I cannot drive, so, amongst my many day-to-day pedestrian concerns is the state of local public transport. As a result, I was recently appalled to come across the hideous sight of what I can only describe as a Big Fat Gay Bus, being operated by a regional transport company, Warrington’s Own Buses. This is, quite genuinely, what it looks like (i.e., an absolute sodding disgrace).
Appropriately enough, the transgender livery star in question is also displayed prominently upon the vehicle’s rear end, thus demonstrating that, like many of their kind, he/she/it really does have a face like the proverbial back end of a bus:
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From absolute diversity to absolute uniformity in one bus ride.
Not quite.
As there are no heterosexual buses so not absolute diversity nor with just the one Pride bus is it absolute uniformity.
Is Pride the only political movement which tries to ram its sexuality down everyone’s throats? [Apologies for the mental images the throat metaphor might conjure up.]
Interesting, isn’t it – the alphabet people seem to be in a constant and permanent need of validation. It’s always “look at us, look, look, we are terrific, we are wonderful!”. They need to be celebrated, they need rainbow flags everywhere, zebra crossings, police cars, buses repainted, a whole month dedicated to them, prominent news items about somebody “coming out”, as some kind of heroic act, public worship and special recognition.
You can’t help feeling that all this need for validation is a sign of some deeply rooted feeling of inadequacy and insecurity.
I think it’s just pain trolling: A desire to annoy other people in order to annoy them. Especially other people who have no way to do anything about this annoyanced, say, because they need to take the next bus. That’s a way of making the underlings feel and bow to ones power over them.
Theodore Dalrymple explains it thus “look at me but don’t look at me you bigot”.
Nicely worded. But this still assumes that the fictional person who said that does really believe to be a victim and I don’t think they pride celebrators do. For them, I think it’s more that they believe to rule the roost and want to show off about this in a way which specially empathizes that even the people who are most opposed to their public gymnastics are entirely incapable of even just escaping them.
Aye, Paris Olympics!
Queerity is a mental illness. Advertising your no pride is just an expression of a deeply rooted psychosomatically ill personality, suffused with large doses of evil, intolerance and goose stepping totalitarianism.
These “campaigns” always seem to engage in the worst kind of stereotyping. While I’ve known very few people in real life who consider themselves to be agender, or asexual, or non-binary (or whatever else you’re supposed to call it) I’ve known lots of lesbian/gay/bi people over the years (including my best friend from school) and they are all just normal everyday people (whatever normal means of course) living normal everyday lives, behaving like normal people and generally wearing normal everyday clothes. Not one of them seems to feel compelled to walk around in rainbow-coloured drag queen/pantomime dame-type get ups, or stand around all day in come-hither poses. So why the constant pushing of images like those above?
Because it’s trans-port?
Does anyone remember BrassEye Pedogeddon, a dark comedy brilliantly done that would not see the light of day today with the Woke & PC brigade, it caused enough of a storm back in the fairly free days of 2001. There was a scene where an ex pedo has a Bus ride around his old haunts, and people could ride on the bus for the experience. Hello my dear do you have little sister, don’t forget to tell her about uncle Dave etc.
You can watch it here….
Just heard SStarmer take a question from GBN, doubt he would if Calvin Robinson was still there asking the questions though. Also the brass neck of the bloke….”kids are not as healthy as they were, not enough are getting vaccinated.
.”kids are not as healthy as they were, not enough are getting vaccinated.”
Quackcines – 20, 40, 70 by the age of 18 – is precisely a key reason (not the only one), why kids are sick, have autism, encephaly, ADHD, cancer, leukemia, heart issues…etc etc.
What a retard SStarmer is. Another paid Pharma mafia stooge.
Truly we live in a mid-wit tyranny, where any critical thoughts are first met with disbelief, then anger. It’s like dealing with somebody who is senile.
Saw a rainbow coloured car which also had “Pride” written on it a few weeks ago.
I couldn’t help waving 2 fingers towards it and its occupants.
I expect to receive a visit from plod shortly.
I just feel sorry for the Police Horses!
How long before this government bans the sale of paint stripper?
Brilliant brilliant writing.
It’s a shame the subject matter is so appalling, but thank you a great peice.
Quite. Why are meant to worship abnormal sexuality beats me. The norm is heterosexual, without which none of us, including gay and lesbians would not be here. Truly bizarre and rather sick
Does this bus go grooming where others go zooming?
The whole gay trans movement is like a naughty child of ridiculously permissive parents who is completely out of control and desperately, destructively and entirely subconsciously looking for some boundaries.
Being a cynic, I suspect it’s more about the cost of repainting the bus rather than the all year round support twoddle, and of course the livery will serve next year saving another paint job.
Reading has a (meanwhile trans-inclusive) Pride!-themed ex zebra crossing and the council seems committed to repainting whenever it gets worn out by too many people trampling over it¹.
¹ Shome really queer shymbolism, for sure!
The best writer here and in Taki’s Mag – his sub-headings alone are a joy to behold.
Ah yes, that depressingly regular occurrence of; Diversity in all things except opinion.
I doubt there are buses painted to honour of families with children or even just people who are not gay. Which makes this ‘diversity’ seem pretty uniform, actually.
My friend was a head teacher in a Blackpool primary school and he saw his fair share of neglected / abused children in his time. He told me – and I have no reason to doubt this – that problem families from all over the North West move to Blackpool precisely because the local social services are lazy and incompetent, so much so the neglectful families are a lot freer to neglect / abuse their children. It’s a USP for these people and explains why Blackpool is a magnet for all the low life our wonderful welfare state creates. If only the council could spend £35,000 on children’s services instead of painting zebra crossing all the colours in the rainbow? Think of all the pain and misery they might prevent.
There is a bus goes past my house 10 times a day that is almost always empty. On the back there is a big message saying “GREENER SMARTER TRAVEL”. —-I would like to know what is Green and Smart about a bus spewing out diesel all day to transport NO ONE? ——Yes propaganda on busses is common these days. But then why should busses be exempt from it as it appears everywhere else doesn’t it?
How about a bus painted to honour maimed ex-servicemen?
Except that they wouldn’t want it.
Our society at least that part of it controlled by leftards, (an alarming amount) is sick.
Regarding zebras, yes they are pretty wild, but I believe that Walter Rothschild trained a group of them to pull a carriage (I suppose he had staff to do the actual training). Perhaps the author could do the same and thereby resolve his apparent transport dilemma.
More from this guy, please. He’s hilarious. And right.
‘Bender bus.’ Lol! We have one here in Torbay or Torgay as it may soon be renamed. There was a homosexual promotion fair including a children’s playground during the first week of September in addition to June’s usual promo events – talk about ‘mission creep.’
Brilliant piece, a serious argument made very amusingly. Had me laughing out loud more than once, and that’s worth a lot these days when I more often feel like crying.
Infertility needs no celebration
Terrific piece which really nails the absurdity of public acceptance of constantly being mocked by these anti-social misfits.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a sitting duck for this lobby and has been for some decades. Famously claiming it neither endorses nor opposes any causes, it allows special meetings for “the demographic” of LGBT… alcoholics. Although there are no sanctions in the Fellowship, AA does not have to publish any material differentiating these people, and yet it does, always finding some wriggle room or arcane precedent to justify violating the Tradition. The lobby laps at the shores of AA relentlessly, never caring that by plunging the Fellowship into strife and controversy (now imminent) it could destroy it. The only thing that matters to them is some kind of hegemony over society. And that is distinctly sinister.