NHS Pressuring People to Sign “Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate” Orders

In a further sign of how “protect the NHS” gets things precisely backwards (the NHS is supposed to protect us) and puts the vested interests of the organisation ahead of the medical needs of the public, NHS medical staff have been caught pressuring older people to sign “Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate” orders and even imposing them without consent. The Mail has the details, telling the story of 93 year-old Lucy.
All in all, Lucy enjoys a good quality of life and apart from some age-related ailments she had been rated as ‘three’ on the NHS Clinical Frailty Scale (one is ‘very fit’ and nine is ‘terminally ill’).
Despite all this, the morning after the nurse’s unannounced visit to conduct a ‘frailty review’, an envelope was delivered to Lucy’s flat containing an A4-size notice with a stark red border.
Designed to be displayed in her home, it was a “Do Not Attempt To Resuscitate Order” — known as a DNAR or DNR — and it stated that Lucy should not be resuscitated by doctors, nurses, or emergency paramedics if her heart stopped. It was signed by the frailty nursing practitioner.
“I was shocked the NHS won’t save me. If I collapse, they are refusing to put me together again,” Lucy told the Mail.
Lucy is one of millions of people who have been caught up in a new – and, no doubt, well-intentioned – NHS initiative to help those over 65 live at home and not burden hospitals.
As part of this, individuals are encouraged to make early decisions about ‘advanced care’ and sign a DNAR.
However, concern is growing about the pressure put on older people to accept DNARs. An urgent review has condemned their “blanket use” in care homes at the peak of the COVID-19 crisis earlier this year.
Health watchdog the Care Quality Commission says many were put on medical records without the consent of the person concerned and their families.
Lucy Jeal’s horrified family say Lucy never agreed to the DNAR order, which was also sent to her GP. The family now want the order removed from her medical records.
Lucy’s experience struck a chord with readers up and down the country, and we have received hundreds of letters and emails from people sharing their distress at receiving, or seeing their loved ones receive, DNARs without discussion or their permission.
Read Lucy’s story and many more here.
“Queues of Patients Nursed on Trolleys in Corridors – The NHS Was Overwhelmed”

An NHS frontline nurse of some 17 years clinical experience has got in touch with some observations about how ludicrous it is to be locking down to “protect the NHS” when the NHS is often in crisis during the winter.
The NHS’s “most serious winter crisis for many years”. A “lack of staff and beds”. 75% of acute medicine doctors say their “hospitals are not properly prepared”. An “inability to cope with the number of patients arriving”. The NHS “not well-equipped to deal with it”. Over 64,000 all-cause deaths in January alone.
Are these predictions for this winter?
No. It is what happened three years ago in the winter of 2017-18. There were more than 50,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales during that period – the highest recorded excess winter deaths since the winter of 1975-76.
Was there a daily death toll on the BBC news? Do you even remember hearing it in the news?
I remember it actually as I was working in the NHS throughout. Influenza was rife, hospitals were full, ambulances frequently diverted, queues of patients nursed on hospital trolleys in corridors, bed managers scoured the wards for potential discharges. The NHS was overwhelmed.
But I didn’t hear anyone calling for lockdown back then.
This year, on the other hand, critical care bed occupancy was below average as it peaked in mid-November, as these graphs from the Spectator‘s excellent data tracker show.

The problem, of course, is that the political leaders who should have been providing this kind of perspective instead joined in the panic. We have also been severely let down by our public health advisers and scientists.
It’s The Covid Panto, But The Children Aren’t Laughing

The coronavirus crisis increasingly seems to resemble a pantomime, with the ludicrous actors playing their parts and delivering their lines, and pretending not to hear when the audience spots the off-message data poking out of the cupboard at their rear and shouts “it’s behind you!” That’s certainly the feeling Sinead Murphy, a philosophy lecturer at Newcastle University and Lockdown Sceptics contributor, has been getting. Today we’re publishing a new article from her setting out the challenges she has faced navigating lockdown with her autistic son, Joseph, and her epiphany that reasoning with people doesn’t work when they are just playing their parts and delivering their lines.
As I stood across from the acting Head in the vestibule of his school – looking, with his visor, like a poorly-costumed afterthought in the school play – it occurred to me how degraded we have become. That one who ought to be a leader in the community – the Head of a primary school of 630 children – should openly admit that the rationality or otherwise of his decisions on behalf of the children in his school was irrelevant when confronted with recently invented and constantly changing guidelines from the state. That the welfare of all the children – not to mention Joseph, with his additional challenges – was not even to be considered, let alone fought for.
What struck me too was the difference in our demeanour. Notwithstanding his ludicrous visor, his comportment was one of (slightly ruffled) calm; he listened and said little. My comportment, by contrast, was one of heated conviction. And yet, it was he who was selling lunacy that defies all facts, and I who was arguing for reason based on evidence. These are times when lunacy is so deeply institutionalised that it can appear calm, and reason so embattled that it has to act crazy.
When I repeated my question to the acting Head, asking him to respond to the negligible risk to children and the zero cases of child-to-teacher transmission, his response was “I am not a scientist”. Well, I am not a scientist either. But Mike Yeadon is. And Sunetra Gupta is. And John Lee is. And Carl Heneghan is. And those who generate statistics at the ONS and the WHO are. Not only this, these scientists produce comprehensible sentences, which can be read and understood. What is the good of being able to read and understand them if their contents are deemed not for me because I am not a scientist? What a truncation, of the Head of a school, that he cannot form a judgement on the basis of reading analyses written for non-experts by experts, but can only play the role assigned to him by the policy. An acting Head reduced to reading from the script.
And that is when the light dawned on my darkest hour.
Well worth reading in full.
Support Sinead Quinn

Sinead Quinn is the brave hairdresser from Quinn Blakey Hairdressing in Oakenshaw near Bradford who has been fined £27,000 by Kirklees council for refusing to close during the lockdown and quoting the Magna Carta whenever the martinet officials appear outside her salon. She has now started a crowdfunding page to help pay the fines if her legal challenge fails – though if she wins, as she expects, the money will go to her brother who is fighting cancer.
I’m confident in the fact we will win this fight, so in that case the money will go to my amazing brother who is fighting against stage four bowel cancer. He was diagnosed in August 2020 and he’s 36 year old with a wife and two children. He is an amazing soul and he gives me the confidence to fight every single day. He is my best friend and I wouldn’t be able to do this without him.
Here’s to 2021 – my brother cancer-free and standing up for our rights and taking our freedoms back.
A deserving cause – do give as you are able and spread the word by sharing the crowdfunder.
Vaccination Must Not be Compulsory – Tell Your MP

Following our appeal yesterday to readers to write to their MP to call for no restrictions on those who refuse to have a Covid vaccination ahead of the Parliamentary debate on December 14th, a reader has sent us a copy of the letter he sent to his MP, Anthony Browne. It’s a good letter, and we’re publishing it below in case it inspires others to write similarly.
I voted for you at the last election.
I am writing in connection with the upcoming debate on coronavirus vaccines. I wish to stress that I am not anti-vax, but like many I do have reservations about the vaccine and any thoughts the government might have about making it compulsory or imposing restrictions upon those that refuse to take it.
We live in a free society (or used to anyway) and the very thought that a vaccine might be compulsory makes my blood boil. The government’s handling of this pandemic has been utterly shambolic – we have ended up in the worst of all worlds by having a high death rate and a shattered economy and all for a virus that has an infection fatality rate of under 0.5% (and it may be significantly lower than that).
I’ve never bought into the argument that it was a good idea to quarantine the healthy in order to suppress the virus, and nor do I buy into the argument that we should now vaccinate everyone who is healthy to achieve the same goal. Trying to suppress the virus is like trying to put the genie back in the bottle. We should be shielding the vulnerable and allowing the virus to circulate amongst the healthy, lower risk, population – that is the way we have conquered respiratory viruses in the past and vaccines should be available to the vulnerable and those that want them (and should never be mandatory).
I lived through the Hong Kong flu pandemic in the late 1960s – one in which this country lost c80,000 lives. More than in the current crisis and at a time when the U.K. population was c55m. We did not destroy our economy because of that pandemic and public debt fell during the period in contrast to the mind boggling mountain of debt that has been incurred on your watch.
Do not go down the route of making the vaccine mandatory or imposing restrictions on those that prefer not to take it. If you do, then I for one will certainly never put a cross against your name again.
The link to the Write To Them site, which makes it easier to write to your MP, is here.
- “Do not implement COVID-19 Freedom Passes” – Petition on the Parliament website calling on the Government not to proceed with any plans for “Freedom Passes” (requiring weekly tests to stay free)
- “What does the different Covid data tell us?” – Ross Clark in the Spectator looks at the different Covid surveys (ICL, KCL, ONS and PHE) and finds, reassuringly, they mostly speak in unison
- “It is time to call out the Scottish Government’s Voodoo Data” – Linda Holt in Think Scotland tries to bring some perspective north of the border
- “Public Order Under City of Los Angeles Emergency Authority” – Lockdown LA, no leaving home (with a few exceptions)
- “US Panic Paper surfaced” – 2020 News reports on a disturbing guide written in 2010 by Glen Nowak for the US CDC and National Immunisation Program on how to create public panic to encourage people to get vaccinated against flu
- “Dr Malcolm Kendrick: First Hand Experience – the Lowdown on Lockdown!” – Listen to Ivor Cummins talking to lockdown legend Dr Malcolm Kendrick
- “Like Brexit and Scottish independence, lockdown has turned into a culture war” – Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph says once everyone in high risk categories have been offered vaccination all restrictions should end entirely and immediately
- “North Korea publicly executes a citizen by firing squad for breaking Covid restriction rules” – Kim Jong-Un reminding us he’s still the craziest dictator in an increasingly crowded field. In the Mail
- “Switzerland in the Corona winter” – New article from the Swiss doctor giving an update on lockdown-free Switzerland, putting its autumn surge and 2020 deaths in context
- “I’m a freedom-loving Conservative… I can’t wait to get us back to living by personal responsibility” – Matt Hancock making more implausible claims in the Telegraph, though perhaps giving small reason for hope
- “If the backlash builds, head and provost could fall from grace together” – Some insight into the Eton mess by former head of English at the college Joseph Francis writing in the Telegraph
Theme Tunes Suggested by Readers
Two today: “Helplessly hoping” by Crosby, Stills & Nash and “Down Down” by Status Quo.
Love in the Time of Covid

We have created some Lockdown Sceptics Forums, including a dating forum called “Love in a Covid Climate” that has attracted a bit of attention. We have a team of moderators in place to remove spam and deal with the trolls, but sometimes it takes a little while so please bear with us. You have to register to use the Forums, but that should just be a one-time thing. Any problems, email the Lockdown Sceptics webmaster Ian Rons here.
Sharing Stories
Some of you have asked how to link to particular stories on Lockdown Sceptics so you can share it. To do that, click on the headline of a particular story and a link symbol will appear on the right-hand side of the headline. Click on the link and the URL of your page will switch to the URL of that particular story. You can then copy that URL and either email it to your friends or post it on social media. Please do share the stories.
Social Media Accounts
You can follow Lockdown Sceptics on our social media accounts which are updated throughout the day. To follow us on Facebook, click here; to follow us on Twitter, click here; to follow us on Instagram, click here; to follow us on Parler, click here; and to follow us on MeWe, click here.
Woke Gobbledegook

We’ve decided to create a permanent slot down here for woke gobbledegook. Today, it’s the news that Millwall fans celebrated being back in the stands by taking the first opportunity given them to show how they felt about their players taking the knee in support of BLM. They booed. The Mail has the story.
Millwall supporters booed their own players while they took the knee in support of the fight against racism at The Den this afternoon.
The scenes have prompted reactions from pundits and former players including Trevor Sinclair, Gregg Halford and Gary Lineker, who told his Twitter followers the Millwall fans not booing were in the “minority”.
The day marked the first time that fans were able to attend a game in person since lockdown began in March.
As 2,000 supporters were permitted to attend the Millwall versus Derby County game, it also marked the first time fans have been present since footballers started to take the knee before games.
The gesture has been carried out by players and staff across the country originally in support of Black Lives Matter, before the Premier League distanced itself from the movement.
Not all teams continue to take the knee before games, with Queens Park Rangers’ director of football Les Ferdinand saying the impact of the stance had been “diluted”.
As their match against Derby County was about to begin, video footage taken from the ground shows that there were a large number of aggressive boos from the stands as the players knelt down.
Millwall boss Gary Rowett said he was “disappointed” by the fans’ behaviour, while opposition manager Wayne Rooney said it was “surprising”.
In response, the FA said in a statement: “The FA supports all players and staff that wish to take a stand against discrimination in a respectful manner, which includes taking of the knee, and strongly condemns the behaviours of any spectators that actively voice their opposition to such activities.”
The scenes sparked shockwaves through the game, and have divided social media users.
Some players, pundits and fans have condemned the fans’ actions while others say the gesture is no longer appropriate.
Stop Press: Not to be outdone, it’s been reported that the Vicar of Dibley will take the knee for BLM in her Christmas sermon.
“Mask Exempt” Lanyards

We’ve created a one-stop shop down here for people who want to buy (or make) a “Mask Exempt” lanyard/card. You can print out and laminate a fairly standard one for free here and it has the advantage of not explicitly claiming you have a disability. But if you have no qualms about that (or you are disabled), you can buy a lanyard from Amazon saying you do have a disability/medical exemption here (takes a while to arrive). The Government has instructions on how to download an official “Mask Exempt” notice to put on your phone here. You can get a “Hidden Disability” tag from ebay here and an “exempt” card with lanyard for just £1.99 from Etsy here. And, finally, if you feel obliged to wear a mask but want to signal your disapproval of having to do so, you can get a “sexy world” mask with the Swedish flag on it here.
Don’t forget to sign the petition on the UK Government’s petitions website calling for an end to mandatory face masks in shops here.
A reader has started a website that contains some useful guidance about how you can claim legal exemption.
If you’re a shop owner and you want to let your customers know you will not be insisting on face masks or asking them what their reasons for exemption are, you can download a friendly sign to stick in your window here.
And here’s an excellent piece about the ineffectiveness of masks by a Roger W. Koops, who has a doctorate in organic chemistry. See also the Swiss Doctor’s thorough review of the scientific evidence here.
Stop Press: The US CDC has stepped up its mask guidance and now advises “universal use of face masks” which it claims is supported by “compelling evidence”.
Universal use of face masks. Consistent and correct use of face masks is a public health strategy critical to reducing respiratory transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in light of estimates that approximately one half of new infections are transmitted by persons who have no symptoms. Compelling evidence now supports the benefits of cloth face masks for both source control (to protect others) and, to a lesser extent, protection of the wearer. To preserve the supply of N95 respirators for health care workers and other medical first responders, CDC recommends nonvalved, multilayer cloth masks or nonmedical disposable masks for community use. Face mask use is most important in indoor spaces and outdoors when physical distance of ≥6 feet cannot be maintained. Within households, face masks should be used when a member of the household is infected or has had recent potential COVID-19 exposure (e.g. known close contact or potential exposure related to occupation, crowded public settings, travel, or non-household members in your house).
Hard to believe these are supposed to be the authoritative experts given how much in that paragraph is inaccurate or misleading. Have they not noticed, for instance, that mask mandates appear to have done nothing to avert autumn surges in France, Italy, California, etc.?
The Great Barrington Declaration

The Great Barrington Declaration, a petition started by Professor Martin Kulldorff, Professor Sunetra Gupta and Professor Jay Bhattacharya calling for a strategy of “Focused Protection” (protect the elderly and the vulnerable and let everyone else get on with life), was launched in October and the lockdown zealots have been doing their best to discredit it ever since. If you Googled it a week after launch, the top hits were three smear pieces from the Guardian, including: “Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including ‘Dr Johnny Bananas’.” (Freddie Sayers at UnHerd warned us about this the day before it appeared.) On the bright side, Google UK has stopped shadow banning it, so the actual Declaration now tops the search results – and Toby’s Spectator piece about the attempt to suppress it is among the top hits – although discussion of it has been censored by Reddit. The reason the zealots hate it, of course, is that it gives the lie to their claim that “the science” only supports their strategy. These three scientists are every bit as eminent – more eminent – than the pro-lockdown fanatics so expect no let up in the attacks. (Wikipedia has also done a smear job.)
You can find it here. Please sign it. Now well over 700,000 signatures.
Update: The authors of the GDB have expanded the FAQs to deal with some of the arguments and smears that have been made against their proposal. Worth reading in full.
Update 2: Many of the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration are involved with new UK anti-lockdown campaign Recovery. Find out more and join here.
Update 3: You can watch Sunetra Gupta set out the case for “Focused Protection” here and Jay Bhattacharya make it here.
Update 4: The three GBD authors plus Prof Carl Heneghan of CEBM have launched a new website collateralglobal.org, “a global repository for research into the collateral effects of the COVID-19 lockdown measures”. Follow Collateral Global on Twitter here.
Judicial Reviews Against the Government

There are now so many JRs being brought against the Government and its ministers, we thought we’d include them all in one place down here.
First, there’s the Simon Dolan case. You can see all the latest updates and contribute to that cause here.
Then there’s the Robin Tilbrook case. You can read about that and contribute here.
Then there’s John’s Campaign which is focused specifically on care homes. Find out more about that here.
There’s the GoodLawProject’s Judicial Review of the Government’s award of lucrative PPE contracts to various private companies. You can find out more about that here and contribute to the crowdfunder here.
The Night Time Industries Association has instructed lawyers to JR any further restrictions on restaurants, pubs and bars.
And last but not least there’s the Free Speech Union‘s challenge to Ofcom over its ‘coronavirus guidance’. You can read about that and make a donation here.

If you are struggling to cope, please call Samaritans for free on 116 123 (UK and ROI), email jo@samaritans.org or visit the Samaritans website to find details of your nearest branch. Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year, providing a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them.
Quotation Corner
We know they are lying. They know they are lying, They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Mark Twain
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.
Charles Mackay
They who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions…
Ideology – that is what gives the evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you never should trust experts. If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require to have their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense.
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
Nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get into the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man, who knows where it hurts, is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialist.
Sir Winston Churchill
If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.
Richard Feynman
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C.S. Lewis
The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.
Albert Camus
We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.
Carl Sagan
Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
George Orwell
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
Marcus Aurelius
Necessity is the plea for every restriction of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
William Pitt the Younger
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
Joseph Goebbels (attributed)
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken
Shameless Begging Bit
Thanks as always to those of you who made a donation in the past 24 hours to pay for the upkeep of this site. Doing these daily updates is hard work (although we have help from lots of people, mainly in the form of readers sending us stories and links). If you feel like donating, please click here. And if you want to flag up any stories or links we should include in future updates, email us here. (Don’t assume we’ll pick them up in the comments.)
And Finally…
The Ulster Fry has done a brilliant mock Christmas album ad. Not to be missed.
To join in with the discussion please make a donation to The Daily Sceptic.
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You certainly disappointed those of us who thought you had some brains and some common sense, Liddle.
Turned out, when the test came, you were just as much of a mug as any of those you’d been mocking for years.
“he now thinks”
Seriously, Liddle, you muppet, what have we learned about the costs versus the benefits of lockdowns since, that wasn’t perfectly foreseeable in March 2020?
Times muppets.
I’m a bit surprised he didn’t come round sooner (or that the Times have allowed him to write this). Still, better late than never.
Now we just need the Times muppets to let Oliver Wright write a piece about big pharma corruption in relation to the “vaccines”…
Blooming muppets!!!
Too little, too late.
Aren’t they all? Still, any port in a storm.
Not familiar with Rod Liddle’s background, I looked for him on Wikipedia. Not the most reliable source, I know, but if half the stuff there is real then Liddle is not someone I’d credit with brains.
He was always a very mixed bag, but he stood up to the pc consensus on a few key issues, which is unusual enough in a mainstream media figure to forgive quite a lot.
Supporting the lockdown was pretty much unforgivable, though.
Writes for the (UK) Spectator, takes the mick out of Labour for being totally out of touch with the working class (in Middlesbrough at least), winds up the woke mob something awful (hence perhaps his Wikipedia piece).
For me, his finest moment was when he went round Middlesbrough town centre with a loud speaker shouting “vote Labour for more immigration and to stay in the European Union” (something I suspect that party didn’t shout about in Middlesbrough).
He is now a member of the Social Democratic party.
You certainly disappointed those of us who thought you had some brains and some common sense, Liddle.
Doesn’t score very highly on the empathy stakes, either.
Did it ever occur to him that for many the lockdowns were immensely destructive? That they cost lives and businesses? That they caused great distress and misery?
If it didn’t, he is utterly self-obsessed and incurious. If it did, and he just didn’t care because he was having such a good time, well – there are words for such people.
I seem to remember he lived in a rural area where he could go for walks in the country every day. Now if he’d spent his lockdown among people from his working class roots in Middlesbrough…
To be fair, there must be many millions of people with their brains scrambled and suffering psychological damage because of this shambles, but for me, I tend to blame the elite in politics and big pharma responsible for this shambles more than the little man who reacted predictably to the unscrupulous fear propaganda.
There can be no benefits to locking down for something that does not even exist. I cant believe so many of the so called resistance are still swallowing whole the bullshit about a novel virus, en masse.
Yes we know all about the unvalidated PCR tests which cannot diagnose a disease and we know the tests can be positive for just about anything that is swabbed, the transparently fraudulent system to determine what counts as a convid death, the whistleblowers confirming that all manner of routine deaths are being recorded as covid deaths, the lies and terrorism about a virus with a mortality rate of 3.4percent which was confirmed as total nonsense at the start, the blatantly fraudulent propaganda showing people in China collapsing in the street from convid, the absolutely ridiculous impositions we have had to endure which ONLY cause harm – masks, tests, jabs and lockdowns are weapons of war – not solutions to any health issue (covid is war), the assassinations of African heads of state who did not comply, the fact that when challenged to produce evidence of a novel virus they produce nothing at all in courts of law, the relabelling of existing illness as convid, the disappearance of flu, the changes to death certificate registration to literally facilitate death certificate forgery, all the shenanigans in the recent revelations about adverse event victms in the trials suffering very serious injuries being written down as convid in their trial file, the fact that the government has been caught red handed murdering people in the nursing homes and ejecting sick hospitalised elderly people from the hospitals en masse (you didnt get to stay in hospital without actually being ill pre scamdemic) only to then label these deaths covid deaths…..the list of provably criminal behaviour and fraud and lies form these scumbags is off the charts – yet despite all this and more, a large majority of the so called resistance cant bring itself to the reality that there IS NO COVID – its literally a made-up, fictional illness. Its no wonder were so screwed. 911 was the same, just blank believer minds giving the criminals all the slack they need to be able to continue with these terrorist crisis agendas they keep hatching to keep everyone under control.
This is war. There are some brilliant insights into what I mean by that in this book which is worth reading. The concepts and mindset are the takeaway
report from iron mountain
As we watch the US Democrat regime (run by whoever handles the business while Biden has his nappies changed) push the Ukrainian state to sacrifice itself on the blood altar of Russian regime change, while simultaneously provoking China over Taiwan, and committing acts of piracy and oil theft against Iranian ships, seemingly in the hope of achieving the geostrategic triple of major wars in Europe, Asia and the ME at once, it’s a little strange to think that for many the Republicans are still what they think of as the war party.
Yet another case where the received opinion is the opposite of the truth, though the neocon dominance pre-Trump did mean that the Republicans under Bush II in particular came to resemble the warmongering Democrats from whence the neocons had slithered.
Hopefully, though, normal service is being resumed.
Republicans return to their roots as the antiwar party
“Conservatives instinctively oppose social programs aimed at reshaping America. If they are consistent — as lamentably few are — they should also oppose projects aimed at reshaping other countries. It is liberal utopianism that tells Americans we can and should transform the world, react forcefully whenever crimes against humanity are committed, and fight to resist the emergence of autocratic governments anywhere.”
(It should not need saying here that those noble-sounding goals of liberal utopianism are invariably mere pretexts and propaganda hooks for the liberal interventionist power elites, who actually decide where to wage their crusades based on their personal and factional goals. And, in fairness, many on the left oppose these wars in theory and when in out of office – but still end up coming back to vote the warmongers back into office, time after time, like the Labour voters who put Blair back into Downing St even after it was clear beyond question that he had lied us into a disastrous, illegal war that had caused, one way or the other, the deaths of literally millions)
That’s a good piece on the Republicans imo, but it leaves out (Wilson aside) the warmongering nature of Democrat regimes through US history. This piece from 2014 fills in some of the gaps:
Democrats Are the Real Party of War
“Indeed, all of the major U.S. wars in the 20th century—World War I, II, Korea and Vietnam—were entered by Democratic administrations. Harry Truman, a Democrat, is still the only world leader to use a nuclear bomb on a population. And with the exception of World War II, where almost all anti-war sentiment collapsed after Pearl Harbor, these wars were entered over the objections of the left wing of the Democratic Party. But while the presence of that left wing has guaranteed that anti-war liberals rally to the Democratic side, it not yet stopped a Democratic administration from going to war.”
As for Britain, bear in mind that we are politically closest to a NE US democrat fiefdom state, where power is contested between Democrats of various shades. There is no genuine political representation of conservatives here, and hasn’t been for decades. Our “Conservatives” are basically US Democrats, but with the war-loving neocons never having left. So it’s small wonder that, in recent years at least, there’s been little to choose on the warmongering front between the Labour and “Conservative” Parties here.
Beijing Bidden a bedwetter then?
Can there ever be an end to the military industrial complex war mongering (or at least its influence on practical politics)?
That’s on a good night….
And how bad is “American” interference in the social policies of African countries?
I seem to remember a story about Frank Baum (who wrote the Wizard of Oz stories) who was said to be a textbook liberal apart from his policy of genocide against the native Americans. Scratch a liberal, find a fascist…
I find it astonishing that anyone who has studied the history of the United States could possibly believe that the Democrats support anything approaching crusades for the betterment of humanity.
Their interventionism is entirely in the interests of US power elites, dressed in fine words about democracy and freedom.
There are regional variations. In Australia, the Labor Party was opposed to Australian involvement in Iraq (and in Vietnam) in a real practical sense, as well as theoretically; but I have no confidence that that is any sort of predictor of their likely future behaviour.
I seem to remember a fellow dubbed “Howard”…
Howard led the Liberal Party – the equivalent of the Conservative Party (though by no means an exact one).
The Republican Party of the “USA” were supposed to be an equivalent of the Conservative Party (or the “Not The Conservative Party” as some of us have called them), despite the Conservative party being staunch monarchists. I wonder if there are any monarchists left in the “USA”…
Well, the woke ones seem to like Ginge and Whinge…
Maybe I’m misremembering, Alt, but I seem to recall that when Bush I started talking about Operation Desert Storm our Labor PM Bob Hawke rang to offer our troops. Caught Bush off guard with his enthusiasm.
I should have been more precise, G6! Hawke was certainly supportive of the Gulf War. I was thinking of the Iraq War which began in 2003.
Of course, Labor was out of power then. I wonder what would have happened if they had not been? I suspect that their attitude might have been quite different.
When I pointed out that Trump was much less dangerous and less likely to start wars than Clinton and Biden, my metropolitan liberal friends, acquaintances and colleagues spluttered and laughed nervously, as if brusqueness of manner was a better indicator of being a warmonger than actually having supported lots of wars.
If you made that observation a while back, it’s looking better and better as time goes on.
“as if brusqueness of manner was a better indicator of being a warmonger than actually having supported lots of wars.”
I get the impression our society is more and more made up of infantile chronological adults, who think that you can judge people by.how well they seem to conform to our own standards of political correctness
Laughing nervously is what they do while looking around to see how their ‘friends’ are likely to react, so they can fit in and be non-micro-aggressive.
I encountered precisely the same response. Trump was too vulgar for them. He didn’t look and act fashionably.
Style is everything; substance is irrelevant or can be assumed entirely from those elements of style one bothers to notice.
We are being trained to judge everything by appearances in a world where appearance is stage-managed by teams of stylists.
My understanding of the 2014 regime change in Ukraine is that it was the USA and the EU that engineered and funded the over-throw of a legally-elected mildly pro-Russia government.
I agree. pretty much, though as always the world is more complicated than such brief summaries can entirely accurately convey, which leaves room for the apologists for US interference to argue the point.
As is usually the case, imo, the US and its satellites did not manufacture a situation out of thin air, rather they exploited and inflamed an already existent dispute, turning it into an uncontrollable conflict and crisis, which they turned to their own purposes.
Alan Jones gives our new Labor government a serve:
No party since Federation has gone into government with less support.
And – a new face to me – Joel Jammal outlines the positive aspects of the result. There are a few, after all.
All to play for perhaps in Aus at the next election, if the Liberals can change position to reclaim the freedom vote, and Labour end up lame duck because of the troubles to come?
(Granted, I have no idea if that sounds as ridiculous in Australia as the idea of our “Conservative” Party changing enough to actually represent conservatives would here.)
Even with Peter Dutton as leader, and with the usual coalition with the National Party, I don’t foresee the Liberals taking the next election. They need to do some serious rebuilding, both of their platform and winning back the trust of the voters.
Robert Menzies, the party’s founder, talked about a ‘broad church’ but even he drew the line at commies. Today’s commies, ie the greenies, need to go. There are already political parties espousing their ideas. The Liberals should be an alternative, not a limp imitation.
Are they classical liberals or the more dubious modern sort?
When Menzies founded the party in 1945 it had a strong conservative leaning. The more dubious modern sort have been running the show for about ten years, but the party was drifting leftward before that.
Hmm. I suppose there are still some parties that haven’t drifted leftwards? In the UK, UKIP were able to influence things (despite the best efforts of the usual suspects to stop them). Is it possible for outsiders like that to influence things in Australia?
The freedom friendly minor parties, collectively, are our best chance right now. They are not identical beneath the marketing, and egos are a problem there as they are in the major parties. But as the videos I linked above point out, they took a huge piece of the electorate away from Labor and Liberal. Both parties, at state and federal level, have been engaged in the covid restrictions. A lot of people – not quite enough – have had their fill of the traditional politics.
Oh, they have some complicated voting system in Australia don’t they (and in the ROI). We like it simple here in the UK I’m afraid, hence the Lib-Dem idea of “alternative voting” getting trounced in a referendum.
We use the preferential voting system – explained here with marbles.
The quicker way of describing it is that you number the boxes for each candidate from 1 to whatever, according to the degree of hatred you feel for them (with 1 going to the least despicable).
Perfect summary.
So much of the focus is on who gets your first preference. For me, the real competition is at the other end of the ladder. So many more worthy contenders for last place.
Yes. Sounds a bit like AV. Except we don’t have votes for the upper house (where we actually have bishops sitting, believe it or not).
32% for Labor in the primary vote though? We thought we had it bad with Labour getting a comfortable majority on 35% of the vote (and less votes than the Conservative Party in England)! Still, I suppose the Australian system at least means that people can vote for what they believe in rather than just voting tactically. Have the “FLMPs” had any say in this election then?
The figures at the moment are (in terms of first preferences): 32.78% to Labor (a fall of 0.56% from the 2019 election); 24.13% to the Liberals (a fall of 4.04%); 11.74% to the Greens (an increase of 1.34%).
The Liberal National Party of Queensland got 8.01% (a fall of 0.66%), entirely in one state; the Nationals dropped 0.5% to 3.82% (but of course, that’s hugely concentrated in rural electorates).
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, which opposed the “vaccine” mandates, got 4.85% (an increase of 1.77%, largely due to standing in more electorates); the United Australia Party (also opposed) got 4.07% (an increase of 0.64%).
The Liberal Democrats came out of almost nowhere to get 1.68% (an increase of 1.44%), and was handicapped by having no national figure as well known as Pauline Hanson or the UAP’s Clive Palmer. All other parties received less than 1% of the national vote.
Independents (heavily focussed in cleverly chosen electorates) got 5.41% of the vote.
handicapped by having no national figure as well known as Pauline Hanson or the UAP’s Clive Palmer
Well known certainly, but both are a liability at times. One of the attractions of the LDs for me was that they’re not Insert Name Here‘s party. Pauline, in the past, generated drama just to remind folks that it was her party. Clive wants to be the biggest and the best at everything. He’s certainly the biggest…
They certainly are liabilities for sections of the electorate, but name recognition has an effect.
I thought the LD position was more reasonable and reliable, but I could see that only the politically interested knew about them.
Then there are those who think that the Libs are just drifting!
I don’t think that’s a permanent state, but Morrison didn’t help matters.
What happened to the Australia party that an ex-soldier was running, and appeared in a few YouTube slots?
You’d be referring to Riccardo Bosi and AustraliaOne. He ran as an independent, collected a few thousand votes.
The Liberals under Menzies and even much later, contained both conservatives and classical liberals – on all sorts of issues.
Alan Jones might like to have considered that the Liberal Party, at the Federal level, cannot govern without the support of the National Party – which cannot always be relied upon on every issue (at least behind closed doors!).
It is true, nevertheless, that the ALP’s primary vote is very low by historical standards; and that if they don’t do something to address that, they might not last very long in government.
“Today’s commies, ie the greenies, need to go. There are already political parties espousing their ideas. The Liberals should be an alternative, not a limp imitation.”
Sound familiar. We have the same problem with our “Conservatives” here.
Seems to be a mix of true believers – ie dupes who have fallen for the climate alarmist panic, and opportunists who see climate alarmism either as the current fashionable cause to rope in voters, or as a hugely useful lever for exploiting “emergency” power.
There’s another category you might call the ego feeders. They push their leftist ideas in rightist parties because there, they are the squeaky wheel. The square peg in the round hole. They get attention because they stand out.
If they followed their beliefs to the Greens or Labor party nobody would give a flying one about them. They’d be just another voice in the choir.
The crimes against humanity just keep on coming…
Law-Abiding West Virginian Woman With Concealed Firearm Stops A Mass Shooting
“The incident occurred Wednesday when Dennis Butler,37, was angered by a group of people hosting a graduation party who told him to slow down through an apartment complex in Charleston. He returned 30 minutes later, parked his vehicle, jumped in the backseat, and discharged his weapon toward the group of 30-40 people.
Unbeknownst to the shooter, a law-abiding citizen with a CCW was within the group and quickly drew her weapon and engaged Bulter with direct fire, fatally wounding him.
There were no injuries reported besides the gunman. Police have yet to release the woman’s name, though they said she’s not part of law enforcement and is just an average law-abiding citizen. “
The man who faced instant karma was Dennis Butler, described as having an “extensive criminal history”.
All round, hard to see any downsides here. It’s even got a woman shooting a man, for the feminists who usually knee jerk for the gun-grabbers (in this country, maybe not so much in the US).
Maybe a silly question, but would the Uvalde shooting have happened if there had been a security guard and a few teachers armed with guns?
I think I’ve mentioned before the case of an “American” city where, instead of a bloodbath after gun restrictions were relaxed, there was a reduction in some crimes, including rape. Now I wonder which UK newspaper will carry such a story…
Incidentally, did the new restrictions on gun ownership after Dunblane actually achieve anything (going on hard facts)?
“would the Uvalde shooting have happened if there had been a security guard and a few teachers armed with guns?“
Correct of course, but that is only half of the equation. The culture that produces people who would want to shoot children (and I think of the spate of shootings that happened at Chinese nurseries some time back) needs to be addressed too.
I said shootings but it was probably knifings as of course it is quite hard to get hold of guns in freedom loving China.
In this case it seems to be the culture of Satanism – a religion recognised in the armed forces now, I believe.
Gordon Brown rendered the police report on the Dunblane Massacre secret for one hundred years. The gunman, named Hamilton, was a known paedophile, whose multiple firearm licence applications had been signed and recommended by a Labour peer, Lord Robertson. The police were due to interview some of the murdered children as part of an enquiry into sexual child abuse. It all suggests that politicians were involved. Brown, unmarried up to then, hurriedly married one of the women usually found hanging around the Palace of Westminster.
Mark Steyn has been covering this on GB News recently. Apparently, none of the “vaccine” victims have received compensation yet, which for me is a disgrace. When people took these gene therapy drugs, were they told that it would take them years to get compensation (if indeed they do at all) or that they would have to suffer “60%” injuries to be eligible for compensation? How many in fact were even told that there was a significant risk of serious injury or death (instead of the Devi “100% safe” Sridhar lies)? I wonder…
Sadly many people think these ‘side-effects’ including death only happens to other people
They weren’t. Most were told they’d only suffer slight pain at the site of injection, or a headache, for a day or two after “and the the nurse was so lovely and encouraging ” is also all I keep hearing!
I’ve asked a lot of people if they received Yellow Card Reporting Scheme instructions to report severe reactions, as many are suffering with “unexplained” new problems now. They didn’t. Did they recieve a PIL before their injection so they could give their “INFORMED consent” ? They didnt. Most went in blindly without a second thought, fully trusting the government and the media and even their own GPs, who pushed them to get vaxxed WITHOUT any consultation about their current health condition and consideration to any other drugs they might be taking, as in the case with me! Barely any of them gave it a second thought and many are now suffering the consequences.
US Seizes Tanker Full of Iranian Oil Near Greece
Iran Seizes Two Greek Tankers in Retaliatory Move
Who could have predicted that, eh?
So we have three options:
The US Biden regime are stupid (they didn’t foresee the obvious response).
The US Biden regime are evil (they are intentionally pushing towards confrontation and war in yet another area)
The US Biden regime are stupid and evil, and are just flailing around destructively.
War with Iran is the one which was going to be far worse than war with Iran (and something that was supposed to be the preserve of neo-cons) wasn’t it? As if there weren’t enough problems. Controlled demolition of the economy?
Theyre all in bed together. Iran is not the enemy of the west, its a tool of the west.
From Glasgow student to president of Iran
Hassan Rouhani In Glasgow
I liked Alex Christoforou’s take on this: that Iran was emboldened by observing a successful example of resistance to economic bullying.
He might not be correct – but I liked the viewpoint, just the same!
“The Greek-flagged Delta Poseidon”.
Ah, a Poseidon adventure!
You know, I sometimes wonder if the rest of the world will tire of the “USA” sponging off them eventually.
I know this is a radical concept, but I would like to see national governments operating in the interests of their nations.
That’s actually quite a difficult thing to do – and it should absorb their full attention.
When they decide that the national interest consists solely of deciding to suck up to the biggest bully (sorry, ally) they can find, they lose me.
Hear, hear!
But presumably not reported by the Times muppets as they are supporters of the “vaccine” conspiracy theory that these gene therapy drugs are safe and effective.
Sounds like Australia’s chief medical officer is some sort of Tsar (of the sort that provoked the 1917 Russian revolution).
Seriously, I’ve been wondering if what we have been seeing is some sort of resurgence of the screwing over of the working classes, which temporarily abated after the world wars, in which they were seen as heroes.
I feel so angry sometimes about this modern day imposition of totalitarianism on Western democracies.
Such a lovely woman, and these villains are seriously talking about sending her to prison? Absolutely nuts. Words fail me. Pray for her, and all those campaigning against these human rights abuses!
She was treated different to BLM protesters. Some protesters are more equal than others…
Actually, it’s not “Australia’s Chief Medical Officer”; it’s Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.
Health (and therefore the lockdowns) are a state responsibility, not the responsibility of the Australian government. Monica Smit came up against the most savage health policies in the nation: in the state of Victoria under Premier Dan Andrews.
Ah yes, Kim Jong Dan, poster boy for totalitarianism in democratic countries. I hope things are improving by now? (They could hardly be worse than the violent assaults by police on peaceful protesters – that was Victoria wasn’t it?).
Indeed it was.
Hard to find those scenes (except in Battleground Melbourne), because the msm effectively scrubbed most of the images of police attacking protestors; and show only those who finally, and in desperation, fought back.
There is some interesting news about Dictator Dan. It’s been reported that he has been questioned in secret by Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.
Apparently he’s facing reports of a “rotten culture” and “a serious problem with the misuse of public resources”.
Perhaps there’s hope yet.
Rebel Vic Labor MP Adem Somyurek posted a series of tweets that indicated a very strong swing against Labor within Dan’s state seat.
At some point, the tide will change no doubt but for now people like the incredibly brave Monica Smit will have to suffer the extreme abuses of a state that has seemingly gone out of control. It beggars belief that so many Aussies, from the ‘lucky country’, were duped into giving away their freedoms, just like every so called ‘liberal democracy’ in the so called ‘West’. I think we all have to step up our game in this, get organised and resist. They can’t lock us all up!
Careful, Alter Ego will need to clip your wings there. You cannot blame “Aussies”. That’s sancrosanct. Breaks the golden rule, you must never criticise Australian people as a whole, because of the wattle. or Midnight Oil. Or the Dog on the Tuckerbox. Or something. You can slam subdivisions of the population, like anyone who votes different to you, but don’t go dissing Aussies as a whole, mate. Or we’ll have to send the Crocodile Hunter onto you. And crikey, you wouldn’t want that.
I posted my response to AethlredTheReadier’s entirely reasonable comment before reading yours.
Personally, I don’t slam anyone who votes differently, however they vote. One can disagree without “slamming”.
I do not agree with applying a blanket criticism to people of any nation, as a whole: as if they were all the same, because of their nationality. It is simply absurd.
The horrible thing is that, in all sorts of countries with different political histories, governments just took those freedoms – without even a show of force.
And the overwhelming majority either did nothing by way of protest, or expressed their agreement and support.
However we emerge from this, we are going to have to reconstitute what is meant by the freedom of the individual and the whole conception of citizenship.
Those of us who tried to behave as responsible citizens in a democracy found ourselves marginalised, insulted and silenced. Some were deprived of their livelihoods; others arrested.
So Von Der Lyin’ wants to usher in a new European tyranny, and reward the “vaccinated” and discriminate against the “unvaccinated”. Apparently they wants people to take this stuff every three months too. Looks like this shambles won’t be over in some countries any time soon.
As someone who lives in the EU my heart sinks at reading this article – not that it surprises me. I immediately think of all the reasons for which this makes no sense – I’ve just had ‘covid’ so natural immunity so why on earth would I take a ‘vaccine’ now after all this time; why sign-up for endless boosters which wane after a matter of weeks and don’t even protect against infection (I caught ‘covid’ from a vaccinated person); the fact that infection rates are rising in the most vaccinated and booster countries; the thought that repeated doses will probably ruin my immune system; the thought that should they make a small/monkey pox vaccine mandatory (easier than the covid ones because the pox vaccines are authorised) that it will probably kill anyone whose had several covid ‘vaccines’. The list against taking any of these, still experimental, shots goes on and on. I think to myself, ‘surely they know that this makes no sense’? But then I realise that of course this isn’t supposed to make sense and it isn’t to protect us – it’s to reduce our numbers are quickly as possible.
Well, that – and the brown envelopes courtesy of Big Pharma!
Though those countries will probably be over and finished with soon.
Who will bury all the stiffs if WHO gets its way?
Think I heard that she has massive shares in these vaccines??
An image of Daleks come to mind and is not so very far from what those oddly triangular bobbled metal psychopaths actually intended…”vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate”…”exterminate, exterminate, exterminate”…
That’s where neo-malthusianism and Darwinist elitism gets you. So call me a nutter…
I agree with Tiny Tim!
I tell you, we’re seeing a new screwing over of the working class.
Plus ca change…
Manchester politicians who were pushing a congestion charge a few years back all drove to an event to discuss it that was held a few hundred yards from a tram stop. One of the major supporters of this nonsense (representing Irlam) was unceremoniously voted out. No doubt they’ll still have another go though.
Indeed many of these treasures would no longer be with us if they had not been rescued by British explorers and the like. Can’t Greece just commission a replica for their museum?
Is there no end to the madness? What next? Will lecturers in music be banned from teaching Beethoven? (Actually I understand they are already supposed to teach Mozart’s sister alongside him…).
Ah, the fantasy continues. The truth being that since the Renaissance, the overwhelming majority of positive developments in art, literature, philosophy, music, innovation, transport, engineering, medicine, the sciences, manufacturing, even fashion, and pretty much anything else you can name, have come and continue to come from white European men (WEM, and the decedent’s of…). To deny it is to deny the modern world.
Now, that doesn’t mean that innovation and development has to be a white male preserve. The opportunity is there today for any more diverse people to join that and to make their own contributions to the development of humankind. However, that it is even possible, is a gift given by those WEM and the immense sacrifice from our societies to provide the affluence in which innovation could flourish.
For every wigged gentleman discovering a new element, were thousands of people living short and miserable lives, and I’m not talking about slaves, but our own populations. Worth mentioning that the Slavery Act was passed in 1833, but it wasn’t until 1933 that we had legislation to stop children under 14 in mines and mills. Slavery is a part of our history, not our history. White supremacy is evident only in so much as WEM is the group that has advanced the world and the human race furthest. Perhaps we should be helping our brothers of other nations and races to attain the same, the classic ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, rather than trying to reduce us to the lowest common denominator.
There was nothing to stop the Bantu inventing the wheel, steam engine, telephone, electric guitar, etc, while they were being developed by white European men, but it is much easier to blame white superiority than explain why they didn’t.
So no smiles. No wolf whistles. And what was that film where someone got sacked for giving his colleague some flowers to cheer her up? Sad times. Sad, intolerant times…
Rather like Don Hertzfeldt’s classic cartoon Ah, L’Amour!
I reckon these nuts have always wanted to ban the likes of the late, great Christopher Booker. If people don’t stand up to them, they might just get their way.
To “curry” favour? Isn’t that a hate crime (or at least a non-crime hate incident)?
Not a single down-tick yet this morning, despite my best efforts. What is the world coming to? Are they having a Sunday lie in…
Perhaps if I say good morning one and all, and your very good health this fine morning, especially our antipodean friends who have suffered so much from the horrors of Kim Jong Dan (among others)?
Well, it’s good night from me, and good night from him!
Good night, Hugh!
Haha you tempted fate there! Everybody knows that on this site merely bidding a “Good morning” is considered hate speech. Maybe your first post of the day should be expletive-laden, just as an experiment to see if you can get more ‘dislikes’? May as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
Don’t you have any more newspaper articles you can link to before you go to bed?
I’ll put you down as an ‘attention seeking nutter’ if that will cheer you up?
“Not a single down-tick yet this morning, despite my best efforts. “
That seemed to do the job, Hugh…
Cambridge don claims woke critics have labelled him a ‘white supremacist’ for teaching classics – as he warns of ‘threats’ to his academic discipline
Silly chap needs to focus on teaching about some black philosophers like Snoop Dog, Diane Abbot and Chris Eubank.
Rod Liddle…. Another one of those scumbag journalist who was paid to stay at home and paid well, now backtracking. Well Rod, the shit we are experiencing now is all down to people like you!
The World Health Organisation has lost all credibility
Whenever I read the above title I can’t help thinking the exact opposite, much like I do when I hear the words, democratic, free national health service, conservative party, opposition party, green energy, greater good, vaccine, covid back log, staying safe, saving lives etc, etc
“After Summer, Europe to Target the Unvaccinated” – Robert Kogon at Brownstone writes that the European Commission’s April 27th documents invoke a new rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the autumn, specifically targeting the hitherto unvaccinated and also children, accompanied by the extension of the EU Digital Covid Certificate.[/quote]
despite the evidence and science, the tyrants will persist in their death grip jab project.
That can’t be true because Reiner Fuellmich and his merry band of lawyers are taking all of the baddies to the Nuremberg 2 trials….
Anyway, ‘Robert Kogon’ is a made-up name by the author. How much more has he made up?
Seems to me journalists such as Liddle are sensing a change in the air and so changing their stances accordingly. Trouble is people such as Liddle have a duty to report/comment honesty on all matters and when it matters, defend us from tyranny. When the time came they all failed dismally. That is why I do not buy newspapers anymore. What is the point when for the last few years they have just copied and pasted whatever the government has told them.
Good News on the WHO treaty.
In a rare show of African power and solidarity, several African member states objected to proposed International Health Regulations amendments, discussed at the World Health Assembly 75 this week – a move many believe might shake up the World Health Organization’s dominance.
According to Reuters, “if Africa continues to withhold support, it could block one of the only concrete reforms expected from the meeting, fraying hopes that members will unite on reforms to strengthen the U.N. health agency’s rules as it seeks a central role for itself in global health policy.”
The IHR seeks to define and detail WHO members’ obligations around public health emergencies and other health matters.
The United States government proposed 13 controversial IHR amendments, which give the WHO DG Tedros unilateral power to declare actual or potential health emergencies and expect a response in 48 hours.
The draft proposal yet to be formally decided also aims to change article 59 of the IHR, and would accelerate the implementation of future amendments.
Monkeypox either due to reduced immunity from the vax, or a deliberate release.
(We know from the monkeypox simulation that the outbreak of monkeypox was simulated to have been genetically modified and released by a terrorist.)
Dr Christian Peronne – the monkeypox outbreak is not natural – no outbreaks in the african countries where monkeypox normally occurs, outbreaks isolated to rich western countries.
“It’s impossible that there’s an occurrence of such isolated (Monkeypox) cases in 10 different countries on different continents. It’s impossible naturally.”
Monkeypox was first identified in 1958, but there’s never been a global Monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa until now—in the exact week of the exact month predicted by the biosecurity folks in their pandemic simulation.
Josef Thoma MD/PhD, general practitioner from Berlin, lucidly explains the findings of vaccine-induced vasculitis and thrombosis made by pathologists Burkhardt and Lange. He discusses the clinical consequences and does not shy away from addressing the political context and historical parallels.
This up-to-date document provides a comprehensive risk-benefit analysis of the use of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines in children and adolescents. It argues that the vaccines
– are not necessary, because the risk of severe disease or death due to COVID in children and adolescents is very low;
– have not been proven efficacious in clinical trials, and neither in recently published studies on the now predominant Omicron variant;
– have not been proven safe; to the contrary, there is ample evidence of grave harm due to vaccination.
The document also addresses the risk of genotoxicity of the mRNA vaccines, which according to recent experimental evidence of their integration into host cell genomes must be considered urgent.
Recent interview with Bhakdi.
Pfizer and Moderna know that the damage to the small vessels can’t easily be detected and think that they can get away with it. However, pathologists can detect the damage post mortem. German pathologists have found the spike protein in all organs, heart, brain, spleen, liver, lungs, and reproductive organs. Their pathological work has shown that 90% of people who died after vaccination had signs of autoimmune attack, with the heart as the major target.
At WEF, Pfizer CEO admits to PLAN / INTENT to reduce world pop. by 2023 by 15 or 50%
Hard to hear. Really sounds like 50% which is a little ambitious, surely?
“Today the dream is becoming a reality.”(run time: 4 min. approx.)
Ignore this video – it has been falsely edited. It is a spoof.
More on the nanotechnology in the vaxxes
This time from Daniel Nagase, who worked with the Canadian doctor who exposed the high death rates in newborns in a maternity hospital. This doctor was interneded in a mental health facility. Nagase is his friend.
Rumble interview here.
Transcript here.