just about everywhere, including the adrenal glands, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, ovaries, pancreas, pituitary gland, prostate, salivary glands, intestines, spinal cord, spleen, stomach, testes, thymus, and uterus.
This is the interview to Dr. Bridle by Alex Pierson
The jab, on the other hand, has a device which protects the spike protein mechanism against immediate destruction by the body, in order to promote the immune response.
According to Dr Robert Malone, an American vaccine specialist who invented the mRNA technology (which is the basis of most Covid jabs) The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is cytotoxic [it poisons body cells]. That is a fact. Who says so? Multiple peer-reviewed references. The Salk Institute. At present, no one knows how much toxin is produced, nor how long it lasts in the body.
This is the interview with Dr. Malone
Malone is also “credited” with inventing the DNA vaccine technology used in the AstraZeneca and J&J offerings. Only the totally uninformed and/or the utterly stupid would risk taking any of the Covid “vaccines”.
The article reminds me of this advert…
“Protection for the new age.”
144 serious adverse events in 12-15 year olds after Pfizer
page 12
oh dear, it’s all coming crashing down. and yet stull the relentless drive to poison people continues. what the hell is going on?
I ask myself that every single day. What are we living though?
Right, so we now know that these vaccines are not as ‘safe and effective’ as we were being told and it looks as if the wheels are beginning to come off this jab scam once and for all and possibly much worse can be expected in the future – so when do we begin seeing arrests and trials for those responsible for forcing these unsafe vaccines onto entire poplations?
The only difference between the evils of the Nazi regime that performed medical experiments on innocent people back in the days of the Third Reich and the current regimes today who have been coercing millions of people into accepting unsafe vaccines is that at least the Nazis wore military uniforms and therefore you knew who the bad guys were – these evil bastards wear business suits and pretend to be one of us while deliberately misleading the public into what amounts to crimes against humanity.
1942 NatSoc TV channel, Starvation rare side effect of FREE TRAIN RIDE TO POLAND!
Can you ever be said to be ‘recovered’ from this? I understood that damaged heart muscle remains damaged, so wouldn’t lifelong lifestyle change and monitoring be required?
Yes you’re exactly right. “Recovery” is recognising and stopping whatever it was that was doing the damage and then implementing lifestyle changes and medication to mitigate what damage was done.
Would be rather ironic if all the damage caused by the “vaccines” overwhelmed the NHS.
The manufactured toxic spike protein is behind this. Calling out just one manifestation of this is to “praise by feint condemnation”, if I may reverse the traditional saying.
My arm still aches from the vaccine. My jab was two weeks ago. Very odd.
Once the concerns about the AZ jab could no longer be refuted the mainstream media did reluctantly admit that the issues were actually a thing.
Wonder where this mRNA story, perhaps the first of many, will go from here.
Will the mainstream actually be prepared to admit that concerns about any of the jabs are a thing?
Will the public start to cotton on?
I can’t believe what we are witnessing and there’s no way to make it end well. I imagine the end point is the collapse of every government that has been pushing them on their population, maybe that’s what the architects of this agenda really want?
Hang on. A young woman died … she had Pfizer, felt unwell, was told all was fine by MDs, ended up with a heart transplant, died. Aged 19. So CDC, have you dismissed her case? Or ignored it? Give us the full facts, and then let her parents speak.
And they’re still being injected into people why, exactly?
Sorry but IMHO it is NOT correct to state that the Janssen (J&J) “vaccine” uses “more traditional virus-based technology”. The Janssen vaccine, along with the AstraZeneca-Oxford and Sputnik V “vaccines” are described as “Viral vector vaccines” because they employ a “harmless” virus as their delivery system, However, their payload is viral DNA (specifically the gene which expresses for the viral spike protein) which, once inside human cells becomes reverse transcribed into viral spike protein mRNA. From that point onward, the mode of action of these “vaccines” is IDENTICAL to mRNA “vaccines” (From Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna) because they then induce human cells to manufacture the viral spike proteins. This group of vaccines could, therefore, be described equally as “DNA vaccines” and they are still experimental gene therapies and NOT “traditional virus-based vaccines”.
FYI, the only true traditional vaccines available are the two Chinese vaccines from SinoVac and SinoPharm which have not been approved in the West mostly for political reasons. A new vaccine in this group, Valneva, is in the final stages of review from a French manufacturer and this will presumably have a better chance of approval. Details of the French vaccine are not yet available but there has been some suggestion that they might in some way be “emphasising” the spike protein component, which would then make it no longer an entirely “traditional” vaccine.
In view of the mounting evidence that it is the circulating spike protein which is responsible for the severe AEs, these traditional vaccines could potentially be safer and potentially induce a broader immune response because the nucleocapsid part of the virus is thought to be more responsible for the production of T-Cells in the immune response. The French vaccine may or may not come under this potential benefit subject to the above comment.