The Finns have just had a General Election which has resulted in a change of Government. The key themes of the election were the economy, climate change and education. No mention of excess deaths. I for one think there’s something mighty odd about this.
Just to put some context on the data, Figure 1 compares excess deaths in Finland with excess deaths in the U.K. in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Per capita excess deaths in Finland in 2022 were higher than excess deaths in the U.K. in 2020. Now, I know the Finns are a notoriously dour, indeed a phlegmatic bunch, but really you’d think someone would have thought to mention it during the election campaign? Indeed, it’s a surprise that an election was held at all given the prevailing mortality rate. Back in 2020 we cancelled our May elections.
But it’s not just Finland. In Germany all-cause excess deaths per million in 2022 were only 3% lower than the UK rate in 2020.

Think back to 2020 in the U.K. There was a lot of stuff on the news about people dying. We were told that Covid was ravaging the land. Go on, you must remember. Clive Myrie kept popping up on our TV screens in ICU wards dressed in a hazmat suit telling us we were all doomed. Boris and his chums held nightly press conferences to tell us how awful things were before Robert Peston or Laura Kuenssberg asked why more wasn’t being done to stave off Armageddon. We flagellated ourselves for allowing such a high proportion of our people to die. Think hard, I’m sure you’ll remember, there really was the most awful fuss.
So, why isn’t it a thing now? In Finland all-cause excess deaths were 18 times greater in 2022 than they were in 2020 and in Germany they were more than three times higher. Yet, I venture to guess, the people felt safer in 2022 than in 2020. If the Finns and Germans weren’t in a panic in 2022, why were we in a panic in 2020? Conversely, if we were justified in our panic in 2020, why weren’t they panicking in 2022?
The situation in Germany and Finland isn’t unique, it’s repeated in a number of other countries. Figure 3 shows seven countries (there are many others) where, in contrast to the U.K., all-cause deaths are significantly higher in 2022 than in 2020.

The amazing thing to me is that in each of these countries their populations appeared to feel safe in 2022 whereas they lived in fear in 2020. They appear to believe that their salvation is down to being injected multiple times by mRNA vaccines. Looking at Figure 3 you can understand that people in the U.K. could be persuaded to go along with the narrative; an unprecedented pandemic is defeated by a combination of novel NPIs and novel vaccines. High levels of excess deaths in 2020 subsided in 2021 and further still in 2022; it all seems to fit the narrative. But how does that work in those other countries where the rate of excess deaths keep rising?
What prompted me to write this was a conversation I had with a Finnish friend just last week. She’d recently recovered from a Covid infection, (no, I don’t know why anyone would bother testing for it now either). In telling me this she attributed what to her appeared to be a miraculous recovery to her four vaccinations. It just made me stand in awe, amazed at how you can persuade virtually the entire population of a country whose excess death rate has increased 18 fold that it’s been saved by a miracle cure. I’ll leave that one with you.
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