In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, almost every country in the world had a major recession. As this map from the IMF shows, most countries in Europe saw GDP decline by more than 3%, the only exception being Ireland (which in any case has an unusual way of counting GDP).

Despite this, unemployment in the EU only increased by a modest 1.2 percentage points, rising from 6.6% to 7.8% by the third quarter of 2020. One reason why unemployment didn’t rise more during months of lockdown is that governments spent unprecedented sums of money on furlough and other wage-support schemes.
In other words, they paid people to sit at home all day. For example, The U.K.’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme paid furloughed workers 80% of their previous salary, up to a cap of £2,500 a week.
While such wage-support schemes had the benefit of preventing large rises in unemployment, they had the cost of being extremely expensive. Data published by the ONS in January of this year show just how expensive.
The chart below shows change in general government gross debt (as a percentage of GDP) in percentage points from the fourth quarter of 2019 to the third quarter of 2021:

Many countries saw absolutely huge increases in debt. Over just seven quarters, Spain’s debt grew by 26 percentage points, Italy’s by 21 percentage points, and Greece’s by 20 percentage points. The UK wasn’t far behind, logging an increase of 18.7 percentage points.
At the other end of the spectrum, Ireland’s debt grew by less than one percentage point, while Sweden’s grew by only 1.2 percentage points. Of course, Sweden’s strong performance comes as no surprise, given it was the only major European country that didn’t lock down in the spring.
As I noted previously, The Economist ranked Sweden third in a league table of 23 rich countries for overall economic performance during the pandemic. And we know this didn’t come at the cost of Swedish lives – the country actually saw negative excess mortality between January of 2020 and June of 2021.
To compare European countries in a comprehensive way, I plotted change in general government gross debt against age-adjusted excess mortality. (Data were not available for Germany, Ireland, Norway and Switzerland.)

Taking into account both metrics, Sweden was one of the best overall performers in Europe, along with Luxembourg, Denmark and Finland. And it was by far the best performer among countries with a population over 10 million.
By contrast, Eastern European countries and large Western European countries – almost all of which had strict lockdowns – did poorly on both metrics. So lockdown was harmful to the public finances, with little corresponding benefit in terms of reduced mortality.
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One of the few emails that hasn’t been redacted
The majority of emails are redacted for one reason and one reason only and that is to cover up what they did
Long prison terms if the truth gets out
No judge would convict.
Reads out:”Nothing to see here, case dismissed!”
I’m all for it, but what would the charge be?
The problem that I’m seeing is that it isn’t a crime for someone to advise something publicly and believe something different privately.
It’s not a crime for the government to follow the advice of “health experts”
It’s not a crime for parliament to legislate draconian measures.
Nothing is a crime.
If Blair making up evidence to start a war in Iraq and kill thousands of innocent Iraqis is not a crime, this certainly won’t be.
Make no mistake, Jeremy Farrar is in this up to his neck.
There is a trail of e-mails during the critical period – autumn 2019 to spring 2020 – that unequivocally implicates him, placing him most definitely inside the Fauci and Daszack loop.
Why was that he bailed out of the game so suddenly – and then brought out a self-serving book?
The Wellcome Foundation is at the heart of Big Pharma fraud – including that which killed so many AIDS sufferers with poison-AZT.
Journalists worthy of the name should be all over this entire period and issue. But that would take courage and intelligence. And look what happens to journalists like that!
There are no longer any “journalists worthy of the name” ( except perhaps Mark Steyn).
Would that make ‘this’ a Farrar-go?
Lab leak or mythical virus created by opportunists utilizing only a PCR test developed years earlier?
Is there room for both to be true?
With patience and good timing both could be true.
A ‘fake’ misused PCR test based on a Computer model and data provided by the Chinese Communist Party, which cannot detect any live Covid infection .
Where is Drosten hiding?
It’s not inconsistent for a scientist to believe that the virus could have leaked from a lab, but not be lab engineered. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s an accident theory.
The Wuhan lab was researching into coronaviruses. Questions have been raised about its safety protocol.
What official narrative? There is no agreed explanation. The Chinese have spread all kinds of stories to deflect attention away from Wuhan, and many of those have had great traction.
these turn coat scientists initially speculated that it leaked from a lab then said it didn’t. The man made argument is separate to the leak argument. Given they all know stuff like this is made by the so called “west” they where not overwhelmingly concerned about how it existed, the real concern is that it got out and biocontrol protocols need enhancing by everyone, including those on the other side, difficult to do when there is a full on media spat about it.
I agree there’s been massive political pressure, but it comes from all sides. The Chinese have successfully deflected at least some attention away towards the US.
Nobody should be saying a lab leak is impossible. But they could, on scientific grounds, argue that the virus is unlikely have been engineered.
You could also argue it was engineered, but as research into a possible coronavirus mutation rather than as a bio weapon.
I’m not qualified to comment myself although I have read various theories.
Please let’s not give credence to their definitional distractions, their sneering of “You don’t understand the meaning[*] of ‘gain of function’, Senator”.
The Wuhan lab was (and likely still is) weaponising viruses. You may call that a subset of “researching” them, but that’s like Baldwinning someone in the face while describing yourself merely as a gun collector.
I’m minded to believe that it was an accidental – leak because you get what you pay for – but let’s at least be honest about what they were doing in there.
[*] Because I changed it in my head while you were asking the question.
I don’t disagree, they might have been researching gain of function. I’m just saying that it’s possible for a scientist to believe in just the lab leak, without necessarily including the ‘weaponised’ theory as implied by Noah.
I don’t think any explanation has established itself as an ‘official’ narrative. Personally, a Wuhan lab leak seems the least unlikely to me.
Why do you think there are American Bio labs in Ukraine?
Because the activities going on in those labs, like gain of function research, are illegal on American soil.
Why would America be colluding with the Chinese in a Bio Lab in Wuhan? Because the activities going on in that lab, like gain of function research, are illegal on American soil.
Even when they are slapping you in the face with the evidence you utterly refuse to accept it.
Why? To prepare the Neo-Con biowarfare against the Russians of course!
I don’t know, it’s a stupid theory.
Buggery is illegal in some US states, so if there is buggery going on elsewhere in the world, it must be Americans doing it?
“they might have been researching gain of function. “
They were paid to do that by the front group called the “eco-health alliance” which Fauci (and I think Vallance) directed taxpayer funds to.
The notion that the US would help fund China to develop bio weapons is fundamentally flawed.
But it happened.
Maybe you need to update your notions?
In the unlikely event I receive suitable proof, I certainly will.
It is a logical step to ‘weaponise’ viruses while researching how to defend against them.
It is also a dangerous thing to do. Research computer viruses have been created and then got free in exactly the same way – and those in the industry shut up about it….
It’s also against almost any international agreement one can think of. Yet governments are treating American Bio Labs in Ukraine as though it’s a reasonable proposition – to operate these places in one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
More corrupt that ever before after the Nuland “Maiden Coup” and 8 years of CIA, US Deep State occupation and asset stripping.
US funding for the Ukrainian labs and its purpose has always been publicly declared.
Obviously, during the pre Maidan period, this included a time when Russian proxy governments controlled Ukraine.
The notion that the US helped to fund labs under the effective control of Russia to develop bio weapons against – um – Russia, is inherently unsound. To say the least.
Yada, Yada, Yada. Fingal dribbling again.
The Chinese told everyone initial infections were from bats, caught by a human in a wet market, remember Fingal?
That was the ‘official narrative’ and anyone suggesting otherwise was branded a conspiracy theorist, remember Fingal?
Bwahahahahahahahahah……Now there’s an “accident theory”. Is that going to be used by clowns like you when all the “conspiracy theories” prove to be true?
Epstein – “Accident theory”.
Pee – Pee Tapes – “Accident theory”.
Russiagate – “Accident theory”.
Prince Andrew – “Accident theory”.
50 years of climate hoax – “Accident theory”.
BLM is Racist – “Accident theory”.
Antifa are “Fascists” – Accident theory.
Partygate – “Accident theory”.
Where did they say this?
So much inconsistency fuels conspiracy, that the inconsistency stems from those who sought to extinguish the conspiracies fuels the flames further.
No, finding out the long list of conspiracy theories weren’t, actually, conspiracy theories at all, fuels the flames further.
Yes, the Global Cabal told us that the revelation of all the evils they have planned so carefully for us can be dismissed as “Conspiracy Theories” so as to head-off any criticism and reassure the sheep.
As with everything now in Western politics and media, the ‘truth’ is always the diametric opposite of what we are told and all Conspiracy ‘Theories’ are facts.
It is uncanny how easy it is to tell what the ‘truth’ really is by assuming the opposite of everything Johnson his Cabinet and the MS Media say.
So the truth is revealed by simply reversing the ‘Universal Lie’ now in operation across “the West” – works every time.
I have been espousing this line of reasoning for over 12 months.
Reverse any statement from an official figure and you have the truth.
Every time.
What about Moderna patenting the dam thing (forgive the technicalities – I mean patenting parts of its genetic sequence three years before the “pandemic” started, Ralph Baric anyone).
The real question is can they sue the Wuhan bat cave bats for breach of patent rights?
The “climategate” emails never cut through. They were demonstrably fiddling figures and covering up but the great scaremongering narrative continues unabated.
Same here: covid zealots won’t allow this to affect their narrative.
It is not just a ‘narrative’ now – the psychotic crazies are set on destroying our lives!
We need a collective noun for those who conspired together to accuse other people of being conspiracy theorists. How about “Ironists”?
Why not just ‘Evil hypocrites trying to divert attention from their own mistakes’?
They are just doing what they are paid for or covering their own backs for their willing involvement in this darkest of all conspiracies.
A Pride of Gays.
Come off it!
Who is going to tell you the truth, which is that:
1 – No one is ever going to know the origin for sure since the Chinese won’t reveal any data.
2 – All the uncovered evidence so far points to a lab leak.
3 – No medical professional is going to throw his career away by stating the above.
3 – Some have.
How can you have a lab leak of a virus that doesn’t exist?
I suppose if you can get a Mango to test positive, you can start a pandemic.
This is modus operandi for Fauci.
The official narrative is decided by him and everyone knows that NIH funding will simply evaporate if you step out of line. So, the Lancet letter is signed by those who know which way their toast is buttered.
However, privately and shamefully, they see things completely differently.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the heroes of the Western world.
Many of us suspect we might know the one-word answer to that conundrum. And it rhymes with ‘snooker’.
Why are the Chinese so paranoid about Covid-19? They invented it and know what it is. The paperwork and data overwhelmingly shows that Fauci, Danscak and the Wuhan Institute were performing Gain of Function experiments on Coronaviruses. It is all out there for everyone to read.
It is completely and utterly nonsensical to try and claim it evolved naturally and not least because in over 2 years of searching not one team has found anything to even begin to suggest it is natural.
Why is the DT not all over this and making headlines across the world by showing exactly what happened? Anyone who has done the research, such as Robert F Kennedy and even myself, knows exactly what happened.
They should be going to jail for fraud. It’s the same as we see all the time on Climate … and they just keep getting away with their lies.
The inconsistency between what they say in front of the children and what they say in private shows what a bunch of c***s most “scientists” are. Exactly the same can be said about medics. The standard view among medics of all types in Britain is that no general lockdown was necessary and that protective measures should have been focused on the small proportion of the population who were “most at risk”. That’s what practically every single GP, hospital medic, and other specialist medic “thinks”. Of course that involves turning a blind eye to the slaughter of the isolated elderly, but even if we leave aside that horrific massacre we can still observe what a bunch of utter hypocrites medics are and how they’d never speak against the state committing any level of crime, just so long as they won’t get into trouble with the BMA or GMC and they keep getting paid. No-one should say I am mistaken about that, because you have had huge evidence for it since March 2020. It’s true I don’t have much respect for the “intellects” of these bozos who pretend to have academic qualifications that they don’t have, but nonetheless I am sure that they they have on occasion, in between heroin binges, asked themselves what the hell the authorities were up to, worldwide, by subjecting almost the entire population to house arrest for months on end, isolating them from family members, and making them keep 2 metres away from other people in shops. They know you’ve got a totalitarian scenario going on here – it’s not a difficult to thing to work out – just as we sceptics and critics know it. The point is that they don’t care what lies they tell patients or anybody else who is outside of the “profession” so long as they keep raking in the money. They’re venal, and they don’t see anything wrong in telling lies all the time. They haven’t got any ethics. For them, it’s those of us who notice and who say something in public about what’s happening, and who don’t give a monkey’s for career or for “professional” strutting, who are the wicked crazy headbangers.
Wait…I must illustrate this with a bar chart! (joke)
Much of all this caused by a government obsessed with ‘science’ when very few politicians even understand science. Far too many are PPE graduates or journalists or some such other useless qualification.
Read Malcolm Kendrick on what hoops GP’s are made to jump through to gather data for the government. We imagine they are working for our health, but they’re not, they are data acquisition lackeys. The government takes that data then instructs them on how to deal with patients.
I wondered why our family GP, a relatively young man, retired one day with little warning. A few short years later, his equally young partner did the same.
Kendrick explains precisely why this went on around the country in his latest blog post.
The virus appeared spontaneously in a market just down the road from a laboratory where the staff were manipulating viruses. The WHO have always recommended lockdowns and mask wearing. Sweden got it wrong and have bodies rotting in the streets. The economy has been wrecked by Putin, not the hysterical reaction to the virus.
I could go on…
The evidence points to the virus circulating around the world from 2018. It could not have evolved in the space of a couple of months from bats to humans and there are now many test results showing that people had covid antibodies in 2019 before it was supposed to have been found in the wet market.
Remember in 2018 /19 in the UK there was higher than normal respiratory deaths and the flu shots were deemed to only have been about 10% effective. That makes sense if people were suffering from SARS-CoV virus not flu.
No patient zero was ever identified in Wuhan.
A lab leak probably happened but it was in 2018 not 2020.
Fauci, Collins and Farrer knew about USA funding research in Wuhan and so they decided to push the narrative towards natural origin.
We need to look harder to see who decided what and when. A group of people decided that they could use covid as the weapon to carry out mass coerced injections, used lockdown to scare people and wear down their resolve (once you get the jab you will be free) and they practised it in a simulation. Who exactly were those people?
The inital lab leak in 2018 may have been accidental but what happened after that and particularly from Feb/Mar 2020 was not.
Then it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy.
Yes..thirty years in the planning .
Lies, cowardice, group-speak, fake science, false narrative, abuse of authority, suppression of opposition, disdain and contempt for the population and deliberate deception – the hallmarks of the ‘Covid Era’.
Welcome to Schwab’s “New Normal”!
Latest: evidence of vote rigging in the French election now on video. (Schwab’s boys and girls must always win!)
We live in a world of deceit, hence my motto “Trust Nobody, Believe Nothing”. Frankly, lying and dishonesty is so commonplace in almost every aspect of life today that it’s not remarkable. Where I really do take issue with this rampant criminality is the never-ending ability of these liars and charlatans to take control over our lives, livelihoods and relationships, and screw us into a cocked hat; all on the strength of their falsehoods, aided and abetted by weak-willed, stupid people, afraid to question and infinitely credulous.
Based off of their observations of a digital genome sequence.
These emails were meant to be seen, hence no redaction.
Keeping that lab leak theory on embers until the right moment.
Discharging patients from hospitals to care homes was unlawful
So … when will heads roll and who will at least sue the bastards for taking action which killed their father/mother/uncle/etc?
Haven’t found the first virus. But this one leaked out.
Andersen is not a scientist, as no true scientist would do such a thing. However, he is a hypocrite.
I think the most interesting part of this is looking at how virologists go about identifying that a new virus exists and showing it causes a disease.
When we look at the methods used to identify sars-cov-2 we find that they didn’t actually identify anything that could be realistically claimed to be a new virus neither did they show that it caused any disease.
The next interesting step is to learn that the Chinese complied with all the standard virology methods, it just so happens that virology itself is utterly flawed.
The viral delusion
The biggest cover up in history.
I heard an interview with an Australian scientist. I forget his name and discipline but he seemed credible. He argues for extraterrestrial origins of the pathogen. He looked at the latitude of the places with major outbreaks and wind patterns and concluded that the distibution must have come from above. I’m not sure that I buy it but it’s an enticing idea. Maybe the cosmic overlords wanted it to look like a Wuhan leak, with all of the geopolitical consequences in order to move humanity on a bit, like a cosmic download. But then we do live in very gnostic times and perhaps we need to be on our guard against such heresies. The Wuhan story just seems too convenient and too plausible to be true in a time of universal deceit.
You might think that the horrific situation in China right now is because they are ideologically committed to ‘zero Covid’. This is not the reason at all. You will see it in western countries in the next few months: a toal deterioration in health affecting everyone. Like a bullet which isn’t designed to kill but is designed to injure and thus remove three people from the battlefield. Humility is important even if you feel good in yourself right now.
Lab leak of what?
So many of the people who participate on this site believe it is all a scam and doesn’t exist.
Oh it’s so confusing trying to understand what goes on in their heads.
It’s a scam in the fact that the virus was engineered, it did not occur naturally. The ‘vaccine’ was made as a ‘cure’ to sell when they let the virus loose. It has always been foremost about money and then about control. I think it exceeded far beyond their expectations, from being another annual jab for the elderly to everyone who will accept it. Now it’s too late to row back. In time those responsible will be ripped limb from limb. Deservedly.
Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 patented in 2013
Covid-19 means: 19 nucleotide sequence and not 2019 at all.
By The Exposé on March 3, 2022
Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, actually created the Covid-19 virus.
They cited a Paper by Scientists in India, Switzerland, Italy and the US (cautiously entitled: MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site) in which they calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion.
Furthermore they did not merely apply for a patent on 2016 February 4 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied on 2013 December 16 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2:as well.
So Moderna had developed the 19 nucleotide gene sequence containing the Furin Cleavage Site which gives Covid19 its infectivity to humans by patented gain of function research as early as 2013, 6 years before the Wuhan outbreak took place. Not 3 as reported in the Mail and virally elsewhere..
Covid-19 was not made in 2019. It was made from the 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site (in 2013) which does not occur anywhere in nature. And every Covid death and every Covid vaccine death is parked squarely on the doorstep of ModeRNA and The Covid19 makers, the genetic vaccine makers. their funders and their promoters, which include almost every government and public sector and health service in the world, are therefore guilty of Genocide and crimes against humanity. They have pushed genetic rape and sickness and death onto half of the population of the world in order to enrich the pockets of Pharmaceutical Companies. Governments and Public sectors around the world have abandoned their health service regulation to billionaires and heartless corporations (me: and to make we humans, Trans Humans and now, the vaccinated, without any human rights whatsoever
The Expose
The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”
See link here: