In this week’s episode of London Calling, James and I discuss James’s rock star status among the readers of TCW Defending Freedom; the shooting down of three UFOs over North American airspace and whether that’s a nice way to treat visitors from another galaxy; the spat between Mark Steyn and GB News (which provokes a massive row); Seymour Hersh’s revelations about U.S. involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines; the Super Bowl and how it’s only a matter of time before every American identity group demands its own national anthem, not just African-Americans; and, in Culture Corner, why John Cleese shouldn’t make another series of Fawlty Towers, my verdict on You People and All Quiet on the Western Front, the delights of German spy thriller Kleo, and the stage adaptation of Best of Enemies, which James really enjoyed in spite of its diversity casting.
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Boring, I wish you’d mix it up a little Toby!

Only three ufos?..please try harder..
That’s what my maths teacher always wrote on my report! Nigh Night
I don’t need to listen to this to know that Mark Steyn is the victim of a terrible injustice. GB News should have stood up to OFCOM, although I accept that they are walking a tightrope and need to avoid being closed down.
Fortunately, I can still listen to him via his own Show …. which is what I will be doing.
JD was on the money. Toby, you come across as a snivelling apologist for Ofcom (please stop calling it Ofsted). You pontificate on the potential lack of veracity of some or Mark Steyn’s graphs and numbers, thereby attempting to justify his loss of livelihood, whilst glaringly omitting the crap spouted unchallenged and uncensored by Whitty/Ferguson/Vallance et al. You’ve taken the Kool Aid man. Disgraceful!
Big picture: Nor Steyn nor his guests can exercise free speech about the vaccines on GB News without risking a £1m fine from Ofcom.
Small picture: A nice man from Ofcom’s press office explains why they’re even-handed.
Toby, the issue isn’t whether Ofcom finds Steyn/GBNews guilty of misrepresenting a graph, the issue is that it has the power to do so. Surely the Free Speech Union exists to tell Ofcom and its masters to fuck off.
If this debate had been a contest then JD would have won it hands-down. Come on Toby. Why all this “it’s the law so you’ve just gotta put up with it stuff”? Laws can sometimes be plain evil in their effect and those laws should be resisted. OfCom is the perfect tool for an authoritarian regime. It’s unaccountable, autonomous, subject to little or no governance, and has draconian powers to punish. Thanks to OfCom, GB News presented Mark Steyn with a contract neither he, not any rational person, could accept. Seems like constructive dismissal of a man who had just recovered from a serious medical condition. GB News are not the main evil here, that accolade goes to OfCom , but they are at best cowardly stooges. This is happening elsewhere too. I’ve just read that James O’Keefe has been ousted from Project Veritas after his sensational Pfizer sting. Surely you are not still hanging onto the “cock-up” theory about all this?
Whilst I hate Ofcom and was disappointed to say the least at the extent to which Toby appeared to stick up for them, I do believe GB News and Frangopoulos to be the real villains of this particular piece. It’s not as if Ofcom have (yet) ruled against Mark Steyn on either of the complaints they are ‘considering’. To present Mark with a contract that no-one would ever agree to sign, and to do so while he is still recovering from a double heart attack, does not sound like the start of an intended negotiation as Toby suggested it might have been. It is completely understandable if Mark lost his temper.
I’ve certainly watched a lot less GB News since last week and imagine many have done the same. I have, however, been watching Mark’s shows from his own website, and they are as entertaining and informative as always.
You can hear it in his voice, that Toby is starting to get it. Seems like a nice man though and someone who might be of use in difficult situations. All I can say is that it isn’t all paranoid nonsense the reason that I even bother communicating is to increase potential survival. As for James he is one of us so fuck him he relies on no one and no one relies on him. And yet because of this he will have many people to rely on. If you meet a fellow man in a post-apocalyptic future as long as he stuck to his guns and is a pureblood then we can work together.