Excess deaths since 2022 were primarily in the vaccinated, official data suggest, fuelling fears that the Covid vaccines may be playing a significant role in the high excess deaths in recent years.
Data from the Office for National Statistics show that the proportion of total deaths in England among unvaccinated people dropped sharply in early 2022, even as excess deaths soared. The proportion then remained low throughout the following two years, indicating that the additional deaths during this period were concentrated in the vaccinated.
Is this why the authorities continue to resist releasing the full data on deaths by vaccination status? A cross-party group of 21 MPs and peers are the latest to write to request the data be released. Are the authorities refusing because they know the data show excess deaths predominantly in the vaccinated?
The striking effect was seen in every age group. The charts showing these results can be seen below (find the data here, table 5). The blue lines show the total deaths by month in the age group (left-hand axis) while the red lines show the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated in the age group (right-hand axis; unvaccinated here means receiving no doses). The most striking feature on each chart is the steep drop in the red line in early 2022, which denotes a sharp and sustained drop in the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated and a corresponding rise in the proportion in the vaccinated.
Note this is not because more people got vaccinated at that time, as the number getting their first dose in these age groups was almost zero by this point (see chart below, taken from here, data here). People getting their first dose may affect the trends seen in 2021, particularly in the first part of the year, though the over-60s were largely done with first doses by June 2021.

Here are the charts by age group. It’s worth pointing out that by using only death data they avoid the problems with the ONS population estimates highlighted by Professor Norman Fenton and others that have tended to exaggerate the death rate in the unvaccinated.

Note that the red lines during 2022 and 2023 are mostly flat, particularly for those in their 60s, 70s and 80s, even during many of the peaks in total deaths. This is particularly noticeable during winter 2022-23, where despite a large peak in deaths the red lines stay largely flat. This suggests that vaccine efficacy against death, at least from the Omicron variants, is very low, since if the virus was disproportionately killing the unvaccinated (i.e., the vaccines were protecting the vaccinated) the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated should spike during waves. That it usually does not suggests low vaccine efficacy.
These charts include no comparison with death rates before the vaccination period so don’t allow us to say very much about the pre-Omicron period as there is little to compare it to. However, there are notable spikes in the red lines for those over 70 during the Delta wave of late 2021. On first sight this would seem to indicate vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant during that winter. Things may not be so straightforward, however. Notice that the other largish spike for those over 80 is in summer 2022. Importantly, this was not associated with a Covid wave; instead it was associated with a heatwave – that was when the heat dome was sitting over Europe causing record temperatures. This is significant because the vaccine obviously does not protect against heatwaves. This means the reason for the summer 2022 spike is not vaccine efficacy. What is it then?
It seems likely it is related to the ‘healthy vaccinee effect’ i.e., the fact that people who take vaccines tend to be people with better background health outcomes than those who don’t take vaccines. A number of studies indicate that vaccinated people have a background death rate around half that of unvaccinated people (this is a background death rate not related to vaccine efficacy or safety).
The poorer background health of the unvaccinated group means that any general cause of death that disproportionately affects the frail or those with comorbidities, such as a virus epidemic or a heatwave, will naturally, other things being equal, disproportionately affect the unvaccinated group, for reasons unrelated to the vaccine. This would explain the summer 2022 spike in the red lines and it may also explain some or much of the spike during the Delta wave as well. Assuming this is right, it makes the lack of spikes during other waves, such as winter 2022-23, even more striking, as one would normally expect the unvaccinated group to be disproportionately affected by a virus wave or a winter, yet instead the lines remain flat. These flat red lines during waves of deaths are therefore also potentially indicative of a concentration of excess deaths in the vaccinated.
The headline finding from these charts is the striking concentration of excess deaths in the vaccinated after early 2022, just as Omicron appeared. This worrying observation may be why the authorities are keeping the full data, which would confirm or rule out such a finding, firmly under wraps.
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‘The headline finding from these charts is the striking concentration of excess deaths in the vaccinated after early 2022, just as Omicron appeared. This worrying observation may well be why the authorities are keeping the full data, which would confirm or rule out such an observation, firmly under wraps.’
The solution?
It’s time to take a chainsaw to the British civil service
The conservative policy review after the election will be interesting, depending on who remains within the 25 MPs left to them…….
The only way to judge ” excess deaths” as the ONS said during the pandemic and have repeated after a major review very recently, is to use age standardised rates.
These adjust for growth in population and ageing of the population.
It is clearly silly to use total deaths, when the population is larger in 2022 than in the average period 2015-19 used as the comparator on crude data.
ASMR shows a surge in excess deaths in 2020 as the pandemic hit, but pretty ” normal” rates since ( 21/22).
Interestingly ASMR also shows 2019 was way below normal, and that combining the very low year of 2019 when flu was pretty much absent & pandemic year 2020 – results in a 2 year average not much above ” normal”
The continued use of raw data unadjusted for the substantial increase in population and slight ageing is really inexplicable.
I would like to see deaths per capita divided into age bands, by vaccination status.
So why will they not release the figures by vaccination status?
The one measurement that would reveal the truth!
There was some great data published during the Pharcedemic covering NHS patients which showed that the jabbed were at greater risk than the unjabbed.
2 points.
1. Vaccination rates as Fenton et al have demonstrated were significantly overstated due to ONS not knowing the population. They knew how many were jabbed so assumed the unjabbed were: population – jabbed. Understate the population & you understate the unjabbed. A 2% error on the population of over 80s leads to a 100% error on the over 80s unjabbed.
2. The healthy vaccinee effect tends to be short lived. We’re looking at ‘ever-vaccinated’, the people who were too vulnerable to be vaxxed in early 21 would, I assume, not still be hanging around in early 22.
Both these factors would tend to worsen the outcome for the vaccinated.
If I’d been jabbed the stress would kill me.
Never mind the rest.
There are spikes in deaths post each major stabbination drive (3). This means the quackcines killed. We have known for at least a year that some 95% of excess deaths are in the stabbinated and that from Dec 2020 90% + of the dead were quacked up. Case closed.
I am still awaiting the Dec 2021 prediction that healthy fit people like myself – the unquacked – were going to die at the rate of 5000 per day. Models say. Teacher say. BBC say. Experts say.
The quacked are dying of everything from cancer to heart attacks. Case closed. Fact checked.
It certainly shows that is was wise to step back and wait and see, given the way the product was sold to us. Glad I didn’t use it at all – and I’m over 60.
I took the AstraZeneca product – both shots. My view was that if there was something bad going to happen I wanted it discovered before they stuck it in my kids or grand-kids. The vaccine pushers managed to move faster than I expected and my kids were being offered a different jab just 3 months later.
I used to take part in phase 1 clinical trials when I was young – but not for altruistic reasons. I bought a (cheap) motorbike on the proceeds of one trial.
Twenty years ago I had an acquaintance who participated in phase 1 trials, and he suffered some side effects. Can’t recall the details or whether he recovered. I had another acquaintance (much older), who took part in trials for Lariam, and had bad side effects. My dad has a bad case of ‘trust the scientists’ and he also took Lariam (rather than HCQ) when in the tropics, and he almost went nuts and had to stop.
The deaths are only the most extreme manifestation of vaccine injuries.
Hardly a week goes by without hearing of yet another acquaintance who has developed severe breathing difficulties.
Only yesterday we heard about an elderly woman friend who passed out on her way to a hospital appointment for a joint problem only to wake up in resus on oxygen. She then went into the ward pass-the-parcel game trying to find her a bed.
Close relative suffered sudden giant cell arteritis / temporal vasculitis. Steroid treatment has caused her to swell up (looks like Cushing’s syndrome). Now slowly coming off the steroids and improving but, I think, unlikely ever to fully recover – to be fair, partly because she’s not going to get any younger.
She will not hear any discussion about the ‘vaccines’.
To be fair, on an individual case by case basis it isn’t really possible to attribute suddenly emerging health conditions to the ‘vaccine’. Exceptions being when there is a clearly established link, e.g. myocarditis and pericarditis shortly after ‘vaccination’. I know one such person (pericarditis) and he acknowledges that it was due to the vaccine.
“To be fair” is never a consideration by the panic and vaccine promoters.
GCA is a fairly well known side effect of influenza vaccination:
‘….we report 10 cases of previously healthy subjects who developed GCA/PMR within 3 months of influenza vaccination (Inf-V). A Medline search uncovered additional 11 isolated cases of GCA/PMR occurring after Inf-V.’
It also now appears to be a fairly well known side effect of the covid vaccine:
‘Fourteen reported cases of GCA after COVID-19 vaccination was reviewed to reveal a diverse clinical picture and treatment response. The time from onset of symptoms to GCA diagnosis varied from two weeks to four months.’
This research took about five minutes.
The steroid treatment of GCA leads to dementia:
‘We had identified that > 90-day corticosteroid administration is a significant dementia risk factor in both female and male patients of all ages, especially in the 50-60-year-old group.’
It is at least arguable that dramatic rises in dementia/alzheimers are attributable to flu/covid vaccination indirectly via steroid treatment for vaccine side effects:
‘Glucocorticoid treatment is frequently associated with transiently impaired attention, concentration, and memory. In rare cases, cognitive changes may be prominent and may persist for substantial periods of time after steroid discontinuation. This largely unrecognized complication has been termed the “steroid dementia syndrome” and may reflect steroid neuroendangerment or neurotoxicity.’
It’s weird isn’t it, almost as though putting man made chemicals etc. into the human body that its immune systems have never before encountered would have unforseen and undesirable effects.
Statins are perhapse the latest example-
Couldn’t agree more, particularly re statins which are probably also contributing to the increased incidence of dementia.
They are keeping the data out of the hands of the public so that it can be scrubbed and that will take time as it was released for awhile and it will have to be consistent through out. Something I previously thought would never be considered, a bit like changing how excess deaths are calculated!
The most likely thing usually turns out to be true, or the one that requires the least amount of unnecessary explanation. ——–“occams razor”——–or some people might call it “the bleeding obvious”
No no no, you’ve got the numbers all wrong – this nice AI lady from the ONS said so and I believe her! /sarc
The figure that Will Jones has calculated – proportion of deaths amongst the unvaccinated – is hard to interpret. The general pattern is obvious – it gets lower as time goes on and seems to almost flatten out at the end. This makes sense as Covid comes under control and so vaccination has less and less effect on mortality. But it is a heroic assumption to go from there to concluding excess deaths are proportionally more amongst the vaccinated. In fact the ONS data provides a more straightforward way of looking at things. Is the ASMR higher amongst the vaccinated or the unvaccinated. The chart is attached. You can see that during the height of the epidemic (Apr 21 to Jan 22) the ASMR was much higher for the unvaccinated. From Jan to April 22 the unvaccinated rate dropped but remained higher than the vaccinated rate. From about May 22 the difference between the two is more or less constant. So if there if this ASMR reflects excess deaths during that period is does so more or less equally between the two groups.
Not to take anything away from Will’s analysis, but a few points worth repeating:
I’m sure there are others, but the list grew quite quickly and was turning into a rant.
Based on the above, there was never ever a case for mandating the jab. All risk, no benefit. The deaths arising should be considered culpable manslaughter.
Those of us who resisted the coercive jabbination campaign are vindicated in retrospect.
The ONS has just changed to a “more sophisticated” approach to “reflect better” excess deaths (or, “excess mortality” as they call it)?
The new method found that there were only 10,994 excess deaths in 2023 and not 31,442 as the old method had calculated.
I wonder if the author is aware of the change.
I wonder if the German chap who got vaccinated 217 times caught Covid-19?
Who woulda thunk it?
No Surprised Here! “Safe” for politicians & Pharma with criminal impunity & “Effective” to Harm
Between June 2022 and May 2023 in England, there were 18,141 all-cause deaths in the unvaccinated and 472,563 in the vaccinated. (3.7% and 96.3% of the total respectively.) But only about 80% of the population were vaccinated, so deaths in the vaccinated were much higher than expected. I sent these figures to several MPs months ago. There was no response.
Thanks to the propaganda onslaught, it appears to have been forgotten that it’s up to the experimenters to demonstrate, beyond any reasonable doubt, that their experimental product is not the cause of the excess deaths – particularly given that the death waves coincide with the vaccine roll-out waves. The fact that key information is being withheld by the UK ONS completely discredits the UK ‘party line’. The experimental “vaccines” are so obviously the more than likely cause of the carnage – of excess deaths and the upsurge in life-changing disabilities. (Also corroborated by the surge in death and disability claims being experienced by the Group Life Insurance industry since 2021).
Some nutter in Germany took the jab 217 times over 29 months.