In a new laboratory research letter, scientists from the Giessen Institute of Physiology (Germany) and the National Heart Laboratory of Semmelweis University (Hungary) finally were able to pinpoint some mechanisms of how Covid vaccines damage hearts.
The paywalled peer-reviewed study in the British Journal of Pharmacology is here.
[T]his study investigated the effect of mRNA-1273 [Moderna] and BNT162b2 [Pfizer] on the function, structure, and viability of isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes over a 72 hour period.Key Results
In the first 24 hours after application, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 caused neither functional disturbances nor morphological abnormalities. After 48 hours, expression of the encoded spike protein was detected in ventricular cardiomyocytes for both mRNAs. At this point in time, mRNA-1273 induced arrhythmic as well as completely irregular contractions associated with irregular as well as localised calcium transients, which provide indications of significant dysfunction of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2).
In contrast, BNT162b2 increased cardiomyocyte contraction via significantly increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity at the cellular level.
Conclusions and Implications
Here we demonstrated for the first time, that in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy. Both RyR2 impairment and sustained PKA activation may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events.
What This Study Adds
We already know, based on cardiac damage markers in humans, that Covid vaccines cause heart damage, sometimes hidden, that is far from rare.
What is not as clear is: what exactly happens to the hearts that raises the biomarkers of damage?
Since scientists cannot remove and slice the hearts of living humans, the mechanism of this damage remains mysterious. It does not help that the FDA, Pfizer and Moderna refuse to release data from follow-up myocarditis studies.
The German/Hungarian study we are reviewing contributes a detailed, in vitro laboratory analysis of what exactly happens to heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) under conditions typical for a recipient of Covid vaccines.
The authors, Schreckerberg et al., first refer us to a biodistribution study that measured the concentration of Covid vaccines in the hearts of Wistar lab rats after vaccination. The scientists applied the same concentrations to the heart cells of young male rats, as well as human heart cells:
In this study, the amount of mRNA used was calculated from the lipid concentration detected in the rat heart two hours after injection of 50μg [3H]-labeled LNP mRNA.
Scientists used cell cultures to conduct an experiment unaffected by the many complications of testing the hearts of living organisms. They had proper control groups – Petri dishes with heart cells that did not receive the mRNA injection.
The heart cells, called cardiomyocytes, underwent deleterious changes after in vitro ‘vaccination’. Compared to the control group, the vaccinated heart cells malfunctioned in various ways:

The authors explain how both vaccines damage heart muscle cells:

Immune Reaction Was Excluded by Design!
Much of the wider discussion of ‘myocarditis’ involves hypotheses of the heart being damaged by our body’s immune rejection of heart cells.
The Schreckerberg study we are discussing purposely excluded such immune reactions because it used cell cultures without any immune cells. And yet, the researchers detected deleterious effects on heart cells (cardiomyocytes). There are more causes of heart damage than immune reactions could explain, the authors show by excluding any immune-related factor.
We must appreciate the authors’ intent to concentrate on one particular aspect of vaccination.
The Authors Make a Strong Anti-Vaccine Conclusion
The times are changing! Here’s the most amazing part, rarely seen in peer-reviewed studies published in scientific journals. The authors do not mince words and say we must re-evaluate giving people mRNA vaccines due to their cardiotoxic effects.

I appreciate the elegant study by the German and Hungarian scientists, although I wish this research had been done before billions of people were poisoned. Sadly, little will change now – but the truth is finally coming out.
Do you think ‘science’ will ever focus on helping vaccine-injured people, or will it continue to gaslight and ignore them?
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