In this week’s episode of London Calling, James and I discuss the big news of the week, namely, James’s visit with his grandson. In other news, Boris Johnson has been defenestrated by the Conservative Party, which James thinks Bill Gates flew in to oversee, and a leadership election is underway. I’m Team Kemi – I think the 41 year-old anti-woke warrior princess would make the best Prime Minister – and while James says if he had to go for someone he’d go for Kemi he thinks – predictably – that whoever wins will be a puppet of the World Economic Forum. James wants to talk about the farming riots in Holland – caused by the closure of Dutch farms, according to James, which is yet more evidence of the WEF’s de-population programme – while I want to talk about the coup in Sri Lanka. In Culture Corner, we both enthuse about The Terminal List and other non-woke Hollywood fare, like The Boys and Reacher, and I give two emphatic thumbs down to Thor: Love and Thunder.
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Toby and James’s debates sound a lot like those between me and my dad. Dad is Toby and I am James.
Anyways, unusually for him (he knows it’s all a fraud but subscribes to the general mistake theory), my dad just pointed me to this guy, ripping into the whole thing.
Ten months ago, but still. I bet most here haven’t seen it!
Team James rocks.
I rock Team James
I mean, Toby is the man, but James kinda nails it. There is a lot rotten at many levels and it’s all coming to the fore. I sense desperation among the secret societies.
Their financial system is coming apart at the seams and they know that BSV (the only, true, real Bitcoin on the only true Blockchain according to Craig Wright aka Satoshi Nakamoto’s 2008 Whitepaper) is COMING FOR THEM.
I don’t think Bitcoin will save us. I think it’s a liquidity trap as well as the model for CBDC. It will get outlawed somehow. But I hope you are right.
BTC won’t save us. It and its Blockchain were intentionally broken in Aug 2017 when the Chain of Signatures was taken off the Blockchain, so it could be owned and controlled by a centralised authority – since then it is a worthless security as opposed to a genuine commodity.
That created the fork with BCH.
Then, a year later, in August 2018, BSV fixed this problem, taking the protocol back to the original form. Very few people know this, because the forces which stole BTC (and kept the acronym) own so much of the media.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact.
Blockchain (the BSV one) is about soooo much more than a digital currency – although it will function (it already is) as the currency of a new internet and anything that depends upon it and data sovereignty.
All the other “cryptocurrencies” (I hate that word) are utterly worthless pieces of rubbish.
I find Toby’s (and other people desperately attached to a normal world) “but why are they doing it” questions really, really annoying.
First of all, how the hell are we supposed to know? We don’t really even know who “they” are, let alone why they might be doing what they are doing.
Whenever I’m asked that question I refuse to answer because the moment you start speculating you risk sounding like a looney. And rightly so. Because you’ll just be making stuff up.
Second, I don’t need to know why anything is being done to know it’s being done. Why did Pol Pot commit genocide in Cambodia, why did Stalin purge millions, why did the Nazi’s murder the jews en masse, why did American settlers set out to exterminate the native Americans?
Horrible shit has happened repeatedly in history. But these Toby like characters seem to think that the human race has transcended that kind of evil and the people at the top are all goodies now.
Hold on, sorry, not true. He’s capable of believing Putin is a heartless killer. He probably has no problem believing that an African ruler could commit genocide. He’s prepared to believe the Chinese communist party might be conspiring to release viruses. But someone like Bill Gates? God, no. Not in the civilised west. Impossible to have any psychopaths in power over here.
Give me a freakkin break.
If you open your eyes, observe and take it in, you will clearly see that
(a) the system is completely rigged.
(b) there are some very evil people in power (yes, in the west) doing some pretty evil things. And they’re not just politicians in positions of power.
(c) the system may have had checks and balances at some point, but they’re all gone. We are in a system without breaks now.
In short, I agree. James nails it. (Except when he starts speculating on why.)
I agree with every word of your comment.
Me too.
Is there not a why that a desperate starving populace will submit to any control if they’re promised food to prevent their children starving?
Ultimately it’s all about control
He is great.
Vigano also nails it
And my dad thought he is a Muslim! Had to tell him about Divine Liturgy.
Blimey, Toby’s got his gong at last. Who says miracles don’t happen…
Who really understands why tyrants do what they do? Do we have rational explanations for the behaviour of tyrants throughout history? Yet it is undeniable they did terrible things. We don’t deny these things happened because we can’t find a logical explanation for them or because we can’t imagine why people would do such terrible things. If we do deny such things happen then we are merely deluding ourselves
As to the vaccines Toby there are 5 undeniable things (1) they are causing injuries and deaths on a much larger scale than any other vaccine, (2) None of the authorities are investigating the reports of those injuries and deaths, (3) all debate around them has been censored/stifled, (4) they are using a novel technology on a massive scale still in phase 3 trials, with unknown long-term consequences, and (5) their effectiveness is at best very limited.
The Boys is as Woke as can be?!?
How can you not notice the constant references to Homelanders fans being white men in the rust belt (meaning Trump supporters) and the psychopathic Bluehawk (I might have slightly got his name wrong – sorry) (suit remarkably similar to a police officer) who randomly murders black people and then goes full crazy at a community meeting as they shout Black Lives Matter at him and he yells All Lives Matter back at them before assaulting a few of them and handicapping A-trains brother in the process … A-train then murders Bluehawk a little later after a throughly revolting orgy scene which went on for ages … gratuitous doesn’t begin to describe it … I’m now at the stage that I’m watching simply for morbid curiosity about how low it can go.
‘Non woke Hollywood fare … They Boys ‘ …. delusional comment Toby, absolutely bonkers
I enjoy their discussion on topical issues but it is not lengthy enough and I am not interested in the culture corner which takes up too much of the podcast.