“Why the models warning of a third UK Covid wave are flawed” – The Telegraph highlights the faulty assumptions that lie behind the modelling from Imperial College, Warwick University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine that suggests a release from lockdown could lead to a third wave in hospital admissions just like January’s
“We must never forget the Old Normal” – “Supporters of lockdown want us to forget that we once lived freely,” writes Professor David McGrogan in Spiked. We must not do that
“SNP open to voting for Covid passports in England” – Ian Blackford has told the Telegraph that SNP MPs may vote for Covid status checks in England, arguing that they are justified to, er, protect the Scots
“Pubs and clubs attack UK Covid passport scheme” – The UK’s largest nightclub operator and three nationwide pub chains are criticising vaccine passports as “undemocratic, unworkable and unfair to younger people”, the Guardian reports
“What is the question to which vaccine passports are the answer?” – “The more you ponder the Parliamentary arithmetic,” writes Paul Goodman in Conservative Home, “the more you see why more mass testing is likely to happen and why a state-run vaccine passport scheme is not”
“Death rates plunge but Project Fear is still on the rise” – “The fear and panic of 12 months ago was at least understandable when it looked as if we might have an uncontrollable and deadly virus pandemic on our hands,” says Peter Lloyd in the Conservative Woman. But the data is telling a different story now
“EU’s data watchdogs warn against risks of vaccine passports” – The European Union’s data regulators have warned that plans to introduce vaccine passports “must protect data and shouldn’t be applied beyond the current pandemic”, Bloomberg reports
“German CDU chair Armin Laschet calls for harder lockdown” – According to the Deutsche Welle, Armin Laschet is calling for a “bridge lockdown” – a hard lockdown until people are vaccinated. But his proposal has been met with some scepticism by political opponents
“Why can’t we be like the Land of the Free?” – America is currently a land of almost “limitless travel, full sports stadiums and thronging bars” writes Tom Leonard in the Daily Mail
“If you had Covid, do you need the vaccine?” – A deep dive into the evidence by Dr. Paul E. Alexander, Dr. Howard C Tenenbaum and Dr. Parvez Dara for AIER, concluding that “immunity caused by natural exposure remains the most robust and durable and successful manner to protect the population”
“New York’s vaccine passport programme Is already failing” – “Liberty advocates, rejoice,” says Jordan Schachtal. The New York State “Excelsior Pass” has so many issues that it would not be surprising if it was scrapped by the end of the year
“Vaccine passports prolong lockdowns” – Vaccine passports may sound “like a way of easing coercive lockdown restrictions, but it’s the opposite”, say Professors Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya in the Wall Street Journal. In fact, “the passport idea depends on keeping the underlying restrictions in place”
“Masks Seriously Harm Children’s Linguistic Development” – Children learn to make words and sounds by observing the mouth, teeth and tongue, specialist Meghan Mansell points out in this AIER discussion with Dr. Naomi Wolf
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We’ll get nowhere until the “worried well” are the ones bearing the cost of measures.
They have managed to privatise the profits (generous furlough pay, work from home, other people risk their lives to bring items to their door) and socialise the losses (everybody else must keep away from me, wear masks while I do what I want).
It’s way past time that the worried well wore the Hazmat suits if they are worried, and stayed away from pubs, theatres and football matches if they are scared.
We’ve all seen the crime dramas. Motive, Means, and Opportunity.
I present one William Gates. His avowed intent? To reduce the world population by 3 billion.
To this end he is committing huge amounts of his profits from the Microsoft monopoly.
The plandemic has given him the opportunity to fund/champion ‘vaccines’ which damage and very possibly permanently prevent a woman’s chances of conception.
From roundup items 1&2.
Both Sarah Knapton at the Telegraph and Ross Clark at the Spectator seem to be unaware that predicting the gloomiest possible outcome is standard procedure for anything coming out of SAGE but I suppose questioning that well in advance of the two weeks before it doesn’t happen is something of an improvement.
Classic FM seems to be the go-to advertising media for Government propanganda. From the mind numbing ‘Go Left’ to try and mitigate the carnage caused by ‘smart motorways’ to the ceaseless lies about ‘the virus’. The latest tranche demanding you don’t let a seventh person join your picnic or allow. A friend into your house when the temperature drops. All rubbish of course but one statement more than most. ‘Fresh air makes the virus particles blow away’. One assumes they hit the ground short of the person 2m away from you! Also in the early lockdowns the rule was only outside once a day. Now outside is better?
3 years ago
Nice to see 2 things today – firstly the AIER article on whether people who have had covid should get the vaccine, which was first posted BTL yesterday, making it ATL, and secondly, the EU and the USA have both come out against the vaxx passport, the EU saying it should not extend beyond the pandemic, and the US saying they are “discriminatory”. So that being the case, and the US would also have looked at “the science” and concluded it clearly also doesn’t support their use, what on earth is going on in the mind of the UK government. Would suggest if they go ahead with this that a consortium of non essential shops etc should take DOH to court [as per hosp indust] and ask them to produce ALL the science.
It is good news. Saw the statement the The White says ‘citizens’ privacy and rights should be protected’ and that the US did not and would not support a ‘system that requires Americans to carry a credential’. Our weak and inept PM who would seek to be an ‘international leader’ has yet again flipflopped around the wrong horse. His play acting, dressing up and the building of his basement stage seem to have done nothing to improve his ability to get anything right. There is nothing in the mind of the UK government other than their own selfish end game.
With reference to the ‘perverse plan’ for twice weekly testing, I had the misfortune to have apparently been ‘randomly’ selected by the Department of ‘Health & Care’, the NHS, Imperial College London, and Ipsos Mori to be ‘invited’ to take part in a scam type REACT COVID-19 testing research study. They claim to use quote ‘a very accurate method of testing’ which provides vital information about people who are sick or conversely NOT sick. They do not name the very accurate testing method, but later state that I have to stick a swab up my nose and down my throat. Sounds like the NOT very accurate method of testing namely the not for diagnostic purposes, PCR test.
Seemingly, even if you have contacted the NHS before and opted out of their ‘research’ they think it is acceptable to pass your name & address info to dodgy researchers at Imperial College (viper nest of Pantsdown Lockdown Ferguson) and the rigged research organisation Ipsos Mori.
Ludicrously they state that even if you are ‘testing’ outside this ‘research’ you should do both? Why? So that if you test ‘positive’ on the other test it can be counted more than once? More ‘cases’ for the casedemic. What made me laugh is that when the ‘free’ courier arrives to take the ‘very accurate test’ back to the lab, it will take 7 days to get the results. It is apparently fine to continue with your daily life, go to work, go the shops etc until you get the results. Then if the result is positive you should ‘self isolate’? Am I missing something here? I presumably would not be ‘contagious’ if ‘positive’ until the results come back? To help facilitate the results, they will kindly contact Track & Trace and contact me through an app (which incidentally) I refuse to download. How much is all this bollocks costing and who is paying for it? Why would I participate and share my personal information with this crowd of reprobates and give them access to my NHS health records. I can apparently ‘opt-out’ by telephoning them or emailing them. Guess they do not have my phone number or email and see this as a further opportunity to grab more info. Won’t be opting out since I will not be taking part.
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We’ll get nowhere until the “worried well” are the ones bearing the cost of measures.
They have managed to privatise the profits (generous furlough pay, work from home, other people risk their lives to bring items to their door) and socialise the losses (everybody else must keep away from me, wear masks while I do what I want).
It’s way past time that the worried well wore the Hazmat suits if they are worried, and stayed away from pubs, theatres and football matches if they are scared.
Is ‘worried well’ a euphemism for ‘hypochondriac’?
compare that to this https://twitter.com/i/status/1379463832217640961 In Texas someone seems to be thinking clearly
We’ve all seen the crime dramas. Motive, Means, and Opportunity.
I present one William Gates. His avowed intent? To reduce the world population by 3 billion.
To this end he is committing huge amounts of his profits from the Microsoft monopoly.
The plandemic has given him the opportunity to fund/champion ‘vaccines’ which damage and very possibly permanently prevent a woman’s chances of conception.
The prosecution rests.
From roundup items 1&2.
Both Sarah Knapton at the Telegraph and Ross Clark at the Spectator seem to be unaware that predicting the gloomiest possible outcome is standard procedure for anything coming out of SAGE but I suppose questioning that well in advance of the two weeks before it doesn’t happen is something of an improvement.
‘gloomiest’? Well, except for how safe the ‘vaccines’ are!
And “effective” too.
Trust this Government – seriously ?
please readhttps://torontosun.com/news/national/health-canada-recalls-masks-containing-graphene-as-it-assesses-risks-to-people
Classic FM seems to be the go-to advertising media for Government propanganda. From the mind numbing ‘Go Left’ to try and mitigate the carnage caused by ‘smart motorways’ to the ceaseless lies about ‘the virus’. The latest tranche demanding you don’t let a seventh person join your picnic or allow. A friend into your house when the temperature drops. All rubbish of course but one statement more than most. ‘Fresh air makes the virus particles blow away’. One assumes they hit the ground short of the person 2m away from you! Also in the early lockdowns the rule was only outside once a day. Now outside is better?
Nice to see 2 things today – firstly the AIER article on whether people who have had covid should get the vaccine, which was first posted BTL yesterday, making it ATL, and secondly, the EU and the USA have both come out against the vaxx passport, the EU saying it should not extend beyond the pandemic, and the US saying they are “discriminatory”. So that being the case, and the US would also have looked at “the science” and concluded it clearly also doesn’t support their use, what on earth is going on in the mind of the UK government. Would suggest if they go ahead with this that a consortium of non essential shops etc should take DOH to court [as per hosp indust] and ask them to produce ALL the science.
It is good news. Saw the statement the The White says ‘citizens’ privacy and rights should be protected’ and that the US did not and would not support a ‘system that requires Americans to carry a credential’. Our weak and inept PM who would seek to be an ‘international leader’ has yet again flipflopped around the wrong horse. His play acting, dressing up and the building of his basement stage seem to have done nothing to improve his ability to get anything right. There is nothing in the mind of the UK government other than their own selfish end game.
With reference to the ‘perverse plan’ for twice weekly testing, I had the misfortune to have apparently been ‘randomly’ selected by the Department of ‘Health & Care’, the NHS, Imperial College London, and Ipsos Mori to be ‘invited’ to take part in a scam type REACT COVID-19 testing research study. They claim to use quote ‘a very accurate method of testing’ which provides vital information about people who are sick or conversely NOT sick. They do not name the very accurate testing method, but later state that I have to stick a swab up my nose and down my throat. Sounds like the NOT very accurate method of testing namely the not for diagnostic purposes, PCR test.
Seemingly, even if you have contacted the NHS before and opted out of their ‘research’ they think it is acceptable to pass your name & address info to dodgy researchers at Imperial College (viper nest of Pantsdown Lockdown Ferguson) and the rigged research organisation Ipsos Mori.
Ludicrously they state that even if you are ‘testing’ outside this ‘research’ you should do both? Why? So that if you test ‘positive’ on the other test it can be counted more than once? More ‘cases’ for the casedemic. What made me laugh is that when the ‘free’ courier arrives to take the ‘very accurate test’ back to the lab, it will take 7 days to get the results. It is apparently fine to continue with your daily life, go to work, go the shops etc until you get the results. Then if the result is positive you should ‘self isolate’? Am I missing something here? I presumably would not be ‘contagious’ if ‘positive’ until the results come back? To help facilitate the results, they will kindly contact Track & Trace and contact me through an app (which incidentally) I refuse to download. How much is all this bollocks costing and who is paying for it? Why would I participate and share my personal information with this crowd of reprobates and give them access to my NHS health records. I can apparently ‘opt-out’ by telephoning them or emailing them. Guess they do not have my phone number or email and see this as a further opportunity to grab more info. Won’t be opting out since I will not be taking part.