It’s been another grand week for climate scare hysteria in large parts of the media: massive heatwaves at both poles – what a coincidence – and another mass coral bleaching at the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Where, we might ask, were the equally prominent reports on the recent news that the South Pole had its coldest six-month winter since records began, and coral at the GBR has been growing furiously in recent years, and could be at a near-100 year high?
Largely missing from the latest reports, however, are the important facts that the nearest weather station to the North Pole is 800 kilometres away, the suggested heatwave across eastern Antarctica was the product of a weather forecasting computer model, and the coral ‘mass bleaching’ was spotted from an aircraft.
The polar heatwave story sems to have originated from an Associated Press press report, and was spread by the Microsoft Network, the Washington Post and the Guardian, among many others. The Guardian went all in, stating: “Startling heatwaves at both of Earth’s poles are causing alarm among climate scientists who have warned the ‘unprecedented’ events could signal faster and abrupt climate breakdown.” The Guardian story noted that the weather stations were “near the North Pole”, leading the meteorologist Anthony Watts to comment that the nearest weather station was in northern Canada, 817 kms from the pole. Watts noted that floating ice in the Arctic makes it almost impossible to keep a station in one place.
On the other side of the globe, helping to promote the Antarctica story was the above diagram which purported to show a heatwave over large areas of the continent. Clicking on the original MSN caption, Watts discovered that the following appeared: “Simulation of temperature differences from normal centered over Antarctica from the American (GFS) model.” In other words, the heatwave story was mostly based on a computer model called the Global Forecast System, described by its operator as a weather forecast model that “generates” data from dozens of atmospheric and land soil variables.
Watts then checked on data from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station during the same period, and found no evidence of any heatwave from March 17th-22nd, bar a very small rise to -56°F on the morning of March 18th. He also rechecked the model simulation four days later and found the heatwave had gone.
Meanwhile, seemingly on a different planet to Earth, the Guardian writer Fiona Harvey used the story to say that “scientists were warning” that the unfolding events were “historic”, “unprecedented” and “dramatic”. Professor Michael Mann, of IPCC hockey stick fame, said the extreme weather being recorded “was exceeding predictions to a worrying extent”. The sceptical might note that predictions from climate models exceeding predictions from other climate models is a worrying concern only for those possessed of a particularly inventive imagination.
Perhaps wisely, the BBC steered clear of the polar propaganda stunt, but it didn’t hold back on the so-called mass bleaching event at the Great Barrier Reef. Scientists say urgent action on climate change is needed if the world’s largest reef system is to survive, the BBC faithfully reported.
As I have noted in the past, tropical coral grows in water between 24°C and 32°C. Bleaching occurs when corals expel symbiotic algae in reaction to sudden changes in water temperature. Gradual warming or cooling of water over a number of years does not seem to affect the adaptable coral. In October 2020, the BBC published a story about the GBR saying that following mass bleaching events it had lost half of its coral since 1995. It cited a study that claimed this was due to “warmer seas driven by climate change”. Meanwhile, the Australian Institute of Marine Science has reported a huge rise in the growth of coral in 2021 – up 27% in the north, 26% in the central region and 39% in the south.
The latest BBC story was taken from a monthly reef report from the GBR Marine Park Authority. The report seems to have identified some natural bleaching as recent summer waters warmed, adding: “Weather patterns over the next couple of weeks continue to remain critical in determining the overall extent and severity of coral bleaching.” In addition, the survey of the reef was conducted by air, a method of observation that is open to criticism. Left out of the BBC report is the admission by the Authority that “aerial surveys can only reliably observe shallow corals down to about five metres”. In fact, corals near the surface are prone to being affected by temporary seasonal changes in water temperature, and the (usually) temporary bleaching they cause.
A critic of the results of aerial surveys is Jennifer Marohasy, the biologist and long time observer of the Reef. She believes that it is “impossible to know the state of the corals” from an altitude of 120 metres. She recalled that the reef crest at the large mid-shelf Britomark reef looked desolate from the air, when in reality it had live coral cover. “But I could only know this by getting in, and under the water,” she added. Other reefs tell a similar story, she adds.
Models mistaken for data, fly-by observations promoting long-term climate guesses – another day, another dollar in the climate Armageddon business.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.
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The Right Man For The Job
On February 8 Joe Biden promised his green energy plans would lower US energy prices. Since then energy prices have skyrocketed to record highs. Tony Heller
Stand for freedom with our Yellow Boards
Tuesday 29th March 2pm to 3pm
Yellow Boards By the Road
Junction Bracknell Road B3348
& Old Wokingham Road
Crowthorne RG45 6ST
Stand in the Park Sundays from 10am – make friends & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens
(Cockpit Path car park free on Sunday)
Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
What is a “climate breakdown”?
I mean, apart from a metaphor intended to cause maximum alarm.
How does the climate breakdown exactly?
The Chinese building coal-fired power stations in China is what is causing Climate Change. But who is going to stop them? Answer: no-one.
There’s no need to stop them because coal-fired power stations are not driving climate change. The climate changes naturally.
Show us the credible, empirical, scientific study which demonstrates atmospheric CO2 causes warming of the planet.
I’ll save you the bother, there isn’t one, despite many attempts.
Is a breakdown worse than an emergency? Where is catastrophe on that scale?
They’re going to need a bigger thesaurus.
Climate Armageddon?
Amageddon!!! Look it up on YouTube.. not the film, but the radio clip
Before too long somebody is going to christen their child with that name.
Ladbrokes are giving 3:1 on ‘Climate Armageddon Thunberg’ – its a long term bet though, because surely nobody would want to……. enough said.
It loses hope and sobs uncontrollably?
Ha ha. Superb.
That struck me too. Is climate capable of disappearing? Will we be left floating in space?
I think we should be told.
Climate bursts into tears because someone misused their pronoun?
Why can’t these folkers let the GBR live in peace and quiet?
Going through the weather data from the Antarctic Stations, it appears there was an extraordinary hot period (up to -20°!!)at Vostok on the 17th to 21st March. At the same time, there was a very low pressure there. Looking at the other stations about the edge of the hot area on the map, they had normal or slightly elevated temperatures. There is no other station reporting within coee of Vostok. There is an automatic weather station at Dome Argus which is relatively close (for Antarctica) but the operators say there is problems with it. The data for most stations here:
Dome A
So they had a high temperature at one, maybe two places. The model rather than averaging the difference to get a gradient, seems to have smeared all the temperature over East Antarctica, stopping just short of where the other bases were located.
I think that’s called a broad-brush approach. Another little-known branch of ‘science’.
Did a polar bear fart on the thermometre?
There are no polar bears in Antarctica. That’s climate change in action for you.
The temperature at Vostok went from -20 on the 21st to -60 (slightly below the seasonal average) less than a week later. What happened to all that heat? My guess is that it vanished into space. This is how the Earth’s climate avoids massive variations in temperature. The tropics are a region of net heat gain, this heat is then transported by the oceans and atmosphere to polar regions which are areas of net heat loss. Since a, relatively, warmer polar region will loose more heat than a warmer one we should expect more “heat waves” over the polar regions as the Earth “tries to loose” the naturally aquired heat that has built up over the last few decades. Obviously these basic facts about the climate system are ignored by alarmists as they don’t fit their politically motivated agenda.
I keep Nuuk’s weather on my iPhone weather app. And I can guarantee the weather there over the last few months has been a lot colder than usual. So even if the weather might’ve been a bit warmer than usual this last week. Over the entire winter it definitely hasn’t been.
Actually, it wasn’t warmer. What was reported was MODELLED temperature – and what happened was a calculation error…
Climate Change. HMRC have an online reporting system for Revenue Fraud.
Facts are not important. What is important is the constant drip of stories like this into the media – all of which keep the idea of dangerous climate change alive.
Note that there are NEVER any advertised debunking stories…
And the Chat Fekkers will ensure that any signs of doubt about the “correct” narative are vigorously stamped on.
Careful now. Are you sure that attitude is Online Safety Bill compliant?
The most remarkable event in this information war was the East Anglian ‘Climategate’ incident, which was used to trash the reputation of pioneering climate scientist Prof Philip Jones, nearly driving him to suicide.
The identity of the secret group behind this attack has never been established.
He trashed his own reputation in those emails.
And everyone else’s.
Ah but there were two (or was it three?) high powered ‘impartial’ enquiries which exonerated him.
He then went on to become an even higher paid purveyor of junk science.
That was the story that was put out, but it wasn’t true.
Have you actually read the emails? I have. In fact, long before they were leaked I had all ready read a number of them because one of the writers copied me in on some of the emails he had sent.
Fingal have you ever read the emails and documents? I downloaded them while they were available and they confirmed then what had suspected for several years – that Climate ‘science’ ( like Public Health and Social Science ) is nowhere near science as we knew it then and the politicised academics are seen to be money-grubbing fraudsters.
In respect to all this man made global warming bollix, an advertisement for a new super dooper Skoda skalectric car on the TV, says at the bottom of the screen ” this car needs electricity to charge it’s battery”
Now there’s a thing!
‘Batteries not included’
If he did nothing else, Trump at least managed to coin the term that encapsulates this and all other anti-journalistic practices – ‘Fake Nooz’.
Ironically it’s a term that applies to almost everything Trump himself said.
Let’s face it, Trump is a moron. However, from the outset the MSM declared open war on him. Every press conference was hostile, every mis-speak twisted and broadcast on repeat. They even seemingly boosted his orange skin tones for effect (which don’t seem to come across in non-hostile interviews). Can you imagine Biden being handled in the same way with all the opportunities he provides? How on earth they managed to put a considerably bigger idiot in the Whitehouse after Trump is a wonder.
By what standard do you define ‘Moron’. Mean tweets?
Well, Trump did get a lot of support from Fox News, a big hitter. Although they fell out a little because Fox briefly strayed into telling the truth about who was winning the last election.
It amazes me how a sophisticated country like the US could end up with 2 very poor choices for president in a row.
However, for all his personal weaknesses, at least Biden is not a fundamental challenge to the institutions of governments, as Trump is/was.
So you have been in a coma since January 2021.
Some would say that’s the problem with Biden and the benefit of Trump. He scares the bejesus out of the deep state.
Does that make Brandon a More-Moron?
Trump is brash and seems to think simplistically. He also loves himself and is possibly on the psychopathy spectrum. Brandon is just senile. You wouldn’t want Brandon to be in charge of a butter knife, would certainly run for cover if you saw him behind the wheel of a car, yet this senile wither of a man has nuclear launch codes.
Apart from the right wing MSM, that is.
Eventually even Fox saw his nonsense.
No one who has made billions can be a moron. He may be an embarrassing, Twitter-obsessed narcissist but moron no.
Ironically, that’s Fake Nooz.
Trump didn’t build the wall. He didn’t make America energy independent. He didn’t negotiate the Abrahams agreement. There was no stock market boom. There were no cheap gas prices. He wasn’t the only president in living memory not to begin a new conflict in his first term……..etc., etc., etc.
No rapprochement with North Korea taking the heat out of its nuclear posturing, no restraint on Iran and its nuclear ambitions?
He didn’t build the wall, or not a meaningful proportion it. The path to energy independence began long before Trump. It remains to be seen how the Abrahams Agreement plays out. The stock market rose more under Obama and Clinton. He didn’t begin a new war, but he came very close to one entirely of his own creating with North Korea and also Iran. He messed up the withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, and he laid the seeds for Ukraine.
And seriously screwed up the covid response.
And sponsored and attempted coup, on January 6th 2021
There was no attempted coup, there was a protest during which some of the protesters were murdered by the WH guards.
He did play a lot of golf.
Well you play the fool an awful lot, but I’m not holding that against you.
Like the WuHan lab leak; CoVid = just bad ‘flu; Hunter Biden’s laptop; treatment for CoVid; Europe was making itself dependent on Russia for energy; for example?
Even a busted clock is right twice a day
Not if one or both of its hands are missing.
This is true if you believe what you were told about what he said, rather than what he actually said.
I heard plenty of crap out of his own mouth. Nothing to do with reporting.
I agree that Trump has at times talked utter bollocks. But that’s a far cry from:
Which was your original claim.
So, please define ‘almost everything’. What does this even mean? 90% of ‘everything Trump himself said’? 80%? 75%?
Then document ‘everything Trump himself said’ and demonstrate that ‘almost everything’ was fake news.
Sure, I indulged in a little hyperbole. But look at Trump – “I’m the least racist person in the world”!
“He messed up the withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, and he laid the seeds for Ukraine.”
Why do you say such silly things Fingal? Are you just ignorant or is something else driving you to write unhistorical nonsense?
It might be more interesting if you actually said something approximating an argument.
In both Syria and Afghanistan, Trump made unilateral announcements about US withdrawal without consulting allies. – Unforgivable.
In Syria, he had to partially withdraw the intention. In Afghanistan, he left office before the move was completed. One of Biden’s biggest mistakes was to execute Trump’s policy.
Good grief. That’s the pot calling the kettle a kettle of colour.
Except I’m really bright and shiny.
Lol! You can’t be serious.
Time will tell if Biden’s biggest mistake is executing half his country.
A ‘little’ hyperbole? That’s a nice bit of spin. Your claim was utterly irrational and silly.
Again, what are you trying to claim here? Are you capable of producing argumentation?
That Trump was himself a major circulator of Fake News.
Again, that’s another nebulous claim. Define ‘major’ in this context. Are you dense?
Definitions are freely available from any reputable dictionary.
You’re a shirker. You already abandoned your previous claim as ‘a little hyperol[ic]’, and then you go and offer another vague assertion claiming ‘Trump was…a major circulator of Fake News’. So since, like a wally, you’ve put the onus back on yourself then you need once again to shoulder your burden of responsibliity.
Define ‘major’ in this context. It’s not as simple as going to a dictionary. You made a vague and relatively sweeping claim and you need to define your terms in context and then substantiate the claim.
Happy to answer any useful questions, in the event that you ask one,
No you’re not. You’re a shirker.
Judging by the thumbs. The “sceptics” are also “Trumpians”
Or maybe they think Fingal is a purveyor of nonsense like you Mr tree.
Give us a break guys.
This post is about the blatant denial of science which the global warming cultists practice.
Get back to the point and stop feeding the trolls.
No, I enjoy sparring with Mr tree – it’s one of life’s pleasures, like the smell of pipe tobacco and the taste of an Islay malt in the evening.
And you’re affording me vicarious pleasure by doing so. I’ve sworn off responding (at least for Lent).
If we add up every report of Great Barrier Reef die offs from the past 40 years (and exclude the reports of growth, in order to be Online Safety Bill compliant), how much of it has died off?
200%? 500%? 1000%?
It’s so serious that it’s now the Small Barrier Reef.
It’s gone to the square root of negative, it’s an Imaginary Barrier Reef.
Former JCU Marine Physicist Peter Ridd says the Great Barrier Reef is now experiencing “record high coral cover,” and adds: “We’ve got more coral on the Great Barrier Reef now than we did when records began in 1985.
“We’ve got twice as much coral as we had after huge cyclones went through the reef in about 2011 and 2012, and this record-high coral cover is despite supposedly having three catastrophic unprecedented bleaching events in just the last five years.
It dies completely every 5 years, like Arctic Sea Ice ‘completely’ disappears every 5 years, we pass the climate tipping point every 5 years and reach peak-oil every five years. Then oddly everything resets back to what it was for another 5 years.
Now this:
(first bold original, the rest added)
It seems to me that, even granting an unprecedented heatwave, this does not necessarily constitute long-term climate change, and the climatemongers are once again conflating a short-term weather event with climate change.
Interestingly, this:
(my bold)
would actually warrant a closer look if the climatemongers were really interested in climate.
And that long term average can only be properly considered in retrospect over time periods of thousand/tens of thousands of years.
Looking at climate variation over decades/centuries is like going to the cinema and watching the film down the wrong end of a telescope.
Climate predictions are less accurate than reading tea-leaves, but evidently more lucrative.
Madness of our worship of wind: Matt Ridley
by Paul Homewood
Stand for freedom with our Yellow Boards
Tuesday 29th March 2pm to 3pm
Yellow Boards By the Road
Junction Bracknell Road B3348
& Old Wokingham Road
Crowthorne RG45 6ST
Stand in the Park Sundays from 10am – make friends & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens
(Cockpit Path car park free on Sunday)
Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
‘From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.’
The greened area is twice the size of the USA. So Nature has its own carbon capture scheme (no charge to taxpayers) and plants its own trees where it does the most good – celebrity and royal useful idiots not required.
The greening is also helped by milder temperatures at night.
This increase is reducing deserts, fixing top soil and moisture and providing habitat for many plants and animals.
Supposedly increasing the wild is what the Ecoloons are so keen on, so why aren’t they celebrating and why do they want to stop it?
Because they’re a death cult. The worse things get, the happier they are.
The position of the zero axis is significant here. The “worst” changes are still positive, and a death cultist’s happiness is always negative.
Whereas the AGW pushers would like to cut down forests in order to make room for wind turbines.
Funny thing is seeing one of Germany’s craziest Enviro each charities up in arms against cutting down forests to build windmills.
That in the place where the whole unhinged green movement was spawned with its nazi connections.
Now if Ivan was to cut off their gas it would be disaster which I would not wish on anyone.
President Trump did warn them against relying on Russia.
They laughed at him as they shut down their nuclear plants.
Pigeons coming home to roost.
or … between 50% and 75% of vegetated lands have not shown significant greening.
Same information.
The climate has caught covid19.
Greta is going to go ape, this only happened because you refused to wear a mask!
Now vaccine will have to be sprayed into the atmosphere as well as the chemtrails.
The Watts Up article begins:
From the
load of crapjournalists are either too stupid or too lazy to do basic research department.Chris Morrison is a journalist so it would be interesting to know how much basic research he has done in addition to summarising the Watts Up article. I am make no pretensions to be a journalist but I did an hour or so research concentrating on the South Pole record temperature story. Here some things I discovered:
The “heatwave” was not at the South Pole it was in the East Antarctic – the WaPo got that right. The Guardian headline was wrong but got it right in the detail. So the temperature record at the Scott-Amundsen base is irrelevant.
The closest weather station I could find was Concordia. This showed exceptionally high temperatures in March. (freezing is exceptionally high round there). I think there may be other relevant weather stations but it is a bit confusing.
It is misleading to describe the GSF model as simulating temperatures. It is the USA’s main weather forecasting model (one of three or four in the world). We don’t normally describe a weather forecast as simulating tomorrow’s weather.
What else is it doing then? I’ve lost count of the times the weather forecast said it was going to be a sunny day only for it to piss down.
Second para makes it clear the heatwave was “across eastern Antartica”. This was obviously modelled from a couple of local weather stations and, frankly, blown up into something it wasn’t.I didn’t say the GFS was simulating temperatures – the map supplied did. The South Pole temperature was relevant since all the stories spoke of a heatwave at the South Pole.
Is Neil Ferguson moving into climate modelling?
I’m sure a man with his skill set will be welcomed by the IPCC and Greta.
I’m so tired of this climate nonsense. It might be true but because of the hype and hysteria I no longer believe it. We have done NOTHING substantial to reduce general pollution and it would’ve been so much easier. Even if we are contributing to climate change they don’t know how much and what effect it will have. The earth has been hotter and it’s been colder. There is so much BS it’s impossible to trust what we’re told.
The time to worry is when the climate doesn’t change because that would imply serious happenings in our universe.
Think Harder,
A good rule of thumb is not to believe anything a government tells you first off.
Then do a bit of research and you may well get to believe some of it.
The important thing is not to get too hung up any of the stories.
Keep smiling trust in your experiences, be nice to your family and look forward to tomorrow.
Perhaps the latest new obsession is that of “Climate Change”. However, the climate is always variable, in fact it is unstable, if one looks back over a long enough period of time.
There is nothing new about environmental improvement tactics, nor that of reducing vulnerability to lack of supply of certain things. E.g. if one considers the history of power supply to some railways in the last half century or so.
A well known example of that is the electrification of most railways in Switzerland, using hydro electric supplies. A similar arrangement, that is perhaps not so well appreciated, was the electrification of part of the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranée (PLM) route, which used mainly hydro electric supplies as well.
In recent times, closer to home, much has been done to introduce equipment that either reduces demand for power, or provides it in more environmentally friendly methods. E.g. wind turbine power generation, solar electric, and solar thermal. Quite a few small scale systems that achieve that have been around for quite a while.
Some organisations have invested in roof mounted solar photo voltaic (PV) panels and the associated kit, both local government Councils, schools, and commercial operations, and individual house owners.
The bureaucracy associated with it has changed over time as well. Some years ago, when I was on a Parish Council, we went ahead with a solar PV system, which was funded by a grant, which was repaid over time according to the generation records. Later on, when I went for solar thermal on the house, there was a grant associated with that. Even further out, I went for solar PV on the “Feed in Tariff (FiT)” regime, under which I am paid a generation income, plus a “50% deemed export” amount (at a pretty low rate for the latter). FiT came to an end later on for new customers though.
With regard to normal climate variation, some of the performance records for one of these systems is an easy way of presenting it. The graph below shows the five year records of my kit on the roof. Quite a bit of variation over those years.
All this would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. How the hell are we going to ditch net zero, cancel the bans on ICE vehicles and gas boilers and repeal the Climate Change Act?