The BBC recently ran a story claiming that the Antarctic ocean currents were heading for collapse, and to drive home the scare there was even a reference to the 2004 climate disaster film, The Day After Tomorrow. Rapidly melting Antarctic ice was reported to be causing a dramatic slowdown in deep ocean currents, “and could have a disastrous effect on the climate”. Like most of these fanciful scare stories, “could” is doing a lot of the heavy lifting work. But alas, missing from this Net Zero-promoting, model-inventing Armageddon tall tale was a note that the Antarctica ice cap appears to be in balance, and is not actually melting.
According to a paper written by NASA satellite ice-mapping scientists in 2021, Antarctica is “close to balance” in the period 2012-16 at -12 +/- 64 Gt a-1. Gt are gigatonnes and the formula is a scientific way of saying that as near as damn it, well within a margin of error, the Antarctica ice sheet loss is, more or less, zero. Back to 1992, the scientists found large total gains for the sheet.
According to the story in the BBC, reported faithfully in numerous media, as fresh water from the ice cap melts, sea water becomes less salty and dense and a downwards movement of water towards the sea bottom is interrupted. This in turn can affect world oceanic currents. The activist science blog the Conversation reported that “torrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean ‘overturning’ – and threaten its collapse”. The BBC noted that a similar collapse in the North Atlantic was depicted in The Day After Tomorrow.
As regular readers will recall, the Daily Sceptic has observed that Antarctica is a difficult neighbourhood for activists to get a good scare story going. Over the last seven decades, there has been little or no warming over large parts of the continent. According to a recent paper, (Singh and Polvani), the Antarctica sea ice has “modestly expanded”, and warming has been “nearly non-existent” over much of the ice sheet. According to NASA figures, the ice loss is 0.0005% per year.
The latest scare arises from a paper published in Nature. It is the product of climate models – the BBC noting that the scientists spent 35 million computer hours over two years collecting their results. However, this story is also of considerable interest since it shows that the BBC and most mainstream media are seemingly incapable of questioning any statement that promotes human-caused climate change and the proposed command-and-control Net Zero political solution. This endemic lack of curiosity means that vast areas of science, including atmospheric physics and chemistry, together with weather, geology and geography, are simply off limits in case any doubt should be cast on the suggestion that humans control the CO2 climate thermostat.
The study lead author, Professor Matthew England from Sydney’s University of New South Wales, is able to state, without any inquiring question or contradiction, that “our modelling shows that if global carbon emissions continue at the current rate, then the Antarctica overturning will slow by more than 40% in the next 30 years”. The BBC repeats emissions continuing at the current rate, but England’s paper states that his model has been loaded with a “high emissions” scenario. The paper is behind a paywall, but the abstract in which this admission occurs is freely available.
These “high emission” scenarios are almost certainly RCP8.5 and SSP5-8.5 that forecast global rises in temperatures of 4-5°C within less than 80 years. As Dr. Judith Curry has recently pointed out, these have been dropped in many science circles on the grounds they are recognised as implausible. Global warming of barely 0.1°C over the last 20 years is almost certainly a factor in this reassessment. Nevertheless, Curry notes that many of the extreme events based on the scenarios are still quoted in IPCC documents. “Rejecting these extreme scenarios has rendered obsolete much of the climate literature and assessments of the last decade,” she states.
Not at the BBC, of course. Settled science – the Science – cannot move on because it suffers from the anti-science proposition that it is somehow settled. Model results suggest deep water circulation in the Antarctic could slow at twice the rate of decline in the North Atlantic, reports the BBC. “It’s stunning to see that happen so quickly,” said climatologist Alan Mix from Oregon State University, a co-author of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment. “It appears to be kicking into gear right now. That’s headline news,” he told Reuters. No, Dr. Mix, it’s a model based on assumptions that are regularly contradicted by the data. Some climatologists it appears have trouble distinguishing fact from their own fevered predictions.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.
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‘Based on Fake Data and Fake Models BBC goes into Rona Lockdown madness and demands they work, without looking at reality or real data….’
Same story different topic. Antarctica is not melting anymore than the Arctic. $cientism. ‘We need more $ to study the $cience, please send, and yes it is worse than we evah imagined.’
Speaking of avoiding reality, I am sure they have studiously avoided naming the Nashville murderer a mentally ill perverted Tran-tard. And the Christian victims were of course to blame.
Don’t see any hashtags on solidarity with Christians or avatars showing the cross. No moans from Lineker on loving thy neighbour. Or the Churches for that matter.
The World needs Climate sceptic heroes
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Why isn’t anyone suing the BBC for misinformation?
Why isn’t OFCOM demanding that the BBC broadcast alternative opinions? Why is it the BBC can declare that the $cience is $ettled and turn itself into a propagandist for “the climate crisis” whilst GB News is targeted for one presenter not being sufficiently impartial when discussing jab risks?
Indeed————-There are very powerful forces at work is why. You and I and Chris Morrison can bleat all we like, but our opinions will not be allowed. The unsuspecting public busy with work and family life are being fed a narrative, and because they think it is all about science they are reluctant to question any of it, because they think scientists know more than them. But the Used Car Salesman knows more than I do about cars, but that does not mean I have to buy one. I use my own judgement. ——-The public are being discouraged from using their own judgment and are convinced that “scientists” and “experts” are doing the judging on their behalf. ———NOPE. They are doing the judging on behalf of the UN and WEF global government people who use climate as a tool to blackmail and bludgeon us into submission to accept their Sustainable Development one world government goals.
Yes, RTSC.
And, let’s not forget, Steyn was using HMG’s own statistics to make his points. Comes down to one word: “definitive” (in an hour long show) which might have been something a bit more mealy mouthed (very probably?).
And let’s all forget the torrents of bare-faced lies and communist agit-prop we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
Blow up Ofcom and salt the ruins.
If only the BBC had a disinformation specialist on their payroll, they could spot these errors before publication. Oh wait….
The hubris of climate modellers is breathtaking, matched only by the stupidity of the woke commentators.
Mr Morrison- —–As with your great article yesterday, it is all very well convincing Daily Sceptic readers who mostly are in full agreement with what you are writing, and speaking personally I have known all of the kind stuff you are writing about for many many years. You and I and most of the subscribers to Daily Sceptic are already pretty much well informed as regards this climate scam pretending to save the planet. —But how do we get this information on the bought and paid for MSM? ——-The general public drunk on climate propaganda from BBC and SKY etc need this information to shake them out of their slumber. ——-How can it be achieved? There must be some person with the desire and the finances who would be able to fund a documentary where all of the stuff that you are writing about and all of the stuff I have learned in the over 200 books I have read about this SCAM could be presented.——Everybody in a position to be able to afford to produce such a documentary cannot all be Liberal Progressive Eco Imperialists can they?
No, no, no Varmint! And let us all rejoice that, living as we all do in a wonderful, liberal progressive, eco imperialist “democracy,”, we will all get to enthusiastically cast votes in next month’s local elections!
With candidates from the “Tory’, Labia” and Limp Dim wings of our beloved Uniparty, boldly agreeing with each other about everything that really matters! Happy to do whatever Schwab, Gates and Soros suggests!
What fun!
Of course, there used to be a documentary pretty much along the lines of what you dream about. “The Great Global Warming Swindle” on Channel 4. How long ago? Fifteen years ago? I’m sure Channel Four will have a repeat, any day now.
It was a similar type of “Great Global Warming Swindle” type of documentary I had in mind. But I see no reason why the likes of GB News cannot be more vociferous. They allow silly little climate activists with pink hair on their shows and other days they bring on the likes of Ross Clark or Andrew Montford. But what is required is for the silly little activists and the Clark’s or Montford’s to be in the studio at the same time.
The planet earth was here long before we arrived on it, and it will be here long after we’re gone!
It didn’t even have a name until we gave it one!
With our brief occupancy ,how dare we be so arrogant to call it “our planet?”
There are species of frogs with a greater claim to it than the human race!
As crocodile Dundee explained, ” its like two ticks on the back of a dog arguing about which one of them owns the dog!”
Meanwhile, back in Reality, The Climate keeps on a’doing what a Climate’s gotta do.
Not giving a shit about what your latest Billion pound computers suggests.
Crikey, just look at the last three years to show a bright shining example of how good the ‘models’ are just ask our Professor of chicken bones and rogering someones else’s wife whilst the country is in lock down Neil Ferguson.
Second thoughts dont bother with the alchemist.
The average temperature of Antarctica is -57c, its obvious to everyone that all the ice will melt when it gets to -55c, isn’t it..?
The driving force behind the likes of the Gulf Stream is not melting ice but heat derived from the Tropics which funnels towards both poles where the heat is dissipated into space . If heat generation in theTropics increases , the currents will strengthen !
It’s stunning to see that happen so quickly,” said climatologist Alan Mix from Oregon State University, a co-author of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment. “It appears to be kicking into gear right now.
Read: Everytime in the past 25 years when we’ve claimed that Something’s kicking into gear right now we were either wrong and didn’t know about it or wrong and lying about. Something’s kicking into gear right now is pretty much the persistent claim of these people and it’s always meant to galvanize a different current crowd into action, always suggesting that no real damage has been done so far and with quick action now, ie, Do quickly what we ask of you know, don’t think about it first, there’s no time to lose! the otherwise certain catastrophe can still be (just) avoided. Fast-forward a couple of years, all past efforts have again gone to waste but – Fortunately! – Something’s just kicking into gear right now again. Repeat forever.
You may be aware of Hans Rosling’s book Factfulness within which he describes various types of dangerous thinking, such as the Urgency Instinct. Aviation understands the various risks from human fallibility including acting immediately. This is what Lufthansa has to say to pilots about acting on impulse “The chance of saving the day by spontaneous reaction is extremely remote. The chance of catapulting yourself into deepest trouble is very high.”
A bit like “Waiting for Godot”.
On speed.
“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true’
Paul Watson Greenpeace Founder
“We routinely wrote scare stories…Our press reports were more or less true…We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment”
Jim Sibbison Environmental journalist:
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe”
Daniel Botkin emeritus professor
“The data don’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We’re basing them upon the climate models.”
Chris Folland UK Meteorological Office
“Rather than seeing models as describing literal truth, we ought to see them as convenient fictions which try to provide something useful.”
David Frame Climate modeler, Oxford University
“No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits…. climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Christine Stewart Former Canadian Environment Minister
“We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” Timoth Wirth U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator
“A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect.”
Richard Benedik Former U.S./UN bureaucrat
“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”
UN From the UN’s Own “Agenda 21”:
Professor England obviously went to the same modelling school as Professor Pantsdown
Altogether now. BBC = Fake News.
Humanity-caused Climate Change is an industry with lots of people getting rich, and powerful, from it, so do not expect them to say anything contrary, otherwise they might lose their jobs and grants.