- “Push for one million jabs a day to save summer” – The Government expects to increase the daily jab count from 500,000 to 800,000 within a fortnight and is aiming to ramp it up to one million a day, according to the Telegraph
- “Johnson must think again on plans to relax Covid rules” – Forces are gathering against the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, the Observer reports, with Professor Andrew Hayward of NERVTAG warning that it would drive up the numbers infected with the India variant and that unvaccinated younger adults would be most at risk
- “Has South Wales reached herd immunity?” – Immunity levels in Merthyr Tydfil may be as high as 67.5%, says Oliver Johnson in the Spectator. “This isn’t 78%, but it’s not so far away”
- “Why do so many vaccinated Britons still feel too frightened to leave home?” – Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, Britain’s top mental health specialists warn that the worst of the U.K.’s mental health crisis is yet to come
- “Taxi driver is found dead in his car at Heathrow as desperate cabbies sleep inside their vehicles in the hope of picking up a fare” – A taxi driver in his 50s was discovered in his sleeping bag and, according to MailOnline, he is believed to have been dead for at least three days
- “Is the Indian Covid variant more dangerous than other strains?” – Writing in the Spectator, Ross Clark flags up an observational study of 3,235 healthcare workers at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi, all of whom had had been vaccinated. 85 were found to have the infection and the hospitalisation rate was 0.06%. None died
- “There’s no case for delay in reopening” – “We will never be 100% free of the coronavirus,” says this leader in the Telegraph. “Are we going to lock the country up every time there is the threat of a surge in infections?”
- “India’s Covid Crisis in Context” – A detailed update on the rapidly evolving situation in India from Jo Nash at LeftLockdownSceptics
- “Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists” – Members of the SPI-B committee have expressed regret about the use of fear to control behaviour, the Telegraph says, following the revelations in Laura Dodsworth’s new book A State of Fear. We will be publishing an excerpt on Monday
- “Reader competition – How do you deal with the vaccine cult?” – Kathy Gyngell announces a competition for readers of the Conservative Woman: “In no more than 350 words please design the best answer or rebuttal to being told you ‘ought’ to have the vaccine”
- “Variants, Votes and Voters” – In the latest episode of Bournbrook‘s Week in Review, Michael Curzon, S.D. Wickett and guest contributor Peter Tutykhin discuss SAGE’s doom-mongering about the Indian variant, and much else
- “A Monumental Waste of Time” – Revs Tom, Jamie and Daniel discuss hugging and Michael Gove’s reply to their letter about vaccine passports in the latest episode of the Irreverend Podcast
- “Denmark begins excavating bodies of decomposing mink over pollution fears” – Denmark culled its population of mink last year, fearing the animals could transmit a mutation of COVID-19 to humans and is now disinterring the bodies due to the risk of pollution to drinking water, euronews reports
- “Germany classifies U.K. coronavirus risk region” – German health authorities have reclassified the U.K. as a coronavirus ‘risk area’, according to Deutsche Welle. Yes, it’s our old friend the Indian variant
- “Turkey’s tourism minister face calls to resign over ‘insulting’ video” – Turkey’s tourism minister released a video promoting the country as a “safe haven” for holidays with “sanitised resorts and vaccinated staff” but is now facing calls to resign, according to euronews
- “Restricting Freedom Didn’t Defeat Covid” – One justification for lockdowns was that they would “flatten the hospitalisation curve” but such a view “vandalises reason” says John Tammy in AIER
- “Three Persistent Myths Keeping Americans Stuck With Outdated COVID-19 Rules” – In the Federalist, Cathy Stein picks out three major Covid narratives – asymptomatic transmission, COVID-19’s severity and the effectiveness of lockdowns – and sets out the scientific rebuttals to each one
- “Trinidad and Tobago implements State of Emergency to combat COVID-19 spread” – Trinidad and Tobago has entered a state of emergency, with a stay-at-home order in place and a curfew from 9pm to 5am, the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday reports
- “Taiwan tightens curbs after reporting 180 new domestic COVID-19 cases” – Taiwan has raised its COVID-19 alert level in the capital Taipai, according to Channel News Asia, introducing new rules which will close hospitality venues, limit gatherings and require masks to be worn outside
- “Australians are safe in their Covid fortress – they just can’t leave it until 2022” – A dispatch from fortress Australia by James Salmon in the Sunday Times
- “People are dying in ambulances: Health ministers say nation gripped by health crisis” – Australians are getting more seriously ill in greater volume as healthcare systems have been switched back on, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. State Health Ministers believe a likely driver is the impact of delayed care
- “Covid mRNA Medications: The Peer-Reviewed Evidence” – On the Model Health Show, medical researcher Dr. Ron Brown discusses reporting bias in the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and the distinction between relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction
- “The Two Nations of Covid” – In the latest episode of the Tom Woods Show, Tom asks why so many vaccinated Americans are keeping their masks on even though the CDC say they can discard them
- “It did nothing to stop infections increasing in Bolton” – Local lockdowns are not the right response to new variants or local outbreaks, says Economics Professor David Paton
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We need a British equivalent of this.
Our “wonderful” bbc not bothering yesterday to mention the vast anti lockdown march yet deemed it worthwhile to mention the Palestinian march in London instead. It is time to enter the bbc and drain the poison from our screens.
thank you for posting that – if you hadn’t I wouldn’t have known that the march took place – not according to the BBC, or Sky or ITN
That’s the best comment I’ve read on here for a long time
Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby,
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here
If lockdown works and inbound quarantine works, how did the Indian Variant get here?
Yet all the talk is why didn’t we ban travel sooner…
My apologies if your question was satirical. If by chance it wasn’t I’ll take the liberty of explaining. Variants are named after the country or region where they were first identified. There is no scientific evidence that proves they are unique to that region or even originated there. As viruses mutate it is statistically likely that similar mutations will occur in more than one region. It is impossible to prove that this particular variant originated in India or indeed was imported from India. It merely suits the narrative of those wishing to keep us subservient forever. Note no ‘official’ information is released detailing how different this variant is. They prefer to use ‘mights’ and ‘coulds’ to scare people without having any ultimate accountability when it all proves a damp squib. SARS Ccv 1 was 20% different to its newer cousin yet the latter is recognised and dealt with via T cell immunity from the original SARS. The newer variants are apparently in the region of 0.3% different. Basic virology and immunology would say that is clinically identical.
Discussion of variants or anything else is distraction and/or obfuscation.
These lengthy debates about the statistics of ……. well, anything really, are pointless other that the self-gratification of the writer.
The measures are justified by a meaningless ‘test’, the government knows that, the debate is now how to get out of this mess.
Obviously you’ve never been involved in a war. Defeat the enemy in detail and his structure collapses. The test is indeed meaningless. The proof that it is so has been established by……science. I trust you obtained more self gratification from your post than I, which was none.
Have you not cottoned on yet? Fact doesn’t defeat belief.
I’m thinking you thought I was getting at you specifically, I wasn’t. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Fact doesn’t defeat belief?
Actually I don’t think about you at all. I have grass to watch growing.
What the fuck is your problem?
Very well said
It appears from the above that no matter what I do (have a dodgy injection I don’t want, wear a mask I don’t need, change my life and behaviour in ways that are anathema to me) the frit ones will still be frit and will launch themselves into the hedge as I pass.
Seems to me then that it is their fear and paranoia that should be urgently addressed, not my desire to make my own choices about my body and life.
I heard a fabulous phrase a while back: “I don’t buy into your delusions and I’m not part of your psychosis.” I’ve still yet to use it, as the neurotic drama-passers are too scared to come near me anyway, but it’s good to let that go through your mind as they leap into in-coming traffic to avoid you! I find ignoring their behaviour works best of all. Don’t reward them with any acknowledgements, unless they have genuinely stepped aside to allow you to pass. I can tell it actually miffs them off!
Yes, framing them as deluded, as they are, is good strategy and ignoring is very powerful, some are actually waiting for thanks.
I can deal with confrontation, I just don’t want to have to; I don’t get a buzz out of it like some do. I dislike personal comments anyway, I find them intrusive.
“Push for one million jabs a day to save…”
Others they’ve used:
“…to save the NHS”
“…to flatten the curve”
“…to save granny”
“…for only a few weeks”
“…for the public to do their bit”
Yes the hypocrisy of lunatic Covidians is astonishing, and almost takes my breath away at times.
Give up liberties xyz for juuuust a bit longer to “Save the (fill in the blank)”
“Forces are gathering against the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, the Observer reports, with Professor Andrew Hayward of NERVTAG warning that it would drive up the numbers infected with the India variant and that unvaccinated younger adults would be most at risk”
So let’s get this straight, a government Professor, this lowlife turd Andrew Hayward, is saying that a group of people who have as good as 100% natural immunity to Coronavirus and Covid19 are “at risk” from the Indian variant. So this is classic 2+2=5 doublethink – the unvaccinated young are immune in reality, but at risk in the world of psychological terrorism the people at NERVTAG want you to inhabit, which enables them to run further acts of terrorism and psychological warfare against the unsuspecting public. Can this man be prosecuted for telling such lies, or are these people free to be as dishonest as they like with no comeback whatsoever?
Why is the British taxpayer funding these people and their criminal institutions?
Ah but, the comments cheer ya up! Surprisingly for twitter.
I’m trying to get to the original.
if you can get to the original – print it out and save it to send to the public inquiry.