A secret military-linked U.K. laboratory is making new variants of Covid and working on a vaccine for ‘Disease X’ in order to stop the next pandemic “in its tracks”, according to the BBC. James Gallagher has more.
One of the U.K.’s most secretive centres of scientific research – Porton Down – is aiming to stop the next pandemic “in its tracks”.
I have passed through the incredibly tight security at this remote facility to get rare access to its scientists.
They are based in the shiny new Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre.
Their work builds on the response to Covid, and aims to save lives and minimise the need for lockdowns when a new disease next emerges.
“Covid, of course, is not a one-off,” says Prof. Dame Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which runs these laboratories.
“We say it [Covid] was the biggest public health incident for a century, but I don’t think any of us think it’ll be a century before the next,” she adds.
The combination of climate change, urbanisation and people living closer to animals – the source of many new diseases which transfer to people – means we’re facing a “rising tide of risk”, she says.
Porton Down – located in the tranquil Wiltshire countryside, near Salisbury – is one of the few places in the world equipped to research some of the nastiest viruses and bacteria you could imagine. The freezers here contain the likes of Ebola.
Neighbouring buildings include the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (part of the Ministry of Defence), where it was confirmed the nerve agent Novichok has been used in the Salisbury poisonings.
The vaccine laboratories – housed in dark green buildings – were hastily constructed as part of the emergency response to Covid.
But, as the intense demands of the pandemic have waned, the focus has shifted.
The new vaccine research centre is concentrating on three types of threat:
- known infections that are getting harder to deal with, such as antibiotic-resistant superbugs
- potential threats that might cause a problem, including bird flu and new Covid variants
- and ‘Disease X’ – something unforeseen, like Covid, which takes the world by complete surprise
The aim is to work with the pharmaceutical industry, scientists and doctors to support all stages of vaccine development.
Porton Down scientists are working on the first vaccine against Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, which is spread by ticks and kills about a third of those infected.
The disease is found in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and in Asia – and could spread further with climate change.
At the other end of the process, vaccine effectiveness is evaluated. It was scientists here who spotted that the Omicron variant could bypass some of the protection afforded by Covid vaccines.
And they are still monitoring new Covid variants by growing them in the laboratory, exposing them to antibodies taken from blood samples and seeing if new variants are still able to infect.
A secret laboratory linked to the Ministry of Defence where they make new variants of Covid, you say? What could go wrong. We’re expected to assume, of course, that they only grow existing ‘new variants’ rather than, as per Pfizer, modified versions. But who’s really to say?
Gallagher reports that the work feeds into the ‘100 Days Mission’ to develop a vaccine against a new threat in super-fast time.
Yet we know that one real possibility is that COVID-19 itself was created as part of and leaked during vaccine research – as Robert Kadlec, Anthony Fauci’s old boss, has recently suggested. Not climate change, not animal transfer, but vaccine research. Perhaps we’re the ones making the pandemics these days.
Prof. Harries says that in the future we need to be on the front foot and “try and stop” any pandemic before it even begins, or, failing that, to “stop it in its tracks” at its earliest stage.
Sounds absolutely terrifying. They have clearly learned nothing.
Stop Press: A reader reminds me that the 2007 outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease originated with a leak from the Pirbright Institute, one of eight U.K. research institutes supported by the U.K.’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
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Just a cock-up.
Yeah, but she’s wearing a white coat.
Only to hide her tail, forked tongue and horns
That’s not a white coat its her jimjams..
I’m fairly sure it’s a straightjacket.
Her scythe is propped up against the wall out of shot.
What are the odds of us ever going 12 months without hearing the “P” word for the rest of our lives??

Yeah.. it’ll probably stop a few thousand Brits in their tracks too.. DEAD!
How could I forget the promise of them condensing 10 years into 100 days in order to crank out more vaccines? CEPI’s ”global vaccine library”. 2min vid;
And what is the Porton Down budget for looking at this stuff?
I imagine it’s so small, and that they are so woefully inadequately staffed, that they’re actually doing pretty close to diddley squat.
Of course it’s all clouded in secrecy. But very few people understand that the primary purpose of the Official Secrets Act, and the ‘incredibly tight security’ at such sites, is to provide an aura of importance and power, and to cover up the inadequacies and lack of competence.
The Emperor has no clothes.
Worked in the HSA. Dame Idiot has a huge budget. Shit sniffers, cough boxes to detect the next bullshit scariant being developed. As expected Dame Ugly links non existent Climate boiling with the non existent Congo crap a lot fever magic fairy virus. As if we didn’t see the union of Korona und Klimat coming. And yes there will be another LD once they are able to link K and K.
Common cold being the Coronavirus we are all familiar with. Despite being able to produce a “vaccine” for am unusually complicated lab made Coronavirus, there is still NONE for the common cold.
Go figure, as our friends across the pond see.
Get thee behind me, Satan, say I
A non-functional dangerous one, with no safety testing? I shouldn’t think they will try that again, but…
Thank you for this. I think you are so right.
Doesn’t anyone realise that it was Bastards such as these lab. workers who caused the virus/covid 19/or whatever in the first place (Obvoiusly on the Orders of The RPTB).
Burn the lot down now. Some may say preferably with those responsible inside.
“They have clearly learned nothing.”
Au contraire. They have learned you can:
1) Do dangerous research into viruses
2) Leak the virus and lie about it
3) Shut the world down for a bad flu
4) Make billions selling “vaccines” that don’t work and kill people
5) Convince everyone there was a “pandemic”
6) Silence opposition
And get away with it!
Yeah but you can fool people once but the vast majority would not fall for it again. I think these sociopaths have over-reached big time. In a way they remind me of “the boy who cried wolf” because one day some serious sh*t might in fact go down and we’ll all be calling BS on it.

You never know, the aliens might really land and discover there is in fact a whole world outside of the US!
I don’t think they will try another lockdown but they will be pushing “miracle” “vaccines” and they are doing this research, openly, and chirping about it. No shame.
Yeah but in order to get any meaningful uptake people would need to buy into the fake narrative that there actually is a threat and they really need the jab. They won’t be able to con sufficient people next time round. We’ve already seen the data from various countries showing vax uptake is declining with each rollout. Even the childhood vaccine uptake is less. The writing’s on the wall. Public trust in government and health authorities is waning and people will just vote with their feet. I very much doubt they’ll ever be able to manufacture a crisis that would have any sort of impact again. Enough people have gotten wise to the death jab sham, either due to their own or others personal experiences, also the scamdemic now and a tipping point has eventually been reached. That’s just my view anyway. I guess we’ll see if my hypothesis holds up when they eventually deploy the goods on us.
I think the last time they had a good press was in 2018, when they were involved in the assessment of the Skripal case in Salisbury. Conveniently close to the location of the crime.
“the vast majority would not fall for it again”
The jabs aren’t increasing IQs.
I can only ever marvel at your unwaivering believe in human intelligence. A German acquaintance of mine has just been ordered to work (in a care home) masked again and her GP has also again started to require them. And – of course – everybody who’s at least that intelligent mutters some curses and complies. And the hardcore morons who believed in all of this from start to finish, the critical 1% to get something like this off the ground, are probably closer to “Thank God, sanity finally prevaileth! There’s dangerous new variant and we’re finally masking up again as we should!”
The Corona circus ended because it became to damn expense to keep the show running. Not because anybody learnt anything.
People. Are. Idiots.
Most. Of. Them. At. Least.
Send your friend this, and print off the graphic as a well as a gift to morons – a Tweet on mask use by a UK surgeon.
Thanks, but this is hopeless. Face coverings, especially those worn by other people, are health talismans of whose beneficial effect stupid and superstitious people are really convinced. And there are plenty of those. Otherwise, the lottery would be bankrupt.
I so hope you’re right M, sadly, looking back over the past 3 to 5 years I have less faith in my fellows.
Homo sapiens appear to have evolved into a new species: Homo Ovinus.
This is what I wrote earlier in the day:
A little story that was presented on BBC R4 in the early hours was the UKHSA advertising it’s recent investment in Porton Down to increase the activities on virus identification, and the potential development of new “vaccines” related to it.
A sceptical cynic that is familiar with the purpose of that lab might ask: why now? Are they just preparing for the budget, and looking for a decent deal with the Chancellor? But why advertise it via the beeb?
Maybe it’s just “money talks”, or perhaps it’s a defensive measure against the Inquiry; we’re guessing.
BBC headline – “Porton Down: Can this laboratory help stop the next pandemic?”. Answer: No, but it can 100% help start the next pandemic. How strange that they never allow comments on anything Covid related anymore.
That woman sends chills down my spine.
“Covid, of course, is not a one-off,” says Prof. Dame Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which runs these laboratories.
“We say it [Covid] was the biggest public health incident for a century, but I don’t think any of us think it’ll be a century before the next,” she adds.”
Firstly, there was no Pandemic and the reality is that the last true pandemic was the Black Death of the 16th century.
Secondly, coronaviruses will never become mass killing machines as Dr MikeYeadon has made abundantly clear.
The only part of this statement that is true is that some other virus WILL be released but its severity will be little different to the 99.97% recoverable rate of the C1984.
Billy’s new release due 2024 or 2025 but certainly after the new International Health Regulations. They do like to tell us what they have in store for us.
Oh yes.. they like to drop a hint or two don’t they. No doubt licking their lips and grinning from ear to ear..
The World Economic Forum thoughtfully provides a history of pandemics: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/a-visual-history-of-pandemics
Re the Black Death – the WEF graphic says 200 million deaths during 1347-1351 – I wonder how this is confirmed?
Also interesting to considering the very small ‘pandemics’ of the 21st Century…the WEF providing the evidence this is all a beat-up.
What could possibly go wrong?
When they announce the next scamdemic, they’ll probably arrest all of us lockdown sceptics and take us to Porton Down to be experimented on. After all, many of us won’t have had the mRNA jabs!
If the USA does go back to the Moon, there ought to be an international treaty banning all gain-of-function experimentation on Earth and all virus research switched to an international scientific base on the Moon with a large explosive device built right underneath.
Goes back to the moon.. come on Dom.. they never went there in the first place. I thought that was common knowledge now..
Look at the footage of the lunar module launching back up into space from the moon. Look at the way the dust spreads. You can’t fake that in 1G. Even Kubrick wasn’t able to fake that in 2001: A Space Odyssey. You’d literally have had to go to the Moon to fake the lunar landings.
Yeah sure.. and what else do you believe?
Sorry to break the spell, but it was faked, they can’t get past the massive radiation in the Van Allen Belts. Admitted openly by NASA during the prep for Orion.
Home in on the 3.00 minute mark on the video. Sorry..
Prof. Dame Jenny Harries is a dangerous radical fool.
These people, creating dangerous pathogens and planning to block out the sun must be stopped.
Well known Communist, too.
So they just announced the next plandemic on an enthusiastic BBC. Their lack of self awareness is breathtaking, but It would be a mistake to assume the covid sniffle is the best they can do. If they chose to make a more infectious version of nipah that could kill 50 to 75%
In which case it will be the first pandemic in human history that will have failed to run its natural course.
Q. When did Homo sapiens become SO hubristic?
A. When they kicked God out of the window, and deified the species.
People are not living closer to animals. This is not the 16th century where we lived above cattle byres.
And we would (a) believe and (b) trust any of these individuals because …..?
Oh FFS STOP IT!! This is just scaremongering codswallop designed to make the sheeple poo their pants.
”Their work builds on the response to Covid, and aims to save lives and minimise the need for lockdowns when a new disease next emerges.”
Yeah right so they’re designing a new bug to lock us down can nobody see see through this sh1t?
Harries needs to be locked up and quick.
Just proves, that there are plenty of pr*cks hidden away, oh and vaccines too
By Jove, she’s gorgeous. Reminds me of Susan Michie. Unfortunately, X is already among us, courtesy of Elon Musk – so far, reports of danger are mild, mainly tweets from twats.
The combination of climate change, urbanisation and people living closer to animals – the source of many new diseases which transfer to people – means we’re facing a “rising tide of risk”, she says.
How in God’s name does she extrapolate from that the arrival of the next pandemic? Let me help her:
Climate change – the climate is always changing, it always has and it always will. Human influence on the climate is minimal – like a flea on the hide of an elephant. We all know by now, or at least we should, that the entire climate change narrative is about control and money and nothing to do with saving the planet. The planet doesn’t need saving, we do.
Urbanisation – people have lived in cities since the first civilisations. Yes, there have been public health issues but this is down to the cleanliness of the city and how it manages its waste. Human beings living together is not a problem – we get our immunity by mixing with others and become stronger.
People living closer to animals – I don’t know anyone who lives in a barn or chicken shed. Humans have lived close to animals for aeons without any major problems. It is how the animals are treated that is of main concern. For instance, chickens kept tightly packed in cages, pigs unable to turn around in their stalls and so on. We have a major issue with animal husbandry which is many places around the world is cruel and inhumane. It is from those sources that diseases spring forth.
So, in brief, all these ‘reasons’ are why they are developing the next generation of vaccines to stop the next pandemic dead in its tracks. No, they are developing the next gen of vaccines to kill the human race, they just need a valid cover story to do so, hence all the theatrics about Porton Down and the probably good intentioned but remarkably ignorant scientists doing their (well paid and funded) bit.
Great post, Aeth, you beat me to it and put it far better than I would have!
Thanks, IanC!
“It was scientists here who spotted that the Omicron variant could bypass some of the protection afforded by Covid vaccines…”.
I think we all, on Daily Sceptic, knew this without the aid of shiny, expensive labs. The faulty vax design using the spike would guarantee vax failure.
The trouble is that their paymasters believe their bs so that they can then develop new pandemics.
It’s lie she’s the new Herta Oberheuser.
“The experiments were performed by a group of doctors known as the ‘Hohenlychen group’.Oberheuser was one of the members responsible for post operative care of the victims, but is recalled by witnesses as having done not much other than making the injuries worse.
“Covid, of course, is not a one-off” – of course, coming from these ‘sages’! When some people can never admit defeats! LOL.
This is all justified on the grounds of national security. These secretive intelligence and bioweapons agencies operate above the law. They can justify anything in their groupthink bubble. These agencies are out of control.
It’s a handy thing for them that evil Russia who want to take over the world, still exists. Instead of developing bioweapons maybe it might be safer and more productive to make peace and stop provoking wars.
This is all to do with biological warfare and this setup is nothing to do with naturally occurring viruses. Like Covid was, this laboratory is generating artificial viruses that could be used for military purposes to try to have a defence against them. The problem is they are concerned that if we aren’t doing it other countries probably are.
What is needed is a world-wide moratorium against this, but that would be quite difficult to ensure all countries complied.
Another plandemic waiting to happen and another mRNA grim reaper to follow.