- “Everyone in England to be offered twice-weekly Covid tests, PM to say” – The Guardian‘s take on Boris’s announcement expected later today includes the news that everyone in England is to be offer two lateral flow tests a week
- “Flights to countries with high jab rates” – Boris Johnson is to unveil a traffic light system for foreign travel, indicating which countries the Government has deemed safe according to what percentage of the population has been vaccinated
- “The vaccinated towns where no one over 70 now has Covid” – Last week, according to the Sunday Times, 52 boroughs in England had zero Covid cases among their population of over-70 year-olds
- “Will pub jab passports sneak in by the back door?” – According to the Daily Mail, pubs and restaurants may be allowed to drop social distancing rules if they introduce vaccine passports
- “Covid certificates won’t be required in live event pilot, organisers say” – Some of the venues taking part in a pilot programme for Covid-safe live events have rejected reports that they are involved in a trial for Covid certificates, with one reporting it had received a “massive backlash”, according to the Guardian
- “Agree to hold a public inquiry to examine the true, full, effects of Lockdowns” – The Government has responded to a Parliament.uk petition asking for an inquiry into the lockdown, saying that there will be “an appropriate time to reflect and analyse on all aspects of the pandemic” but for now “we are focused on protecting the NHS, saving lives and starting to cautiously ease restrictions”
- “Police show up at Polish Catholic Church again for Easter Sunday Mass” – This time, MailOnline reports, they simply spoke to stewards and left soon afterwards
- “The Swappies: a Corony Case Study” – A bit of myth busting by Bruce Wallace on LeftLockdownSceptics
- “A&E departments under pressure as non-Covid patients flood back” – Accident and Emergency departments are getting busy as non-Covid patients return, according to the Telegraph. Some are recording “20% higher number of patients than would be expected for the time of year”
- “The biggest threat now is politicians and scientists insisting eradicating disease trumps human freedom” – “It is time for the Prime Minister and his advisors to level with the public,” says Professor Robert Dingwell in the Mail on Sunday, “and admit that some risk of sickness and death is the price we pay for leading normal lives”
- “The duel: Is eliminating COVID-19 worth it?” – Professor Gabriel Scally says “yes”, while Sunetra Gupta says it is neither feasible nor necessary in a Prospect magazine debate”
- “Do doctors have to have the COVID-19 vaccine?” – A rapid response letter from a medical consultant in the BMJ, reporting unprecedented levels of sickness after vaccination and arguing that to make it make mandatory would be “unethical, stupid and wrong”
- “Merkel’s Covid rules mean Germans can go to Majorca’s beaches but not their own” – Thanks to the bizarre German lockdown rules, the Times reports, those heading to the Baltic coast have been stopped by the police while those heading to Majorca can carry on
- “After Getting Used to Working From Home, Employees Resist Return to the Office” – Workers in Israel have grown used to working remotely, and are not terribly keen on heading back into the office, according to Haaretz
- “Indian state announces strict new curbs as Covid cases climb” – Maharashtra in India is limiting public gatherings, closing restaurants and introducing a curfew, the Financial Times reports
- “Long-term care residents beg to go outside after year-long COVID-19 confinement” – Long-term care home residents in Ontario, Canada, are begging to go outside, CBC reports
- “AstraZeneca kicked out of US factory over mix-up ‘that ruined 15m vaccine doses’” – AstraZeneca has been kicked out of a production plant in Baltimore after messing up 15 million doses produced by Johnson & Johnson, the Telegraph reports
- “Overwhelming circumstantial evidence’ points to COVID-19 lab leak” – The theory that SARS-CoV-2 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is “more likely” than the current working hypothesis, says a WHO advisory committee member in this Sky News Australia report
- “What is the Government trying to stop?” – “Vaccine passports will not eradicate the spread of Covid,” says David Davis MP
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2 free covid tests a week.
I can see where this is heading.
1. To keep the case numbers coming in
2. To coerce us to take a jab for an ‘easier’ life.
If people think by offering these free tests is a compromise to the jab, think again. It’s Disgusting mind games!
More likely, it’s because Hancock and Johnson grossly over-ordered the lateral Flow Tests before realising they were next to useless.
I had to go to A&E two weeks ago, the medic who dealt with me said that flipping a coin was more accurate than the LFTs!
Another reason not to do it!
Is it vaccine passport by the back door? Ie, not to reassure the public, but a means of determining who can go where and do what (go to venues, go to work, go to the supermarket etc etc). I think that the numbers of people taking up the “vaccine” will start to get lower as the eligible age groups lower, so this is one way for the gov to get round this. Either you prove you’ve had a vaccine (within what timeframe before it goes out of date and you need a booster??) or you “prove” by LFT that you’re free of the “virus” (taken that same day), or you somehow prove you’re immune (blood test maybe?.). I wouldn’t put anything past these slimy dictators
Well, it’s over then to all the businesses that fall in line with this dictatorship. They’re going to lose a lot custom, discriminating against their customers, and serves them right. This brainless government seem to have forgotten that they’ve got us used to going without! We’re NOT as desperate as they pathetically think we are to get “back to (new) normal!
They really are getting desperate, it’s that pathetically obvious. Nearly every hour of every day we are getting their despotic madness thrown at us. This is gas lighting on steroids. Anyone with half a functioning brain cell can see this. They know waay too many for their liking, are seeing through their disgusting plot so they’re throwing everything at us. But the more they do, the more ineffectual they’ll become. Notice how Covid itself barely gets a mention these days, how rock bottom the figures are, how in 52 areas around the UK no one over 70 (apparently) doesn’t have Covid, how the death rate nthis winter has been the lowest since 2014…No, that’s all old now. Mustn’t dwell on anything positive…Got to keep the fear going somehow…anyhow!
total waste of taxpayers money springs to mind – espec considering false negative results [not to mention false positives]
If I get one I’m gonna shit in the box and post it back to them.
Sorry but what if the vacc leaves you captive to your health?
No,no, Fred!
Set fire to Parliament.
Great letter from consultant in BMJ
Ok so with these LTF testing kits at home, can a negative result be engineered by simply not swabbing yourself before putting the swab in the liquid? Can the LFT detect ‘insufficient sample’?
Good point.
Even simply doing that can lead to a FPR. However, you only have to state your result to the gov website. You click a button to say whether it is positive or negative. So if it’s positive… you can say negative. They’ll be none the wiser.
Or just do not take the test at all?
Precisely. I’m so glad such a sophisticated system is being used to inflate the ‘case’ figures.
There were early reports that the “gold-standard PCR tests” were giving positive results for Covid simply by being dipped in random household liquids.
Nope, it’s not that sophisticated. Our daughter’s school science class dipped one in Coca Cola (other teeth rotting carbonated beverages are available) and got a positive result and another in water with a negative result. Neither swab went into a nasal cavity beforehand either.
What is the latest on transmissibility post-vaccination?
It’s a key factor in determining social restrictions, but I can’t find any conclusions.
Surely it should be available after four months of vaccination?
You touch on a huge issue, here. 12 months into the pandemic it’s obvious that the authorities now know a lot more about the disease, but they are being very selective about what they release to the public. A key example would be the actual health impact of the various “dangerous new variants” we kept hearing abouut.
They don’t even have proof of transmission from person a to person b now, let alone post vaccination. It’s a massive scam
Keep the testademic going.
It won’t just be pubs, all those shops that won’t be asked to use vaxpass, well its either that or social distancing will make you eventually go bust through reduction in traffic.
Clever, evil minds gaming this.
They are dismantling western economies, bringing in a controlled feudal system. Doesn’t matter if you comply or not. People need to wake up to stop it. By not complying.
Eighteen months ago: Concern about plastic drinking straws causing environmental damage.
Now: The government, in spite of being fully signed up to green initiatives, are offering the entire nation twice weekly plastic Covid tests which presumably will go to landfill and take hundreds of years to decompose.
What the hell is going on?
That is the question everyone should be asking themselves by now!
Along with the stupid Chinese-produced disposable masks.
not to mention the waste involved in excessive use of masks visors and ppe
Perhaps we should be grateful that the lateral flow tests are not manufactured in Wuhan?!
My bet is that you only need to ride it out for a year, 2 tops, without succumbing to the vaccine fraud before the whole vaccine passport house of cards falls in on itself. It relies on everyone getting regular boosters. Won’t happen, already people are turning down the second injection because of horrible side effects.
I hope so too. Even if you want to take it for own reasons, I’d say hold out for as long as possible. Do NOT be coerced into taking treatment because you think you’re going to given something in return – something that has always been rightfully yours in the first place!
The WHO are funded by governments. They changed the criteria for covid to a pandemic just prior to the release of covid, for their ‘window of opportunity’. In the UK that window is to get everyone coerced into a vaccination before July, when the pharma companies begin charging full price or when the WHO declare the pandemic over. Its important as many as possible are vaccinated and will accept the domestic ID as ‘why not I’ve been vaccinated”, because for the UK the ‘window of opportunity’ is the ID. It will likely be that top up vax to keep your ID up to date, forever if they get away with it.
In April 2020 the amount of funding received by WHO from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation equated to 9.8% of their total funding. They contributed more than many countries including the UK and only USA gave more. It is for this reason that the WHO is not to be trusted as certain devisive and dangerous technocrats with fingers in Big Pharma are given a loud and vociferous voice in places where they should not be allowed. As long an the unelected and the wealthy elite are permitted by weak governments to dictate their policies it will never end.
In the UK on April 15th Bojos BUILD BACK BETTER puppet govt will trial the New Normal Medical Segregation System.
So let’s make sure that runs nice-n-smoothly for the govt, by hundreds neigh thousands of people not turning-up for these bio-security-tagging events.
It’s time Britain to let the occupational politico classes and their MSM propaganda
machine know exactly how we feel about their rolling WEF technofascist ‘New Normal’ agenda.
Yes it is really called the Yellow Star Health Apartheid Scheme.
Just a thought…but you considered that there may not be any air travel in the near future…unless you’re one of the elites? On the back of Covid comes Climate…again!
Why does the ‘vaccine program’ need accelerating? The vulnerable have been vaccinated. They’re in the process of receiving the second jab. That’s it, job done.
And you can stick your free weekly swabs up your arse. Oh wait..