- “True impact of Covid on cancer patients revealed as excess deaths soar” – The Government is called upon to act as charities warn missed diagnoses during lockdown may be a factor compounded by the current NHS crisis, the Telegraph reports.
- “Benefits claims still more than double pre-Covid levels in parts of U.K.” – The London constituencies of Brent North and East Ham both had twice as many claimants last month than before the pandemic, the Mail reports.
- “Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research” – Red meat has been linked to all sorts of adverse health outcomes. But a new study shows that the associations are weak or nonexistent, writes Ross Pomeroy in Big Think.
- “FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation” – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) telling people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, Government lawyers argued during a recent hearing, according to the Epoch TImes.
- “Association between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection and mortality” – A new study finds COVID-19 mortality 25-33% lower when using vitamin D.
- “The Dilemma of the Vaccinated” – Dr. Robert Malone on a new excess mortality analysis tool.
- “The biggest public policy disaster in a lifetime” – Dr. Ian Plimer in TCW Defending Freedom on why Net Zero is so wrongheaded.
- “Middle earners face further squeeze as Hunt plots ‘social tariffs’ for energy” – Ministers are looking at a policy to subsidise bills for low income households, the Telegraph reports.
- “Britons face ‘reparations’ bill for climate change: Ministers brace for backlash after COP27 summit agrees ‘loss and damage’ fund for developing countries… but who will get the money and how much?” – A ‘loss and damage’ mechanism was signed off in principle at the UN gathering in Egypt in the early hours of the morning, the Mail reports.
- “Elon Musk restores Donald Trump’s Twitter account” – The former President’s Twitter account reappeared shortly after Mr. Musk announced the narrow online poll win, reports the Telegraph.
- “Defund woke universities to defeat the new totalitarians” – Simon Heffer in the Telegraph says something must be done to protect rigour and freedom in higher education.
- “Society of Authors official quits, claiming it is undermining complaints of gender-critical writers” – A Society of Authors official has quit after claiming the union is undermining the complaints of gender-critical writers, reports the Telegraph.
- “Racism cannot explain away youth violence” – Inaya Folarin Iman writes in Spiked that we must not make excuses for violent perpetrators.
- “Disney’s woke crusade is costing it dearly” – Laurie Wastell in Spiked says the entertainment giant is alienating audiences and losing shedloads of money.
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The latest installment ( 1hr ) from the Canadian doctors ( Drs Hoffe, Makis, Malthouse and Shaw ) covering various topics inc sudden deaths of doctors, ‘turbo cancers’ and the evidence that more people have died since the introduction of the gene therapies compared to 2020 when there was none and also compared with a very low % vaxxed in S. Africa, where natural immunity was allowed to happen.
I think I’m experiencing scepticism-burnout, and wondering if others are too, hence the drop off in comments here, etc.
The last nearly-3 years have been the second big red-pill period of my life, ( the first was 1988-92 ) and currently i feel sceptical about almost everything, but no longer in an excited/passionate/OMG sort of way but wearily.
I’ve started liking and sharing pics of paintings and landscapes on fb because I almost can’t bear anymore of the revealed corruptions, lies, damage, of not just the last 3 years but the last hundred+.
Is there anywhere or anything big, public, organised, powerful with integrity *and* *vision*?
You and me both, Amtrup…
Thats three of us…
I’m also feeling the same, Amtrup. The outrage has sort of dissipated into the ether. I get occasional flurries of it but I am so used to being disappointed now that it’s almost become my default setting, so to speak, as far as news is concerned anyway. I would like to feel more joyful generally again. Being more of an optimist than pessimist, I tend to get joy in small interactions with ordinary people and friends anyway but I get dread now too. Many of my friends are the type you can’t talk to about these things so I don’t.
Let’s start a movement based on joy, hope, integrity, and yes, importantly, vision.
Me too.
“Is there anywhere or anything big, public, organised, powerful with integrity *and* *vision*?”
I can’t think of much. Whatever Swedish organisation Tegnell runs/used to run (Swedish public health?). Arguably the governments of a few Republican run states in the USA (though you may not like other aspects of their politics).
I’m sure we have all felt like it..I know I have. It does do some good to just ditch stuff for a couple of weeks, and come back a little bit ‘renewed’…
The truth is, this is what keeping going looks like…boring, annoying, soul-sapping…
but it just has to be done…..
Hear, hear.
Maybe it’s just SAD.
I was surprised to learn that there was a March through London yesterday.
I can’t see the point of that anymore at the moment, but I have the deepest respect for its organisers and participants and for their continued commitment.
The one thing that matters now for all of us isis to remember Admiral Stockdale’s words and actions and to stay true to them:
The “Stockdale Paradox”: you must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.
“hence the drop off in comments here, etc.”
You may be correct Amtrup but I believe it is the responsibility of the regulars to keep posting. We must not let DS go down. Fortunately new members are posting but if we do not provide a lead it could have disastrous consequences.
I will continue to do my bit.
I thought this was very interesting because I hadn’t even heard about what happened in Samoa in 2019. News to me!
“So let’s then turn to Samoa (and neighbouring Fiji and Tonga) in 2019. Here is the timeline
Great spot Mog. One of the arguments against deliberate release of SARS-CoV-2 is that the perpetrators would have had to undertake large-scale tests to caliberate the virus, i.e. to make sure it was just deadly enough to create a panic but not so dangerous that it would imperil the lives of the perps. I wonder if this is a missing piece in the jigsaw?
Morning all…
I’m not sure but I think this link came from a comment on the Samoa incident..
Tetanus (laced with an infertility drug) in Kenya…..
I think I said this the other day..I always considered myself a believer in vaccines in general..not now….
This took me down a massive Rabbit Hole early hours today , the bit about the gain of function in good old USA mixing measles with the sars cov2!!!
Where were these charities in 2020? It was obvious back then what was going to happen!
The British Heart Foundation (rotten to the bloody core) has supported every aspect of the lockdowns including, unbelievably for patients with heart disease, the wearing of masks.
I am not aware of any charity which has behaved credibly throughout this evil.
Looks like the Regional Manager of the United Kingdon autonomous region of the EU, (formerly, ‘Prime Minister’) has been over-ruled again.
Media asking questions..? Nope..? Didn’t think so…
What’s the context, Neil? I don’t do mainstream media.
Today’s JC update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjTsQ2Ufi4U “Natural immunity protects”.
A useful ten minute one by Ivor Cummins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSBgRGJmHxw&list=WL&index=3
And a much older one by Ivor on the functionality of Vitamin D etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3pK0dccQ38 This lecture was done well before C-19 was invented!
Apologies for being lazy – I’m really struggling for any spare time today – but do yo know what the recommended daily dose of vitamin D was in the study referenced in the news section and the one you’ve linked to? I try to take daily vitamin D, but not 100% sure what the optimal dosage is.
The Ivor Cummins one was 4000 IU, or 100 µg per day. Well above the current NHS online one of 400 IU ( ten to one ). Other places (such as German sites) vary a bit. 25 µg tablets are on sale in supermarkets, sometimes 12.5 µg ones, and about 5 µg seem to be part of “everyday health” products. Take your pick!
There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about the potential risk of using too much oral intake, though. E.g. in this paper: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-nutritional-science/article/physiological-significance-of-vitamin-d-produced-in-skin-compared-with-oral-vitamin-d/F91B8317B430A6B810D6D13B559B17D4# they suggest that 10,000 IU could be at the risky end of the scale. In it there is a lot about the internal mechanics of how we deal with automatic internal creation in response to UV-B compared with dietary intake.
Ok, thanks. The ones I take are 4000 IU, but always forget a few days, so probably usually take ~4/5 a week along with 40mg Zinc and, occasionally, Vitamin C. I can’t actually remember where I got those dose quantities from now!
I think Dr Sam Bailey recommends 2000 IU. She has definitely posted a video on the subject.
Bob Moran has published his artwork for the Not Our Future campaign. Please sign & share.
My artwork for the Not Our Future campaign that launches today. Find out more at notourfuture.org
Neil Oliver: The betrayal of Britain
It’s this stuff that keeps me going…because he’s right, we can’t give in, and if those of us who know what’s wrong give in, who is left?
We must not give in. When my back is against the wall all I can do is try to keep standing, there are no other options.
I have been informed by our next door neighbour that her husband died last Thursday. They had separated but on good terms. He was a lovely guy, just forty two years old and before the Scamdemic extremely fit.
The cause of death was heart failure brought on as a result of treatment he was receiving for melanoma and lung cancer which sprang from nowhere two months ago. He had been injected.
He leaves a seven year old son, a lovely lad.
Anger…another thing that keeps me going!!.
My young friend .. just in her early 40s, has been told her cancer has returned, and is currently inoperable.
I can’t say the ‘vax did it’…but I know her doctor recommended she had them all…
Dr John Campbells lates about the G20 in Bali….
He is becoming wonderfully adept at NOT saying things that would get him a YouTube ban…brilliant…
Dr John Campbell – now dripping with sarcasm and subdued anger. A good watch.
He gets better and better. A must watch.
A suitable meme:
“We recognize that the extensive COVID-19 immunization is a global public good and we will advance our effort to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, quality and effective vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics (VTDs).”
Thisis an example of the utter guff and garbage put out as part of the World Leaders’ Global Declaration Bali 22.
There are pages and pages of similar shyte.
This is an excellent but disturbing short read.
This is random. Scabies is apparently on the rise here, but why on earth would you need to develop a PCR test to diagnose it? Shouldn’t any self-respecting doctor be able to do that? Or send a sample off to the labs for a diagnosis? No idea why a PCR test would be necessary. Surely use the same diagnostic protocol they’ve always used. It’s hardly an uncommon or exotic disease. What next, the WHO declares a global emergency of armageddon proportions?? Do me a favour! R.I.P Monkeybollox, Scabies… it’s your time to shine!! lol FFS..
The PCR test is being used to insert stuff in to the brain Mogs, that’s why any and every opportunity is taken to use it.
I dearly wanna see the back end of those ruddy things, not have their usage becoming more widespread. That’s nuts! I mean, what have doctors always done to manage scabies? Probably looked at the skin, listened to the patient’s symptoms then prescribe an appropriate medication. It does seem ominous, as well as nonsensical, that they’d bother to invest money and resources into something that’s blatantly unnecessary. Unless, as you say, there’s ulterior motives…..

Man, they’re determined to get us one way or another aren’t they? Kary Mullis will be spinning in his grave.
If you haven’t looked in on Technocracy News Mogs:
Never did a test, never will.
Me neither.
Technocracy News discussing the depopulation agenda. It ain’t pretty.