- “Covid outbreak throws London G7 summit into chaos” – The Prime Minister is defending the decision to hold the G7 meeting in person after two members of the Indian delegation fell ill, according to the Telegraph
- “Pneumonia and flu now kill more people than Covid” – The Times reports that Flu and Pneumonia are killing more people than Covid
- “Almost a third of recent Covid deaths in England and Wales not caused by virus” – The weekly ONS data shows that nearly 33% of people included in the official Covid death count died primarily of other causes, with the virus simply mentioned on the death certificate, the Telegraph reports
- “The ‘Covid deaths’ which are not caused by Covid” – “We have become conditioned to hearing frightening daily death figures,” writes Ross Clark, commenting on the ONS figures for the Spectator, but “the wider picture is of overall mortality running only slightly ahead of a normal year”
- “The new care home scandal” – Writing in the Spectator, Kate Andrews highlights the new scandal in care homes – residents living in ‘prison-like’ circumstances
- “Britons fly via Turkey to avoid costly quarantine” – British travellers in ‘red list’ countries are stopping off in Istanbul to avoid border quarantine and the £1,750 bill, according to the BBC
- “Shame of Starmer, the Covid lapdog who didn’t bark” – Lockdowns were Starmer’s big opportunity to “live up to his core responsibility as Leader of the Opposition”, says Bill Wright in the Conservative Woman, but “he was just not man enough”
- “The Criminalisation of Dissent” – “One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalisation of dissent,” writes CJ Hopkins in Off-Guardian, and “Germany has been leading the way”
- “Boris, stop frittering our money on lockdowns – it’s time to listen to the science and let us out” – “We’re in £2 trillion of trouble now and the overwhelming majority of Britons want the freedom to earn our own livings,” writes Emily Hill in Mail+. “Not in 13 days or two months. Now.”
- “Covid Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety” – Off-Guardian republishes the latest update from the Doctors for Covid Ethics after it was censored by Medium
- “Forgotten victims of the NHS Covid response” – Dan Astin Gregory and Professor Karol Sikora discuss the toll that prioritising COVID-19 patients has taken on people with other diseases, including cancer, for the Pandemic Podcast
- “As a society, adults are responsible for looking after children, not the other way around” – Watch Dr Ros Jones explain to Mark Dolan why she thinks healthy children don’t need the vaccine on talkRADIO
- “From Pandemic to Endemic” – The latest ZOE app data
- “Germany calls for ‘global reset’ to fight pandemics” – Heralding the launch of a World Health Organisation’s research hub, German Health Minister Jens Spahn called for a “global reset” in the fight against pandemics, Reuters reports. Yikes!
- “Serbia in ‘world first’ as citizens offered €25 to have Covid vaccine” – Euronews reports that Serbia will pay its citizens 3,000 dinars as a reward for getting the vaccine, a sum equivalent to around 5% of the country’s average monthly salary
- “Cabinet introduces Coronapass for access to venues after lockdown ends” – The Cyprus cabinet has decided to introduce a “Coronapass” for people to get into hospitality venues, churches, gyms, and shops, according to the Cyprus Mail
- “New Brunswick reports first death linked to AstraZeneca vaccine” – A person in their sixties received the jab mid April and died just over a week later, Global News reports
- “Lockdowns only delay COVID-19 cases, witness testifies at hearing on Manitoba’s restrictions” – Dr Jay Bhattacharya was an expert witness for a group of churches challenging lockdown restrictions in Manitoba, Canada, according to CBC. He argued that lockdowns only delay deaths from Covid, they don’t reduce the overall quantum
- “In critical shift, US now backs patent protection waivers for COVID-19 vaccines” – The Biden Administration has said that it supports waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines, ABC reports
- “Imperial College Predicted Catastrophe in Every Country on Earth. Then the Models Failed” – “COVID-19 has produced no shortage of doomsaying prophets whose prognostications completely failed at future delivery,” writes Philip W. Magness at AIER. “No greater example exists than the epidemiology modelling team at Imperial College-London (ICL), led by the physicist Neil Ferguson”
- “Is This Our 1914 Moment?” – In an article for AIER, Joakim Book seeks to reconcile his pessimism at the “long-lasting horrors that will come from last year’s authoritarian power grab” with his confidence in the world’s progress
- “The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown” – In the Atlantic, Emma Green examines the curious US phenomenon that liberals are more likely to be anxious about Covid than conservatives
- “Covid Vax Opponents and Rigid Proponents… Are Both Anti-Science?” – The U.S. pause on the Johnson & Johnson jab “illustrates deep issues with science communication”, writes Dr. Vinay Prasad in Medpage Today
- “Venezuela to begin clinical trials of Cuba’s Abdala vaccine candidate” – If the trials of the Abdola vaccine are successful, the Government of Venezuela is planning to produce enough doses for four million people according to Reuters
- “The Government seem only to be looking at the harm caused by Covid rather than the harm caused by lockdown” – “If the Government is going to set itself up as the nation’s doctor they ought to follow medical principles,” says John Lee on talkRADIO – one of them being “First do no harm”
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Chris Boardman wtf ! Two F- – – ing Billion pounds !!… To do what ? That’s enough money for him to go to every car owner & confiscate their car keys ! Must be another loan off uncle Klaus !!
I mentioned yesterday that it was a shame that following the introduction of “pay to comment” here we had lost some of our most prolific and valuable commenters.
While £5 is a very low barrier to commenting, especially given the huge value this website brings, and I don’t blame the DS for introducing a charge – the authors atl have to make a living and hosting websites professionally costs money – I also don’t blame those whose comments might make them “a bloody menace” in the eyes of the authorities and have therefore chosen not to pay up.
Requiring payment removes anonymity – we need to provide real life banking details which allow someone to be traced fairly easily if the authorites are determined enough.
People might call me a conspiracy theorist to think that – but if so, just look at what has happened to the level of authoritarianism in this country over the last two years, and look at the trend towards removing anonymity more widely on the internet, and the desire the authorities have to label pretty much anything said on the internet which upsets someone to become a criminal offence.
..you could be right, but I’m sticking with Edward Dowd…’either we win or it’s the Gulag’…..I’m not trying to sound glib, but I think I decided a while ago that I’d stick my colours to the mast and be damned!
Even Mr Gum, the ‘quiet half’ told a neighbour who was complaining about catching Convid…again, that she could expect to catch it a lot more if she carried on getting stabbed!!
We are ‘out’ and I don’t think we have any intention of going back ‘in’….
Yes I feel the same way now and am now posting under my own name on Twitter. It’s time to put heads above parapets!
Yes…I don’t start anything, but for months now I’ve been making comments if people start with the Covibollocks…masks, lockdown, jabs etc..and thanks to Sceptics both ABL and BTL, I’m pretty full of knowledgable stuff!……and I don’t give a stuff if they think I’m nuts.
funnily enough most of them are coming around to the fact that they’ve been conned…well plenty I know are…
It is not the amount of money, I have donated and presumably have done so enough to still be allowed to comment. It is somehow the concept of pay to comment and the fact that I generally avoid all regular subscription payments unless I cannot avoid them. I will probably donate again at some stage but will not sign up to a monthly account and so on the basis that I might be struck off at any moment I tend to do more of my discussions on the Reddit site.
More dramatic birthrate declines, this time Sweden.
The cat already had a closer look at it. No Bueno. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/swedish-birth-rate-data-what-does
Thanks. The fact that it is consistent with data from several other countries points to it being genuinely worrisome.
Fish with growths and lesions. And how do they know it’s not caused by pollution?
Chris Boardman and 2 billion quid! Is that a misprint? It’s all very well encouraging motorists out of their cars, but if I want to do my weekly shop I have no choice but to drive. It’s a 20 mile round trip to the nearest big supermarket and, in common with large swathes of this country, there is NO public transport at all. Some villages that did have a decent service have found them cut massively (mostly by Stagecoach, it has to be said) or amalgamated routes so they have become useless and time consuming.
The government would do better giving the money to certain supermarkets so they can reinstate their shoppers buses. These were very popular and many people in this village were distraught when Tesco withdrew theirs.
…yes, so much is London centric….they forget what it’s like for the rest of us. I live only three miles from the nearest ‘busy’ town, I can’t get a bus after 5 p.m !!
And I’m surrounded by freaking giant hills….
2 very good reads:
‘We have to drive a lot less’, says Chris Boardman, the PM’s new travel tsar”
“We” usually actually means “You” in these situations.
On yer bike Boardman.
…exactly! Because if you don’t you’re selfish..you’re killing Polar Bears…you’re selfish if you don’t wear a mask, get jabbed, you’re selfish if you don’t stop eating meat…same if you forget my pronoun, blah! Fu****g blah!
I am sick to the teeth of being battered with this crap, and I suspect the majority feel the same…..they won’t be happy until we live in caves grubbing for worms….
Thank God for the occasional rebels….they give us all hope….
VIDEO: Dutch farmers spray manure on town hall in protest of climate plans
Cheers e by.
Kulldorff on the Fraiman study.
For most, the risk/benefit ratio of them is negative.
Pandemic logic
Covid is a multi system disease affecting your heart, lungs, brain and all major organs.
That’s why most people who get an infection show little to no signs of such damage.
A deep dive into the history of the organisation orchestrating the lies, manipulation & cull.
Challenges everything one has been taught & values one has held.
Heavy stuff ! It’s dated two years ago so will anything change , will Snowden’s info come out
The Government appear to have released some early papers from SPI-M-O
this one from 3/2/2020….
“This is SPI-M-O’s statement on the possible impact that potential interventions could have in delaying the spread of a UK epidemic of 2019-nCoV, were there to be widespread outbreaks in other countries. SPI-M-O were asked to consider whether any combination of these interventions would be expected to delay the start of a UK pandemic (or its peak) by a month.
SPI-M-O’s view was the impact of any intervention would be highly dependent on the patterns of transmissibility.”
interesting to note a couple of things….
on school closures they conclude…
…. mass school closures could increase the overall attack rate if done at the wrong time.
Mass school closures have a large cost in terms of parental absenteeism as well as foregone education.
and on masks….
The wearing of facemasks by the general population is unlikely to meaningfully reduce transmission.