- “Ready to rock… and not a mask in sight!” – MailOnline reports on the rock concert which took place over the weekend as part of the live event trials. There were no masks and no social distancing, but guests did have to test negative in a lateral flow test beforehand
- “School sports favourite gets the sack over coronavirus fears” – The sack race is ruled out of school sports days in favour of the Covid-compliant egg and spoon thanks to guidance from the Department for Education, the Telegraph reports
- “The end of lockdown: exactly how much freedom will we have?” – The Observer has interviewed some “experts”, i.e. SAGE members, about the continuing need for caution and restrictions beyond June 21st, including mask wearing which “has the benefit of reducing flu”
- “Holiday islands expected to be kept off UK’s ‘green list’” – European holiday islands are not likely to make it to the ‘green list’, according to the Telegraph, despite having lower Covid rates than some countries that will
- “Our epidemic is over, so why are we slower to unlock than countries with higher infection rates?” – “Our criminal justice system requires a high degree of evidence before incarceration,” writes Dan Hannan in the Telegraph, “but we have switched things around so that we now demand proof before accepting normality”
- “Covid Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety” – The latest update from Doctors for Covid Ethics argues that the available evidence indicates the vaccines to be “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe”
- “A Cesspool of Insanity” – “If we need ‘permission’ to ply our trade, and congregate where we wish,” writes Omar S. Khan, “then let the pathogen come today and take us away, for what anyway is the point?”
- “Normalising the abnormal: From ‘We’re not planning Covid passports’ to ‘They may be needed long term’ in three easy months” – “If vaccine passports are introduced, even for the most limited circumstances, we can be sure of two things,” says Neil Clark in RT: The scheme won’t be limited and it won’t be temporary
- “Vaccine risks and morality” – With Norway having removed the AstraZeneca jab from its immunisation programme, the Conservative Woman‘s Kathy Gyngell makes a call for honesty about the risks associated with this vaccine
- “James and Laura’s Chinwag #18” – The latest of the chinwags, in which both James Delingpole and Laura Perrins “give it both barrels on the subject of the lockdown and Boris Johnson’s useless regime”
- “Far more likely coronavirus came from lab, ex-MI6 chief tells LBC” – Watch Sir Richard Dearlove, the former ‘C’, tell LBC that the “onus is on the Chinese to prove that it’s zoonotic because the evidence strongly suggests… it’s the lab escapee”
- “The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?” – A YouTube video examining the phenomenon of mass psychosis from the Academy of Ideas. Transcript available here
- “Demonstrators, many maskless, march in Montreal against public health restrictions” – CBC covered yesterday’s anti-lockdown protests in Montreal. At one point, the parade was estimated to have spanned nearly two kilometres
- “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness” – The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California reports the findings of its researchers about the effect of the spike protein
- “Ex-FDA chief Scott Gottlieb says travel bans on India, China and the UK ‘don’t make sense’” – “There’s plenty of virus here already,” Gottlieb told the CBS show Face the Nation according to the Daily Mail. “If the goal is to try to prevent introduction of that new variant, B.1.617 that’s circulating in India, I assure you it’s here already”
- “Covid lockdowns cost countless jobs, don’t appear to have saved lives: study” – The New York Post summarises a study which suggests lockdowns did little to save lives during the pandemic but caused millions of job losses
- “Megan Mansell addresses the Leon County School Board regarding mask mandates for kids” – A powerful case against masking children made to the Leon County School board in Florida by PPE expert Megan Mansell
- “Mumbai Covid lockdown spells trouble for businesses” – India is among the countries “hardest hit by in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic”, Deutsche Welle reports, “not only in terms of human life, but also economically”
- “Lockdown lunacy” – “An increasing number of Australians suspect the Wuhan virus is being used to create fear and thus an acceptance of draconian solutions used to win elections and even to maintain opinion polling ratings,” writes David Flint in Spectator Australia
- “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Will Require Extraordinary Effort by All” – “Lockdown measures have significantly slowed economic activity, depriving people of income and preventing children from attending school,” says the IMF in a blog post on the effects of the Covid response on poverty and international development
- “2021 Free Expression Awards Highlight: Susan Wojcicki” – The CEO of YouTube was given a 2021 Free Expression Award, which is sponsored by YouTube
- “The COVID-19 Humanitarian Disaster in India and protocol updates” – Dr. Pierre Kory discusses the situation in India and Ivermectin’s ability to stop COVID-19 in an Indian state in the latest update from the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance
- “A moment friends came together on the dance floor, after being apart for months” – Sacha Lord posted footage from the live event trial which took place in Liverpool yesterday. He liked the lyrics
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If the spike protein itself is the source of trouble as the SALK article suggests, the gene therapied and now perennially spike protein producing zombies are in deep sh*t.
I thought this too, what exactly is the difference between their “spike protein without the ability to replicate” and the MRNA/monkey viruses which are essentially, well, spike proteins without the ability to replicate?
So the spike protein doesn’t need to replicate because the cells infiltrated by the mRNA will produce the spike corona from the virus. But when does it stop? Because to judge by the fatalities emerging in young people, the cell, (complete with spike protein generator) isn’t stopping producing spike protein. And the immune system isn’t quietly mopping up the dodgy mRNA spike producing cells. It’s going into overdrive and clotting, killing its human host. Which suggests that the spike production is going into overdrive, and mimicking viral replication.
This is what is troubling me. So much do that I’m actually not going to write down what I think is happening, and what will happen.
But suffice it to say, we are not free, and that clip has shades of the Weimar Republic about it.
Actually yes and no. Though it has just dawned on me that Foot and Mouth and the burning pyres that went with that might have been about covering up prion protein contamination of the food chain, which will have found its way into vaccines through geletine.
Which vaccines? Ones at the time of foot and mouth or modern ones?
This ‘new’ report only confirms two things which have been known for months, but totally and criminally ignored.
1) The spike sticks onto the ACE2 receptor. Western medicines of the ACE inhibitor kind regularly prescribed will exacerbate this enormously. 12 months or more ago S Korean scientists pointed to this, it was summarily dismissed in the west as they knew that trying to withdraw ACE inhibitor drugs would be incredibly difficult. So they continued with their use and no doubt in older people contributed to their deaths.
2) All the recent work of Bhakdi et al has pointed to the vaccine ‘spikes’ as dangerous in the bllod stream as they will attach and kill cells of the veins and capilliaries. This will cause the immune system to attack and form blood clots. Bhakdi expects the mRNA vaccines because of the gel used to protect the mRNA will gravitate to the area with the most vulnerable spots, the brain. Which is why he and his colleagues believe that the more of these jabs you get the higher the odds of serious illness and death. And because the blood with the mRNA might take some time to get there it could be a delayed effect. Their message is that it could be a fairly certain death if you have say three jabs, including a booster.
My youngest son has just had two of them in Denver, and is very poorly.
Nazi bastards!
THIS is what is troubling me. Thank you for saying it.
When you say “delayed effect” how long exactly are we theorising?
Yes I remember the observation that ACE inhibitors might increase the likelihood of infection. Also I think there was some evidence that ARBs (which work through a different pathway) might make it less likely.
Someone recently wrote of a plan to put everyone on blood pressure medication. I suspect these will be ACE inhibitors whose main side effect is a cough. ARBs have fewer side effects but are (were?) more expensive. Anthing to keep the “virus deaths” up
That Observer article is just so depressing. Absolutely no balance. No challenge to the ‘experts’ opinions. Just another nudge to accept the continued restrictions and one suggestion we should wear mandatory masks in winter to stop flu. It’s disgusting but sadly I think we’ll get 3 months of limited restrictions before they start to reappear for 6/9 months over autumn and winter under the guise of protecting the NHS. And the morons will go back to clapping.
What would you expect from the Sunday Guardian?
Absolutely expected, but sadly so many who read it lap up every word as fact.
“Yeah right” to the lyrics – given that they had to submit to a test before being allowed in.
The lyrics are meaningless Orwellian double speak, under the circumstances they probably only refer to the vaccinated and according to the rules.
Watching a bunch of people preached at by a loop tape saying “you’re free” while all staring at a skull and bones smiley and apparently all doing exactly what they are told is like something straight out of the worst dystopian novels that have ever been conceived.
It’s really pissing me off that people are thinking that this “nightclub” and “festival” that happened this weekend are a step to getting back to normal
Attendees had to get an invasive medical test (for an illness of which they have no symptoms and is highly unlikely to harm them) in order to be allowed in!! In what way is this normal? According to the BBC TEN PERCENT of them “failed” the LFT and were unable to attend. 10%!!!
I thought previous LFTs on similar asymptomatic healthy populations had produced figures of around 0.6%, aka the false positive rate? Imagine paying the best part of a grand to go to Glastonbury with all your mates, tent packed etc to be told at the last minute you’re not allowed in as you’re supposedly actually an infectious biohazard. How are people going to be willing to be book holidays with a 10% chance of having to cancel? 0.6% was bad enough.
And to top it off they are expected (not required) to get a PCR test 5 days afterwards too! Why a PCR test this time? Don’t they know they’re not supposed to be used on symptomless people either? All they have to do is dial up the cycles to 40 and all those people will be “cases” now too. Are they going to give PCR tests to the poor 10% who weren’t allowed in?
I don’t see this as being any better than vax passports. In some ways it’s worse as at least you know you’ve had the vax (or not) but this creates a constant cycle of distress, uncertainty and fear where you could be excluded from every social occasion at the last minute when you know you’re healthy!
All very good points. I guess we all have things that are so dear to us that we would be prepared to compromise to be able to do them – for example seeing close friends and family abroad – but I can’t get excited about doing any activity that requires any sort of covid restrictions at all, however much I love it.
All part of the ‘scheme’. You don’t go to any of these events if you really want to beat these bastards. My fear is that most people don’t care. I have a friend, a really good bloke and a nurse who indulges my fury, has had Covid, his two ‘vaxxes’, and is tested twice a week as part of his job requirement. Recently blessed with two grandchildren I asked him when he was going to get angry, when they started jabbing his grandkids arms? He shrugged and said that they have to have all sort of vaccines these days, a couple more ain’t gonna make any difference. Now this is a good bloke, knows something is going on – is in the bowels of the NHS – but doesn’t think it’s worth fighting about. He wants to be able to take his grandkids to the zoo and go to the pub himself. This is what we’re up against.
Once you accept that the old normal has gone and we are living in an absolute mind-eff of a tyranny, with hysterical zealots, lunatics, and just the plain evil, you evaluate what is really important in life. For me its body autonomy and sovereignty, having a mind of my own, not being coerced into accepting medical experiments in order to have my “old life” back. Its way beyond that now. I don’t give a stuff about those things anymore. Family and friends treat me like a nut job now – they DON’T want to hear anything I have to say, but I’ve had to listened to them bleating on and on about their covid hysteria and their ultimate joy at receiving their jabs! But it hurts me – I really don’t want to fall out with them. The funny thing is they were all so determined that their lives would go back normal, post jab, and they’d be going on holiday, all restrictions lifted…and when I said they wouldn’t be, they scoffed at me. Now they’ve gone very quiet.
I refuse to take part in ANY of it. No masks, testing, social distancing. And I won’t compromise on any of it. I hope that there are others that won’t cave, even if it means I never get to go abroad again.
The one thing that fears me the most is that you can’t get medical treatment unless you have a test. I’m on the waitlist for an operation that I was supposed to have last summer and I’m dreading being faced with the choice of having to postpone it unless I consent to the stupid test.
Your last paragraph is exactly what those in authority want.
At this rate having the vaccine won’t help either as it’ll have to be the “right” vaccine for the “right” variant.
“MailOnline reports on the rock concert which took place over the weekend as part of the live event trials. There were no masks and no social distancing, but guests did have to test negative in a lateral flow test beforehand.”
The idiocy is manifest. Let’s take the effectiveness of tests at face value (I know – a stupid proposition, but bear with me).
So – no-one admitted to the event has an infection.
After the event no-one has an infection : errr …. so what?
After the event, someone has an infection : errr …. so what?
We really are in barmy-land.
“a “health service” that has reconstituted itself as an absolute authority.”
No. The politicians and their appointees did that as cover.
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