The Environment Agency is offering 40 summer internships, but says white people need not apply as the positions are only for people of “diverse” backgrounds in an egregious example of official anti-white discrimination.
Reform MP Rupert Lowe called it “disgusting discrimination” and promised to follow it up in a tweet:
The Environment Agency is offering FORTY internships to candidates ONLY from a “Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background”. Racism is acceptable when white people are excluded.
@EnvAgency? It’s disgusting discrimination and I will be following this up.
The 12-week scheme at the Government body is designed to provide interns with “valuable experience complementing your studies and supporting your personal and professional growth”. It offers 40 staff positions employed either full-time or part-time attracting a £24,096 annual salary.
The agency claims it is a “positive action measure as listed in the Equality Act 2010 helping people overcome certain barriers and improve representation across our workforce” and invites people to apply only if “from a diverse background”.
This is defined as “a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background”, further specified to mean the Government’s “agreed list” of ethnic groups as used in the 2021 census, namely:
“Asian or British Asian”, “Black, Black British, Caribbean or African”, “Mixed or multiple ethnic groups” and “any other ethnic group”.
Notably, the “White” category is excluded completely, which means not just “White British” but people from any other “White background” as well. In other words, it’s all about not having the wrong pale skin pigmentation. Could you get any more racist?
The application pack includes some testimonials. “Jacob” said:
My 12 weeks at the Environment Agency’s Summer Development Internship Programme (SDIP) gave me exactly what I was looking for: a chance to see how environmental protection works at a national level, and a positive culture to foster my professional development.
Aiyesha said:
My time at the EA has been nothing short of transformative. It provided me with invaluable insights into the work being done on the environment and gave me the platform where I could truly make a social impact. The experience and my team not only challenged me but also empowered me to excel and contribute meaningfully to help mitigate the impacts of climate change!
Ethan said:
I have had such a great experience during the Summer Development Internship Programme, having been so lucky to become a part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team who have been so welcoming and encouraging throughout the experience.
Heaven forbid that the white working class should have access to such valuable work experience.
Government guidance on the Equality Act allows that providing internships “exclusively to the target group to learn more about particular types of work opportunities with the employer” is a permitted form of “positive action”, provided the employer has “evidence” the group is “experiencing barriers” and the action is “proportionate to addressing the problem you have identified”.
This is guidance issued in 2023 under the Sunak Government, so you can blame the Tories for allowing this strain of divisive anti-white discrimination to continue and not putting a stop to it during the 14 years they were in power.
Stop Press: Health Data Research U.K., a charity part-funded by taxpayers, runs a “Health Data Science Black Internship Programme” just for black people – not black British, but any black people, as long as they’re at a U.K. university or recently graduated from one. Got to love that ‘Equality’ Act.
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