Over 2,500 doctors, scientists and healthcare professionals are among over 10,000 people supporting an open letter calling on NHS bosses to end the mask mandates that are still in force in many U.K. hospitals.
According to campaign group Smile Free, which is behind the letter, up to a fifth of U.K. hospitals are still insisting on masks. The letter calls on NHS Chief Executives to issue new guidance explicitly discouraging the practice. Here it is in full.
You are a leader within an organisation, the NHS, whose overarching purpose is to optimise the health and wellbeing of the population it serves. So why are you condoning the persistence – in some of your hospitals – of a practice that is both ineffectual and harmful, namely the requirement for staff, patients and visitors to wear a face mask?
It has long been recognised that masks offer no appreciable protection against viral infections (see here for a review), even when worn by healthcare professionals in surgical settings (see here and here). A recent Cochrane review – the gold standard of scientific evaluation – reached the same conclusion and new research has found that masks made “no discernible difference” to Covid transmission rates in hospitals.
Wasting precious NHS resources on an ineffectual practice is troubling enough, but of even more concern is the damage you are inflicting upon your staff and service users. Routine masking, particularly for long periods of time, is increasingly recognised to be associated with a wide range of physical, psychological and social harms (see here for an overview). Furthermore, a recent research study highlighted the potential risks of elevated carbon dioxide levels associated with long-term mask wear, particularly for children, adolescents and pregnant mothers.
While the scientific evidence is important, it is the human costs of routine masking in healthcare settings that forcefully bring home the dire consequences of this irrational practice: the exclusion of the hard-of-hearing; the re-traumatising of the historically abused; the increased risk of falls in the elderly; the exacerbation of confusion in the already confused; the aggravation of the autistic, anxious and panic-prone; the marginalisation of already-stigmatised groups; and the impediment to the goal of soothing the frightened child or suicidal teenager. Faceless interactions impede the development of healing relationships. Humane healthcare, delivered with demonstrable warmth and compassion, will always be more effective than the robotic version emitted by a faceless professional hidden behind a veneer of sterility.
Given that many hospitals have already returned to normality, some of your healthcare venues are now outliers in persisting with the unscientific and pervasively damaging mass-masking phenomenon. The vague guidance issued by NHS England and NHS Improvement on June 1st 2022, for example, effectively left this decision to local policymakers. You are presiding over a postcode lottery, with masking decisions made by individuals for arbitrary reasons. Consequently, many – often vulnerable – service users continue to endure a suboptimal service.
We are almost one year on from the previous guidance issued by NHS England and in that time all that has happened is that the case for masking – already flimsy, at best – has been discredited even further. We are at the point now where the officially sanctioned continuation of what amounts to magical thinking in some of our hospitals discredits the NHS.
It is time to move on from masks, once and for all.
We therefore urge you, as the Chief Executive of the NHS in your country, to do the right thing and show leadership by immediately issuing clear new guidance explicitly discouraging any routine requirement for staff, patients or visitors to cover their faces in healthcare settings.
You can read and sign the open letter here.
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The whole thing is sick and absurd.People know very well or should be able to feel just how toxic an environment a face covering can become. And the idea of nasty little particles that can be stopped with a piece of cloth. This is a complete misunderstanding of the malady that is affecting us. Their adherence to masks masks a rather unpleasant truth about their psyche which if it were to be revealed would put all of them out of a job forever. We are beginning to undestand the primacy of what you might call nous or gnosis rather than intellectual adroitness and a self affirming commitment to the rational. I hope we understand it soon enough because if there is a genuine return to the spirit then much of this would disappear overnight.
Spain, perhaps one of the most mask aggressive countries in the world during the last 3 years dropped last week the last remnants of mask requirements which were medical settings (hospitals, clinics, farmacies, dentists).
They went for the only reason that these draconian rules ever get dropped: because the public was fed up and highly non compliance.
Britain has just been one disappointment after another these last years. What a docile and compliant people we are.
That’s why orderly queuing is part of the British DNA
The masks represent stasis in Britain. The idea of nothing moving on and a clinging to a dead mother. Somebody needs to say it in such a way that it hits the soul of the people. My only wish is for the wellbeing of the people of my country and more broadly. I hope we can find the healing spirit.
The point is that last time we just sat back and let the dick heads run the show. We don’t have that luxury again. This time around some of us Englishmen have a serious purpose. And I’m all for mocking things and taking the piss.
Does anyone know which hospitals ( GP surgeries too? ) are still demonstrating non-evidence based practice? Because they should be named and shamed. Speaking of which, the only reason this absolute piss-taking farce, this blatant abusive of power, is still taking place is because of the completely shameful behaviour of healthcare and medical professionals, who have a duty of care towards their patients, both in treating them with compassion and respect but also in keeping themselves up to date on the latest evidence regarding anything which affects patient care. I’m afraid that if these cowards, who are a disgrace to their profession and have violated their oaths to the max anyway regarding the death jabs ( oh and we’ll never forget the elaborate Tik Tok dance routines, because we saw how much you loved rubbing our noses in it! ) think they can hide behind the pathetic excuse of “we were just following guidelines” then I’m here to tell them that no, no you do not get to behave with such a shameful lack of professionalism and get off Scott free. You could have stopped this lunacy 2 years ago merely by using your brain and thinking when in your entire career did you ever need to don a mask because there was a bloody seasonal respiratory virus circulating??
All it would have taken is a bit of critical thinking coupled with some backbone and you could have refused to play a role in this pantomime but instead you turned full on Nazi and enforced the nonsensical, unjustified abuse on your patients and their visitors. You also stopped people visiting their dying loved ones ( many of which you killed personally, because somebody has to prescribe and administer the death protocol of Hancockroach, right?
) which just tops off how utterly disgusting you all are and I shall never ever forgive any of you that allowed any of this systematic cruelty and outright abuse to happen in the first place, let alone continue for so long! Revolting people working for a revolting organisation. F*ck the lot of you. People shouldn’t be cheering you with their pots and pans, they should be clobbering you with them! It’s all you deserve.![🤬](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f92c.svg)
Bloody hell i do go on don’t i but I feel better for off-loading.![😳](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f633.svg)
Those words, your words, needed to be put out there. Well done.![👍](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44d.svg)
Heartfelt and brilliant Mogs.
Thank you.
Cheers hux. Well you know me, I always follow Shrek’s sage advice of, ”better out than in, that’s what I always say.” lol![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
But seriously, it’s impossible to talk only about the masks and ignore all of the other areas in which doctors and nurses demonstrably let us all down, even harming and killing a significant amount of people who were placed in their care. They are not mere sock puppets or automatons, taking orders from above and carrying them out unquestioningly, but they are autonomous, highly experienced and skilled individuals. What happened? And I will not take this ‘mass formation’ bollocks as an answer. Elderly patients were presenting with pneumonia, an extremely common, mainly seasonal respiratory complication all doctors are well versed in identifying and treating, but all of a sudden they believe they’re confronted with something new and unrecognisable?? I want to hear from the horse’s mouth why doctors themselves did this. I want to hear them justify and rationalise their (in)actions. We all deserve an explanation for this iatrogenesis which took place in all hospitals, which nobody saw fit to question. The relatives were the only advocates for those poor patients neglected and sentenced to death, so no wonder they had to be banned!
You are absolutely right again Mogs.![👍](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44d.svg)
In 1982, when I was 21, I had a tumour misdiagnosed as glue ear by an immigrant doctor, so I’ve known for over 40 years that there are useless, incompetent twats in the medical profession.
But the last three years has shown that almost all of them are not just useless, incompetent twats, but multiply corrupt and thoroughly dishonest as well.
I’ve discussed this with a highly educated, intelligent, politically aware friend of mine. He said he got “vaccinated against Covid” because he trusts doctors. Why? Dishonesty and greed and cowardice are human traits present in most people to differing degrees. It seems like utter lunacy to somehow think that me membership of some profession would
mean you somehow skipped those bits of human nature.
“Hancockroach” Absolutely bloody brilliant,![👏](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f44f.svg)
I have tried to sign the embedded letter but it seems to be faulting.
I’ve just signed it, no problem at all, couldn’t have been simpler. If there was a fault, it’s fixed now.
The UK is dropping to bits
But what happens next?
The political economy is dropping to bits – the problem & the opportunity is that nobody knows what is going to replace capitalism as that political economy. This includes the evil elites who are driving the agenda behind closed doors.
Nobody but ourselves is going to save us.
Jessica Rose has done a top notch job of scrutinizing the data and confirming what ‘data-heads’ before her have found; that Covid deaths were actually mostly pneumonia deaths. This brings us back to my previous post about how doctors have blood on their hands as they are guilty of killing people due to negligence and they need to be held to account for their crimes. It would appear, from what I can gather, that antibiotics, which would be the first line of treatment, were suddenly made unavailable in many countries at the same time. There’s that ”lockstep” term again. It would be the doctors prescribing the antibiotics, as it would be the doctors’ responsibility to order chest X-rays to confirm a diagnosis. Why wasn’t this done? If doctors suddenly got orders from their ‘higher ups’, that they were suddenly not allowed to prescribe a simple antibiotic, which had been protocol since forever, why on earth did this not sound alarm bells and they start asking questions, blowing the whistle if they ( rightly ) suspected something sinister was going on? They weren’t suspicious enough to ever speak out?? This seems bizarre to me. What is even more bizarre ( read extremely sinister ) is that not only did they deny patients antibiotics but stuck the poor people on an infusion of midazolam and morphine, two drugs which have a powerful respiratory depressing effect. Crimes being committed in broad daylight and all staff said f*ck all! It was relatives raising the alarm on this matter, not the ”caring” frontline staff.
”Remember how regular antibiotics were made unavailable? In the face of all this ‘viral’ testing, antibiotics would have been ‘justifiably’ thrown off the table. Remember how you were instructed to go turn cyanotic if you were suffering from respiratory symptoms? Remember how they continue to push face coverings that promote secondary infections and exacerbate existing ones? Geez, it makes sense, doesn’t it? The excess deaths in the COVID-19 death group are likely the over-shoot from mis-attribution of other causes of death. Pneumonia + everything else = COVID-19 deaths.
I had a lot more written here to try to explain the resurgence of COVID-19 deaths in the face of the injections, but I don’t think I need to. The deaths are ebbing and flowing as they always do seasonally; the only difference here is the magnitude which is explained by withholding of standard antibiotics and medications. The mis-treatment of humans, especially elderly humans, during the ‘pandemic’ killed a lot of people.
Our elders were isolated and abandoned and left without life-saving drugs.
So, why? Why on Earth would they do this? Why would they make up a definition of a COVID-19 death, make it depend on a fraudulent PCR ‘text’, request doctors to write-up COVID-19 as the cause of death in cases where it was not, and swap in the pneumonia data and call it COVID-19?”
Just a thought re antibiotics. Here in Asia you want antibiotics you go to the pharmacy and buy them over the counter.
Up until the jabbing started we had very few convid deaths, if memory serves me correctly it was about 80 for the year ending 2020 only marginally more than the daily death toll on the roads.
Then the jabs started and it shot up to hundreds per day. Sez it all really?
Mask Mandates about control not health
Wednesday 28th June 11am to 12pm
Yellow Freedom Boards
Junction A4 Bath Road, Henley Rd &
Cannon Lane
Maidenhead SL6 4LJ
Thursday 29th June 11am to 12pm
Yellow Freedom Boards
Junction A3095 Warfield Road &
Harvest Ride Warfield
Bracknell RG42 2QH
While we’re about it any chance of ridding ourselves of those bloody awful plastic screens that are still in shops and supermarkets? They are obviously completely useless, inhibit communication and are becoming a complete eyesore. Filthy disgusting things let’s get rid.
Now that the data analysis has been done properly we find that the jabs increase the likelyhood of suffering from the “Covid” infection, by a factor of about 4 times! They cause endless other problems resulting in a large and increasing number of excess deaths. The evidence is that they really were deliberately trying to kill us, and falsified the reporting of deaths to cover the fact up. Never ever trust any of them again, on anything. They are planning to kill a lot more with power cuts this winter, due to another completely lunatic policy called “Net (whatever that means) Zero”. Germany has given it up, but our government is still pi…ing our money at the wall.
Just last week a journalist remarked that Boris Johnson, during the height of lockdowns, flew to Belfast and on arrival didn’t have a mask. His aide gave him one, then his old used blue job was dangling in his pocket – completely against the ‘general rule’ re mask. That shows us all that masks are just a toy, a futile gesture, and to quote the brilliant De Santis, pure Covid theatre.
The next one to go MUST BE a lateral flow test!!! I had to have a colonoscopy last month, and was told to do a LFT at home, and post a photo to the hospital! What the hell? First of all, why? Do the doctors and nurses do a test daily before work? Secondly, why allow patients to post a photo? This is covid theatre! When I checked in at the hospital the next day, NO ONE asked me for the test result. What a joke.
That was a clear breach of the NHS constitution, informed consent & medical ethics. Even if consent is given for a medical intervention to proceed that consent has to be valid. Consent given under threat of removal of a healthcare intervention is coercion & the consent is not valid.
Such a shame that you have been so abused. Hopefully you will be armed with this information should you find yourself in a similar situation.
Anna de Buisseret tweeted about this as one was demanded when she went for a procedure. This was her response:
I was in hospital yesterday for a procedure and was told that I had to take a PCR test beforehand.
I refused – so she said that they wouldn’t be able to proceed.
I gave her a short lecture on the NHS constitution, informed consent laws and medical ethics.
She backed down![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
Every day on the tube we still find a few masked zombies pretending to be protecting him/her/them/us. If only they had used a WWII gas mask I would be more respectful. But no. These are still the ‘cloth’ home made version, or the usual blue Chinese jobs.